Forms :: Enforcing Primary Key In Control Block Oracle 6i

May 6, 2010

I have created a data Bolck Manually.I had used select query to fetch records into the data block. There's and add button in the form to add more records to this block.

Now When i press add button and enter new records i want to ensure the Primary key i.e. the the new record entered does not repeat across the block. I cannot loop through and check as the number of records fetched is quite huge.

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Forms :: Order By Control Block Data Using Oracle 10g

Apr 11, 2013

I have two block....both are the control block.. in first block i select the date and in second block the data of that date is populated.but the data is populated using cursor in when-button-pressed trigger of that first block cursor the data is selected and placed in field of detail block using into clause.... each field and one item of detail block is srno which is create in post-query of detail block using :sysyem.trigger_record.

Now i want after populated the detail block the data is sorted desc one of the field of the detail block..Can this possible using set_block_property() of block although the block is control block if yes where i should do this?

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Forms :: Multi Data Block And Checkbox Field Based On Control Block

Nov 19, 2010

i have multi data block filed. and checkbox field which based on control block...My task is when i check checkbox only one field should enabled and my mouse goes to that field


item11 item21 item31 chkbox1
item12 item22 item32 chkbox2

Scenario like this :

My item field based on data block and checkbox based on control block,while i checked chkbox1 , only item31 on that current record should be enabled and i changed value only on that field

when i checked chkbox1 , my cursor goes to item31...not item32

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Forms :: How To Read Values In A Multi Record Control Block Using Pre-insert Trigger (block Level)

Jul 24, 2010

I have a multi record control block (basically a text item displaying 6 records) where user enters values and I want to process the values using pre-insert trigger.

I want to read value in each record and then do some tasks using a pre-insert trigger before I commit the values. To navigate between the records I was using first_record, next_record, clear_record built-ins but it gives errors like "40737-illegalrestricted procedure next_record in pre-insert trigger".

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Forms :: Primary Key In Detail Block?

Nov 26, 2010

I've a master detail form. I detail form there is no primary key. When it is executed the following error displayed :

FRM-30100: Block must have at least one primary key item.

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Forms :: Use Cursor To Get Data From DB To Control Block

Feb 7, 2010

i want to use cursor to get data from db to "control block "(db item =no ) this data had where clause depend on item on other block

this my code :

cursor get_sol is

when am using when_validate_item trigger error raise :

FRM-40737:Illegal restricted procedure next_record in when_validate_item

that's the trigger ? or how to solve ? in case of execute query in what trigger i will write the same code to get data in case of execute query by user .

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Forms :: Control Enable Status Of Block At Run Time

Oct 30, 2013

I have a scenario wherein i want to enable / disable a block based upon value of one of its column value. i.e., if value of approval status in


but the code is not working in pre-query, pre-select or post-query

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Data Guard :: How To Convert Primary Control File For Standby

Dec 29, 2009

I try to recover standby db from a primary db backup set,but the standby control file is different.

to create primary controlfile by rman:
backup control file format '/home/cur_control';

to create standby controlfile:
backup control file for standby format '/home/std_control';

I want to know if there is method to convert cur_control to std_control.

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Data Guard :: Create Control File With Standby Keyword On Primary Database

Jul 4, 2012

What is difference when you issue a create controlfile with "standby" keyword on the primary database


vs. creating a control using

ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE to '/path/db_control.ctl';

what does ORACLE put into the standby control that is "extra"? ie. what is the difference between a standby control file and a normal control file?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Control Block Execution With Flag Field Read In From LOG Table

Jan 9, 2012

The stand alone stored procedure has 2 parameter, an IN and OUT...

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE someprocedure( businessdate IN NUMBER,
tablename OUT VARCHAR2)

This procedure has multiple inner blocks. Intention is to control execution of each of the inner blocks basing on the value of flag field obtained from a "processlogtable". This processlog table has structure as below.

jobname varchar2(100)
controldate (date)
controlflag varchar2(1)

I have the below code snippet at the beginning of each inner block that checks value of the flag and then proceeds with execution of that block. The intent is to avoid redundant call of a block that has successfully executed first time. That is, once a specific inner block fails for some reason, the re-execution of the stored procedure should AVOID re-executing the PRIOR successed steps.

