PL/SQL :: Retrieve BLOB FILE From Database

Apr 5, 2013

I want to know how to retrieve or extract the blob datas from the database using pl/sql coding .

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PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Xml From Blob Col

Dec 10, 2012

I have kept xml in blob and i am retriving it as following.

select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(colblobforxml,2000,1)) from t1

the problem is, it only gets 2000 chars and i have more than 2000 chars.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Data From Blob Column?

Sep 30, 2011

example for retrieve data from blob column using pl sql procedure in oracle?

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Windows :: How To Retrieve The Blob Column Data From Table

Mar 7, 2011

I use the oracle 10g database.I am trying to insert and retrive the image.Inserting an image is done.but while retrieving an image iam getting an run time exception in java "java.sql.sqlexception:general error".i am not able to understand this.

The code to insert the image is
FileInputStream fi=new FileInputStream(f);
int size = fi.available();
byte b1[] = new byte[size];,0,size);
st.executeUpdate("insert into image1 values('b1',"+k+")");
when i am retrieving the image i tried like this
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select imagecolumn from tablename");
here iam getting an exception as i named above.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert MP3 File Into BLOB?

Feb 17, 2008

How can insert mp3 file into BLOB column into tab1 (by PLSQL insert)?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unzipping The File In BLOB Column?

Apr 9, 2012

I am trying to extract the BLOB column in Oracle Apex and show the contents of it as a popup message.

The files which are stored in the blob column are being zipped using windows zip function in Perl and being inserted in the dataabse using some perl program as follows,

my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
my $zipfile = $zip->addFile( @$_->[1] ,basename(@$_->[0]));

While extracting the blob column we are using the utl_compress.lz_uncompress_extract() to extract the uncompressed version of file, but we are getting the following error as

"ORA-29294: A data error occurred during compression or uncompression".

I even tried the solution as mentioned in oracle forum

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert PDF File Into BLOB Column?

Jan 20, 2011

I want to store a pdf file into a database column of BLOB type. The pdf file on the client system not on the database server. Is there any way i can achieve this?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Export BLOB File In Excel?

Dec 5, 2012

I want to export the data from oracle with BLOB column in excel file.

BLOB file contains the Image (jpg)

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Forms :: How To Get BLOB File Extension

Jun 25, 2010

There are different types of files loaded in database BLOB type column, .doc, .xls, .pdf or even .xlsx and .docx. Now, I need to download these file and open it. The problem is how can I determine what file extension these files have.

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Forms :: Display PDF BLOB File

Apr 8, 2011

I just want to know if is it possible to display PDF blob file within the forms. Currently I use webutil to open pdf in browser. This time I need to display it in forms, so that upon scrolling, the user can view the pdf images of that particular record.

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PL/SQL :: Load PDF File Into BLOB Field?

May 10, 2013

The SQL below successfully inserts a row into my PDF_TEMPLT table and reads the referenced pdf file into the TEMPLT field. However, the pdf stored in the blob is incomplete or somehow corrupted. It's 438655 bytes long and causes the application that uses it from the database to crash. If I load the same file into the blob field using Quest Software's Toad GUI, it's 438667 bytes (12 bytes longer), and the consuming application works fine. I have the same problem with other pdfs, too, though the difference in length varies from 2 to 17 bytes, with the SQL-loaded blob always being shorter.

why a blob loaded by this SQL would differ from one loaded via Toad, and what changes I'd need to make to this SQL to get it work properly?

l_dir VARCHAR2(10) := 'RPWS_DIR';
l_file VARCHAR2(30) := '5214OR_Rev_1_13.pdf';
l_bfile BFILE;


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create One BLOB Column Including One PDF File?

Dec 24, 2010

I use Database 11g .

I have 2 BLOB columns include pdf files.

How can I create one BLOB column include one one pdf file? merge 2 pdf files into one file.

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Save PDF File Content To BLOB Field In Oracle?

Dec 6, 2008

how to write a procedure in oracle to Save pdf file content to BLOB field in Oracle....

