Forms :: Display Report With Parameter Using Single Button

Jul 14, 2008

From my form with a single button i need to display a report with a paramter. Report is displaying fine but the parameter is not getting passed. I did the following behined my button i add this

v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
plid ParamList;
vParamValue number := 20;


If i remove the where condition the whole table data start appearing in the report but adding where condition is not accepting 20 as i send from the FORM Button. And the report with blank data appeared with column headings.

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Application Express :: Report With Multiple Values For A Single Parameter

Oct 4, 2012

I have a user requirement where they want to be able to select multiple values for a single parameter that will act as a filter for a report. The possible values for a parameter can come from almost any master data Oracle eBusiness table. I don't want to just present the user with a LOV where they search down a list selecting what they want. That wouldn't be very practical for selecting part numbers from 1000's of rows. I also want the user to easily see what values they have selected. I thought about providing a button that would navigate to a multi-row form where they could record their values and use those values in the where clause of the SQL for the report, but that is a somewhat complex solution I have never tried before. how to do this. I'm working in the latest version 4 of APEX.

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Forms :: Make Print Button To Display Information

Oct 4, 2012

how can i put button in a form to print the information i displayed in this form.

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Forms :: Display All Records One By One As User Click On Next Record Button

Jul 13, 2010

I have created one tab canvased form

On first tab I am taking input (search criteria)
on that input i am trying to display all records one by one as user click on next record button....

for that i used when-tab-page-change trigger for first record display and it display correctly.but for further record what should i need to write on next_record command button so all record i can see one by one.

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Forms :: Display Checkbox Selected Records In One Column Of Form / When Push Button Is Pressed

Jul 2, 2011

how to display check box selected records in one column of form when push button is pressed.

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Forms :: Call Report From Button In Form?

Feb 27, 2012

i need to call report from button in form but when i call the report which have parameter in it ,it run direct without show me the parameter field to be entered now i need to do the following run report normally as when i press in the button the parameter filed appear.

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Forms :: How To Run Report When User Press Execute Query Button

Oct 10, 2010

Following is basic program that i create : When User Press Execute Query Button at Run time ,then Program shows him Detail Of employess from Employess Table In Form Style .For example If Present Record is Of Employee Number 7369 ,Then user can Have also the option or button that by which he can also view Report Of Employee Number 7369 .

I am unable to understand that i need to write a code [Report Buitins] for it or i need to do something from REPORTS option avalabe in Forms .

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Forms :: Print Report Output To Local Printer On Button Click

Apr 19, 2007

In Sales Order Form there is a print receipt button. In current situation On Clicking the 'Print Receipt Button' it submits a XML Publisher report(PDF output) to the concurrent manager. Currently to print that report i need to go view--> requests--> view output and then print. According to my new Requirement i need to print that report directly to local printer on one simple Print receipt button click in form.

I am trying to call the printers on server using custom.pll. The report is running successfully but it is not printing output to the local printer. I need to print the report to the local printers based on responsibility. Local printers are available on apps server.

Is it possible to print the document using custom.pll? Is there any other alternative to print the report on simple button click in form.

I searched many forums but i found customizations on form level. I am trying to customize the form using custom.pll. I found many examples like URL..... but i don't think i can use these practices in custom.pll. ADD_PARAMETER & RUN_PRODUCT dont work in custom.pll. I need to complete this requirement immediately.

Environment: Apps, Forms 6i

Here is the code that i am using in my custom.pll.

if (v_form_name = 'OEXOETEL' --and v_block_name = 'LINES_SUMMARY'
and name_in('parameter.ACTIONS') = 'PAYMENT_RECEIPT' )THEN
l_organization_id := Name_In('PARAMETER.OE_ORGANIZATION_ID');
l_order_header_id := Name_In('ORDER.header_id');
select to_number(oe_sys_parameters.value ('SET_OF_BOOKS_ID')) into l_sob_id from dual;

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Forms :: Run Report Developed By Crystal Reports By Click On Button In Oracle Developer 6i?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to run a report developed by crystal reports by click on a button in oracle developer 6i.

Is it possible. If yes then how can i do this.

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Forms :: Report Calling From Parameter 6i

Feb 7, 2012

I am getting a problem I use lexical Parameter but When I call that through Form my parameter forms didn't call that on report parameter. My query is below as well I have attached all Jpg files to understand. I Didn't getting where I am mistaken.

IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id)

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Form To Report

Feb 23, 2011

I have created a simple form & report based on 2 tables Cust & cntry.I just want to display all customers of region selected in the criteria form. I am uploading the files.

Other than selection criteria report is fine.

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Report To Form

Jan 23, 2013

How can i pass the parameter from reports to form. means how can i open particular form from my report. means if i write query

select * from emp

this emp table report open now i just want open only emp no 10 form from this report so which parameter i have to pass.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Pass Parameter From Forms To Report

Oct 5, 2013

I can not Pass parameter from forms to Report.

I use three parameter for report. I want to show the employee who has been hired between from_date to_date,it work well in report builder. but I want to pass parameter from forms to report and pdf format. I upload my work (this is actually a zip File, change file type txt to zip just before open).

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Forms :: How To Pass Parameter From Criteria Form To Report

Dec 21, 2011

have a customer table with following columns.
1 - Cust_ID
2 - Cust_nam
3 - Cntry_id

I have another table country.
1 - Cntry_id
2 - Cntry_nam
3 - Region

Now I want to view report for all customers of a certain region selected by user in criteria form.How can I do this?

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Forms :: Possible To Pass Records Displayed To Report As Parameter

Jul 20, 2011

In my application (forms6i) initially data will be displayed in a non-database block after a lot of calculations and validations which is time consuming.

