Display String Using Select Statement In Oracle 10g

Jul 27, 2010

i want display a string like this using a select statement in oracle 10g.i have tried but not yet done.

from 'ABCDEFGH' to 'ACEG'
removing 'BDFH' from the source string 'ABCDEFGH'

i giving here the example you can take any valid string i want the result like the above example and also in a dynamic manner means we can give string to a select statement in run time.can it is possible in a select statement only.

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PL/SQL :: How To Display Pseudo Static Index Using Select Statement

Jul 20, 2012

I have to display a 24 hours time as an index. (00:00 - 23:00) That is easy, if the data exists.

But, if the data is not regularly exists on specific hour (the time/hours is not regular, i.e: 00:00, 01:00, 05:00, 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 23:00), then it is OK for a TABLE, but not for a CHART.

Here is the story:

I wrote an SQL statement that can "choose" what to display respectively to the the available time. The result will be displayed on the chart: Days or Time is used for X-Axis, and the respective Value on the Y-Axis.


+ if the data consists of "days" (i.e: the last 5 days from now, 16/07/2012, 17/07/2012, 18/07/2012, 19/07/2012, 20/07/2012), then the chart will show those dates on the X-Axis.

+ if the data consists of "hours" (i.e: 1 single day, from 00:00 hour - 23:00), then the chart shows hours on the X-Axis.

If the 'hours' are not regular, means: there is no data on specific hours, the query result is also not regular, means: the X-Axis-value 'jumps' irregularly.


Is it possible to query our own static value?

for example:

select 'hello' from dual --> result: "hello", 1 column, 1 row

But how to display this in multiple rows, i.e.:


Note: the X-Axis on the chart template can be only customized for 1 single mode, example: "Days", but of course it is not going to show up properly if the query result are in "Hours". It means: I have to find the workaround on the SQL Query.

DB: ORA 11

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PL/SQL :: Oracle 10g - Write Select Statement With XML

Sep 26, 2012

I have Oracle 10g. In a table with just one record there is a clob with the following xml. In the following clob, there could be any number of Emp elements.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

I want to write a select statement which gives me result as follows (all ENAME and EMPNO from the xml)

SMITH 7369
ALLEN 7499
WARD 7521

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Select Statement To Oracle DB - Time Converting?

Aug 27, 2009

My company use a sybase database that runs business jobs. Currently we run SQL queries from Perl to gather time information on the jobs. Now we have an application that is using Oracle. The server it is on, doesn't have perl, so I am using a shell script to login to sqlplus and run a query for a job and it's end time. I have accomplished this. However, here is the 2 problems I am having.

1. The query reults are returned in Scientific time, I'm able to convert that to EPOCH time in the SQL syntax, however, it comes back with a 13 digit time, instead of 10. The last 3 digits are zero. How can you remove the last 3 digits in the query or convert the 13 digits to Human Time. Right now when you see the select statement, I am doing a to_char to get it to EPOCH time.

2. How to only show the latest time in the query and not show ALL job end times from it's past runs.

Here is my shell script, and I do realize this maybe a select statement syntax solution to one or both, but the UNIX time stamp is puzzling.

sqlplus -S username/password@JAWSPROD <<eof> myfile
set heading off feedback off verify off

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Call Function With Row Type Return In Oracle Select Statement

Jul 3, 2012

How to call a function with a row type return in an Oracle select statement.

For e.g. :

If I had this function with a rowtype return:
create function abc
return xyz%rowtype
rec xyz%rowtype;
select * into rec from xyz where col1 = n;
return rec;
How could I use this in a select clause, as there is a multi column return by the function ?

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Find Data From Select Statement - Oracle 11g After Changing Connection?

Apr 3, 2013

Yesterday only I have Installed Oracle 11G & created DataBase - JafferDB And from Oracle SQL Developer, I have created a connection called - JafferCon and SID also given..and the role is - SYSDBA And I excute the below statement

insert into MyTable1 Values ('AAA1', 'BBB1', 'CCC1')
insert into MyTable1 Values ('AAA2', 'BBB2', 'CCC2')

Then I checked by Select statement, it has shown the values....No Problem.... But, as a test, I deleted the connection and created a new connection tio the same DataBase with different name and when I checked by Select Statement....., it has not shown the values....?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement From Schemas In MERGE Statement In USING Clause

Sep 13, 2013

In the following merge statement in the USINg clause...I am using a select stament of one schema WEDB.But that same select statement should take data from 30 schemeas and then check the condition below condition

ON(source.DNO = target.DNO
AND source.BNO=target.BNO);

I thought that using UNIONALL for select statement of the schemas as below.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Dynamic Column Names In Select Statement In Function?

