Forms :: Make A Field As Mandatory At Current Record Level

May 27, 2010

I have one requirement i.e i want to make a particular item as mandatory for the current record in the tabular form.

so i have written code as below:

lv_item item;

This code is not effecting qty field. If i write set_item_property built-in that item becomes mandatory.But it's not effecting at current record level.It's effecting block level.

So how can i make a field as mandatory at current record level?

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Connect By Level Using Field From Record Instead Of Constant?

May 20, 2011

I am generating a start date, stop date, count and frequency from data in one of my tables.

The result is as follows:



From this data, I need a record for each individual month,quarter,etc.:

select y.*,MonthNo,Add_Months(StartDate,MonthNo*Frequency) from (
... Code to generate data ...
) y,(select rownum MonthNo from dual connect by level <= Cnt)

This returns ORA-00904: "CNT": Invalid Identifier. I don't get an error if I use a constant:

select y.*,MonthNo,Add_Months(StartDate,MonthNo*Frequency) from (
... Code to generate data ...
) y,(select rownum MonthNo from dual connect by level <= 3)

How can I get this to work using the "CNT" value instead of a constant?

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Application Express :: How To make Item Mandatory Dynamically

Oct 24, 2013

How to  make an item as a  mandatory field dynamically with the change of another item in different regions

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Forms :: Make Field Non Editable

Jul 29, 2010

I have a field on the form which is a database field and the value is populated by a LOV. The user should not be able to edit the value selected or enter his own values in the field. Basically the field should only be populated by the lov and should not be editable.

I tried using the SET_ITEM_PROPERTY('XX.XX', UPDATE_ALLOWED, PROPERTY_FALSE); but this only disable update against existing value. If a user selects a new value from LOV that can be edited.

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Forms :: Make Field Protected Against Update?

Apr 29, 2011

What i am required to do is to protect a field 'COUR_CODE' from update when the SHIP_METHOD='R'. c

if :system.record_status = 'INSERT' then
vcour_code ACCOUNTS.cour_code%type := NULL;
vcourier_account_no ACCOUNTS.courier_account_no%type := NULL;
canvas_name varchar2(30);


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Forms :: How To Display Current Record

Mar 12, 2013

I have problem about displaying current records with same table(tbl_pawnitem). I have 2 transactions which are the pawned transaction and for sale transaction. and both transactions save into tbl_pawnitem table..i want to display only in my list the for sale transaction without deleting the records of pawned transaction. what condition i will use?

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Forms :: Current Record Indicator

Aug 25, 2011

set the current record indicator for my tabular data block.

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Forms :: Insert Value Into Text Field On Current Cursor Position?

Sep 30, 2013

I need to copy some text value in to a multi-line text item on the current cursor position.

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Forms :: How To Focus On Current Record In Oracle

Jul 4, 2011

How to focus on current record in oracle forms.

for ex:- I have 10 records in line level.i want to focus my cursor on particular like (5th record) how to possible in form.

Is there any built-in like current_record?

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Forms :: Cursor (control) On Current Record

Jul 18, 2011

In my form line level block contains 100 records.i will check the check box for line number 96 and 97. Then i will press save(I have written some logic here) button it will generate one number for selected check boxes. After generating this number cursor(control) should be on same line number 96 or 97.

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Forms :: Print Record At Block Level

May 1, 2013

I have problem i want to to display in message all the values of block in for example when i create the fourth record the three already records are show in message..actually first i want to in message than i would populate pl/sql table. the code is at block leve when-new-reocord-instance

v_record number :=1 ;
v_cur_record number;
v_cur_record :=:system.cursor_record;

actually in block there are three record and this message should be display for the three time but the loop is executed more time.

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Forms :: How To Make A Date Field Filter In Descending Order

Aug 5, 2011

I have a question regarding a Date field on one of my form.

How do I make a Date field filter in a descending order when the form is opened? Also, can I add a 'when-mouse-doubleclick' trigger to sort the date field in ascending and descending order (this is a client requirement)?