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Retrieve Info From Multiple Databases / Insert Into Central Database Via Database LINKS

Jun 10, 2013

I am trying to retrieve info from multiple DBs and insert into a central DB via DB LINKS.The links are retrieved via a cursor.

However I keep coming up against 'PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist' to handle db_links using a cursor in a pl/sql block? The code is as follows:

db_link_rec VARCHAR2(30);
CURSOR db_link_cur IS
OPEN db_link_cur;
FETCH db_link_cur INTO db_link_rec;
EXIT when db_link_cur%NOTFOUND;

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Application Express :: How To Stream The Blob File To The Web Browser Without Saving It

Oct 18, 2012

I have a stored procedure that returns pdf as a blob.

Is there any way that this can be streamed to the browser without saving it?

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PL/SQL :: Storing File In Blob Object And Publishing Content As Email?

Jun 14, 2013

Oracle Database Version:

We have a requirement below:

The basic requirement is to send an email to the user about order information, with specific subject and the corresponding e-mail body.

Here the E-mail body is very exhaustive, so we are asked to store the content of the e-mail in a word document and store this word document in a tables column of type BLOB.

Once we store this file in the BLOB column, when we send the e-mail to the customer we need to publish the content of the file in the e-mail body and send the e-mail to the user (This E-mail body has some dynamic content as well, that needs to be generated on the fly). This e-mail sending part is done by the shell script.

How can i publish the content of the BLOB object in the e-mail body.

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Application Express :: Unable To Upload CSV File Through 4.2 (Blob) To Oracle Table

Jan 4, 2013

I needed to create a page on my existing APEX application that would allow the user to upload a file, I followed an online tutorial where the user had created a dummy table and inserted CSV File inserted through APEX into the table. Following that simple example I am able to load the simple CSV file (from tutorial) into a dummy table (from tutorial) but when I attempt to insert actual/dummy data into my actual database (which has a lot more fields of different types), using the exact same process, I am unable to do so.

Ironically, I am unable to insert even dummy values despite the fact that I have been able to insert the same dummy values using SQL Developer. Icing on the cake is that APEX does not produce any error, this lack of debugging feature (especially line by line debugging) is such a pain. Just to add, I can load the values into an Array and can successfully print the delimited values off the array but am still unable to insert the same values into my table. Here is the table that I am attempting to insert into (actual names replaced by Dummyxx):

And here's the insertion process:


v_blob_data BLOB;
v_blob_len NUMBER;
v_position NUMBER;
v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
v_char CHAR(1);

If I run a process to produce the output of the data array onto the screen, the values displayed are in the pattern desired.

Inserting Dummy values instead of values from the Array (v_data_array) to test


TO_DATE("14-Dec-12","DD-MON-RRRR HH:MI:SS"),

Note that all the the CSV does not contain all the fields, the CSV files that are expected to be entered into the system contain 65 Fields whereas the Table has 73 Fields. Also note that the process runs fine through SQL loader that is invoked through a different server which I need to release and hence the attempt to load the table this way. Also, the procedure on the SQL Loader server is quite complex and involved JAVA+Unix Shell Scripts etc. which I would prefer to avoid.

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Application Express :: BLOB Action - Implement File Upload And Download Function

Sep 11, 2013

In my project, I implement file's upload and download function by  "BLOB Support in Forms and Reports" of  official development document Advanced Programming Techniques When user click the BLOB column to download file, I want to trigger an action to update one table  for counting this file is downloaded one more times. But I can not find any "dynamic action" about this Blob column of Report.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Read Blob Data From Database Into Directory?

Feb 12, 2010

I can store my video in to my database.but i cannot read such file.....using this procedure

ORA-29285: file write error

(p_id IN NUMBER)
vblob BFILE;
vstart NUMBER := 1;
bytelen NUMBER := 32000;


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Forms :: Retrieve Value From Database And Then Print In Display Item?

