if the same name repeating it should to append with _1 and _2 until same name reached.
select 'fname' name from dual
union all
select 'lname' name from dual
union all
select 'email' name from dual
union all
select 'fname' name from dual
union all
select 'fname' name from dualmy output should be like below...
CODE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AAA 5 five dollars for pizza AAA 2 two dollars for tips AAA 1 one dollar for dogsitting BBB 6 six dollars for babysitting BBB 1 one dollar for tips
My goal is to list all records, "grouping" by code, with sum(amount), but the final display has to show all descriptions, one for row, avoiding to repeat the "CODE" column and "sum(AMOUNT)" column.The result should be like this:
CODE SUM(AMOUNT) DESCRIPTION AAA 8 five dollars for pizza two dollars for tips one dollar for dogsitting BBB 7 six dollars for babysitting one dollar for tips
That is, the "CODE" is displayed only the first row, with its sum of "amount".I think I have to use the analytics functions, but I was a little stuck.
I am trying to come up with a sql select statement that provides all rows for employees with 2 or more cities.
with sample_table as ( select 'John' name,'city' ValueType,'Toronto' Value from dual union all select 'John' name,'city' ValueType,'Vancouver' Value from dual union all select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Toronto' Value from dual union all select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Seattle' Value from dual union all select 'Susan' name,'age' ValueType,30 Value from dual union all select 'Susan' name,'city' ValueType,'Atlanta' Value from dual union all
NAME VALUETYPE VALUE ----------- ------------- ------------ John City Toronto John City Vancouver Susan City Toronto Susan City Seattle Susan Age 30 Susan City Atlanta David City Chicago David age 35 David Status married David City Dallas
The above code is just to describe the sample table and the desired result set. Please note that Mary is not on the result set since she has no city assigned to her. Also Julia is not on the result set since she only has one city assigned to her. The others are there because they had at least 2 cities assigned to them.
I need the sql syntax that would return this result set.
How to Insert the data in Repeating Tables. I mean Suppose One Student has many Addresses like home,office,permanent etc.
There is one column in this table sequence_no. while Inserting a record how to insert this sequence no I don't know It maintains unique sequence no for each student.
If student has 3 addresses then Its seq no is 3.
I am inserting through a procedure where multiple students data is to be inserted.
Perhaps this is a common request : I have 2 tables:
Table A ------- ID Value 1 a 2 b 3 c
Table B ------- ID AnotherValue 1 x 2 y
I am hoping to append a column from Table B to Table A based on a simple sql join (e.g:
Table A
ID Value AnotherValue 1 a x 2 b y 3 c (null)
I would rather stay away from the standard update statement since it takes far to long and I'd prefer not to use create table as I don't want to duplicate any data...is this possible to do ? (e.g: just insert the columns into this table ?) - or if it's possible the performance overhead just wouldn't make it worth it ?
Declare Cursor c1...; Cursor c2...; begin open c1 ; fecth c1 bulk collect into v1; close c1;
Is there any way by which if condition gets true then v1 gets appended rather than being overwritten?
declare type lst_deptno is table of dept.deptno%type index by binary_integer; type lst_deptno_emp is table of emp.deptno%type index by binary_integer; v_deptno lst_deptno; v_deptno_emp lst_deptno_emp; cursor c1 is select deptno from dept;
I am just looking to my control file that I have. I have managed to successfully get my control file to load data into the required tables but just for my learning I was trying to amend the when clause with an and condition but keep getting an error.
My code: OPTIONS (DIRECT=TRUE, ERRORS=0, SKIP=1) load data infile 'A:/My Files/Feeds/20130211/data_summary_1_20131214.txt' "STR ' '"
APPEND into table I_DATA_1 WHEN (RID <> 'RID') fields terminated by "~|~" optionally enclosed by '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( RID, S_TIMESTAMP timestamp 'DD-MON-RR HH:MI:SS.FF3 PM' )
the above code works perfectly but if i change the following line:
WHEN (RID <> 'RID' AND 'S_TIMESTAMP' IS NOT NULL)than this gives me an error.
