Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: ORA-01458 / Invalid Length Inside Variable Character String

Apr 16, 2009

I want to insert data into a RAW column in a table. The below code snippet is used for the same

OCIRaw **l_rawPtr = new OCIRaw*[10];
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
{l_rawPtr[i] = NULL; }
int max = 0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
OCIRawAssignBytes(l_environment, l_error, l_char, strlen((const char*)l_char), &l_rawPtr[i])


When the statement is getting executed, i am getting the following error. Error - ORA-01458: invalid length inside variable character string

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ORA-01458 - Invalid Length Inside Variable Character String

Sep 30, 2010

Where I am copying the data from one database to another I am getting this error.

ORA-01458: invalid length inside variable character string

This is applicable for only character string.

The source Database is
Oracle9i Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

The destination database is
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Connect From Inside C Program

Oct 11, 2010


1- process connect oracle ( process means PRO*C)
2- then process is finished
3- process was called from inside batch

My question is

after process ( binary program ) is finished. Is it possible to connect some way to oracle without login.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: (ORA-01480) Error While Assigning Value To A Variable?

Sep 23, 2008

I am writing a code in Proc as


-- other statements

char dbLanguageId[SMSDUN_LANGID_LEN + 1];

-- other statements

SELECT LANGUAGE_ID -- Length of this column is 10
INTO :dbLanguageId


While executing the above command, it is giving error as "ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value". Its working in some oracle versions but not in other. where exactly the problem is.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Variable Declarations In DECLARE SECTION?

Mar 9, 2010

I am getting some odd results from a Database Insert Function. The function receives an Array of elements. The elements are a defined structure (containing around 21 data items). I need to insert these records into an Oracle table.For each element of the Array the function reads the structure into a local c structure of the same type.

I then go through this local structure and get a copy of the data into local variables declared in the EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION of the function. I then use the local vars to do the insert, using null INDICATOR variable to handle those variables that could be empty. The local variables look like this....

int dbServiceTypeId;
int dbRecordType;
char dbRbmCustRef[MAX_CUST_REF_LEN];
int dbServiceSeq;


BUT.. when I uncomment the dbCOS variable (even though I don't populate it or try to include it in the insert) I get the following in the table (The RATE value goes missing completely and the multiplier is wrong)...

41325-SCODE-1084 1 542139762
11326-SCODE-1086 1 542139762
11326-SCODE-1086 2 542139762
21327-SCODE-1087 1 542139762
21327-SCODE-1087 2 542139762
21327-SCODE-1087 3 542139762
21327-SCODE-1087 3 542139762

However, a printf statement just before the insert based that returns the variables shows the following...

Service Type ID: '4'
Record Type ID: '1'
Service Cust Ref: '1325-SCODE-1084'
Service Unit Rate: '1200.00'

Indeed, for this record the Multiplier doesn't even get populated. The other odd thing is if I recomment the dbCOS but remove the dbOraDateFmt variable definitions, it corrupts the data again, though different fields. I can't understand why individual local variables are behaving this way. Is this a problem with the way variables are declared in this section?

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PL/SQL :: LENGTH (String) Ignores Special Character %?

Oct 10, 2012

why the below is not the same?

select * from textsearch where
--0 Rows

select * from textsearch where Text='%';
--12 Rows

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SQL & PL/SQL :: String Split / Replace Based On Character Length

Jun 19, 2013

notes column having 2000 characters max, i want my string output based on 35 characters, ya i need to replace tag after 30 characters in the string.. I need out put as "hi hello how are you doing out there, similar i need to calculate the sting length and have to split it 35+35+35..

This i tried

select substr(note,1,(instr(note, ' ',35)))||'
'||substr(note,instr(note, ' ',35),(instr(note, ' ',35)))notes from test

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: ORA-01044 / Size 25600000 Of Buffer Bound To Variable Exceeds Maximum

Oct 9, 2009

I am binding parameters using obndra to Package. while executing with oexec it is giving error "ORA-01044: size 25600000 of buffer bound to variable exceeds maximum"

I am getting this error in Shared server only.In dedicated server it is working.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Error Implicit Conversion Of String Literal To (char) Is Deprecated?

