Forms :: REP-51002 - Bind To Reports Server Failed

Jul 30, 2013

After I moved my servers (application and db) into a VPN network I am facing this error "REP-51002: Bind to Reports Server failed".

Product-Oracle Forms and Reports 11g
Servers(app and db)- Windows 2008

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Rep-51002 Bind To Reports Server Ags-pension Failed

Oct 3, 2011

I have installed Application server in windows 2003 server. I use oracle 10g with forms and reports 9i. The same application was being tested in a standalone system with database in one system and application in another and it was working fine. When i installed the application in windows 2003 server and database in linux, the forms are being accessed from my client system through windows 2003, but when i generate the reports it gives me this error. "rep-51002 bind to reports server ags-pension failed".

ags-pension is the domain name of my windows 2003 server..I configured the following

01) default.env
02) forms.conf
03) formsweb.cfg
04) registry.dat
05) gave the path of the forms and reports in REGEDIT

Now I have hard coded the reports path to my stand alone pc and its working fine. I want it to be accessed from windows 2003 server.Is there any configuration that i have missed out. I don't remember having any changes made for reports.In all the above mentioned files i only gave the path of my forms and reports.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Bind To Reports Server Rep_wwubh01ap45 Failed

Jun 9, 2006

While accessing the reports i am getting the following error

Rep - 51002 : Bind to Reports Server rep_wwubh01ap45 failed.

I have checked the file $ORACLE_HOME/reports/conf The parameter SERVER=rep_wwubh01ap45 was present in that file.

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Reports Process Not Terminated Database Session After Reports Request Failed

Oct 12, 2012

why Database session was not terminated for failed reports request processed by reports engine.

My engine element parameters are as followed:

<engine minEngine="3" maxIdle="30" maxEngine="16" id="rwEng" engineResponseTimeOut="10" engLife="50" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl">
<property value="/home/TMAP/KO/shared/reports" name="sourceDir"/>
<property value="no" name="keepConnection"/>
<property value="no" name="diagnosis"/>
<engine minEngine="0" maxEngine="1" id="rwURLEng" engLife="50" class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl"/>

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Forms :: Failed To Connect To Server

Oct 15, 2010

I have a pb went i can access on my forms server:

FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the Server: :// Connection refused

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Reports & Discoverer :: Bind Parameter Defined In Report

Oct 4, 2010

I Created a Bind parmeter in report .....but when i run report it show only loc bind parameter not fyyear bind parameter...

Code is :

BPT_VEN_NM Vendor_Name,
BPT_BIL_NO Bill_No, BPT_BIL_DT Bill_Date ,


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Reports & Discoverer :: Authentication Failed?

Sep 13, 2011

I have developed a report and deployed it to the oracle apps and it was working fine and now the developed object is migrated to the test environment (testing database) and tester ..

Now the report when i test it the devlopment evnironment...It throws error saying "Authentication Failed".

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Reports & Discoverer :: Remote Program SRPCERC Failed With Reason?

Jan 16, 2013

I'm currently having this kind of issue whenever I click the 'Finish Enrolling' that dialog box appears. what kind of error is this and what was the cause of this error.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Java Class For BarCode Failed To Initialize While Running At Web?

Aug 27, 2011

<jsp:useBean id="BC" scope="page"class="oracle.apps.barcode.util.BarCodeConstants" />
<jsp:useBean id="BM" scope="page" class="oracle.apps.barcode.BarCodeMaker" />

This code makes me unlucky while run that jsp report on web and comes up with orror no out put for the job.RegEdit REPORTS_CLASSPATH set to my oraclebarcode.jar with others jar files.

At Report builder web layout works fine [With Barcode generation] but not through Report server.

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Forms :: Bad Bind Variable Error?

Jun 29, 2013

Whenever I am compiling the code, following error is coming.

Error 49 at line 42, column 1
bad bind variable 'tool.dsp_heading'
Error 49 at line 42, column 1


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Forms :: Error 49 Bad Bind Variable?