Jul 4, 2010

i want to select dynamic column names in my select statement in my function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Statement Is Blocking A Delete Statement

Jan 11, 2012

I am using JDBC to run a few queries from my Java program (multi-threaded one).I am facing an issue where a select statement is blocking a delete statement. From the java code point of view, there are 2 different threads accessing the same tables (whith different DB connection objects).

When the block occurs (which i was able to find out from the java thread dump that there is a lock on oracle), the below is the output:

2 || ' User '||s1.username || '@' || s1.machine
3 || ' ( SID= ' || s1.sid || ' ) with the statement: ' || sqlt2.sql_text
||' is blocking the SQL statement on '|| s2.username || '@'
4 5 || s2.machine || ' ( SID=' || s2.sid || ' ) blocked SQL -> '
6 ||sqlt1.sql_text AS blocking_status FROM v$lock l1, v$session s1, v$lock l2 ,
7 v$session s2,v$sql sqlt1, v$sql sqlt2
8 WHERE s1.sid =l1.sid
9 AND s2.sid =l2.sid AND sqlt1.sql_id= s2.sql_id
AND sqlt2.sql_id= s1.prev_sql_id AND l1.BLOCK =1
10 AND l2.request > 0 AND l1.id1 = l2.id1 AND l2.id2 = l2.id2;

From the above it can be seen that a select statement is blocking a delete. Unless the select is select for Update, it should not block other statements is not it ?

View 10 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Why Blind Select Is Better Than Conditional Select Statement

Dec 29, 2010

Why Blind select is better than Conditional select Statement?

View 10 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Code That Display First 10 Words From A String

Oct 19, 2011

wrote a code that display the first 10 words from a string.

View 15 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: If Exist / Then Display As Lines As String Between /

Oct 12, 2010

I got some records in the table between the sign / Some of these records are separated by / And I would like to get something like:

If exist / inside the string then display as lines as string between /

For instance:

select handset_brand, handset_model
from the_table;
display : handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A35 / A36 / A40 / B35N

I need to get 4 lines:

handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A35
handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A36
handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: A40
handset_brand: Siemens
handset_model: B35N

View 31 Replies View Related

Way To Display Proper Case Of A String

Jan 31, 2012

The Ename SMITH should appear as Smith.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query Of Functions - Display Half Part Of String

Jun 8, 2011

I want to write a plsql program to display half part of a string .Example there is a string like gillmadden@myharbour.org.uk

I want to display only the later part of the string

myharbour.org.uk as output.

Can we write using string functions in plslql?

View 19 Replies View Related

SQL & PL/SQL :: Insert Into Statement Doesn't Insert All Rows Return By Select Statement?

Jan 12, 2011

If i inserted the values in table it gets inserting very few rows only.I dont know y it is?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Boolean Value Of A Variable In DBMS Print Statement?

May 29, 2012

I want to display Boolean value of a variable in DBMS Print statement. I am able to do it by using simple if condition checking .How to print the value of Boolean variable directly ?

SQL> declare
2 boo boolean := true;
3 begin
5 if boo then
6 dbms_output.put_line('boolean variable value TRUE by checking if condition ');


ORA-06550: line 9, column 24:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to '||'
ORA-06550: line 9, column 3:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenate String To Number Field In Update Statement

Oct 4, 2011

I need to concatenate string to the number field in an update statement like this:

update test1 set model_pin = seq_no || '_' || model
where eoc_code like 'AEW%'

When I run this command in sql , I get ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01722: invalid number

View 7 Replies View Related

PL/SQL :: Passing String Values To Partition Clause In A Merge Statement?

May 24, 2013

I am using the below code to update specific sub-partition data using oracle merge statements.

I am getting the sub-partition name and passing this as a string to the sub-partition clause.

The Merge statement is failing stating that the specified sub-partition does not exist. But the sub-partition do exists for the table.

We are using Oracle 11gr2 database.

Below is the code which I am using to populate the data.

ln_min_batchkey PLS_INTEGER;
ln_max_batchkey PLS_INTEGER;
lv_partition_name VARCHAR2 (32767);
lv_subpartition_name VARCHAR2 (32767);


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Windows :: Select Installation Method Does Not Display?

Feb 11, 2013

I have installed oracle 10g in D drive .

The instalation says it is succeessful, without asking the database name or the password .

I have followed the steps given in the attached file .

However it is not asking the databse name or password ( no configuration set up is appearing for the user to interact with the system ) .

So, after installation I can not give the username and password .

