How To Increase Table Size

Oct 14, 2012

I have table and it's size is full when i'm inserting records , records are not inserting , How can i increase table size

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Performance Tuning :: Increase Few Of Columns Size In The Table

Feb 14, 2013

We have a table emp_details with 23772889 records. Our requirement is to increase few of the columns size in the table emp_details. We are following the below alter statement which is taking around 2 hours of time.

ALTER TABLE emp_details
address char(90)
,department char(30)

Is there any way to improve the above query performance?

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Server Administration :: How To Know DB Size Increase Per Day

Jan 31, 2011

How to know DB size increase per hour or day on the Oracle?

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Increase Undo_retention Value Or Undo Tablespace Size?

Aug 18, 2010

When i takeind export i got error like this..

ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.GET_TABLE_DATA_OBJECTS while calling DBMS_METADATA.FETCH_XML_CLOB [TABLE_DATA:"POS"."TBK_POS_FACT":"KROATL200404"]

ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 1 with name "_SYSSMU1$" too small"

from this can we increase the undo_retention value or undo tablespace size?

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Server Administration :: Unable To Increase Size Of Sga

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to increase the size of sga or you can say that i want to make my sga in automatic memory management...Following is the steps i am trying

SQL> show parameter sga_max_size;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sga_max_size big integer 96M

after that i am trying to increase the size

SQL> alter system set sga_max_size = 200m;
alter system set sga_max_size = 200m
ERROR at line 1: ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified

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Server Administration :: Increase Size Of Database To 50 GB

Jan 31, 2013

I have Oracle 11gR2 running on windows xp machine. Windows xp has total size of 150 GB and free space of 95 GB.

I checked the size of the database that I created. It showed the total size of the database as 2 GB and used space as 2 GB. If I want to increase the total size of the database to 50 GB, what should i do? Now which is the disk space size? Windows or Oracle?

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PL/SQL :: Increase Buffer Size Of Dbms_output.put_line

Feb 28, 2013

I am executing a plsql procedure and trying to increase buffer size to display all characters, procedure is given below:

create or replace procedure prc_p(prm_t1 in VARCHAR2,
prm_t2      in VARCHAR2,
prm_tab           in varchar2
str_sql   VARCHAR2 (4000);

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Server Administration :: Sudden Increase In Archive Log Size

Mar 26, 2010

We had a database (DB A)that is having version DB is having multiple tables and volume of 6 million in individual tables.Another database is also (DB B), this DB has Mviews pointing to DB A. Mviews are refreshed in every 15 mins, with fast refresh option in 90% cases and remaining having complete refresh.

Last weekend we have migrated DB 2 to version - 64bi and on another server.After version upgrade and DB migration complete refresh was done once for all mviews.

Now DB A is generating huge amount of archive log and also it's UNDO space is getting fully consumed causing performance issue and DB hang.what has gone wrong and what we can do to improve response of DB A and also to reduce size of Archive log ?

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Server Administration :: SGA SIZE (Increase Shared Pool)

Jun 4, 2013

I want to increase my shared pool. my SGA values are as under below.


Database Buffer 4.8125
Redo Buffers 0.0782623291015625
Variable Size 19.0000001564622
Fixed Size 0.00208648294210434

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Performance Tuning :: ORA-01555 - Increase Undo Size Or Retention?

Apr 22, 2013

I have got the following error yesterday

ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: fdxcyoin67ty8t, Query Duration=380128 sec, SCN: 0x0229.ff00afd0):

following are the existing settings

SQL> show parameter undo

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management string AUTO
undo_retention integer 96000
undo_tablespace string undo


following are the details from v$undostat

select begin_time, end_time, undotsn, undoblks, maxquerylen, maxqueryid, activeblks, unexpiredblks, expiredblks, tuned_undoretention from v$undostat
where trunc(begin_time)=trunc(sysdate)-1 order by begin_time;
-------------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- -------------------
21-04-13 00:08 21-04-13 00:18 1 12733 378446 duqnawh32hp4u 91152 7068448 225440 345600
21-04-13 00:18 21-04-13 00:28 1 8951 379047 duqnawh32hp4u 99344 7072800 225440 345600
21-04-13 00:28 21-04-13 00:38 1 14073 379650 duqnawh32hp4u 90128 7075872 234656 345600


Following are the details in AWR report (00:00 til 01:00 of 21-Apr-2013) .... not thet the error was produced at 00:42

