I have created a Package Body and Package Spec for a function to select a username and a password from a table and return the username.
The code i have created is this:-
The package body and spec compiles successfully but i am having trouble when i execute this function. I am trying to do this :-
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'USER_SELECT'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
This error is returned when executing a Function with the RETURN X%ROWTYPE is used.Here is the code.
CREATE OR REPLACE function FE_GET_addr ( p_PIDM IN addr.addr_PIDM%TYPE, p_atyp1 IN VARCHAR2, p_atyp2 IN VARCHAR2, p_atyp3 IN VARCHAR2, p_atyp4 IN VARCHAR2 [code]....
Can a Oracle Function return Images? I have been getting and able to read lot of solutions but still unconfirmed. As in certain forums it has been mentioned that the difference between procedure and function is that. With procedures you are able to return images but not with function.
How to call a function with a row type return in an Oracle select statement.
For e.g. :
If I had this function with a rowtype return: ------------------------------ create function abc return xyz%rowtype is rec xyz%rowtype; begin select * into rec from xyz where col1 = n; return rec; end; -------------------------------- How could I use this in a select clause, as there is a multi column return by the function ?
I'm trying to find a simple way of getting around this. I have a PL/SQL procedure which loops through a list of values in a table. These values are the actual names of the functions I want it to run in sequence. The problem is I can get the string value each time but I need to store the return value of each function into a number variable e.g.
BEGIN open all_tests; fetch all_tests BULK COLLECT INTO test_tabl; close all_tests;
for myindex IN 1..test_tabl.count LOOP
time_taken := test_source1 ==> this will work but how do I avoid hardcoding the name of the function to be executed and use the test_name value instead?? time_taken is declared as a number (ie the return value of each function is a number)
test_detail := test_tabl(myindex).test_name; ==> test_detail now contains the string name of the function dbms_output.put_line('Test detail is ' || test_detail); end loop;
In Database A I have a series of config tables and stored procedures/functions In Database B I have a lot of tables.
I would like to execute my stored procedures and all associated functions in database A on my data in database B.
Now I've figured out that creating a database link enables me to do SQL selects on data in both A and B...but how do I run SP/Funcs ? I've read something about packages but not sure if I'm heading in the right direction.
Do I need to create a simple synonym ? Can I use the existing DB link ? or is there a special way of calling them, or...
I like the A/B database set up since I can keep battle tested code in one location and have it work across multiple dbs...saves me having to create everything in every database.
when am trying to use nvl for one condition it is taking lot of time to execute but when am removing nvl function then the query executing in 2 min. condition is given below
The function definition in PL/SQL has IN OUT parameter as well as return statement. Using both we can return the values. Basic definition of a function is function can return only one value at a time.
The question is, Can we return a number thru return statement and a char value thru INOUT parameter. Is it possible to return two different values using these?
I was just wondering that do we have any function available in oracle which returns the last Friday of the month.
In our company we close our monthly books on last Friday of the month and there are few activities that we have to do on the following Monday as a part of month-end activity. Now the following Monday can fall on the same month or at times it falls on the following month.
I have to schedule a report to be sent to a user on the following Monday after the month-end. I need to schedule it using the cron job. We are using Oracle 9i on Linux platform.
i want to create a function that build a return xml (XmlType):
create or replace function plainLanguageSummary(nip varchar2,id number,code_language varchar2) return XmlType as
but in the compilation i got the following error :
Error(10,62): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following: ( - + case mod new not null others <identificateur> <identificateur entre guillemets> <variable bind> avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute forall merge time timestamp interval date <un littéral de chaîne avec spécification de jeu de caractères> <un nombre> <une chaîne SQL entre apostrophes> pipe <constante de chaîne éventuellement entre guillemets avec indication du jeu de
he seems to not like the first "select" he encounter!.
i'm trying to make a sp/function for inserting a record and return the new index.The previous code used regular inserts and needed an additional round-trip to get the id before inserting,, since this is part of a import routine performance is an issue.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SaveAisHeader ( P_Id Out Number, P_ImportedOn IN Date, P_Aisimporttypeid In Number, P_Description In Varchar2, P_Importedby In Varchar2 [code].....
I have strange problem when i try to return a ref cursor holding data from a select on a oracle global temporary table. If i iterate through the cursor , i can see the values but the function as such returns nothing through the ref cursor. I tried the temporary table as both delete on commit and preserve on commit
create or replace PACKAGE BODY BILL AS
FUNCTION FILTERI RETURN BILL.refcursor IS testcursor BILL.refcursor;
ttstatus INT; iSuccess INT; returns INT; TruncatedSQL1 VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN [code].........
I having issue when i try to use CLOB as varchar2 is not enough in my case. I'm developing function column in oracle report. I'm using developer 6i. I get error function return must char?
How I can use CLOB in oracle report?
function CF_RnoFormula return Char is --v_release_num CLOB; v_release_num varchar2(32767); begin FOR rec IN [code]........
I want to use a function in join clause. so i go for pipelined function(using for loop to get record & 1 more loop to fetch in table type variable). i achieved what i required. but problem is it takes much time to fetch data. is there any other approach which returns table records without pipelined function.
resolve issue while modified the user function code for returns the values as timestamps
---function code
create or replace function fun_test_timestamp(P_HOUR varchar2) return varchar2 is sql_stmt varchar2(1000); begin
Input:- select fun_test_timestamp('5') from dual;
Modified Fun Code:
create or replace function fun_test_timestamp(P_HOUR varchar2) return timestamp is sql_stmt varchar2(1000);
Input:- select fun_test_timestamp('5') from dual;
ORA-00911: invalid character ORA-06512: at "NETVERTEXTRUNK.FUN_TEST_TIMESTAMP", line 8 00911. 00000 - "invalid character"
*Cause: identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than letters and numbers. $#_ are also allowed after the first character. Identifiers enclosed by doublequotes may contain any character other than a doublequote. Alternative quotes (q'#...#') cannot use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as delimiters. For all other contexts, consult the SQL Language Reference Manual.
I Just got Oracle 9i installed. But can not login . What are the Default username and password for "Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator" and other Developers Suite apps?
Also What URL should i type to access the "iSQL *PLUS" through my browser, so that i can execute my SQL statements.
I each user in my table to have a unique username and user_id. So the table cant contain 2 users with the same user id and it cant contain 2 users with the same username.
oracle doesn't support more than one primary key in a table
so what could I use a secondary key?creating alternate keys in sql plus?
I am trying to execute dynamic SQL in Stored Function and I don't know how to do this.
In the function I am calling pr_createtab is procedure which will create a physical table and return the table name in the out variable v_tbl_nm.
I need to query on this dynamic table and return the result as return result. But i am not able to do it.
Here T_web_loylty_report_table is a type.
CREATE OR REPLACE function CDW_DSS.f_ReturnTable(i_mrkt_id in number, i_cmpgn_year in number) return T_web_loylty_report_table is v_tbl_nm varchar2(50); i_cntry_cd varchar2(20); v_sql_str varchar2(32567); [code]......