Forms :: Import Flash Movie By Active Control

Feb 21, 2004

I want to play the flash movie on to my i can use this facility... how i can import the flash movie in to my form.

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Forms :: Play Flash Movie (SWF File) In 6i?

Mar 15, 2005

Could I play an flash .swf file in forms 6i?

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Enterprise Manager :: 11gR2 Grid Control - SVG Or Flash?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm trying to use 11gR2 Grid Control to manage several 10gR2 database targets. I'm unable to determine the correct mix of Adobe software plug-ins to use for displaying SQL execution plans in a more graphical style. My client OS is Windows 7 - I have tried to research plug-ins for Internet Explorer 8, I upgraded (and subsequently downgraded!) to IE 9; I installed Firefox 6.x, tried with Google Chrome and all with the same results.

I'm not seeing any relevant information from MyOracle support or on Google, but may not be asking the correct question. As far as I can determine, SVG 3.0 is needed, Adobe stopped development in 2009 and there is no variant available therefore for Windows 7.

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Forms :: Flash Animation In Oracle 6i?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there any way to show Flash Movie file in Oracle Forms.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Role Of String Value In Control File

Mar 28, 2013

what is the exact use of "str '<EORD>" statement in control file ?, while populating data from .dat file into database table.

When I am trying with this option, I am able to load a single record into a database table. If I remove this statement form control file, complete records from file get populated into table. I am using Linux server for imp data with sqlloader.Also, Does there any difference to use this statement in control file on Linux server and on AIX server ? Here is the structure of my ctl file.

load data
infile 'data/EZMAIL/CDSWEB.EZMAIL.dat'
*"str '<EORD>
into table CDSWEB.EZMAIL
fields terminated by '#<EOFD>#'
trailing nullcols (

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RAC & Failsafe :: Two Nodes Active / Active Configuration

Oct 15, 2013

I am getting starting with rac environments. I need to configure a two nodes active/active with rac and I need to know if always using rac both nodes will be active or if I have to do that at some point when installing. I have reading some docs from oracle and others authors about rac and its configuration process but that is not understood for my yet.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Oracle Database 10g - Format For Control File

Jan 28, 2013

I'm studying abt SQL*Loader. All I've learn it needs to have:

1. One text input file
2.Control file
3.Bad file...

But I'm confused where to put the input file...where to put the control file in which format and in control file what should I write...

My oracle version is:

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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Backup & Recovery :: RMAN Backup Strategy For Active-active Deployments Using Streams

Jul 25, 2012

We are using oracle as database in our application. For high availability we have a cluster of multiple nodes and the data is replicated using oracle streams. All the nodes in the cluster are active. We do not have any concept of stand-by.

Now we are planning to use oracle RMAN for backup and recovery. RMAN user's guide doesn't recommend any strategies for such deployments. It mainly focuses on primary/stand-by deployments.

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Forms :: Change Color Of Active / Inactive Tab Canvas

Apr 19, 2010

how can we change the color of active & inactive Tab canvas dynamically. I am using Dev Suite 10gR2

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Map One Field To Another In Control File Via SQL Loader

Mar 18, 2013

I have a flat file (student.dat delimiter %~| ) using control file (student.ctl) through sql loader. Here are the details.


student_id, student_firstname, gender, student_lastName, student_newId
101%~|abc%~|F %~|xyz%~|110%~|

Corresponding table
Student (

How do i map student_newId field to student_id field in STUDENT DB table so that new id should be inserted in student_id column. How do i specify the mapping in control file. I dont want to create a new column in student table. In control file i will specify the below, Is this a best approach?. Do we have any othe way?


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Smart Flash Cache And Redo With SSD?

Oct 23, 2012

Design stage of New SAN. I can put a lot of the database, including redo on SSD.

1. Hardware sub tiering enabled. Has anyone ever gauged performance with enabling 11g Smart flash cache using the SSD as the flash device even with the hardware subtiering on? ie, if the hardware subtiering is moving hotblocks to most performant disk, is there much significant benefit having the flash cache on. Im guessing yes as the flash cache is working at the SGA level.

