Forms :: Go Block Not Working?

Sep 18, 2012

In a Entry Screen I Require to Check the Value is Changed or not in a Block (A).

If the Value is Changed then Require to done some validation in another block (B) for take the final entry date and their after going to another Block (C), here user require to enter Some data in it.

I am Using the When Timer Expired in the Block (A) for Check the Value and Going Another block, it working till going another after complete the entry Block (C) I have using a Button for move to Main Block (A), but it not going to the consign block and then i put the Message in it, the message is showing, but not going to the block.

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Forms :: KEY_DUPREC Is Not Working In A Detail Block?

Feb 8, 2013

KEY_DUPREC is not working in a detail block.What description should i write and where to enable duplication of columns while pressing F3.

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Forms :: Clienthost - Unable To Block Form When Working On Google Webpage?

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to open the url from the form and block the form when working on the url.I am able to block the form when working on notepad, adobe and word doc by using the below code

CLIENT_HOST('cmd /c "c:/web_util[1].pdf"');

and when I use CLIENT_HOST( 'cmd /C "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"'); it is opening the but unable to block the form when working on google webpage.

I am using oralce forms and the browser is IE8.

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Forms :: Multi Data Block And Checkbox Field Based On Control Block

Nov 19, 2010

i have multi data block filed. and checkbox field which based on control block...My task is when i check checkbox only one field should enabled and my mouse goes to that field


item11 item21 item31 chkbox1
item12 item22 item32 chkbox2

Scenario like this :

My item field based on data block and checkbox based on control block,while i checked chkbox1 , only item31 on that current record should be enabled and i changed value only on that field

when i checked chkbox1 , my cursor goes to item31...not item32

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Forms :: Distribute Master Block Total Amount In Detail Block Line Wise

May 5, 2012

i have a master detail form, In Master block we have one field cheque amount and in Detail block we have field receiveable amount invoice wise. if company paid us a cheque amount we will enter this amount in Master block field Cheque amount and in detail block there will be invoice wise receivable amounts. i want to distribute the cheque amount in detail block invoice wise for example

Cheque amount in master block = 291

Invoice wise receiveable amount is as follows

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196 , 0
20 , 95 , 0
30 , 54 , 0

Result should be as follows:

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196, 196
20 , 95 , 95
30 , 54, 0

Received amount field should be distributed according to the receivable amount when recevied amount = cheque amount then remaining will be 0.

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Forms :: How To Read Values In A Multi Record Control Block Using Pre-insert Trigger (block Level)

Jul 24, 2010

I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.

I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".

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Forms :: Export Forms Data Into Excel Sheet - Client-ole2 Not Working?

May 28, 2010

I want to export forms data into Excel sheetfor that i am using Client_Ole2.I have attached Webutil object library and Pl/Sql libraryStill I can not export data from Form to Excel sheet

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Forms :: Clear Block Message In Oracle Forms?

Nov 30, 2012

I am creating a form with 3 blocks.

Control block,
Header Block,
Detail Block.

First i have entered a record in the control block.

Then i navigate to header block,entered the first record for Header Block.

Then i navigate to Detail block,entered the first record for detail Block.

then i again navigate to Header Block..

Now the Problem comes....As i am Trying to enter second record for header block,the pop up comes as "Do you want to save the changes".

Condition 1:i dont want that message to appear for every header record i enter.

Condition 2:For every header record i enter,Corresponding detail record would have been entered.i want that detail records to be retained if i am clicking that header record as i have already created relationship for both header block and detail block.

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ORA-00932 - Sample Code Working Fine In 10g And Not Working Now In 11g

Apr 1, 2013

Below is the sample code working fine in 10g and not working now in 11g.

import java.sql.SQLData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLInput;
import java.sql.SQLOutput;
import java.util.List;

we got the below error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected an IN argument at position 1 that is an instance of an Oracle type convertible to an instance of a user defined Java class got an Oracle type that could not be converted to a java class

Current Oracle version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit and the version we are upgrading is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

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Forms :: GET_FILE_NAME Is Not Working

Aug 6, 2013

I am developing a form using Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production). In my custom form I have given a Push_Button and my idea is to invoke a File open diaglog box when I hit the button.