Undo Segment Summary DB/Inst: DBCPY/dbcpy01 Snaps: 18853-18854
-> Min/Max TR (mins) - Min and Max Tuned Retention (minutes)
-> STO - Snapshot Too Old count, OOS - Out of Space count
-> Undo segment block stats:
-> uS - unexpired Stolen, your - unexpired Released, uU - unexpired reUsed


Undo Advisor information taken 'now' is as following

SQL> select dbms_undo_adv.longest_query(sysdate-2,sysdate) from dual;
SQL> select dbms_undo_adv.required_retention from dual;


In above situation what should be my first choice (assuming increasing space is not an issue) - increase undo tablespace or increase undo retention?

If latter is the choice then what should be the value? Because as I understand present 96000 value is taken as lower limit and because of auto tuning the actual value (TUNED_UNDORETENTION) being used was 345600 In that case shall I set it to something > max(maxquerylen) i.e 379,650 + X?Or I shall increase the undo tablespace size?

From Undo Advisor output it looks to me that even if I increase the undo retention to 379650 current undo size will be able to support it (may be at the expense of DMLs)Is that right?

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Application Express :: Increase Font Size In Interactive Report

Aug 1, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I have this interactive report and i would like to make the text inside the report bigger and bolder. I have seen different examples of using css but none have worked for me. If you have any other way to do this or can give me a detailed way of using css!

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Server Administration :: Temporary Tablespace Size Suddenly Increase From 1gb To 5 - 6gb

Jul 8, 2010

I am oracle DBA (trainee) new in this field.

Some time my temporary tablespace size suddenly increase from 1gb to 5-6gb why this happened ? I want only reason why it suddenly increase?

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Server Utilities :: Estimate Size Of FlatFile Based On Table Size?

May 8, 2013

We are planning to export the table data to a file pipedelimited. How do i estimate the size of the FlatFile based on the table size? or avg rowlength

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Server Administration :: Move Partitioned Table Between Table Spaces Of Different Block Size?

Apr 4, 2011

I was about to move some tables from one table space to another but it seems it is not possible to move partitioned tables between table spaces of different block sizes.

So far the only option I have is to export and then import back the data.

know if there is any way to move a partitioned table between table spaces of different block size?

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Row Size Of Two Different Row In Table?

Sep 13, 2011

One of my user is asking to give me the size(bytes) of row 39 and size(bytes) of row 49 of a table ZETR.

as i am not aware of how to collect size(bytes) for a particular row.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Know The Block Size Of A Table

Jul 12, 2011

AS of we know that we can get the number of blocks occupied by data in a table by querying the user_tables Data Dictionary.

My questions are,

1.)how to know if i want the each block size ?(i.e each block size either it is 4kb or 8kb or 16kb..)?

2.) Is the block size is same for all blocks in a table and in Database or it varies?

3.)The block size is DB dependent or Table dependent or Machine dependent(32-bit, 64-bit and OS)?

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How To Limit The Table Size

Oct 9, 2012

I have a problem with one table.. First of all:

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

The problem table resides in a locally managed tablespace. About 10 millions records is added in this table every day. After 36 hours all these records moved to another (partitioned) table, so the size of data in the problem table always about 75 Gb. But the size of table is reached 157 Gb today, and it still growing. The results of dbms_space.space_usage are showed below:

Size of blocks with:

0-25% free space: 4726784
25-50% free space: 17301504
50-75% free space: 24920064
75-100% free space: 102418669568
full blocks: 54761594880Thus, a lot of blocks have 75-100% free space but the table constantly growing: during last 9 days the size increased from 123 to 157 Gb.

how to stop the table growing? It there any way to limit the table size in locally managed tablespace?

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Server Administration :: How To Reduce Size Of TEMP DBF File Size

Apr 13, 2011

I am using oracle 8.1.5 database and my temp01.dbf file size is increased upto 19.8 GB now i want reduce its size .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Determine Table Size Order By

Mar 28, 2012

How to find the tables starting with smallest size and vice versa in schema level and database level?

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PL/SQL :: Table Data Size In Oracle 11g?

Jul 12, 2013

how to find the data size in particular Table?Ex:I need find out the sh.sales table how much data size is loaded

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Partitioned Table - What Extent Size To Be Set

Sep 28, 2012

I have a partitioned table (one partition per month). Every month there are added about 1GB data. What extent size should I set? 1GB will be ok?

