PL/SQL :: Procedure To Search Employee By Passing First / Middle Or Last Name

Jun 5, 2013

sort out the error of this procedure to search an employee by passing employee fname or middle or last to get his name .

(empname IN VARCHAR2) is
cur number;
v_emp_name VARCHAR2 (100);
r number;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Character As Parameter To Search

Apr 30, 2010


create or replace procedure procedure_name(p_like VARCHAR2)
cursor cursor_name
is select last_name from employees
where UPPER(last_name) like '%p_like%';
emp_rec cursor_name%rowtype;
open cursor_name;


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Stored Procedure - Retrieve List Of Employee Names From Given EmpID

Jul 21, 2011

I am new to Oracle. I want to retrieve a list of employee names from a given empID. How to create a stored procedure for this query statement

select name from employee table
where empID = 10
order by name;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Print Ename And Salary Of Employee Using Employee Number As Input

Aug 11, 2013

/* Formatted on 2013/08/11 18:46 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
p_empno IN OUT NUMBER,
p_name OUT VARCHAR2,

Note:- I want to print ename and salary of emp using empno as a input but i dont want to declare extra variable for salary , i want to print salary using empno but when i execute this procedure. It gives value of empno in salary. Don't Know Why , how can i print salary of emp using empno as input without declaring extra variable for salary.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Employee Table To Assign Grade For Each Employee Based On His Salary

Feb 9, 2012

based on the following information

grade lowsal highsal
------ ----- ------
1 700 1200
2 1201 1400
3 1401 2000
4 2001 3000
5 3001 9999

for the employee table to assign grade for each employee based on his salary the following plsql procedure is giving error:



IF vSAL<= 700 THEN

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing DATE To Procedure?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a procedure that accepts a date as an input parameter. This parameter is used in a select statement to match on a table column of date type.

1) Should the parameter be declared and passed in as a varchar2 and then converted using to_date() or declared as a date type? If it's declared as a date type what format should it be passed in as, ie. '01-MAY-2010' or '01-MAY-10' or etc.

2) When I run the sql query, knowing data exist, like "WHERE test_date = '22-NOV-10'" I get no results so I know I'm not matching the date correctly but if I use "WHERE test_date LIKE '22-NOV-10%'" I get the correct results. Trying to build a variable to match this, and use in a cursor, consistently gives me the 'non-numeric character was found...' error

3) formatting the test_date input variable to match on the date type column.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Parameter In Procedure

Jan 4, 2011

I have got this procedure:


When I try to compile it, the compiler says:

ERROR at line 4: PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Run Procedure Without Passing Value For IN Parameter

Mar 10, 2012

I have a pl/sql procedure having IN, OUT and IN-OUT parameters, this procedure in called from front end application. Now I need create a script to run this procedure from back end (sql prompt) and the result must be same as the front end application call to this procedure.

For the procedure I don't want to pass IN parameter instead to pick the value from the package where the derivation is defined. how to run this procedure from sql prompt without passing value for IN parameter.

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Forms :: Passing Data From One Procedure To Another?

Apr 18, 2013

How to pass data of one procedure to another procedure in oracle forms.

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Passing Sh Variable Value To Input Of PL/SQL Procedure

Aug 30, 2012

how can I pass the sh variable (.i.e file name stored in sh variable called($F)) as a input of below mention procedure (YODEL_XL_ INS_SDG_ COMMER_ PROD)

for F in *.dat; do
echo $F
#sqlldr apps/apps control=$CONTROL data=$F
# Below Part is used for Add the file name into table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Input Parameter To Like Variable In Procedure

Dec 27, 2012

I have a procedure named 'GetShipperinfo' which takes i_name as input and needs to build a cursor taking i_name as input


The following sql when executed at sqlplus prompt gives correct results.

select dept, supplier, shipper_id
from shippers
where upper(shipper_name) like upper('Frank Robert%');

How can I transform this inside a cursor within a procedure passing 'Frak Robert' value as i_name input.

i.e I should be able to call the procedure as follows

sql> variable v1 varchar2;
sql> exec pkg_shipment.GetShipperinfo('Frank Robert',:v1);
sql> print :v1;

Should the cursor inside the procedure be built as follows

cursor c1 is
select dept, supplier, shipper_id
from shippers
where shipper_name like ''||upper(i_name'%''||)'';

Iam unable to build the sql for the cursor.

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PL/SQL :: Execute Procedure By Passing Number Array

Oct 26, 2012


create type np_type is varray(3) of number

create type cn_type is varray(3) of number;

create type cxn_type is varray(3) of varchar2(2000)

I created TEST table by below pl/sql block :

execstr varchar2(2000) :='create table test(';
for i in 1..80 loop


*ERROR at line 5: ORA-06550: line 5, column 8: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "MYPROC1" when expecting one of the following: := . ( @ % ;

The symbol ":=" was substituted for "MYPROC1" to continue.