Dec 14, 2011

i am getting this error when compiling (error 49 bad bind variable) is there anything wrong in this

total_rec number(2);
:new_id:=null; :new_sal:=null;


the code in the add-new command when_button_pressed trigger am adding employee to the employee table by this form

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Reports & Discoverer :: 11g Printing Error - Report Generated Successfully But Distribution To Destination Failed

Jul 10, 2010

when I am trying to send report for prints then I received this error.

REP-57054: In-Process Job terminated: The report generated successfully but distribution to destination failed.
REP-50159:The report generated Successfully but distribution to destination failed.
REP-50151: Destination ID Currency failed with error An error occured while sending the file to the printer :HPofficejetpro7700Series- Cannot run program "COrcaleMiddlewareasinst_5Config

create process error=2, The system cannot fine the file specified."

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Forms :: Error During Compilation - Bad Bind Variable

Jul 28, 2008

I have developed a form based on a database of books. The information displayed during run time is Sr No, Book name,Author, Copies, Description and Image(of the book)

I have written a PL/SQL code to display the image of the respective book for every new record. E.g Book1 should display image1, book2 displays image2 and so on. This should happen at runtime. The code is:

gif_image varchar2(80):='c:ProjectBooks';
photo_filename varchar2(80);
photo_filename := gif_image||lower(:books.sr_no)||'.gif';

The error i get during compilation is

Error 49 at Line 5, column 37
bad bind variable 'books.sr_no'

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Forms :: How To Run Reports From Server Through Internet

Oct 30, 2012

How can we run forms & Reports from server through internet. I mean that i want to install forms, reports and database on server and not interested to install runtime on client computers so is it possible if yes then what can i do for this?

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Forms :: Oracle Reports 10g On WIN 2003 64 Bit Server

May 8, 2012

Can I install Forms 10g on WIN 2003 64 bit server? From ORACLE site, I downloaded forms 10g, but it is not sepcified that it s for 32 bit or 64 bit.

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Forms :: FRM-41213 - Cannot Connect To Reports Server

Mar 4, 2012

I'm having trouble with my forms builder. I can't connect to my reports server.



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Forms :: Assertion Failed Error On Oracle Forms 10g?

May 4, 2011

I have several forms developed in Oracle forms builder 10g version It contains Hierarchical Tree items. when i run this form on this version of oracle, it's running properly. but when i compile and run it on oracle forms 10 version, it shows an error message stating Assertion Failed!, if I click on the Tree item. I cant find out what and where the problem is. If I build a new form with tree item, it is working properly.

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Server Administration :: SQL Advisor Job Failed?

Nov 22, 2006

Trying to execute the following pl/sql block as user SYS in a Oracle10g v.2 database...

DECLARE taskname varchar2(30);task_desc varchar2(256);task_or_template varchar2(30);task_id number;wkld_name varchar2(30);saved_rows number;failed_rows number;num_found number;BEGINtask_id := 0;saved_rows := 0;failed_rows := 0;taskname := 'SQLACCESS6026890';task_desc := 'SQL Access Advisor';task_or_template := 'null';wkld_name := 'SQLACCESS6026890_wkld';/* Create Task


What can I get rid of these errors??

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Server Administration :: Login Getting Failed?

Aug 31, 2010

When I am trying to login to the oracle server I am getting an error message:

Enter user-name: / as sysdba
ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed

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Server Administration :: Database Shutdown Failed

Dec 16, 2012

I issued a SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command on my database and for over 2 hours and got no response. I did this because I wanted to restart the database due to many hanging sessions which had led to high CPU usage on the server by oracle process.

Oracle Service<dbname> instance using the Windows Services screen which failed with an error 1053 message. At the same time I got an ORA-01013 message saying user requested cancel of operation. See below:

ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
ORA-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted
ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist

What I want to know is how do I proceed? Also how do I check to see the status of the Shutdown operation?

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Server Administration :: Login Failed In Oracle 11g

Jul 24, 2011

I have installed executable only (database option only) when i have installed oracle11 that time it is not asking any option for password. So is there any option to login in this type of condition?

I am using this on windows server 2003.