2. To redo or not to redo on SSD. Many notes say not to so as to avoid log file sync waits. Is there a way to keep it on the SSD and avoid the waits? Is there any risk of enhanced degradation of the disks over time with having so much sequential writes from the redo if I leave it on there?

How to Minimise Waits for 'Log File Sync' [ID 857576.1] (discusses keeping redo off ssd but only generally)


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Creating DB With Flash Recovery (Pros And Cons)

Mar 8, 2011

I am moving an Oracle DB ( to a new server, by creating a blank DB and importing the data by user. I chose to create the new database with Flash Recovery activated (I haven't previously used this), but I'm having a nightmare when importing the data.

I encountered issues with the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE which I resolved by increasing the size of this parameter.

Next the import crawled along because of redo.log file errors "Checkpoint cannot complete". I'm assuming that I need to add redo.log files to accommodate this?

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Server Administration :: Flash Back Recovery Area

Mar 3, 2012

what is flash back recovery area? what is its main function and usage

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Server Administration :: How Much Flash Recovery Area Is Enough For Flashback

Aug 18, 2011

here's my settings



SYS@boston>select name, value, issys_modifiable from v$parameter where name='db


SYS@boston>select * from v$recovery_file_dest;

----------- ---------- ----------------- ---------------
9663676416 1671241216 1103842304 50

SYS@boston>select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage;

------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------
ARCHIVELOG .16 .01 21
BACKUPPIECE 16.84 11.41 22

6 rows selected.


I have configured a flash recovery area of 9g yet the system keeps complaining that i have not enough flashback logs?


the space_reclaimable is more than ESTIMATED_FLASHBACK_SIZE, so how is it possible the system always complain not enough space?




it returns me 0, I try to flashback the now defunct former primary db chicago, the system complains. so how much is really enough?




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Application Express :: 4.2 - Where Is Flash Chart Region Source

Sep 4, 2012

I just noticed on (4.2) that I couldn't find the region source for flash charts. I expected to find it under the Region Definition tab.

Has this moved or will it be included in a later release?

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Exadata :: Dynamic Views For Flash Cache Usage?

Mar 19, 2013

Despite it being one of the major selling points of Exadata (especially from X3 onwards), I'm struggling to find much information on our usage of the Exadata Smart FlashCache (I'm running RDBMS BP7 on a V2 quarter-rack).

I can verify usage of the FlashCache by checking whether the object has been 'pinned' to the FlashCache via DBA_SEGMENTS and I can check for FlashCache usage by querying gv$sysstat (and even v$mystat), but are there other views that I could use? It seems a bit strange for Oracle not to provide the DBA all that much insight into their usage of this feature...

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Forms :: 10g Version Control

Mar 17, 2010

Oracle's Software Configuration Manager version with forms version

Is this what everybody is using to manage their forms development? If not, what are developers using for Forms 10g version control? I've installed this software. I'm using the Oracle XE database for this repository. At least for running through the tutorial to figure out how this is to work.

I have to say that I am frustrated that I cannot compare one version of a form to another version of the same fmb. I get a java null pointer exception. I have uninstalled the repository using RAU, then recreated it using the RAU. I'm using version control and defining a "large" repository type for more than 10 developers.

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Performance Tuning :: Setting Flash Cache Initialization Parameters?

Aug 11, 2010

I have OEl 5.5 installed and patched. I have my SSD mounted..

but when i ran the command 'alter system set db_flash_cache_file ='/media/ssd/' scope=spfile;'

It wouldn't startup giving ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters...

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Accomplish Animation With JavaScript Or Will Have To Turn Into Flash?

Dec 30, 2010

Can i accomplish animation with JavaScript or will i have to turn into Flash?

