Forms :: Data Block Based On Procedure - Getting Compilation Error
Mar 13, 2013
I am trying to create a datablock based on a procedure , but im getting errors in compilation:
Errors are :
1) identifier 'HSM_WSH_DEL_UTIL.DEL_TBL' must be declared
2) PL/SQL ERROR 320 at line 7, column 27 the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
Heres my pkg spec and body for the data block:
TYPE del_record IS RECORD (delivery_id NUMBER);
TYPE del_tbl IS TABLE OF del_record
PROCEDURE do_query (p_del IN OUT del_tbl);
END hsm_wsh_del_util;
[Code] .....
i have multi data block filed. and checkbox field which based on control block...My task is when i check checkbox only one field should enabled and my mouse goes to that field
My item field based on data block and checkbox based on control block,while i checked chkbox1 , only item31 on that current record should be enabled and i changed value only on that field
when i checked chkbox1 , my cursor goes to item31...not item32
I am having 3 procedures a,b,c. Procedure a is calling b,procedure b is calling c, and procedure c is calling procedure a.There is compilation error in procedure a but while compiling it is saying dependent procedure is uncompiled.
Let us say, if i enter empno 10 (which is not there in database) in FIND Screen --> press FIND Button, it's showing up 'QUERY CAUSED NO RECORDS', Till this point it's working fine;. But after this, if i press CTR+F11 in block A, it's not pulling records. only this case it's not pulling records.
But if i enter something else in FIND Screen, if it returns any data, then if i press CTR+F11,it's pulling all records.
why it's failing to pull records if i try to query data in first case only.
I 've noticed transactional triggers, as a value for Query data block property, How can i use it, and is it really 's mode advantages than using from clause and procedure based with DMLs on non-based items?
I need to filter records in a datablock based on Yes or No criteria.So i created a listitem(INCLUDE_ZERO_QTY_ITEMS) for that and i am using following code in WHEN-LIST-CHANGED trigger.
I am able to filter the records but the list item is not displaying initial value and the value that i am selecting from poplist.
I have developed a form based on a database of books. The information displayed during run time is Sr No, Book name,Author, Copies, Description and Image(of the book)
I have written a PL/SQL code to display the image of the respective book for every new record. E.g Book1 should display image1, book2 displays image2 and so on. This should happen at runtime. The code is:
declare gif_image varchar2(80):='c:ProjectBooks'; photo_filename varchar2(80); begin photo_filename := gif_image||lower(:books.sr_no)||'.gif'; [code].......
The error i get during compilation is
Error 49 at Line 5, column 37 bad bind variable 'books.sr_no'
is it possible to base a Materialized View on results returned from a stored procedure?If not, do you see any other way except of filling a table with data from the stored procedure and then basing the MV on it?
I need to execute a procedure based on a value in a form. So the procedure name will be changing for value selected in a list.
I need to know a method where i could store the procedure name in a table and when ever i select a value from the list, the respective procedure needs to be executed.
In oracle I am getting, PL/SQL:ORA-00904 TR_STATE_NAME invalid identifier
but the same code compiled without any compilation error (though column name specified was wrong).I corrected the column name and its working fine in now. Is there any enhancement in Oracle Version in terms of compilation error?
I am doing report migration from 10g report to 11g version 11gR2( It is not converting into REP when I check the logs . I got compilation error, then I convert 10g RDF to 11g RDF and try to compile it in 11g report builder developer tool, It is giving me compilation error.
It is not allowing me any sql in that proc but if i comment it it get successfully compiled and if the same report i open with oracle report 10g it get successfully compile.
Command using for Conversion: rwconverter userid=<schema_name>/<schema_name>@tns batch=yes source=<source RDF path> stype=rdffile DTYPE=REPFILE dest =<Dest RDF/REP Path> OVERWRITE=yes
I did an export from 8.1.7 and imported in 10g. All the tables were imported. I created all the users and gave them necessary grants. when i try to compile synonyms for this schema i imported,I get the following error in enterprise manager:
Failed to compile: ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
I cannot login to my application with these users even though they have all grants. I receive the following error:
i am getting below error when i compiler a pro*c program with Oracle 10g client with IBM C compiler version 9.0 on AIX 6.1
Syntax error at line 183, column 2, file /usr/include/sys/socket.h: .... PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "sa_family_t" when expecting one of the foll owing: ....
Above query runs perfectly on SQL prompt.Same query, when being run in a Pro*C program gives compilation error-:
Error at specified line:
,( SELECT D.V3 FROM TABLE2 D WHERE D.V3 = C.V4) .............................1 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "D" when expecting one of the following: ( ) * + - / . @ | at, day, hour, minute, month, second, year,
What are the possbile causes of error. I am using Oracle 10g on Unix.
ORA-00607: Internal error occurred while making a change to a data block ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [89], [83], [], [], [], [], []
I have created one procedure based on one table item master which has a field called item stock or non stock based on this i will fetch data from one of two tables .If its a stock item data will be retrieved from wip_main_acnt table and if its non stock it will pick from procedure is working fine but all i need is i just want to put an exception that if data is not found in one of the table based on the item selected.I am confused which one to be used whether no_data_found or notfound%.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE dflt_pr_acnt ( l_item_code IN VARCHAR2, l_main_acnt_code OUT VARCHAR2 ) [code]....
i have created on query block , upon pressing the button there is a wehre clause in the block which will filter the records based on all alike items from two tables but my problem is , in one table there is no information of struct and in other there is struct information or data, what i want is even if i pass a parameter in the where clause all the records should be filtered.
1. i want to create form for student's attendance.
2. for this purpose i create a form . and create 2 Data Blocks 1. Non Database Data Block (layout type: form) 2. Database Data Block (layout type: Tabular)
3. in Non Database Data Block i add 3 Items.. on the basis of i get the records from database and show them into my into my 2nd Data Block...
4. my problem is this that how can i get records from database and show them into my forms and then save thats records into my table by using Database Datablock.
i want to use cursor to get data from db to "control block "(db item =no ) this data had where clause depend on item on other block
this my code :
declare cursor get_sol is select SOL_STEP,PROB_ID from MI_SOLUTION where PROB_ID=:MI_FORM_PROB.PROB_ID; begin go_block('control'); [code]......
when am using when_validate_item trigger error raise :
FRM-40737:Illegal restricted procedure next_record in when_validate_item
that's the trigger ? or how to solve ? in case of execute query in what trigger i will write the same code to get data in case of execute query by user .