What if data will be greater than 1GB, adding new 1GB extent takes probably a lot of time and clients may see delays while they're inserting in this time? (it's OLTP system)

When new extent is allocated? Exact in time of lacking space in existing extent or before? Partitions are dropped after one year so free space isn't a problem.

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Calculate Size Of Table With BLOB Column

Feb 5, 2007

when trying to calculate the occupied space for a table, I'm using DBA_SEGMENTS, which works fine as long as the table does not have a BLOB column.

As far as I can tell, the size of the BLOB data is stored with the SEGMENT_TYPE = 'LOBSEGMENT', but I cannot find a view that tells me which DBA_SEGMENT row belongs to the BLOB column in the table I'm checking.

To give you an example:

select sum(BYTES)
where owner = user
and segment_name = 'MY_TABLE'

returns 262144


SELECT sum(length(blob_column))
FROM my_table

returns 821333

There are entries in DBA_SEGMENTS for my user with the type LOBSEGMENT, but I cannot find a way to map the correct DBA_SEGMENTS row to the table I am checking.

I'm using Oracle on Redhat

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Estimate Next Extent Size For Very Large Table?

May 13, 2011

How to estimate next extent size for very large table? What should I take into account? Is there any formula for that?

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How To Reduce Size When Table Is Null - Sqlplus

May 17, 2012

how can I reduce the size of ------------- when table is null. I m in sqlplus I typeSelect A,B,C,D,F,G,H from SOMEHERE where B='GOAT1';

if A is 10 char long
B is 50
c is 10
d is 30
e is 10
f is 50

if any of those don't have data it still outputs ----------------------------- (50) for B and tht covers the whole screenhow can I make is to show less if it null

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Infrastructure DBA To Move Table With Size 126GB?

Jul 16, 2010

I have requested the Infrastructure DBA to move a table with size 126GB(as shown in the stats/size tab in TOAD) from one tablespace to another.This is free the huge space in the first tablespace which i wanted to use for creating another table.

But when the table is moved to another tablespace, surprisingly for me, i saw that the sizeof the table has come down to 8 GB from 126 GB.Point to be noted is that everyday there are physical deletes happening on the table.

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Server Administration :: How To Shrink Table Size

Jan 4, 2012

I have a table: desc STG_XML

Name Null Type
------------------------------ -------- ------------------------

The problem is that the data of the table are 40GB while on the DB the table holds 400GB! How can I shrink and reuse that space except from drop/recreate and drop/import?

The table has no initial data, so that I can play with the INITIAL parameter. Data are inserted, updated and deleted all the time. I have run DBMS_ADVISOR which recommended to SHRINK table. I have performed the shrink :

alter table STG_XML shrink space COMPACT;

but I haven't gained any space.

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Performance Tuning :: Table Occupying Max Size

May 9, 2011

Objective : To find solution to archieve data from 2 big tables which is occupying maximum size in the data base. With current data (From Jan 2005 to Sept 2011) it has records as mentioned below:

transaction - 41687927
trnansaction_dtl - 83945934

We need to load data and run monthly batches from October 2011 to current month which will increase this space.

1. Issue is there will not be having so much space.

2. Maintenance of such table is diffcult now.Also there is huge impact on performance. Can we think of partitioning the table base on date aswe query 1st table based on certain date range?

3. Most of reports use this table and creating performances issues

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Server Administration :: How To Reduce Size Of A Table

Oct 2, 2012

One of our solaris machines is running Oracle 8.0.3

A table reached the 2 Gb size and oracle failed due to the operating system file size limitation.

The information in the table is not relevant and can be deleted, but the table contains a lot of indexes.

I would like to know the best procedure to delete the information and reduce the size of the file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Find Size Of View Or Table In Database

Jul 10, 2010

How can we find the size of a view or synonym or table in a database. What is the code.

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Server Utilities :: Exporting A Table That Is 3 GB In Size

Mar 22, 2011

I am exporting a table that is 3 GB in size and also Partitioned with option NOCOMPRESS specified.

Now when i export it with COMPRESS=N option of exp utility then it should take 3 Gb in target server but will exporting it with COMPRESS=Y will save some storage during import or once NOCOMPRESS option specified on partition has no impact on exp utility COMPRESS=Y option and it will take 3 GB space in both cases

Is this true that whether u specify COMPRESS=N|Y during export it does not matter the size will be 3 GB always after import?

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