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Application Express :: Flash Chart Show Incorrect Data

Jun 3, 2013

The following query is used to generate a flash chart:

select null link
'Available' as "Available",
to_number(max_licenses - consumed_licenses)
from software_detail
where capture_date = trim(GET_CAPTURE_DATE)
and software_product = :p1
and software version = :p2

But the 2d doughnut flash chart shows:

Available = 39
Consumed = 1

How is this possible?

Oracle RAC on Windows 2008 R2
APEX with Apex Listener 2.0 on Apache Tomcat 6.

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Application Express :: Customize Tooltip In Flash Chart / Graph

Dec 4, 2012

Is there any way I could customize tooltip (when you go over the bar in the report, small box with the value appears).I would like to display different values there.

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Application Express :: Flash Chart In 3.1 - How Many Labels Can Be Get Horizontally (Limitations)

Jun 22, 2012

I am trying to do a Flash Chart in APEX 3.1. Is there a limitation on how many labels I can get horizontally. No matter what I do the number of labels I get horizontally is 15. We are trying to show the amount of days in a month.... Can I do that? If so how?

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Forms :: Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0

Mar 13, 2009

I'd like to implement a treeview control with checkboxes in every node using Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0 in Forms 6i. I already did the following steps:

1. Download and register OCX (regsvr32 C:windowssystem32comctl32.ocx)
2. Draw OCX control on form.
3. Right click on OCX control and Insert Object "Microsoft TreeView Control 6.0"
4. Import OLE Library Interfaces "MSComctlLib.TreeCtrl.2"
5. Set Data Block Single Record to YES
6. Set OLE Class of Listview control to "MSComctlLib.TreeCtrl.2"
7. Rename treeview control to "ACX_TREE" and Data Block to "BLK_CONTROLS"

Now I need to populate the treeview adding code to the "WHEN_NEW_FORM_INSTANCE" Trigger, but I don't see how. how to do this and/or a place where I can find a working example?

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Forms :: Two Control Items With Dependent LOV?

Jun 28, 2011

I have created two control items like organization and location and both items contains i have to make location lov is dependent on org contains multiple locations. how to make this change?

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Forms :: Button Control On Tab Pages

Nov 10, 2011

I developed one form which having four tabs , i want one button control for all of them , I have been created buttons control individually for each tab , there is problem with navigation , query and clear the form .

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Forms :: Use Cursor To Get Data From DB To Control Block

Feb 7, 2010

i want to use cursor to get data from db to "control block "(db item =no ) this data had where clause depend on item on other block

this my code :

cursor get_sol is

when am using when_validate_item trigger error raise :

FRM-40737:Illegal restricted procedure next_record in when_validate_item

that's the trigger ? or how to solve ? in case of execute query in what trigger i will write the same code to get data in case of execute query by user .

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Forms :: Cursor Control In FIND Box When LOV Invoked

Aug 13, 2013

When LOV is invoked, i want that my control/cursor should be in FIND text box (as default behavior).

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Forms :: Cursor (control) On Current Record

Jul 18, 2011

In my form line level block contains 100 records.i will check the check box for line number 96 and 97. Then i will press save(I have written some logic here) button it will generate one number for selected check boxes. After generating this number cursor(control) should be on same line number 96 or 97.

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Forms :: Order By Control Block Data Using Oracle 10g

Apr 11, 2013

I have two block....both are the control block.. in first block i select the date and in second block the data of that date is populated.but the data is populated using cursor in when-button-pressed trigger of that first block cursor the data is selected and placed in field of detail block using into clause.... each field and one item of detail block is srno which is create in post-query of detail block using :sysyem.trigger_record.

Now i want after populated the detail block the data is sorted desc one of the field of the detail block..Can this possible using set_block_property() of block although the block is control block if yes where i should do this?

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Forms :: Control Enable Status Of Block At Run Time

Oct 30, 2013

I have a scenario wherein i want to enable / disable a block based upon value of one of its column value. i.e., if value of approval status in


but the code is not working in pre-query, pre-select or post-query

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