Forms :: Matrix Form In Oracle

May 20, 2013

Is there any possibilities to make matrix form just like matrix report.

one is the month column which increase horizontally other is emp_name column which increase vertically and sal column which show the salary of each employee in each month.

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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Forms :: New Form For Oracle Apps Turning Fields In Other Forms Black

Sep 23, 2011

I created a new form for Oracle Apps, At first when I ran the form from the application all the fields backgrounds were black, so I changed the background in the property palette to white and foreground to black.

Now it shows fine but when I close this form and open another those fields are now blacked out. What should I do, I know the problem comes from the new form.

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How To Create Cross-tab / Matrix Style Output In Forms

Sep 16, 2011

I am essentially trying to reproduce an extremely complex spread-sheet with an engineering mathematical model in it and that has been in use for 5 years now. The Excel spreadsheet was a good environment for tuning the model, but now I have been asked to design an Oracle Form that incorporates their mathematical model and shows their final and intermediate data so they can validate my app against their proven spreadsheet.

To do that I have to create a matrix style table for use as a child data-block in my Oracle Form.

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Forms :: Migration Of Oracle Form 10g To 6i?

Apr 19, 2011

Is this possible to convert oracle form which developed in oracle form 10g into Oracle form 6i. We developed one form in oracle form 10g and we trying to open it oracle form 6i. At start it gives warning about compability by ignoring this it open in form 6i, but control mismatch and not showing the trigger code that type of problem we faced. tool of that convert the oracle form 10g into 6i.

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Forms :: Why Other Browser Cannot Run Oracle Form Without IE

Oct 9, 2012

Why Other Browser cannot run oracle forms without IE.

i want to use other browser for oracle form like firefox,google chrome etc not IE.

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Forms :: How To Convert Oracle 10g Form To 6i

Oct 24, 2013

How to convert Oracle 10g Forms to Oracle 6i Forms ?

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Forms :: Oracle Form Entry?

Feb 25, 2010

i am new to oracle form , i am using orcale 10g forms, i have following requirements.

1-I have a Data Block names Hes_Modules which is connected to a table HES_MODULES having following fields (modid,moddescr).

i want when form open it should show all enteries in table, My form conatin 5 fields and scrollbar.After form open it should allow to update and insert the reords in form

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Reports & Discoverer :: Oracle 10g Report Printing On Line Matrix Printer?

Apr 15, 2011

1) I am able to view the oracle report in PDF format in my Web Application, but when I tried to print this PDF on Line matrix printer, the characters are not printing rightly.

2) Can I take report output as a text file and and print it through DOS mode printing.

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Forms :: How To Run Oracle Form Server 10g From IPhone

Sep 27, 2013

How to Run Oracle Form Server 10g From IPhone

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Forms :: Parametrized Cursor In Oracle Form

Dec 7, 2011

I am creating a button , on this button i call a procedure

e.g. excel

on this procedure i call parametrized cursor ...but i give me error i dont know what is this code is like this

CURSOR C2(v_link_nm varchar2) is
select alt_loc LOC, alt_inv_no INV_NO, alt_inv_dt INV_DT, alt_amt AMOUNT, alt_rvc2 ALT_RVC,
alt_doc_no DOC_NO, alt_doc_typ DOC_TYP, alt_authid AUTH_ID, alt_authdt AUTH_DT
from v_link_nm

when i compiled i get error v_link_nm not defined...

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Forms :: Create Directory With Oracle Form PL/SQL

Jan 16, 2010

i want to know how to create directory or folder which use pl/sql coding in oracle developer suite10g

my problem is when i use this code



IT'S ERROR WITH "Error591 this feature is not supported in client-side programs"

I used to use function with webutil that's webutil_file.create_directory('c:RESTAURANT');



BUT STILL HAVE ERROR WITH "Error 221 'CREATE_DIRECTORY' is not a procedure or is undefined "

How to create directory with pl/sql that's use in oracle form in trigger when-button-pressed or how to use function webutil_file.create_directory();

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Forms :: SQL Server And Oracle In A Single Form

Apr 23, 2011

can I query sql server and oracle in a single form

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Forms :: Possible To Alter A Session Within Oracle Form

Sep 3, 2010

Is it possible to alter a session within Oracle forms as I get the following error when trying to compile the following block.

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ( 'alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY''');

Error: Encountered the symbol "IMMEDIATE" when expecting one of the following

The basic requirement is to validate a date field on the form against the current system date, but as the form is in format DD-MON-YYYY and the Database on M/D/YYYY I am struggling to compare dates successfully.

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Forms :: Remote Form Debug In Oracle 10g

May 12, 2010

I am trying to debug a remote form ( on AS) in Oracle forms developer 10g . I had done everything as told and attached the port name and number to my local form builder, but debugger window doesn't popup at the time of break point. Also, i don't have any firewall installed on my application server.