So, i wrote the below code under 'when-button pressed ' triger. But, the button is not invoking the File Open diaglog box in TEST environment.

XXFILENAME := get_file_name('C:', NULL,
file_filter=> 'JPEG Image (*.JPG,*.JPEG,*.JPE,*.JFIF)|*.JPG|Bitmap Image (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF Image (*.GIF)|*.GIF|TIFF Files (*.tif)|*.tif|All Files (*.*)|*.*|');

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Forms :: Progress Bar Not Working

Dec 11, 2011

i have this procedure in my form to make some checks on employee data:

Procedure Pu_Check_Emp_Positions_Prc Is
Cursor vc_get_users_data_case1 Is
Select A.User_No, A.User_Responsility, A.User_Position, B.User_Status
From Import_Emp_Positions_Dtl A,
Shows_Users B
Where A.User_No = B.User_No
And (Substr(A.User_Position, 1, 1) = 'R' Or Substr(A.User_Position, 1, 1) = 'r')
And A.User_Responsility Is Not Null
And B.User_Status In (2, 3, 4, 7, 8);
--And A.User_No = 'XSER0001';

i need to run this progress bar and finished when the procedure finish.

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Forms :: Go-item Not Working?

Feb 1, 2012

I hab a button:

if :block.cliente_no is not null then
end if;

it calls a LOV and return a value to :block.cliente_no, then execute a query in block clientes, but cursor doesn`t goes to block.codigo it remains in the button ! Why doesn`t works ? Note: if I insert a message before line go_item('block.codigo'); cursor goes to 'block.codigo' (message('hallo');

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Forms :: Enable_list_lamp Is Not Working

Oct 2, 2013

i follow the below steps but the calendar lov and button are not shown

1- Go to property pallet of an item set "Subclass Information" TEXT_ITEM_DATE
2- In the field properties, under LOV, set Enable List lamp to Yes
3- Set Validate from List to No
4- Create a Trigger "key-list-val" at item level, code the following:
5- Compile it and save

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Forms :: FMB - Populate Lov Is Not Working?

Oct 14, 2010

.fmb file why this populate lov is not working

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Forms :: Mouse Triggers Not Working?

Sep 5, 2010

why when-mouse move,up,enter,leave are not working in oracle forms 10g except when-mouse-click and when-mouse-doubleclick on any items.

what i need to do to execute this triggers..

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Forms :: Webutil Not Working In Solaris

May 9, 2011

i have insert image using webutil (oracle forms 10g) to database in windows o.s. it was successful. but when i have tried it in solaris o.s. . It is not working in linux how to do it in solaris o.s. when i am clicking on the browse button it is showing pl/sql error how to solve it.

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Forms :: Jacob Jar Not Working On Server?

Mar 22, 2010

I manage to configure webutil set up on my local pc, jacob jar is working and I can now export data to excel file.

There's a server dedicated to me on linux. I tried to test my form server. There's no error on webutil but the process stops on the line where excel is called. This is the same problem I encountered when jacob.jar is not working on my local drive.

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Forms :: Navigation Not Working Using Go Item?

Jan 9, 2012

'm using go_item to open the canvas but the cursor doesnt want to focus on the item. I have to mouse click the item before I can enter any data or tab through it.

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Forms :: Why Function Keys Are Not Working In 9i

Dec 27, 2012

why function keys are not working in forms9i?

Like whenever I press F7 for query or F8 to fetch records or F10 to save records they are not functioning.

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Forms :: List Item Not Working In 10g?

Jan 28, 2011

I want to dynamically populate a list item such that the item list should show the name and its value should enter in the background.

I have tried by writing a query in record group, populated it. the list is showing the name in a list item which is not database item. On this List I have written a trigger which is fetching the value to another text item. It is working well but I am not convinced by this method.

for reference, i want if customer select A then list should show balanced and its value is 1when B then list should show lag,lead,advanced... values 2,3,4,.. respectively.

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Forms :: Oracle Designer Not Working?

