Forms :: How To Create Login Form

Oct 23, 2013

I have made few forms , but i want only those users to access these forms who have valid login and password to access these forms.

For example i have created one form employee details (shows the details of emp table in tabular form) which is based on emp table.
The users are scott having password tiger ,and User Test having password Test. i want to make a login form to give access to only these users to access employee tables. if someone else tries to access it then it should show Unauthorized login error.

My requirement is i want to create a basic login form which includes

Login i.e Text_item
Password i.e text_item
Login i.e push button

what should be the queries behind these items. and how to connect this form to database. I am attaching file , just add working codes in that or you can write codes here also .

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Forms :: Create Login Form In 10g?

Jun 17, 2011

how to create a login form in forms 10g how upload login.fmb

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Forms :: Create Login Form With Validation

Dec 4, 2010

I just need to create a login form ..its like user will login using his given id and password will be encryted when entering and i just need to simple validation that if he has entered corrected password it will display message ok or else wrong password.

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Forms :: Login In Same Form With Different User?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a mainform through which one can access 3 different application(say a ,b,c)i have made three push buttons by clicking it the main menu of the respeective application is called.The three applcication have different users(user a,user b,userc)and have different database on the same version(db1,db2,db3 on 111g).I am using formservlet and i am calling the main form. configuration.I dont want the user to enter the username and password so i have hardcored it in formsweg.cfg file. my problem is that i login to the main form as 'user a' so i can access the application'a'.but now if i want to access applicatin 'b' how can i can i login as 'user b'?

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Forms :: User Defined Login Form

May 3, 2011

I have designed a Login form which takes username, password and connect string is hardcoded.I have compiled it, made an fmx file. created a shortcut to desktop. given the BIN path in shortcut.

when i want to lauch it, oracle's default login popup is shown.It can be by passed while defining username/password@string in shortcut properties but it reveals the password. every one can access it. I want to launch my own form without logging in to oracle. how can i avoid default login popup?

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Forms :: Oracle Form Login - No Warning Message After 5 Minutes

Nov 11, 2009

Is there any way to make a form timeout.

After login into form if there is no transaction/event happens I want it to throw one warning message after say 5 minutes.

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Forms :: Database Connectivity After Putting Customized Login Form

Feb 12, 2010

I am having a application which is on Widows NT Operating system.I am using Oracle 10g Database, Developer suite 10g And 10g Application server.

My application uses Run_report_object to generate reports.Run_Report_Object is called in forms and Report server is configured in the same Application server where FMX are placed.

The report generation was working fine as long as oracle default login was used. When i created a form to handle login on my own, Report server is throwing "Unable to connect to database" error. My login forms takes the parameters from user and calls default logon command in on_Logon trigger.

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Forms :: Create A Form For Ordering

May 25, 2010

i create a form for ordering>>>that the person can enter his/her information and isbn book to make the order,but the order id i make it sequentially! well first of all i create a data-block and i insert only the oid in trigger when-new-item-instance..i had create the sequence:

create sequence seq1
start with 90
increment by 10;

and i make a view form such of fields that user can enter a details o what he/she want to order!!

1- is that enough?

2- it seems there is an error in creating the sequence?? wrong way to create the sequence!!

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Forms :: How To Create Multilingual Form

Feb 4, 2011

My requirement is to create Multilingual form. Its very urgent. In fact if i want to make it work in 2 languages. English and Chinese.

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Forms :: How To Create Sequence In Form

Jan 13, 2013

I know how to create sequence in the database.But I want to create this sequence from the form by giving the name of the sequence from a filed in the form.

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Forms :: Create Directory With Oracle Form PL/SQL

Jan 16, 2010

i want to know how to create directory or folder which use pl/sql coding in oracle developer suite10g

my problem is when i use this code



IT'S ERROR WITH "Error591 this feature is not supported in client-side programs"

I used to use function with webutil that's webutil_file.create_directory('c:RESTAURANT');



BUT STILL HAVE ERROR WITH "Error 221 'CREATE_DIRECTORY' is not a procedure or is undefined "

How to create directory with pl/sql that's use in oracle form in trigger when-button-pressed or how to use function webutil_file.create_directory();

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Forms :: How To Create MASTER_DETAIL Form Manually

Oct 25, 2013

I know how to design master_detail form using wizard but i want to create it without using wizard.I have created two blocks emp and dept without using wizard ,and connected them to emp and dept table by changing their properties.Now i want to create relationship between these two blocks, My requirement is when i press execute_query button if deptno is 10 in dept block then emp block should show data for deptno 10 only.

I know it can be done using add relationhip option in dept block (which is master block)but how to do that.

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Forms :: Create Hyperlink That Open Another Form

Sep 18, 2010

i was create simple two forms in the first forms i want to create a hyperlink that open another forms.

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Forms :: How To Create Form Dynamically At Runtime

Dec 26, 2011

I am working with forms 6i..Is it possible to create form dynamically at run time..

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Forms :: How To Create Browse Button In Oracle Form Builder

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to create a browser button which enables to browse a tree directory and to select a file. how can i do it?

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Forms :: Create A Form To Store Any Excel / Word Files?

Jul 1, 2011

i m using oracle 10g forms.

i want to create a form where i can store any excel / word etc files.

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Creating Login Form In Oracle

Feb 25, 2010

Creating Login Form In Oracle.