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Forms :: Draw Diagram In Oracle Form?

Jan 27, 2012

I want to draw a diagram in oracle, how do i do?

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Forms :: Oracle 10g Key Combination To Call Form Trigger

Nov 11, 2009

I need to fire the KEY-DUPREC trigger as I click on the key combination Shift+P therefore; I added the following line of code in the frmweb.res file.

80 : 1 : "Shift+P" : 64 : "Duplicate Record"

It worked iff no error was raised. So, if I have a raise form trigger failure in the KEY-DUPREC trigger, a capital P will appear in the text field that called the trigger.

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Forms :: Display Image On Oracle Form Through Backend

Dec 17, 2011

I am successfully insert image in DB my task is i want to retrieve this image on my oracle form.

my structure on table like this..

CREATE TABLE temp_image
image_filename VARCHAR2(50),
image BLOB

i inserted 2 images on that... now i want to retrieve it , how to achieve this.

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Forms :: How To Send Automated Email From Oracle Form

May 10, 2011

I have to send several reports to various branch via email, I created a branch table in which email of that branch is stored in a column. Now if report is generated for particular branch, its PDF should also be sent via email to that branch, How can this be done on When Button Pressed,

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Forms :: Tab Page Text Color In Oracle Form?

Jul 19, 2013

i have the two tab pages in is for the personal page and other one is the education. now i want to change the color of the text like personal and education.

i want only change the text color of label not the background color...

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Forms :: Running Form On Oracle Developer Suite 10g

Jul 2, 2011

i am new and developing my first oracle form.but when i am running this's not running,i have installed already jinit.exe setup.Is this necessary internet connection for running forms.port no. is 8890.

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Forms :: How To Get Current Cursor Position In Oracle 10g Form

Feb 25, 2010

I want to get current mouse cursor position dynamically,what should i do.

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Forms :: Consume A Webservice And Use In Oracle Form Developer 6i

Dec 26, 2011

I write a Function in PL/SQL to consume a webservice and its working fine when i run in TOAD or SQL terminal. But when i try it from oracle form developer 6i , it gives me the following error :

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [26599], [1], [211], [], [], [], [], []

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Forms :: Call Oracle Form Using Stored Procedure?

Mar 14, 2011

How to call Oracle Form using a Stored Procedure?


create or replace procedure ........



Inside such procedures , is it possible to call a form ?

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Forms :: Opening Form Has Attached Libraries Caused Form Close

Jul 19, 2010

If I open a form has attached libraries in form builder on windows7 it closed and give this message :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:frmbld.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:42d63632
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll


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Forms :: Oracle Form Login - No Warning Message After 5 Minutes

Nov 11, 2009

Is there any way to make a form timeout.

After login into form if there is no transaction/event happens I want it to throw one warning message after say 5 minutes.

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Forms :: How To Create Browse Button In Oracle Form Builder

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to create a browser button which enables to browse a tree directory and to select a file. how can i do it?

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Networking And Gateways :: Oracle Forms 6i Call Form Via Static IP?

Sep 6, 2011

I had a query related to call_form function in forms 6i.How can I call a particular form via static ip(outside LAN),but the actual forms are stored in a server called "MAIN_SERVER" which resides in internal LAN domain.That is I have stored location of all my forms path(fmx)in my database table called "FORMS_LOCATION" in the MAIN_SERVER system under the directory "FORMS".From here only users can call all the forms by call_form function.To understand see the example below,

In the table FORMS_LOCATION,there is a column call "forms_path" which holds the value like,


In application the call_form just uses the column "forms_path" to call the CALL_FORM("forms_path",no_hide) this statement will call the form from the main_server.

Here 1.MAIN_SERVER is the name of the server system where forms fmx is actually stored under the folder name "FORMS".When the users access the particular form the call_form function call the form from the MAIN_SERVER.Now there are no problem inside the LAN.Incase if I access the database and call the form outside LAN via internet through STATIC IP what happened was database was connected but call_form function failed and not calling the form because which does not know the MAIN_SERVER/FORMS/ path.

Because my user want to access the form outside lan via internet,so I tried replacing the above statement like //' with static ip in the prefix instead of local server called MAIN_SERVER.But its not working again.How can I do this?.

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Forms :: How To Built Form (oracle 6i) That Connect With Report Builder

Feb 16, 2013

How i can to built form (oracle 6i) that connect with report builder ?

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Forms :: Communication Form Serial / Parallel Port Via Oracle?

Jun 14, 2005

I want to connect a biometric device with my system, through serial port / parallel port. And want to permit only valid users to the system.

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