SQL>The above procedure will insert the supplied numbered string into the test table which split the numbered string based upon supplied splitids of sp_table.

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Stored Procedure For Searching Data From A Table By Passing Tablename As A Parameter

Feb 6, 2012

This procedure is not working properly.

create or replace procedure bank_search_sp
p_tablename in varchar2,
p_searchname in varchar2,
p_bankcode out varchar2,
p_bankname out varchar2,
p_dist_code out number
v_tem varchar2(5000);
v_tem :='select bankcode,bankname,dist_code from ' || UPPER (p_tablename) || '
where bankname like '''|| p_searchname||'';
execute immediate v_tem into p_bankcode,p_bankname,p_dist_code using p_searchname ;
end bank_search_sp;

the Procedure is getting created but i dont know what actually happens when it was executed ,This is the error shown..ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated

ORA-06512: at "PENSIONS.BANK_SEARCH_SP", line 14
ORA-06512: at line 1

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Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: Passing Array Of Structure To Oracle Procedure And Returning Back?

Apr 29, 2010

I created a table and some type definitions in oracle DB as follows. There is also a procedure that I defined and is shown below.

SQL> create table test_proc
test_name varchar2(10),
test_ver number (3,3),
active_flag number(2)

Table created.

SQL> select * from test_proc;
---------- ---------- -----------
AFP 1.5 2
PSA 11.89 0
EHIV 99.5 3
aHAVM 1.45 9


Now from Pro*C function I want to pass a similar array of structure to this procedure and return it via the out parameter of the procedure back to Pro*C. How do I do it?

I am using the attached program but its giving me compiler error as follows..

Error at line 31, column 1 in file sample.pc
proc_modify_tdefs (:in_tdefs,:out_tdefs);
PLS-S-00306, wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PROC_MODIFY_TDEFS'
Error at line 31, column 1 in file sample.pc
proc_modify_tdefs (:in_tdefs,:out_tdefs);


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Application Express :: Enable IR Search Field To Search In Hidden Columns

Jul 15, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?

if not, that means I have to :

1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE
2- edit my report query to something similar to
> Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null
3- add button to refresh the report.

but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this.
I am using theme 23
page template without sidebars
Report template : Reports Region.

how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Column In Middle Of Existing Table

Sep 6, 2010

below query.

1) How to add a new column to the existing table's particular position, instead of atlast.

2) I created a table without mentioned the datatype size as below Create table dummy (name char, age number). Then what is the default size will be allocated for those column's?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Loop With 3 Commits In Middle Based

Feb 19, 2010

We have a fact table t1 in the warehouse which has above 6 million records.There is to be an update like this where t2 has aid+bid as composite primary key. column aid repeats in t1.There's performance problem and we'v been told to break this huge update into pieces with few commits in the middle.

update t1
set t1.aid =
(select t2.aid from t2
where =

I've tried cursor loop with 3 commits in the middle based on if condition that evaluates on every iteration.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Each Employee Age From Employee DB

Nov 25, 2011

I have a table like below,I want retrieve each employee age ,from db column

SQL> select * from dob;

---------- ---------
vishal 12-MAR-90
jeya 30-MAR-73
vasanthi 17-APR-80
mangai 25-NOV-81
poorna 18-AUG-80
vinod 20-AUG-81
nanthini 01-JUN-86
karthick 20-MAR-88

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Reports & Discoverer :: Middle Ware Web Logic Server

Aug 9, 2013

I installed web logic server and form & report on my linux system and gave configuration option later . so now web logic admin server is running on different port and wls_reports server is running to different port in cluster. How its running on cluster and when i run

localhost:9002/reports/rwservlet/getserverinfo?server="report_server_name" i am getting rep-51002 error.

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How To Check Whether Connection Is Lost In Middle Of Batch Process

Jul 6, 2012

I am using Oracle 11g database. The situation is I need to run a batch process a fixed intervals and copy data into my table from a remote database using a DB Link. I have 3 tables,1. Original data Table, 2. Exported data Table, 3. Status table. All the data from the remote database will be loaded into the exported data table. As and when each copying is finished the status table will be updated with 'Y' if export is success and with 'N' if export is unsuccessful. When the exporting is over, then status table is checked, if all the status' is Y then the data from Exported data table will be copied into the Original data table after truncating all the rows of Original data table. If the status is N then the Original data table will be intact.

How to check whether the exporting was success for all the exported data ? what to do if the connection through the DB Link was lost during the exporting?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Count Of Employee Names

Oct 5, 2011

this is my code

V1 VARCHAR2(100);
V2 VARCHAR2(100);
V3 VARCHAR2(200);

if i want to dynamically enter the three to four names then i want the count of those names .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Give New ID To Existing Employee?