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Forms :: Cannot Commit Form When New Instance Form With Form Status Is NEW

Apr 17, 2012

I cann't commit form when new instance form with form status is "NEW".

And then i call:
Text_Item := WebUtil_File.File_Selection_Dialog('', '', 'Excel 2003|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx|All File|*.*', 'Select a file to Import', Open_File, True);
Form status change to "QUERY"

And then i click button "Import Data" from excel file to Data Block. Now form status change to "CHANGED". But i cannot call "Commit_Form" built-in to insert data to database oracle 10g.

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Forms :: Opening Form Has Attached Libraries Caused Form Close

Jul 19, 2010

If I open a form has attached libraries in form builder on windows7 it closed and give this message :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:frmbld.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:42d63632
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll


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Forms :: Want To Call Web Form For Uploading Image From Custom Form

Apr 16, 2013

I want to call a Web form which should upload the image from my local machine.For that I have created a form which will take necessary data about employee now I want to Insert Image for that employee into table as I am new I struct on the Image uploading form. Latter I have seen the Enter & Maintain form which have Picture button.Pressing this button we get one new web form open & we can upload our image from there.

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Forms :: How To Reload Calling Form After Closing Called Form

Jul 15, 2007

I have FORM_A calling FORM_B: Call_form('FORM_B',...). On form_B I am updating a Record and when I close Form_B and the focus goes back to Form_A, I need to Automatically Reload Form_A to reflect the changes that were made on Form_B.

How can I reload the Calling Form (FORM_A) when I closed the called form (FORM_B)?

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Capture Login Of Terminal In Audit Trail When Login Through Grid?

May 15, 2013

I am trying to understand how to enable some audit so we can capture OEM logins as well.

Here is my setup. Lets say my DB that i am auditing is called audit_db (audit trail set to DB) sitting on host called host_db. and we have grid control agent on this my grid control is as this. Lets say my OMS and repository is on host called OMS_host.

we run query aginst dba_audit_session to get info as to who tried failed login attemps and stuff.

Now to the part that is not working.

-- this is the good part When i intentionaly login to the audit_db with sqlplus client from my laptop with wrong username/password that is captured. we get the username,os_username,userhost,terminal.

here is the sample output

username is the wrong user that i tried to login as
os_username is the my local username(ad account)
userhost is my_laptop_name
terminal is laptop_name

from above we can figure who was trying to login(failed).

-- this is the bad part But lets say i try to login to audit_db through grid control and use wrong username/password.that gets captured too(but not all of it). we get the username,os_username,userhost,terminal.

here is the sample output

username is the wrong user that i tried to login as
os_username is the user of OMS repository db(oracle)
userhost is oms_host
terminal is unknown

Now with the above info, we cannot figure out who tried to login with bad login credential.

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Forms :: 2 Different Form To Pass Values From One Form To Another

Mar 11, 2010

is there any type of veriable used in declate statement whith could be used in 2 different form to pass values from one form to another.

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Application Express :: How To Create A Text That Links To Another Page From The Login Page

May 21, 2013

In the login page, I want to add a text "Register" that when clicked will send the user to another page to register.

With a button, its simple because its inbuilt there,but I do not want a button,just this: Register

I want also to have the text in color not black.

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Forms :: Any Way To Load A Form Within A Form

May 21, 2010

I have a requirement, is there any way i can achieve the following User Interface using oracle forms

Left Pane: Navigation (Tree Menu)
Right Pane: Based on the node clicked in the Tree Menu, a specific form will be loaded on the right.

The tricky part, is there any way i could load a form within a form ? If i make use of OPEN_FORM, it will open a form in its own window.

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Forms :: How To Open Another Form Within A Form

Dec 20, 2012

I want to convert my forms6i application into forms9i therefore I initially converted my login and explorer form.

In my login form, I am using NEW_FORM to close my login form and wants to activate my explorer form but every time a pop-up raised and asked "DO YOU WANT TO CALL THE NEW FORM?", if I pressed YES then pointer moved to explorer form.

This form is working perfectly in 6i and didn't asked anything and moved to successfully to explorer form.

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Forms :: Pre-form And When-new-form-instance?

Mar 1, 2010

What is the difference and significance of

1) Pre-form and When-new-form-instance?
2) Post-text-item and When-validate-item?

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Forms :: Log Out And Login Into Different Database?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to design my login form to be able to connect to different database environment (Env1 and Env2).When the login form is loaded it is already connected to Env1, after the user enters his login details he has option to continue with Env1 or connect to Env2.I used the "Logout;" to disconnect from already connected Env1 and used "Logon(<username>,<pwd>@<Db instance>);" but i see that the form will connect to Env1 irrespective of what environment credentials i provide in Logon. how i can disconnect from Env1 and connect to Env2. Is this possible?

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Reports & Discoverer :: How To Create Parameter Form In Descriptive Format

Jan 28, 2013

I have developed report in reports9i and executing this report at application server but the parameter form is not displaying as its displayed in report builder.

parameter form isn't in descriptive format like you can check the department field. how to create parameter form in descriptive format or I am doing any mistake?

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Application Express :: How To Create A Display Field In Tabular Form

Oct 1, 2012

I am stuck at point.

using apex 4.1, created tabular form for inserting values from customer with a simple query

table name : customer



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