We are upgrading from forms 6i -> 11gr2 I just noticed that our 6i image Show pallete property does not exists anymore in 11G...why the hell did they remove it!!!! it is a must for our users, since they need to zoom in and out to confirm acuracy at all levels.
Is there anything built in forms 11G that can zoom in/out of images. not finding anything. and once zoomed, do the horyzontal/vertical scrolling bars appear?
its show me in this website [URL] My question is i don't want to give my form path always.i want to save my picture path in my database and the name of my picture always same as my design_no column.
For example i want to save a picture in my database i will copy my picture in d:shahzaib1234.jpg now i want the path d:shahzaib save in database and when i copy my picture which path= d:shahzaib and file name = Design no its will automatically save in database.
i want to create a simple form in this form i want to upload the image on the image item with browse button that open a diaglog box that go to the image i select the image and this image is display on image item on the form.
i m getting some problam to display image in forms 6i.
i hv two tables 1st is empmst emp_code number(5) not null (PK) emp_name varchar2() not null 2nd is emppic emp_code number(5) not null (FK of empmst) emppic blob not null
i create a master detial form and save the data in tables
In the above resultset PART='SUBPART1' does'nt have any child as evident from the connect_by_isleaf (LEAF=1) .Is there any way to create a pseudo record if such values are returned by the query, i.e., if a part has no tree under it a dummy record should be created i.e. in this case an additional record should be returned by this query. i.e., as below. the LEVEL=3 record should be created.
ORA-01732:data manipulation operation not legal on this view
I want to delete the Repetitive data,What's wrong with these SQL statements?
i have one table ot_ins_item where user will enter the details of item, grade,item qty , later on user will go and update the same table the details of different grades received for the same item in different columns with qty breakup in 3 different fields it_qty_01 , it_qty_02,it_qty_03 respectively with different grades , what i need is i want is whenever he updates this table with different grades based on data entered in 3 different fields , a procedure or trigger should delete the initial record saved and insert three different rows based on newly updated values , it may be 3 or it may be 2 sometime depending upon input values that many records should be inserted same time controlling the qty's entered in breakup not exceeding the main qty.
I have a form that loads an image. Before storing the image on the database, I want to verify the size of the image. If the image is 0kb, I want to pop up a warning message and fail the load into the database.
In my explorer/menu form there is a image item, I want to display company logo in this image item therefore I am using read_ image_ file ('c:application LOGO.jpg','JPG','IMAGE53') in WHEN_NEW_FORM_INSTANCE trigger but image isn't showing.
i want do add a image as a button.i added iconic image on a button from desktop,but its not working during runtime,i only see a flat button instead of iconic..what should i do...??
How can i capture an image using webcam connected to my PC and show that in the image item in my d2k form 6.0.I want to get the function in a when button pressed trigger.
how to display an image(blob) on a form . i have tried all i could but still failed to display it on the form.Yes i searched the forum without any break through. below is the code i used to create data block and upload photos (JPG). the only problem am facing is retrieving them from forms. am using form 6i 10g database.
grant connect, resource, imp_full_database, exp_full_database to en;
grant create any directory to EN; grant create any library to EN; GRANT EXECUTE ON CTX_DDL en; CONN en/en@pacific Connected [code]...
i am working with image. I have successfully stored image in oracle table. Now i want to display the stored image in oracle form 6i. There i unable to display the image although i have created the data block using the same table name as the data source.
scan image from Oracle Form Builder 6i and store the image location in the oracle 9i database. Here important issue is we just store the image location in the database not the image. We'll store the images in a storage device and store the location path in the database. And retrive the image from storage device using the path.
For example: User Scan the image using Form builder 6i then save the image like 1001-DPS-1.jpg in the default location like D:Image.. And in oracle 9i database data save like : 1001 DPS 1 D:Image1001-DPS-1.jpg User_Name Sysdate
Data save automatically in the database when image scanned and saved in physical drive. This is our main purpose.
Is it possible to solve this task using Oracle 9i and Developer 6i?
How can I replace an existing image with a new one on my splash screen. Here's what I mean by this:
I have a form which already has a splash screen logo. This logo will be replaced with a new one. The existing logo is attached as an image in the form of a .tiff file. There are no triggers on the form excepting a "when new form instance" which just says "SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(FORMS_MDI_WINDOW,TITLE,'ABC').
How can I ensure that the old logo is replaced with a new one. Here's what I did to replace, i.e my trouble shooting steps:
a)opened the form and deleted the existing splash screen/.tif file b)went into the layout editor and clicked on "EDIT-> IMPORT" and mapped it to the .tif file that's persent in the local directory. As soon as I click OK, I get the following message :
FORMS-VGS-507- Cannot open file or file not in specified format.
BTW- another trouble shooting step was that I discarded the original and the one to be replaced .tif file. After this I imported another .tif file , so as to eliminate/narrow down the issue. The other .tif file when imported, attached itself perfectly fine, except that it was too large. (How to crop the size). I am new to Oracle forms10g and my area of work is pl/sql,sql,crystal reports and VB.
How to invoke and display a scanned image side by side with an Oracle Form without minimizing one of the two. I used the code below to call my document, but when i navigate to it so as to be able to see the detail , the oracle form will be dismissed and vice-versa.
DECLARE v_claim varchar2(400):=:global.photo_path||:b4.doc_no||'.JPG'; BEGIN client_Host('cmd /c START "" "'||v_claim||'"'); [code]....
I am working on oracle forms 10g (Windows7 OS). Can we get the image resolution of an image item in oracle forms? Can we resize the image in terms of resolution? I have a requirement where user can upload only 1280x720 size images. Either i have to validate the image resolution and give them a message saying 'Only 1280x720 size images are allowed' or simply i have to convert the image to be upload to 1280x720 size and save in the database.