Now, if the user want to print it as a report, we store the displayed data in a dummy table and run the report using that dummy table and then delete records from it.

Is it possible to pass the records displayed to the report as a parameter so that I can avoid Unnecessary add/delete records?

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Application Express :: Test Report Button On Report Queries?

Jul 20, 2012

What is the code/javascript/url behind the test report button on report queries component?

We are having DSN problems using the print url given on the report query. The URL works for some of our developers and not for others.

The test report button on the report query appears to work for everyone but I do not know what is behind the "Test Report" button. If I could recreate the test report button on our page this would be GREAT!

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Reports & Discoverer :: Can Create Drill Down Report With Parameter Form Of Report

Nov 29, 2011

I am trying to open report in parameter form in drill down report.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Can Create Drill Down Report With Parameter Form For Report

Dec 19, 2011

I had report A which drill down to report B. While drilling down to report B, The parameter form of report B should be displayed which accept parameter code and then open the report B. My parameter form is displayed but not accepting the input. i am using the hyperlink to display the second report. Is there any cgimap.bat file to be configured for the parameter report? If yes then how to configure this file?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Submit Button In A Single Form

Jul 21, 2011

My current system have 1 submit button with single form. This submit button will call *file_content.upload*.

htp.p('function on_submit() {');
htp.p('...the rest of my code here..');
htp.p('return true;');
htp.p('<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="file_content.upload">');
htp.p('...the rest of my code here..');
htp.p('<input type="button" id="btn_Submit" value="Submit" onclick="on_submit()"></form>');

My question is, i want to enhance this by adding additional 1 submit button with value "Save". But this new "Save" button will call/trigger different file. This new button will call *file_content.update*. How to accomplish this and how to differentiate these 2 button?

htp.p('<input type="button" id="btn_Submit" value="Submit" onclick="on_submit()"> 
<input type="button" id="btn_Save" value="Save"></form>');

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Application Express :: Re-execute Single SQL Report On Multi-Report Page

Oct 25, 2013

I have a Page containing 3 reports and I was wondering if it is possible to re-execute only one of the these reports using a button or preferably a Select List which allows me to choose which of the 3 reports I wish to 'refresh/re-execute'. I may be totally wrong here but I assumed that choosing the option to submit a Page will cause all regions to refresh i.e. re-execute the SQL queries they are 'based on'.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display A Value In Between Single Quotes?

Nov 18, 2011

how to write a select query to display a number column value in between single quotes. Ex:i have a emp table in that sal column is a number type.

select sal from emp;
23445I want to display the same above result in b/w single quotes.

for this i need to write a query,

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Application Express :: Export To CSV Button On SQL Report?

Jul 24, 2012

am trying to Export an SQL report to a CSV using a button. I made the button request to 'CSV' but I am unable to generate, the same works for an IR report. I am using Oracle APEX 4.0 version.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query On Single Column To Display As Rows

Aug 5, 2010

I has a table of structure of varchar2 datatype.


desired output is:


The table has single column & the values may differ,that is, they may have 1-2-3-...-n in a single row, but the desired output is to be in the rows as shown above.

I tried concepts of SQL up to my knowledge, but I failed. The query to be done only in SQL.complete this query.

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Reports & Discoverer :: 6i To 10g Report Button Code Conversion?

Apr 6, 2012

We are converting Oracle 6i reports to 10g. I have a report with a button on it that when clicked, it runs PL/SQL code in a program unit defined within the report. The only documentation I have run across says to replace buttons with a hyperlink but this seems to refer to when a report calls another report. This is not the case for this situation.

The button on the report came into 10g as a Text Item. I tried applying the following documentation to the hyperlink property:

"Example 5: Static hyperlink The following example shows a value for the Hyperlink property that specifies a link to a destination identified as LINK1: #LINK1"

The program unit is named: U_UPDATEBUTTONBUTTONACTION and I referenced it as #U_UPDATEBUTTONBUTTONACTION in the hyperlink property.

The open browser window is not what I need.

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Application Express :: Open RTP Report By Pressing Button

Aug 27, 2012

Is this possible to open rtp report(oracle report), by pressing button in apex.

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Application Express :: Put A Download Button In Report Page

Jun 26, 2013

I have requirement like I have to put a download button in report page and clicking it will download only few of the columns only (specified one). I am using Apex 4.2.

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Execute / Display Results Of Procedure With Ref Cursor OUT Parameter

Apr 12, 2012

How do i execute and display results of a procedure declared with ref cursor OUT parameter.

I am using SQL Developer and Oracle 10.2.

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Fetch Records In Single Select Query And Display

Mar 15, 2011

I have 3 tables, Emp(Emp_id,emp_name),dept(dept_no,dept_name),emp_dept(emp_id,dept_no). Emp tabl ehas some 20 employes id who belongs to different departments.There are few employee who belongs to multiple departments as well. I want to fetch records of emp_id, emp_name, dept_no in the following format.

Name id dept_no
Ram 101 10
Ani 201 10

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Reports & Discoverer :: Hide One Frame And Display Other Depending On Parameter Value

Aug 22, 2010

I want to hide one frame and display the other depending on the parameter value . How could i make that ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Multiple Values As Single Input Parameter Into Pipeline Function

Dec 23, 2012

My need is to pass multiple values as single input parameter into pipelined function. For example - "2" and "3" are values of input parameter "t":

with data as (
select 1 as t from dual union all
select 2 as t from dual union all
select 3 as t from dual union all
select 4 as t from dual union all
select 5 as t from dual
select * from data where t in (2,3)

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