Oracle 12c - Container And Pluggable DB Config

Oct 19, 2012

We've all heard the news about the new 12c capability to have a container database hosting multiple pluggable database instances.

This obviously will provide significant reduction in overhead on systems (like Exadata) where we'd like to host multiple databases, but can't consolidate them due to conflicts that prevent them running under the same instance (public synonyms / dblinks, schema name collision, etc). Not to mention the effort required to get different application databases to co-exist on the same DB instance ... which in and of itself can be a major project.

My question - does the container database need to have the same character set as the pluggable databases?

If not, this still presents a limitation, as there are numerous vendors of COTS applications that don't (or won't) support ALT32UTF8, which is what we're building all our bespoke applications on.

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How To Determinate Oracle 12C Is A Container Database Or Not

Jul 15, 2013

How to determinate connected 12C is a container database or not? 

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Connect To Oracle Database From Log4net.config File?

Apr 26, 2012

Need to know how to connect to Oracle (11g) database from Log4net.config file. As I need to wright the logs to the Oracle (11g) database when any user logon to the web application.

Note: I am succesfully able to wright the logs to the text files but not able to wright the logs to the Oracle (11g) database.

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No Flashback For Pluggable Databases?

May 9, 2013

I've just found out that 12cR1 will not (in all likelihood) allow "flashback database" for pluggable DBs. Am I the only one disappointed by that ? I use flashback db (+replay) a lot to revert and replay automated tests and I had plans to consolidate tenths of test environments into PDBs.

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RAC & Failsafe :: ORACLE Server Failover Parameters In Windows Server Machine.config File

Jan 17, 2012

working on setting up connection between a Windows 2008 server and a pair of Oracle 11g DBs in a RAC Cluster. One Database (let's say DatabaseA) is in one data center, and the other (DatabaseB) is an a secondary, backup database. The RAC Cluster is all set up, working fine, etc. However, I Need to set up the machine.config file on my Windows Server, to go only connect to DatabaseA, unless it fails, in which case, we want it to connect to DatabaseB. Think we could do this if the host app server was Linux/Unix, but it is windows, and I just don't have the background as to the parameters to set up in the machine.config file. They are similar, but different, and we want a very specific behavior (use DatabaseA, unless fails, then DatabaseB). Application is .NET 4.0 app.

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Forms :: Export Files From OLE Container

Jun 15, 2010

how do I export files ole container forms forms 6i to 10g? OLE container I keep in the database in a BLOB field.

I want to watch it in Forms 10g using WEBUTIL or export to disk.

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Forms :: Treeview With Images And Checkboxes With OLE Container?

Jun 4, 2009

I have an issue with an OLE-Container (ITreeView).

I have already a form with the treeview (database no necessary) with some nodes added manually.

All this nodes have checkbox and style properties, drag and drop (drag automatic and drop manual).

I added also to the form an OLE-Container for the listImage and put into the container the images that i need.

I put checked the father and when it is true then a variable into the declaration of the check of the childrens change and the child nodes are checked too, but when i do it manually nothing happened.

What I want to do is the next thing: I want to be able to drag and drop in every place of my tree to change the positition between the nodes of the node father and to change it also with childnodes of other parent. To Put an Image next to each node (how to call the images that are inside of my imagelist) When I checked the parent then check all the child nodes of it.

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How To Config Network Service By Script

Jul 5, 2013

I have created a batch for silent DB Creation through DBCA. I want to add a script to also create the Network Service after. I was told it can be done only with Response File.

Is a response file a script also that can be executed after the DBCA scripts? Where can I find a manual with the available commands so I can produce what I need? On the internet I find only examples for Silent DB installation.

Complete Solution posted as New article


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Application Express :: Button With Pre-element Text Is Given A Container Div?

Aug 8, 2013

Just installed and imported a workspace and an application. Worked fine.I noted a page display difference when compared to the exported application ( I have (so far) found this:If I have a button with Pre Element Text set to <div class="dummy"> and Post Element Text set to </div>, Apex generates an extra div around it all.If my button was named P1_SUBMIT I end up with 

<div class="dummy"> <input type="button" value="Search" id="P1_SUBMIT" /></div>

Is it possible for me to turn this extra div off?

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Extproc.ora Config On 11gR2 - Run External Procedures?

Jan 19, 2012

I'm struggling with my configuration to be able to run some external procedures.I'm under 11gR2 and RHEL5 64bits. Following is my extproc.ora file :

My LD_LIBRARY_PATH is valid and permissions are 755 but I'm getting this error message:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library
ORA-06522: lib1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
ORA-06512: at line 51

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Application Express Listener :: Standalone Vs Deploy To J2EE Container

Jan 16, 2013

I planing use latest APEX listener and Apache with mod_jk on new server.I wonder what are pros and cons use APEX listener standalone comparing when deployed to J2EE container e.g. Glassfish? URL.....