Jan 30, 2011

i write a select statement in proc that contains 44 columns.

when i precompile it. it is showing the error: implicit conversion of string literal to "char *" is deprecated.when i compile the same select with 40 columns it is not showing any error.

but for more than 40 columns (41-44) it is showing the above error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Insert Special Character / ORA-00911 / Invalid Character

May 25, 2010

We have Oracle 10g and user trying to Insert following in one of our table field and getting error:

'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda'

Getting follwoing error:

ORA-00911: invalid character
create table Employee
(Emp_ID Varchar2 (10),
Company_Name Varchar2 (40)
Insert into Employee
values ('Emp1', 'REVOLUCIÃ"N Historical Corruptions Agenda');

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Connectivity Between C And Oracle?

Aug 12, 2008

Is it possible to connect with Oracle using C?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Keep Getting ORA-22275 From Extproc?

Sep 26, 2012

I am trying to give back data from a stored procedure written in C. I registered the functions as follows:create or replace procedure version(versioninfo OUT clob) as external name "version" library myLib language c with context parameters (context, versioninfo, versioninfo INDICATOR SB4); It compiles fine. The function being called look like this:

extern "C" DLLEXPORT
void version(OCIExtProcContext* context, OCILobLocator **out, sb4 *ind_out){
OCIEnv* envh;
OCISvcCtx* svch;
OCIError* errh;
OCIExtProcGetEnv (context, &envh, &svch, &errh);

std::string versioninfo = "104";
oraub8 maxChar = 10;


If I execute the procedure with SQLDeveloper by pressing "play" it is getting executed but there is no result. If I try to execute it from an anonymous block it results in ORA-22275 instead of doing anything.

res clob;
-- the following doesn't work much

Actually I have to questions:
1.) Why does Oracle give me the error? In my opinion all requirements mentioned by the error description are met.
2.) Why is there no output when executing the function via SQL Developer? Is the usage of OCILobWrite wrong?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Describe STP In Package

Nov 26, 2009

I am trying to describe an STP in a package, but it gives me an error.

e.g. In package ABC suppose there is an STP XYZ, I am trying to describe ABC.XYZ function but it gives me an error code 4043 and error message object XYZ.ABC does not exist.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: 11g Pro*C Application Crashes While 10g Is OK

Jan 24, 2009

My 10g pro*c application works perfectly, recently I upgraded it to 11g, but it keep crashing, why?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Proc Compilation?

Mar 31, 2010

i need to compile a proc program, say prog.pc.have oracle 10g in my system. Since i am new to proc programming, me on the steps to compile the proc program in oracle proc compiler.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Get Columns As NUMBER(30)

Aug 13, 2008

in my oci applications,if i get a column of number that is in the scope of int,i can use value = *(int *); get the value,but if the column size is larger than 10,the code can't be available,how can i get the value.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Calling Procedure From PRO C?

Nov 26, 2012

I am trying to call procedure from PRO C Procedure has many parameters and I do not need to put all of them when I call procedure. Is there way to make the same way as in PL/SQL

like this

my_procedure( q=>a1 , b=>'abc )

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Connect To Two Databases

Aug 25, 2009

My program needs to connect to two databases and make operations in both databases:

Quote:connect to db1;
connect to db2;

select from table in db1;
update table in db2;

i would like to know whether it's possible, and how to do it ? how to specify for each query the database connection to use?

note that I can't use dblinks as i don't have enough access rights and privileges on neither of the databases.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Report Oracle Bug

Jan 30, 2009

How to report an Oracle bug? Is there webpage or email?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Connect C++ And Oracle

Sep 17, 2008

My OS is Linux and I installed Oracle 10.2. Everything is fine.I can use sqlplus, exp, imp etc with no problem.Now I have created another linux user test in /home/test. I unzipped (/home/test/instantclient_10_2) and exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH.I guess I have installed instant client in this way.