Aug 20, 2010

whenever i double-click on the Canvass node of Forms builder, it displays the "Working..." status on the lower left corner, then after a minute or so, the following message appears:
"Oracle Forms Designer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.If you where in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.

Send Error Report / Don't Send"
after clicking on the Don't Send button, the builder will close down. i just installed oracle 10g ( database and 6i developer which i downloaded from oracle website.

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PL/SQL :: To_char Not Working / (||) Is Working With Join Query

Mar 22, 2013

I have two tables : oa_membership_dtl(in this created_by field is varchar2(200 byte) ,oa_partner_usr_dtl(in this table partner_userid is number(8,0) i need to do join on above fields.

I am using following two queries:

select * from oa_membership_dtl membership
join oa_partner_usr_dtl partner_user
on to_char(partner_user.partner_userid,'9999')=membership.created_by
select * from oa_membership_dtl membership
join oa_partner_usr_dtl partner_user
on rtrim(ltrim(partner_user.partner_userid||' '))=rtrim(ltrim(membership.created_by))

by using first data is not fetched but 2nd is working fine , i am getting the matched records using 2nd query.

whats the diff between to_char and || symbol?

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Forms :: Tree Hierarchy - Not Working Properly?

Apr 8, 2009

i have created a tree hierarchy....when the user clicks on any node,that particular form will open....But there is some problem...i click on form A,it opens.,...then i exit that form via a exit button on the toolbar....and then I click on form B on the tree....but first the form A only opens...and then again i exit form A, then form B will open..

i have written the following code in when_tree_node_selected trigger :

if condition then

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Forms :: Internet Explorer 8 Not Working As Browser For 10g?

Mar 1, 2010

For all my client machine Internet Explorer 8 is not working. Internet Explorer 7 is working fine . For a machine with Internet Explorer 8 after Installing Mozilla Firefox it's working under Mozilla Firefox Browser well.

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Forms :: List-item Selection Not Working?

Oct 3, 2012

i am facing a problem in functionality of a form as there are different search parameters:
date from: text item-->mandatory
date to: text item---->mandatory
house type: list item-->optional
form_status: list item->optional
order by: list item---->optinal

untill i don't select house type by list item everything is working fine and gives desired result, even with house type if i select any house type result is fine but as i select last list item of house type which is null as i want result without house type then it gives no any data as data is present in database.

for example:
date from: 20-05-2009
date to: 21-05-2009

with these two i got the correct result, then i select
house type: 3

i got the correct result and when i change list item to any value like: 1,2, is working fine but as i want result without house type by selecting the null value in list item as:
date from: 20-05-2009
date to: 21-05-2009

it is not picking any data from database. but the same search criteria in 1st case as i described above giving result.
qry varchar2(5000);
n number;
alert number;


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Forms :: Oracle Translation Builder Not Working?

Feb 9, 2013

i want to use oracle translation builder to translate forms and reports from English into Arabic i run run the script SQLBLD and create new db connection an finally create a new project when am trying to import module i got the error NX-00201

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Forms :: Disable Menu - Code Not Working?

Nov 19, 2011

i tried to disable menu but the code didnt work.My

Procedure Pu_Check_Open_Form_Prc(Pv_Menu_Code Varchar2) Is
vn_open_pvg Number(1) := 0;
vm_menu_id MenuItem;


and my menu in the attached pic.

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Forms :: (Drag And Drop) Not Working Properly?

Jun 6, 2013

I created one Form manually. how to Drag and drop from items in Data Blocks to Canvas. when I created text in Canvas it was automatically creating the item in Data block. but when i create the items in Data blocks and then trying to copy to canvas.

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Forms :: Oracle 10g On Mac Client And JRE Settings Not Working?

May 30, 2010

I have an application server on windows 2003 server. Now i have one Mac Book and i want to use the application in that. I have searched and find that i have to change in formsweb.cfg. I have made the changes according to that but my screen is coming blank only. I have change the formsweb.cfg like this



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Forms :: OLE2 File Format In Reports 11g Not Working

Apr 30, 2012

Im trying to display a word file from a blob column of table in reports 11g . In reports 6i OLE2 file format was available for that, but in 11g it became obsolete.

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