I have a requirement when I need to append and show the contents of a CLOB (rich text) column into the Open office report.
The use case is as below. User(s) can enter the details into a CLOB column. This data entered by each user need to be concatenated onto another CLOB column which will hold all the history of changes. Mainly i wanted to perform a concatenation of these two columns.
| | User Entered | Stored | | Data Stored in Clob Column 1| Data Stored in Clob Column 2 | | v_clob_1 | v_clob_target | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |"Text 1" and a image |"Text 1" and a image | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any method to achieve this case. I had tried the following method to achieve this. But no success.
Version: Platform : RHEL 5.8 (But I am looking for platform independant solution)
I want to append the timestamp to spooled log file name in SQL*Plus.The spooled log filename should look like
WMS_APP_23-March-2013.logI tried the following 3 methods found in the google. But none of them worked !
I tried this
col sysdt noprint new_value sysdt_var SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd_hh24miss') sysdt FROM DUAL; spool run_filename_&sysdt_var.Logas suggested in
and this
spool filename with timestamp col sysdt noprint new_value sysdt SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd_hh24miss') sysdt FROM DUAL; spool run_filename_&sysdt..Logas suggested in
and this
column tm new_value file_time noprint select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD') tm from dual ; prompt &file_time spool logfile_id&file_time..logas suggested in
Creating a spool file with date/time appended to file name
I am trying to delete duplicate or repeating words in a string using regular expressions (regex) and an Oracle database.I have Googled quite a bit on this topic and was unable to track down something that fit the bill or remotely came close to paying the tip.
A pattern would be: word word start with newThe final string should look like this: word start with new Basically all the strings begin with the two words repeating.
During the Report Runtime the Each Page Contain 55 Lines. Their as Lot of Item Groups are available in the Report Each Items Group have Maximum 10 Lines in the Report with Summary Contain in the Repeating Frame
My Requirement is During the Report Preview if the Report Not Fitted in the Page then Whole Item Group is Require to Skip to Next Page.
I have a graph inside a repeating frame, but every time a run the report, it doesn't bring me all de graph, generally skip the last one, for example i show one graph per location but never show me the last ones. What can i do? If I ask 4 location, it bring me 3, if I ask 5 it bring me 4.
I've got SQL code generated by an HP tool to make an update of itself. This code is not modifiable because was execute 'in background' from the tool updater.
The macro operations made by the updater (through sql code) are:
--create a copy of actual table and rename with '_old' suffix --create new table, with indexes and constraints --insert data into new table from old tables
Now, only in one table, when the data were inserted, an ORA-00001: unique constraint (ASSET_SVIL.CFG_CFGSECTIONCFGE) violated, appear.
To insert data is used an insert/select statement with an HINT /* APPEND */. We verify all the data existing in the old table (that is the data to 'migrate') but there aren't duplicate record!
Im trying to replicate a set of rows multiple times to create large volume. I am trying by For Loop, but got confused how to pass the parameters in any cursor i declare.
Im having mail content column of type long Raw in a table.i just want concat or append a value in that column when i tried it shows error "illegal use of long type".how to append value to it. value will be string type
I have a query which returns nearly 20k rows, as per the requiremnet we need to append all these rows in specific format and insert into single clob column.in the below procedure test_clob.textt is clob field.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE pro_test v_mas_seq NUMBER (9); v_gov_total NUMBER (20, 2); v_emp_total NUMBER (20, 2); v_text_exp CLOB; v_pageaccess VARCHAR2 (15); v_dto NUMBER (7) := 4011486; v_batchno NUMBER (20) := [code]....
I've created a materialized view log on table with the following statement:
The insert is done with the following statement:
INSERT /*+ APPEND PARALLEL("table_a") */ INTO "table_a" ("column_a", "column_b", "column_c", "column_d_sum") (select column_a", "column_b", "column_c", "column_d_sum" from table_B)
But the Log is empty when the insert is finished. When I insert rows without the APPEND hint, rows are created in the log table. So, doesn't the log record bulk loads?