Jun 29, 2013

i want to retrieve a value from the database and then print in a display item. how can i do it?

this code is the retrieval part but it doesn't work:

num number(10);
INTO num
FROM cd_details
WHERE price=599;

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Application Express :: How To Retrieve Item Help Text From Database

May 23, 2013

I would like to let the customer edit the item help text. Is it possible to retrieve item help text from my own custom database table based via a PLSQL function call or something similar?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Retrieve List Of Order_id Which Has No Records In Database

Jul 20, 2010

Its a simple query to retrieve data with the Order_ID.If the record is there its fine and can retrieve the data. But my query is to retrieve the list of order_id which has no records in database.

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JDeveloper / Java & XML :: Using Input And Output Stream Updating BLOB In Database

Nov 30, 2011

I have little code that's don't really works.

InputStream is = null;
OutputStream os = null;
Connection conn = null;
Blob value = null;

I know that there is 90% of Java code. But I have few questions:

I know that I can insert date using INSERT. But is it possible that I can use SELECT and JAVA will know that it need to update the SELECTED column ?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Provide Download Link To Blob In Database On Oracle Reports?

Aug 8, 2013

My user would like to have a way to attach files to database records. For simplicity, we'll say that each employee in the database could have 0-many file attachments associated with them. I know how to make this part work using Oracle Forms.

So that's the easy part for me. The tough part is that they want to be able to run an Oracle Report on our application server (displays as a PDF, also downloadable as a PDF) and have links on this report to the attachments that they uploaded using the forms process above.

For the idea of storing the files on a folder somewhere, I simply created a text object on the report that had it's hyperlink property pointing to the file location. Done.. opens fine.

However, I want to be able to have the option of storing these files in the database instead, just in case we can't go with the shared folder idea. I'm not sure how to make this work. I can store a blob in the database.. but how do I link to that blob on the report for them to be able to download it? Is this even possible?

how to create a download link on the Oracle Report that let's them download a file out of the database.

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Backup & Recovery :: How To Link ASM File Alias And Database File Names

Nov 12, 2012

During a duplicate process to a new database name, rman crashed after the restore but before the switch datafile all.So now, we have under ASM the data files under the correct (new) diskgroup but v$datafile contains the previous names (and so diskgroup) and v$datafile_header is empty. RMAN is completly lost, our solution is to manually rename each file under SQL*Plus using ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE. Unfortunately, we are using or migrating to OMF, so file names are meaningless and we are unable to associate ASM files with database files.

Any way (query or anything else) to associate the ASM files to the database files. Here's an abstract of what we have for one (small) tablespace:

Type Redund Striped Time Sys Name
DATAFILE UNPROT COARSE NOV. 12 10:00:00 Y N47CAW1.276.799152039
DATAFILE UNPROT COARSE NOV. 12 10:00:00 Y N47CAW1.318.799151641
SQL> select file#, name from v$datafile where ts#=17
2 /

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Using Target Database Control File / Separate Catalog Database

Mar 14, 2012

How one should know whether RMAN is using target database control file or using separate catalog database. Also what one should do if he dont have catalog users credentials.

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QUOTE V$DATABASE Displays Information About Database From Control File

Feb 8, 2011

The documentation for v$database says: QUOTE V$DATABASE displays information about the database from the control file. Is it safe to assume that there will only ever be one row queried from this view?

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PL/SQL :: How To Load XML File Into Database

Sep 14, 2012

I've always only loaded data into the database by using SQL-Loader and the data format was Excel or ASCII

Now I have to load a XML.

How can I do?

The company where I work has Oracle vers. 8i

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Import Database Dump File?

May 28, 2011

i had import a database dump file & this database has username/password say abc/xyz. my database username/password is system/vinod. after importing i'm unable to login with system/vinod(error:invalid username/password) and one strange thing was happened;a user was created with abc/xyz(username/password). after altering my user only then i'm able to login with my original user.

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How To Add Another Control File To DBOG Database

Apr 1, 2011

How can we add another control file to DBOG database? I need to clarify all the steps during this process.

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