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Server Utilities :: Exp / Imp Failed On Nested Table

Jun 18, 2013

I am trying to exp/imp database schema from one environmet to other in oracle 11g. I have a couple nested tables (tables with types datatype). Here are the errors I am getting:

ORA-31693: Table data object "IPAM"."BACKEND_POLICY_TYPES" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kpudpxcs_getCol_ref_4], [Imgver=1 InputStrmVer=9 Name=POLICY], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

ORA-31693: Table data object "IPAM"."LB_POLICIES" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
ORA-02354: error in exporting/importing data
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kpudpxcs_getCol_ref_4], [Imgver=1 InputStrmVer=9 Name=POLICY], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

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Reports & Discoverer :: Hiding Reports Server Window - Specify Cmdkey

Jul 19, 2011

We have a reports proces which we want to produce a report where the browser windows doest not display, or if it does, quickly closes after the report is completed.We are using Forms Version, Oracle Database 10g Release, OS is Windows XP Pro SP3

We have tried the below, but the primary application window closes, not the report server window.
- http - removed due to form message:You cannot use links until you have posted more than 5 messages.

WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(://'|| :global.Report_Server_Name ||
'/reports/rwservlet?cmdkey=ky10i&report='||v_rep_object||'.rdf' ||


We have modified the forms trigger to produce the report as shown below, but get the error:
FRM-41213: Unable to connect to the Report Server

Current theory is the connection to the database is lacking the user id and password since the cmdkey is not specified. How can we specify the cmdkey when using the run_report_object?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
v_rep_tx VARCHAR2(100);
v_RepStatus VARCHAR2(2000) := '';


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RAC & Failsafe :: Oracle Server Reboot - IP Ping Failed

Jun 20, 2011

Every time interconnect IP ping failed between RAC servers,CRS causing reboot to the server. As documented,it is of 3 sec. Can we alter this setting to increase the ping failed (private IP) by more than 3secs.

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Enterprise Manager :: Error / Server Connection Failed

Sep 14, 2013

I have configured OEM and is up and running but, I am getting below error message when open the OEM URL.

Error Message:

Secure Connection Failed / an error occurred during a connection to rhel6:1158.

The page you are trying to view can not be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.

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RMAN :: Duplicate Command Failed In Without Catalog On Different Server

Jun 29, 2012

i am creating duplicate DB from rman backup it failed as all steps is as below:

$ vi pfile.ora
$ export ORACLE_SID=tim
$ sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Jul 8 10:35:10 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter user-name: / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> !pwd

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Forms :: How To Bind Hierarchy Tree Items To Text And Other Items

Jan 31, 2012

I have already done a hierarchy tree. Now I'd like to make it bind to text items. When i click a node, it should automatically be bound to text items.

My tree is about sections of students, now when i click a specific section to view its corresponding subjects it would be displayed on text items.

For example:

+First Semester
+Second Semester

When i would click on LM2 node, its subjects should appear immediately.

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Forms :: FRM-40733 - PL/SQL Built-in DBMS_ERROR_CODE Failed

May 28, 2011

I have a client who is facing the above error. Everything used to work perfectly but since a week, he gets this error message on a specific FORM. No updates have been made to the FORM.

The FMXs are stored on the database server(10G R3, Windows 2003 R2) and the Client terminals access them through a network drive.When executing the conflicting FORM on the server, no error.

I call the DBMS_ERROR_CODE routine from a FORM-LEVEL ON-ERROR trigger :

MSG('Client existant',ERR,'E');


Code for procedure MSG :



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Server Administration :: ORA-27070 / Async Read / Write Failed

Jan 6, 2013

i have tried to create the index in diff tbs also but same error is there

SQL> create index inx_tbl_voicechat_unsub_ani on tbl_voicechat_unsub (ani) tablespace ideadb_index;
create index inx_tbl_voicechat_unsub_ani on tbl_voicechat_unsub (ani) tablespace ideadb_index
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 201 (block # 144265)
ORA-27070: async read/write failed
OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
O/S-Error: (OS 23) Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 201 (block # 144265)
ORA-27070: async read/write failed
OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
O/S-Error: (OS 23) Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

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Server Administration :: PMON (failed To Acquire Latch) During Shutdown

Aug 29, 2010

I found in alert log that PMON "failed to acquire latch" during shutdown.What it means and how to rectify the same.

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