My testOra.cpp:

#include <occi.h>
int main()
return 0;

This test.cpp would not compile. It cannot find occi.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Using Cursor In Pro Cobol

Oct 7, 2010

I declare a cursor for a table with 8000 records, when I fetch the cursor this message appear ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channels when the fetch reach the 6500 element, What is the problem here?. All data are ok, not null fields.

other problem

How I can reuse a cursor, I declare a cursor for a table where code_part = 300, then I fetch all elements until end cursor, then I close the cursor, Then I declare the same cursor again for the same table where code_part = 359, but it is not successful, when I tried to fetch the cursor again the cobol program show me the last record for the first code, How I can restart the cursor or delete it or freed the cursor position?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Print Run Time Value?

Apr 26, 2012

I am inserting empno in a table1 and updating another table2 using table1 empno and getting ora-01427 error. I want to print empno for whis this error is coming. How to print that value?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Convert C To PC File?

Dec 11, 2010

Can i convert a .c file to .pc file?The .c file is generated by compiling .pc file. I mistakenly deleted the .pc file. I need the original .pc file.

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Integrate SQLnet

Apr 17, 2009

how to integrate SQLnet & c and I'm quite losted at the moment.

Searching with google gives some random stuff, which does seems to be irrelevant.some oracle db somewhere and need for good way to use that remote db (one solution seems to be using SQLnet).

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ORA-24373 / Invalid Length Specified For Statement

Aug 20, 2008

We are getting an error in our web application that is using Oracle.DataAccess.dll v2.111.6.20. When a couple users are using the site everything is fine, but when the load goes up we start getting the error ORA-24373: invalid length specified for statement. We are unable to duplicate this error in Visual Studio and don't know where to turn. We use stored procedure and the .dll to access the database for everything. Also, when this error occurs, it occurs indefenitely for all OracleCommand objects until the web server is rebooted. Also, when I attempt to remote debug with SQL Developer, the process doesn't even make it to the database!

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PL/SQL :: How To Select String Between Nth Specific Character To Nth+1 Character

Aug 9, 2012

I have one string 'SWAP_20120224_MEGAMART_MAR_Sales.csv'

I want to get the string between second underscore and third underscore i.e. 'MEGAMART'

How to achieve this in sql statement?

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Indicator Values For DATES

Jun 1, 2010

If doing an insert into DATE type fields like below... how do I employ null indicator values with the TO_DATE sql to cope with NULL values for the End Date? I can test the NULLness of the pServiceRecord->itemTo value and set the indicator ind_dbToDate to -1 but I don't know how to incorporate this with the to_date syntax (if I can)?

char dbFromDate[MAX_DATE_LEN];
char dbToDate[MAX_DATE_LEN];
short ind_dbToDate;

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Using Distributed Transactions With ProC

Jul 7, 2011

I found this thread, and recently i want to embedded oci in pro*c for distributed transaction reason.

can pro*c deal with distributed transaction? i want to use mts in pro*c .

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: How To Use Cursor With Dynamic SQL In ProC

May 24, 2005

I am using dynamic Pl/SQL with ProC and having problems with cursor. I've to execute stored procedure dynamically and get the result of select list into the cursor. The EXECUTE command is working fine but the FETCH gets failed with error "ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence". I've read that cursor variable can not be used with dynamic SQL.

Stored Procedure:
ROCEDURE open_mod_cur (
curs IN OUT cur_type,
module_id IN varchar2)


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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: NULL Values In C Structures?

May 18, 2010

I use a cursor to select records from a database table into a C structure as follows...

int iLoop = 0;
int iResult = 0;


The otc_multiplier field is NULL. As is the to_date sometimes. However, when I output the records later, the entries where the to_date is NULL come out fine (no value). But the otc_multiplier is getting output as 0.0 using...

// this is output later in another fuction using the following..
sprintf(newRecord, "%.1f",daServiceRecs->itemMultiplier);

If using c structures in this manner, what is the method for ensuring that numeric values are set to NULL when required?

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