How To Get Line And Error Code From EXECUTE IMMEDIATE P_SQL
Nov 19, 2010
I'm trying to write my own application ( in Delphi) which should be work similar to the Oracle SQL Developer. I received the body of the selected stored procedure by select * from all_users where type='PROCEDURE' and NAME='name_of_the_selected_proc'
Next, I put the body of the procedure into richedit component, make necessary changes, then put the corrected body into the variable ( varchar2) which is the input parameter of my stored procedure PW_DO_IT
create or replace PROCEDURE PW_DO_IT(P_SQL in varchar2)
Everything works fine , the only problem is that I don't know how to get the line in which simulated error occured and its details. The only thing I get is the ORA-24344: success with compilation error
I've created a Java class in my Oracle DB that calls a Visual Basic program to convert a XLS file into a CSV file in order to load it into an external table. The problem that I have is that when I call the Visual Basic program from the Java class, nothing happens. I had the same problem with a Python program, and I thought that the problem was from Python, but now with Visual Basic the problem remains, both aren't executed.
The strange thing is that when I call the same Java class outside Oracle, directly from a command line, it executes both Python and Visual Basic programs.
Here is the Java class defined in Oracle:
CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE NAMED "OSCommand" AS import*; public class OSCommand{ public static void Run(){ try {
And here is the procedure that calls the Java class:
create or replace procedure run_os_command as language java name 'OSCommand.Run()';
I would like to create a trigger that will execute a stored procedure when a package/function/procedure is compiled. I tried creating an update trigger on user_objects, but it statues aI cannot create that trigger tyoe on views.
I'm working on my database homework, and I came across an error that I cannot seem to fix. I'm getting a missing right parenthesis error on line 7, but I seem to have all my parenthesis, endless I'm overlooking one.
How to find the line number along with package name or procedure name (for ex. in Oracle 10g DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE ) where exactly error is coming in forms.There is plsql code written and while executing the code, ORA-01722: invalid number error is coming. For easy tracing the error, any way is there ?
I searched in Google before posting in this forum and found that ON-ERROR trigger if we write DBMS_ERROR_TEXT it will display the ling number along with package or procedure name. But it is not working and this is only giving me error name no line number.
Actually I am getting the following error while running my script.
Error:(Error): ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at line 9
Seems to be getting eror in the following line but not sure why its coming."select adary.dilution_strategy_seq.NEXTVAL into :dil_strat_seq_new from dual;"
Code snippet: --------------------------------------------------------------- declare dil_strat_seq_new NUMBER :=0; disc_conc_seq_new NUMBER :=0; disc_fold_seq_new NUMBER :=0; begin
I'm working with sqlldr and i try to insert data from a csv file to a CTL file. One field of my table contains 5 characters but one row has 6 characters in this field, so it's rejected by oracle. (Logical, you can't insert 6 chars in a 5 chars field)
an error is visibly returned, so i wondered how you could catch the value of this error?is it a code? a message?
I'd like to add to my script a condition so that the end of the script would continue even if this error code is returned for that CTL execution.
we are getting "snapshot too old" error when we executing a procedure. The error details are as below:
"ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 208 with .."
The code framework is below. basically we are having 3 cursor to select data and the base tables seems to update frequently. hence we understood that this error might come. if any other better way to restructure the below code framework.
Create or replace procedure proc1 as CURSOR C1 is select a from tab1 CURSOR C2 (p1 VARCHAR2) is select * from tab2;
Since DBA not willing to change UNDO_RETENTION and other UNDO* parameters, we need to work around with restructure the code.
We need to connect to an Oracle database from an ASP web page and I downloaded and installed to a Window 2003 server; can connect OK I sent the zip to co-worker in another state and he installed it on slightly older build of 2003 server and we get the following error
"The setup routines for the Oracle in OraClient11g_home1 ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 14001"
Only saw one post on OTN discussion and msot mention another error (998) [URL]
If i try to execute the below code i go the ora:00600 error. what is wrong in the query.
I am facing a problem regarding the execute immediate command. I have created a procedure as given below
SQL> set echo on ; SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 l_var varchar2(50); 3 sqlstring varchar2(3000); 4 begin [code].......
In this procedure the execute immediate command shows error ( if i avoid exception).I have tried other syntax too of this command but it is showing error only.
I prepared a report in Oracle reports and trying to run the report through command line by creating a batch file. but i am getting the following error message when i run the batch file
REP-0069: Internal error REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output REP-50159: Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output
Recently i have faced the error ora-600[kcbgtcr_12]. oracle suggested in the note (5523799.8) to flush the buffer cache by executing below command. My database version
1) to flush the buffer cache: alter session set events 'immediate trace name flush_cache level 1'
is this command for flushing the buffer cache ? if so what will be the impact if we flush the buffer cache ?
I have created a procedure, which should be executed on the below condition with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE COMMAND. But i am getting error.
The error shows the procedure/function name is not existing. But it is exist.