I've the code set up as below, but the prior successed block(s) code gets re-executed again once the procedure is re-executed after a failure.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE someprocedure( businessdate IN NUMBER,tablename OUT VARCHAR2)
CURSOR c_missingtablename
SELECT datatablename
SELECT UPPER(datatablename ) TABLE
WHERE datatableName IN ('Aaa','BbB','CcC');

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Server Administration :: Control File And Database Block Size?

Oct 24, 2011

SQL> select block_size from v$controlfile;


SQL> show parameter db_block_size;

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_block_size integer 8192

the 2 can have difference block size?

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Forms :: Clear Block Message In Oracle Forms?

Nov 30, 2012

I am creating a form with 3 blocks.

Control block,
Header Block,
Detail Block.

First i have entered a record in the control block.

Then i navigate to header block,entered the first record for Header Block.

Then i navigate to Detail block,entered the first record for detail Block.

then i again navigate to Header Block..

Now the Problem comes....As i am Trying to enter second record for header block,the pop up comes as "Do you want to save the changes".

Condition 1:i dont want that message to appear for every header record i enter.

Condition 2:For every header record i enter,Corresponding detail record would have been entered.i want that detail records to be retained if i am clicking that header record as i have already created relationship for both header block and detail block.

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Forms :: Distribute Master Block Total Amount In Detail Block Line Wise

May 5, 2012

i have a master detail form, In Master block we have one field cheque amount and in Detail block we have field receiveable amount invoice wise. if company paid us a cheque amount we will enter this amount in Master block field Cheque amount and in detail block there will be invoice wise receivable amounts. i want to distribute the cheque amount in detail block invoice wise for example

Cheque amount in master block = 291

Invoice wise receiveable amount is as follows

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196 , 0
20 , 95 , 0
30 , 54 , 0

Result should be as follows:

Invoice No , receivable amount , Received amount

10, 196, 196
20 , 95 , 95
30 , 54, 0

Received amount field should be distributed according to the receivable amount when recevied amount = cheque amount then remaining will be 0.

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Forms :: Third Level Block Handling In Oracle 6i?

Jun 24, 2010

I have created Master Detail form of Sales offer. I would like to enter item detail under Sales offer detail.

Example :

Sales Offer Header -> Sales Offer Detail -> Sales Offer Detail Detail.

I have tried to make a form in form 6i to fulfill above mention scenario. But when two or multiple users tried to enter data from this form all users entered into deadlock or hang stage.

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Forms :: How To Deal With Primary Key While Using For Loop In 6i

Jun 3, 2013

I am having template table as

template_name varchar2(100) -- primaykey
ex_col varchar2(100)

Now on the form 6i i've two columns with following data

Column AColumn2 B
route a_route
time a_time
id a_id

and a text field where the name of the template will be entered.


text filed - testing

In template table i want to insert above values, so template table will look like this

template_name ex_col tab_col
testing route a_route
time a_time
id a_id

since tempate_name is primary key, i how should i construct for loop for insert.

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Forms :: Create Unique Primary Key

Nov 28, 2010

A Master form in a tabular format. Id is a display item. I want to auto generate Id with following query.

select nvl(max(issue_id),0)+1 into :issue_mt.issue_id from issue_mt;

It works:

1)When each record is saved before creating new record.

It doesn't work:

2)If multiple records are entered with out saving each record.

What to do to generate unique Id in both cases?

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Forms :: How To Validate Primary Key Fields In 6i

Mar 5, 2011

i have a emp block with multiple rows in which col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6 are the columns...In emp block col1,col2,col3 are the primary key fields.. i need to validate the primary key columns such that it should not allow duplicates values in the primary key col's with out checking the database values with out using enforce primary key property

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Windows :: Set One Oracle As Primary Out Of 2?

Jul 13, 2010

On my system 2 oracles are installed for different applications one having version 8.0 & other 10.0.

The oracle 10.0 is required for Windchill application. When I am trying to access the sqlplus by windchill shell it access the Oracle 8.0 sqlplus. how to set one oracle as primary on system so i am able to access the oracle 10 sqlplus in windchill shell.

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Forms :: How To Update Primary Key In Master And Details

May 20, 2011

I have a form which consist of three form

one is master and other are details

I take one value at master level in primary key at starting point at entry, which is passed to details table

i want to update value of primary key at the last save level

but erro fired child reocrd found

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Forms :: Quit From Form With Items Having Primary Key?