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Performance Tuning :: Best Disk Config For SME Scale Data Warehouse

May 15, 2013

We are working on a Data warehouse (ard 50G ) architecture with the following acquired environment:

Single server X3650 M4 Dual CPU ( 16 core in total ) with 48G ram
Oracle standard 10g x64
Windows 2008 x64
128 SSD x 8
IBM ServeRAID M5110e SAS/SATA Controller

Due to budget concern, we will be running the App server(Business OBjects 4.0 w/ Tomcat and DB server on the same machine. ) We have a user base of around 30 ppl on the app server.

We intend to have external redundancy using IBM raid card on raid 10 configuration. I wonder what kind of disk config yield better performance if we only have write update in the morning and 95% read for the rest ?

Raid 1 for OS (128SSD x 2 including DB logfile )
Raid 10 for DB server ( 128 SSD x 6 )

I heard ASM provides better disk management but just wonder it increase performance in anyway.

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Existing Database ( Can Be Upgraded As Pluggable Database And Plug It In CDB?

Sep 11, 2013

I would like to know about oracle 12c. In 12c, when i read documents,i understood that one container DB(CDB) can contain upto 253 pluggable DB and this pluggable DB(PDB) is similar to our traditional database(pre 12c).

1) whether my existing database ( can be upgraded as pluggable DB and plugged it in CDB?

2)i read that we can move from local data center model to cloud in this version. Is that mean that once PDB is ready, whether we can plug it in CDB using private cloud or public also possible?

3)If public cloud is possible, are both CDB and PDB accessed through cloud client only?If so, whether our user data that is available under PDB also moved to external place?

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Enterprise Manager :: Config - Enter Price Manager Grid Control For All DB

Feb 8, 2010

we have 5 database servers in different locations,

1.main database 10g(production) ip-
2.standby for production 10g ip-

both are linux

3.another database 10g windows
4. another database 9i windows

both are in same location database 10g in linux ip-
some other location
i m having a system windows xp installed
i m monitoring, all 10g by oracle enterpric manager
linux os monitor by Putty software

and i m monitoring below 10g database by sqlplus. now how could i monitor all the database by oracle enterprise manager grid control installed in my system that windows OS installed.

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Security :: How To Configure Oracle EM With Newly Created Oracle Instance On 10g DB

Dec 11, 2012

How to configure Oracle EM with newly created Oracle Instance on Oracle 10g DB,which is Single Instance DB but not RAC ,when I start the Oracle EM it is starting the default DB which created during Oracle Server Installation.

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Networking And Gateways :: Oracle Database Gateway Installing On Oracle 8?

May 17, 2011

But i do a lot of work-arounds to make sure the installation does not make corrupt my OracleAgent,OracleService and OracleDataGatherer. If i just let the installation do its thing i have problems with my libraries, and can't start anything.

The errors are : Procedure entry point 'BlaBla' could not be located in the Dynamic Link library 'AnyName'.

I notice that i have 2 versions of the libraries in OracleHomeBIN (one version 8, one version 11). The programs that start the OracleAgent,Service and DataGatherer call the old libraries but expect to find values that can be found only in new libraries.

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PL/SQL :: Oracle SQL Template To Create Re-usable DDL / DML Scripts For Oracle Database

Jun 13, 2012

I have a requirement to put together a Oracle SQL template to create re-usable DDL/DML Scripts for Oracle databases.Only the Oracle DBA will be running the scripts so permissions is not an issue.

The workflow for any DDL is as follows:-

1) New Table

a. Check if the table exists from the system/admin views.

b. If table exists then give message "Table Exists"

c. If table does not exist then execute DDL code

2) Add Column

a. Check if Column exists for a given table from system/admin views

b. If column exists in the specified table,

b1. backup table.

b2. alter table to make changes to the column

b3. verify data or execute dml script convert from backup to the new change.

c. If Column does not exist

c1. backup table

c2. alter table to add column

c3. execute dml to populate column with default value.

The DML scripts are for populating base tables with data required for business operations.

3) Add new row

a. check if row exists by comparing old values of each column with new values to be added for the new record.

b. If exists, give message row exists

c. If not exists, add new record.

4) Update existing record (We have createtime columns in these tables so changes can be tracked)

a. check if row exists using primary key.

b. If exists,

b1. deactivate the record using the "active" column of the table

b2. Add new record with the changes required.

c. If does not exist, add new record with the changes required.