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Forms :: FRM-41344 OLE Not Defined For SCAN In Current Record

Jun 1, 2010

my problem is this that i have developed a form.fmb in 6i for images scanning direct from scanner but its generating error something like that "FRM-41344 OLE not defined for SCAN in the current record"

li have a winxp enviroment i have already downloaded and installed "IMAGING FOR WINDOW"(GLOBAL 360) but despite this its not working same error is still there .

one more thing why imgscan.ocx is not registering in winxp.

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Forms :: Click Checkbox And Then Loop - Current Cursor Going To Last Record

Dec 7, 2010

i m using oracle 10g version.i create a form and using check box on this form.when i click this check box then loop is using behind it.and current cursor is going to last record

i want if i click 4 record then cursor is still showing on 4 record mean i click which record after using loopmy current cursor is showing on that particular record

how it is possible

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At PLSQL Level How To Make The Program Re-startable

Jun 19, 2011

At PLSQL level how can we make our program re-startable such that if there is some abort after the commited update program will restart from the last commit checkpoint.

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Performance Tuning :: How To Trace Different Session From Current With LEVEL 4

Jun 13, 2012

I've been searching the web for examples of how to run a trace.It's needed for a session different then current in trace LEVEL 4 (I need the bind variables values in the trace).

Unfortunately, I couldn't trace with DBMS_SUPPORT.START_TRACE_IN_SESSION, I understand that this is because it was only introduced in Oracle 11g.

how can i trace a session in level 4 on Oracle 10g for another session?

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Server Administration :: Find SID From Current Session As It Make Connection With DB

Dec 27, 2011

How to find the sid from v$session of my current session.

I want to ask:

Let say I have open 10 TOAD session and only in one toad session i have fired a sql query ( the rest 9 session are just blank), then the rest 9 status are in active status. Now, how i can figure out which sid ( from v$session ) belongs to which session as all the 9 session having nothing to run.

Quote: My main intention is to find out the current session sid as soon as it make connection with DB.

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Forms :: Calling Form From Multi-record Field?

Apr 29, 2013

i have one multiple record field in frm....contain 5 i display the values...3 fields have values and two are empty...

the value of 1st field is A

2nd field is B

3rd field is C

i want if i click B it will open another form,

i want if i click c it will open another form,

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Forms :: Hide A Single Row Field Of Multi Record Item?

Nov 3, 2010

Consider below is a multi record block rows, i want to hide "23". Is it possible using Set_Item_Instance_Property or any other built-in is there in oracle forms to hide a single row field in a multi record block.

11 12 13
21 22 23
31 32 33
. . .

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Forms :: How To Read Values In A Multi Record Control Block Using Pre-insert Trigger (block Level)

Jul 24, 2010

I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.

I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".

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Forms :: Mandatory / LOV Prohibited Values

Apr 7, 2012

I created a list of values for the purpose of showing what unit_codes are selectable for a student's course. Each selected value gets dumped into the text field on my form.

But i was wondering, is there a way to show what unit_codes(values) are mandatory? And is there a way to show which ones are prohibited depending on data inside the database?

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PL/SQL :: Code Erases Previous Month Record While Updating Current Month Record

May 16, 2013

Using 11gR2, windows 7 client machine. I need to update the table missing_volume (below), where I need to calculate the estimated_missing column. The calculation of estimated_missing column for current month needs previous month numbers (as commented inside the code below). I want the output like the first table. Notice the records start from January, hence estimated_missing for January can't be calculated, but for the the rest of the months it can be done by simply changing 'yr' and 'mnth' (commented inside the code towards the end).

yr          mnth          location     volume          actual_missing          expected_missing     estimated_missing
2013            January          loc1          48037          24               57                         
2013             February     loc1          47960          3660               53                      24
2013             March          loc1          55007          78               57                      28
2013             April          loc1          54345          72               58                  77The code:

UPDATE missing_volume g


The code does calculate correct number for 'estimated_missing' as I run the code for each month, but the problem is while updating the current month it also erases the record for previous month. E.g. as can be seen below, after I updated April the column only has the record for April, previous month record is gone, similarly updating March removed February, etc. I can't understand why it's happening!! Here is the output I get:

yr          mnth          location     volume          actual_missing          expected_missing     estimated_missing
2013            January          loc1          48037          24               57                         
2013             February     loc1          47960          3660               53
2013             March          loc1          55007          78               57
2013             April          loc1          54345          72               58                   77

why it's happening (I mean where is the flaw in the code) and how to get the desired output (first table).

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Forms :: Enter Data In Mandatory Fields

Mar 29, 2011

I developed a custom Form using Form Builder 6i. This Form has selection criteria (data to be entered in a couple of fields) and a "Find" Button, which queries the data (based on the selection criteria) and populates all fields on the Form.

This Form has a couple of "Required" fields in its search criteria section. When data is not populated in any of the Required fields and "Find" button is clicked upon, Form raises an exception and pops up a message indicating the user 'to enter data in mandatory fields'. However, this message keeps popping up and would not stop.

So, I'm not able to proceed with querying data on my custom Form. I had to kill the session and reconnect to front end to overcome this issue.

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Forms :: ORA-01009 / Missing Mandatory Parameter

Jun 5, 2011

We have installed Quote:Forms Version [32 Bit]in windows server 2008 64 bit.

Our sources are in this versionQuote:(Forms Version [32 Bit]), and we cannot do a sudden change to latest version.

The database we installed is

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

We installed it in compatibility mode. Now the database is connecting properly. When we try to connect forms, it is showing the following message


ORA-00604:error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01009:missing mandatory parameter

Which one I have to update..? Forms or Database..?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Create A Query That Returns Record By Record A Field

Apr 21, 2010

I have the following case to solve:

Example Table:

O4018510000107 170,00
O4018520000107 30,00
O40651010000107 500,00
O40651020000107 50,00
O4114510000107 300,00
O31141010000107 50,00
O3114520000107 50,00

I need to create a query that returns record by record a field qty_progr with the cumulate qty considering previous records. The result should be the following:

Nr_ordPos1Pos2Itemqty qty_progr
O4018510000107 170,00 170,00
O4018520000107 30,00 200,00
O40651010000107 500,00 700,00
O40651020000107 50,00 750,00
O4114510000107 300,00 1050,00
O31141010000107 50,00 1100,00
O3114520000107 50,00 1150,00

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Update Field With 1st 9 Characters Of Another Field In Same Record?

Apr 23, 2009

I need to update a field with the 1st 9 characters of another field in the same record.

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Reports & Discoverer :: Current Date Field

Sep 13, 2010

if i make the source for a field is a current date with format dd/mm/rrrr hh:mi:ss and the report published on the application server and the clients from different machines run this report

what the field display on Cline or on DB or On Application Server?

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PL/SQL :: Way To Make A Cursor Of Record ID

Nov 15, 2012

I need to run a query that runs a stored procedure. The stored procedure takes a cursor of record ids as a parameter. I've been making the cursor like this, if there was a smarter way. I can't change the stored procedure, so this is the only thing I have control over.

CURSOR id_cur
FROM table t

);It just seems kind of strange to select only ids from records when the list of ids is given.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Make Name Field Stored As FirstName LastName Swap

Dec 20, 2012

I have a need to make name field stored as "FirstName MI LastName" become "LastName, FirstName". How to do this in a select statement. Because of the application I will be running this in (DataStage), at this point in the flow, I am unable to call a stored procedure.

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Performance Tuning :: SQL ID And Text - No Record Being Found At Session Level

Feb 22, 2012

At my prod instance one sql query ran for about 9 hours.Now the sql query completed with success.Suddenly our ops team want to know the which sql query was running for 9 hours.As the query got success no record is being found at session level.

I know the SID.How Do I get the SQL query ?

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