Aug 21, 2010

I have build a form based on a table with 2 columns,one of which isprimary key. I have created a Button with name "Quit".For that i used when-button-pressed trigger with built in "exit_form". But when I run the form,with out any execution of query or any action if I press "Quit" button,it is not working

The error message is "FRM-40202 : Field must be entered" Then I used a trigger to the item with primary key.when-new-item-instance:


While using this,the error is "unable to resolve reference to item customer.custid" Cutomer is block name & custid is textitem with primary key. canvas used is Tab canvas with 3 tab pages with master detail relation b/w thwm. The primary key is required compulsory at the time on inserting.

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Add Partial Primary Key Into Oracle Table?

Oct 17, 2006

how to add a primary key into the oracle table but how do i add a partial primary key?

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Forms :: 10g Version Control

Mar 17, 2010

Oracle's Software Configuration Manager version with forms version

Is this what everybody is using to manage their forms development? If not, what are developers using for Forms 10g version control? I've installed this software. I'm using the Oracle XE database for this repository. At least for running through the tutorial to figure out how this is to work.

I have to say that I am frustrated that I cannot compare one version of a form to another version of the same fmb. I get a java null pointer exception. I have uninstalled the repository using RAU, then recreated it using the RAU. I'm using version control and defining a "large" repository type for more than 10 developers.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Primary Key Error On Sequence Number Generator

Mar 11, 2011

I have a table called table 1 and I am trying to insert a few values in this table and i am constantly getting bogged down by a primary key error. Strange thing is this primary key called "ID" on the table is a system generated sequence value number. The error is

"ORA-00001: unique constraint (Schema1.LICN_PK) violated"

Table structure:
CREATE TABLE schema1.table1

****************Insert statement*************
insert into table1

why the error is coming up and any way to resolve it. I checked the max sequence number value and kept running it for a while and then tried to run my insert statement but no luck yet.

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Forms :: Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0

Mar 13, 2009

I'd like to implement a treeview control with checkboxes in every node using Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0 in Forms 6i. I already did the following steps:

1. Download and register OCX (regsvr32 C:windowssystem32comctl32.ocx)
2. Draw OCX control on form.
3. Right click on OCX control and Insert Object "Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0"
4. Import OLE Library Interfaces "MSComctlLib.TreeCtrl.2"
5. Set Data Block Single Record to YES
6. Set OLE Class of Listview control to "MSComctlLib.TreeCtrl.2"
7. Rename treeview control to "ACX_TREE" and Data Block to "BLK_CONTROLS"

Now I need to populate the treeview adding code to the "WHEN_NEW_FORM_INSTANCE" Trigger, but I don't see how. how to do this and/or a place where I can find a working example?

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Forms :: Two Control Items With Dependent LOV?

Jun 28, 2011

I have created two control items like organization and location and both items contains i have to make location lov is dependent on org contains multiple locations. how to make this change?

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Forms :: Button Control On Tab Pages

Nov 10, 2011

I developed one form which having four tabs , i want one button control for all of them , I have been created buttons control individually for each tab , there is problem with navigation , query and clear the form .

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Forms :: Cursor Control In FIND Box When LOV Invoked

Aug 13, 2013

When LOV is invoked, i want that my control/cursor should be in FIND text box (as default behavior).

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Forms :: Cursor (control) On Current Record

Jul 18, 2011

In my form line level block contains 100 records.i will check the check box for line number 96 and 97. Then i will press save(I have written some logic here) button it will generate one number for selected check boxes. After generating this number cursor(control) should be on same line number 96 or 97.

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RMAN :: Oracle Recovery Catalog Database In Primary And Standby Mode

Jul 9, 2013

The customer wants the RMAN recovery catalog database to be highly available so that none of the RMAN database backup jobs are impacted at the time of taking the database backups. There are are 200+ databases running on OEL, RHEL and Windows. So we planned to host the recovery catalog database on Oracle Active DataGuard Enterprise Edition on RedHat EL 5.8 version on two physical servers.

The Primary Instance will be in one server in the Primary DC and the Standby Instance will be on another server in another DC. Also all the database datafiles are hosted in ASM Diskgroups on SAN (DATA, FRA, REDO, ARCH diskgroups). Are there any specific RPM/patch/OS user custom/specific settings or configurations needed..?

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Forms :: Import Flash Movie By Active Control

Feb 21, 2004

I want to play the flash movie on to my i can use this facility... how i can import the flash movie in to my form.

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