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Moving Oracle 11g UNIX Sun Solaries To Oracle 11g Linux Readhat OS

Aug 8, 2012

We would be moving oracle 11g unix sun solaries to oracle 11g Linux readhat OS. what would be the disadvantage and what are the item needs to be verified. Basically advantage of oracle 11g Linux readhat OS.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Update Xml Element In Oracle 10gr1 Without Using Oracle XDB

Jun 27, 2013

I would like to update an XML element without using the function APPENDCHILDXML or INSERTCHILDXML because they are not available in Oracle 10GR1.
In my database, Oracle XDB is not installed.

The following query fail with the following error : ORA-00904: "INSERTCHILDXML" : identificateur non valide

update scl_profile
set profile_data =
where profile_xmltype =
and profile_type =

If i try to use the package DBMS_XMLDOM, i have the following error :

ORA-06550: Ligne 3, colonne 11 :
PLS-00201: l'identificateur 'DBMS_XMLDOM.DOMDOCUMENT' doit etre declare
ORA-06550: Ligne 3, colonne 11 :
PL/SQL: Item ignored

I think it's because ORACLE XDB component is not installed in my database.

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Application Express :: Downloading Oracle 11g And Then Oracle APEX

Aug 7, 2012

This time i am downloading the Oracle 11g and then the Oracle APEX...(they are not in one package...right ? i mean they both have to download separately)i really new in oracle / PL/SQL. I'm not a programmer but i interest about database programming.For now i still use Ms. Access to develop an aplication and i really suprised i found this Oracle APEX because it an RAD tool too same as Access but more powerfull i think.

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Connect To Oracle From Another Server That Does Not Have Any Oracle Applications On It

Mar 7, 2007

I am trying to connect to Oracle from another server that does not have any Oracle applications on it.

I tried Perl, PHP, Java but each require parts of Oracle installed.

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Oracle Forms 6i And Oracle DB 10gR2 Or 11

Jul 8, 2011

I am working on an application which is on Oracle forms and Reports 6i.It connects to a database which is Oracle 9i. My client wants to upgrade the Database to Oracle 10gR2 or Oracle 11g. I searched in many forums and also saw in Interoperability table which says it is not compatible. But some users are using it fine.

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Server Administration :: Upgrade Oracle From RHEL4 Platform To Oracle 11g Rel 2 On RHEL5 Platform

Feb 4, 2012

Can I directly upgrade Oracle From RHEL-4 platform to Oracle 11g Rel 2 on RHEL -5 platform?I have the export dump and cold backup of Oracle database.

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: ORA-03114 / Not Connected To ORACLE Error With Oracle DB Installation

Dec 3, 2012

I am getting "ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE" while installing "Oracle Database 11GR2" on "Oracle RAC 11R2" cluster setup. I am getting this error at the time of "Oracle Database Configuration Assistant" configuration reaches till 39% on HP-UX 11.31 IA64 platform.

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Cannot Log In To Oracle?

Jul 12, 2013

I have problems to log in to Oracle?What name should I use for log in?

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OEM In Oracle 10 G

May 29, 2008

I want to manage database (create table ,insert data ,delete table etc ) by using tool in oracle 10 g similar to a OEM in oracle 9 i in order to manage the database simply and not using SQL command

I used to open OEM in browser but I don't know to manage my database method by using OEM . In a screen I find many function for example Host CPU Active session etc but I can't find function are about create database create table etc . And this is my question

How I did open OEM in order to manage database (create table ,insert data ,delete table etc )?

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How To Know Row Id In Oracle 10g

Jun 20, 2013

Is there anyway to know rowid in oracle10g  when i know block number?

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XE :: Oracle 11g XE 64 Bit?

Jan 29, 2013

, does oracle 11g XE 64 bit with database and client for Windows 8pro is available?

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Installing Oracle 9i On XP

Nov 23, 2006

While installing oracle 9i on windows XP. Oracle database configuration agent fails.

And it throws following error message.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/sysman/emSDK/common/nls/MessageBundle
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.InitParamAttributes.loadAllInitParams(Compiled Code)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.InitParamAttributes.initialize(
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.InitParamAttributes.<init>(

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Indexes In Oracle

May 9, 2011

this is just a generic question. If a table has multiple Indexes on it say a table of 20 columns where 8 columns have indexes on it (each columns out of the 8 has an index on it and out of which three columns contain unique indexes on it).

If i run a query on this table where only two columns are specified in the where clause are the remaining 6 indexes on the table scanned during query execution.

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