Mar 13, 2012

want to create a PL/SQL procedure, update_id(id_emp in number), that gives a new id_emp (id_emp=y) to an existing employee (id_emp=x).So before updating the EMP table, we have to :

1- create a new row on EMP(with id_emp=y) that has the same informations of the employee (id_emp=x),
2- update all tables that contains the id_emp column (update <TAB> set id_emp=y where id_emp=x),
3- delete employee (id_emp=x).

The problem is in step 2 : it creates a lot of locks and makes the DB unusable.To deal with this problem, I thought for many solutions, but the problem is how to implement them correctly and efficiently.

Before executing step 2, we have to ensure (through a marker I guess) that all the tables that have the id_emp column, are managed by our session, and any other acces (through SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT statment) from another session will be rejected since we have a marker on that table.

When step 2 ends, we release all the tables from the markers.

My simple question : how to achieve this ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Name Of Oldest Employee

Dec 21, 2010

I have done it through SUBQUERY AND MIN FUNCTION


but i want a smaller, simple code .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Trying To Get Employee Hire Anniversary

Oct 18, 2012

I'm trying to get employee hire anniversary between 2 days ago and within 7 days from today..It's working fine until I get to January system month (then mm=01, which is less then mm=12)

select employee_id, first_name, last_name, job_id, hire_date,
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate-2), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Day before yesterday'
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate-1), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Yesterday'
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Today'
when (to_number(to_char(hire_date,'mmdd'),'9999')) = (to_number(to_char((sysdate+1), 'mmdd'), '9999')) then 'Tomorrow'

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Employee According To Days

Jun 8, 2010

i have an employee table where there is a column called join date. Now i have to select the employee according to the days. Means how many employee joined on Monday/Tuesday etc.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update Of Employee Table

May 28, 2011

I have to implement a functionality in my application. I have an employee table and each employee does a transaction which is stored in a transaction table.

The functionality that I have to implement is that if an employee does not perform any transaction for a period of 2 years then updated the employee and set him inactive.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calculate Sanctions To Employee

Aug 1, 2012

i have two tables

first table
emp_no pk
second table
emp_no fk

i need the following

if employees take sanctions and his salary 1000 and sanctions value 50 then the net salary is 950 . I need if the same employee take another sanctions values 50
the result will be
the old net salary is 950
and the new old salary is 900

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Update In Employee Table?

Apr 4, 2010

Employee Table
create table empoyee (
empno number,
sal number)
insert into employee(empno,sal) values (1, 200);


If we make any update in Employee table for his/her salary, before update, that record should be inserted into EmployeeHist table and history will continue to build. Employee Table should have only current salary.If we change sal for emplyee # 1 from 200 to 800 then original current record in employee table will be inserted into employeehist table like

empsno = 1
empno =1

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Forms :: Populate Only Particular Employee LOV

Apr 1, 2013

I want to populate only particular employee LOV ,when i am press "Populate LOV"..Button and i attached Form for testing and It is a 10g version..

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Business Rules For Employee Table

Aug 19, 2013

We need some transformation rules on Source employee table which comes from SAP and want to load in Target table.Basic idea is we need to calculate time when position was not held by sub owner so . . . Etc

Source looks like:


Example 1:

10005822 10/16/2003 11/20/2008 A008 105404
10005822 10/16/2003 3/31/2009 A999 105404
10005822 6/23/2008 7/5/2009 A008 124530
10005822 11/21/2008 8/31/2009 A008 105404
10005822 8/31/2009 4/16/2010 A008 105323
10005822 4/19/2010 12/31/9999 A999 131995
10005822 7/5/2010 12/31/9999 A008 131995

Example 2:

10084408 5/3/2010 12/31/9999 A008 130591
10084408 3/21/2011 5/17/2011 A008 132725
10084408 5/3/2010 1/2/2011 A999 130591

After business rules data should look like:


Example 1:


10005822 105404 105404 Hold=Subs 10/16/2003 11/20/2008
10005822 124530 105404 Hold<>Subs 6/23/2008 3/31/2009
10005822 124530 No Substantive No Substan 4/1/2009 7/5/2009
10005822 105404 No Substantive No Substan 11/21/2008 8/31/2009
10005822 105323 No Substantive No Substan 8/31/2009 4/16/2010
10005822 No Holder 131995 No Holder 4/19/2010 7/4/2010
10005822 131995 131995 Hold=Subs 7/5/2010 12/31/9999

Example 2:

10084408 130591 130591 Hold=Subs 5/3/2010 1/2/2011
10084408 130591 No Substantive No Substan 1/3/2011 12/31/9999
10084408 132725 No Substantive No Substan 3/21/2011 5/17/2011

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