SQL> 1 Declare 2 a varchar2(20); 3 b varchar2(20); 4 c varchar2(1000); 5 begin 6 select to_char(sysdate,'day') into a 7 from dual; 8 select to_char(sysdate,'HH24') into b 9 from dual; 10 if 11 (a='friday' and b>=22) 12 or 13 (a='saturday' and b<=6) 14 or 15 (a='wednesday' and b>=9) 16 then 17 begin 18 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('begin'||BACKUP_AUTO_execute_bat_file||'end;'); 19 end; 20 else 21 null; 22 end if; 23* end; SQL> / EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('begin'||BACKUP_AUTO_execute_bat_file||'end;'); * ERROR at line 18: ORA-06550: line 18, column 32: PLS-00222: no function with name 'BACKUP_AUTO_EXECUTE_BAT_FILE' exists in this scope ORA-06550: line 18, column 4: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
I have a .sql file that is used as a wrapper file that when executes within sqlplus (, executes a bunch of .sql files within it. Example below:
Each of the .sql file (A,B,C,D,E) Spools individual output of sql statment within them. Each of the indv .sql file queries different tables with different filters(where) clause.
I would like to capture any error (OS,SQL,DB) into indv error file (A_ERROR.log). The reason being is because later in the process we need to validate if there were any errors before processing and loading the data into our SQL database
i am receiving ora-00600: internal error code, arguments :[729], [163624], [space leak], [],[], [], about this error and what can damage it can cause .we have one issue that is our application is slow for some time and then get normalk
Above query runs perfectly on SQL prompt.Same query, when being run in a Pro*C program gives compilation error-:
Error at specified line:
,( SELECT D.V3 FROM TABLE2 D WHERE D.V3 = C.V4) .............................1 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "D" when expecting one of the following: ( ) * + - / . @ | at, day, hour, minute, month, second, year,
What are the possbile causes of error. I am using Oracle 10g on Unix.
we have an application currntly running on an HP UX system that uses Oracle 9i database. the pro*C codes work fine with Oracle 9i, on the older system. however now we are migrating it to LINUX system (ORACLE 10g). in the new system we are facing issues with fetch statement
here is how we have the
the cursor statement:
the code runs fine in the old operating system (HP UX) where oracle 9i was used. but fails in Oracle 10g(OS-LINUX).
the probable reason that we found out is that: the fetch statement returns zero rows, that is the reason why this error is being displayed. but Oracle 9i seemed to work out well with this.
we tried reducing the cursor conditions, where it fetches 3 rows. this is when is the fetch statement works fine.
the functionality of the code is that it should work fine even with no rows selected. Is there a way we can modfy the code to work with zero rows as well.
the error we are getting is : ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence ========================== as per what is given in Oracle sites:
1) Fetching from a cursor after the last row has been retrieved and the ORA-1403 error returned. 2) If the cursor has been opened with the FOR UPDATE clause, fetching after a COMMIT has been issued will return the error. 3) Rebinding any placeholders in the SQL statement, then issuing a fetch before reexecuting the statement.
======================== we have checked:
1>this is not the case and ORA-1403 not returned
2>No update statements involved , there is a insert statement which inserts data in this table
procedure l_test_exp (errcode out Varchar2, errm out varchar2) as l_rec zt574%rowtype; begin
output: --------- anonymous block completed in package init caught in l_test_exp-1422ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows caught in l_test_exp errcode and errm set to -1422sqcORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows caught in test_exp1User-Defined Exception caught in others errcode and errm
i have oracle database 10g with RAC. Before this, we upgrade our storage and completed the process. After bring up our database and it's ok.
But the problem is, when i try connect our database using ODI then database hang and i got error closed connection. When i checked details in alert.log, i got error - ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4097], [], [], [], [], [], [], [].
We are processing spatial data from another source to display in our GIS environment. The data is a set of multi lines. The gtype is 2006. A typical geometry looks like:
Now, this is not an actual multiline... it's just encoded as a multi line, but if you look at the coordinates you'll see that the end point of the first line is the same as the beginning of the second line (105094.84, 195084.96).
I've used a date in execute immediate query in function, but at the time passing the date as input parameter and getting the result i'm getting following error.
SQL> select getstockqty(1,to_date('31/03/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual; select getstockqty(1,to_date('31/03/2012','dd/mm/yyyy')) from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected ORA-06512: at "MIS.GETSTOCKQTY", line 11
I have some message for job at any time with any number of job
ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 4968 ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row ORA-06512: at line 6 ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row ORA-06512: at line 6
And nothing. I have some message of this in my bdump directory with some different hours.But i want to find what is take this. How i can do to trap this. Because the number of job is not in dba_jobs.
Mon Apr 29 16:17:32 2013 Errors in file e:oracleproduct10.2.0admindblivedumpdblive_j000_1528.trc: ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 196257 ORA-29886: feature not supported for domain indexes