The tnsnames.ora file is given below

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: D:DevSuiteHome_1
etworkadmin nsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.


The files from where I installed is ds_windowx86 disk1 and disk 2.

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Application Express :: Get Display Value From Select List

Sep 9, 2012

I am using Apex 4.1 and I have a select list in my page. I know i can access the value of the selected item by :P1_SelectList, but I would like to know how to access the display value of the selected item.

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If Statement In Select?

Mar 22, 2013

simply select and works great:

select 'CARAT Issue Open' issue_comment, i.issue_id, i.issue_status, i.issue_title, i.ISSUE_summary ,i.issue_description, i.severity,gcrs.Area_name, gcrs.sector_name,

substr(gcrs.stream_name,1,case when instr(gcrs.stream_name,' (')=0 then 100 else instr(gcrs.stream_name,' (')-1 end) ISSUE_DIVISION,


from table(f_carat_issues_as_of('31/MAR/2013')) i inner join v_gcrs_with_stream gcrs on i.segment_id = gcrs.segment_id


Now I want to callte two columns:ISSUE_DIVISION and ISSUE_DIVISION_2

if they are equal in new columns should be value 1 if are not equal should be 0,how can I do it ?

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Projecting On Attribute Identified By String In SELECT?

Oct 18, 2008

I'm trying to map a database (with a stupid schema) into an ontology. That's why I need to do such a stupid query (as you will see). Here is the structure of the table:

CodonUs {
and so on for all possible triplets

What I would like to do is to have a query that joins the organisme table on the ID and extract the name of the triplet (thus, the name of the column) and the exact value:

SELECT ID, 'GCT' AS Codon, Codon

FROM organisme JOIN codonUs ON Abbrev = ID

The result set should be something like:

ID of the organisme | Name of the triplet | Value of the triplet

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Select Query Matches Part Of The String

Mar 11, 2010

Select * from XXX where xxx.a in �123,456�-----> this values comes dynamic to my query.

Here xxx.a will contain values like 123 or 456 like that .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Select Length - String Literal Too Long

Jun 21, 2011

If i try to find length of the string with more than 4000 char in SQL Developer it throws error "ORA-01704: string literal too long". if anything i need to SET in preference.

select length('string with more than 4000 char) from dual;

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Select Greatest - Difference Between Number And String?

Oct 21, 2012

I am confused with third one.

CODE1. >> Comparing two strings >>
SQL> select greatest('99' ,'100') from dual;

2. >> comparing both numbers >>
SQL> select greatest( 99 ,100) from dual;

3.>> Comparing string and number >>
SQL> select greatest('99' ,100) from dual;

whats the logic behind 99 being returned for thirdone.

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Fetch Records In Single Select Query And Display

Mar 15, 2011

I have 3 tables, Emp(Emp_id,emp_name),dept(dept_no,dept_name),emp_dept(emp_id,dept_no). Emp tabl ehas some 20 employes id who belongs to different departments.There are few employee who belongs to multiple departments as well. I want to fetch records of emp_id, emp_name, dept_no in the following format.

Name id dept_no
Ram 101 10
Ani 201 10

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display Data In Required Format By Select Query?

Dec 12, 2012

i like to display a Table data like the below format,


00094 122 153 145 224 245 545 114 544 444 111 555 222
00095 233 123 145 224 205 545 114 444 444 111 555 222
00096 163 123 145 224 215 545 114 551 444 111 555 222
00097 163 0 145 224 215 545 114 551 444 111 555 222

where condition:
where year = 2007

Table Structure:

create table HR_PAYSLIP
EMP_NO VARCHAR2(6) not null,
YEAR NUMBER(4) not null,
MONTH NUMBER(2) not null,

Insert Command;

VALUES(00046, 2007, 1, 2314);

Pls Note: The above table data i have mentioned is an example with employee numbers and the basic_pay for all months in the particular year 2007, the employee no may be more and that must be displayed only one time like above for year 2007, and if the basic salary is zero for a month then it should be displayed as zero for a particular month

So how to write a Query for that?

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Forms :: Use Client_get_file_name To Display Select File Dialog Box

Mar 5, 2010

I am trying to use client_get_file_name to display the select file dialog box. My problem is that I can get the dialog box to open but it does not default to the folder that I specify in the client_get_file_name parameter (r_system_data.import_dir points to c:

v_filename := client_get_file_name(r_system_data.import_dir, null,
'CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv|',
'Select a file to import travel details from');

The strange thing is when I use JInitiator the diolog box defaults to the c: eports folder but when I use J2SE JRE 1.5.0_21-b01 it defaults to c: emp (which is where 'My Documents' points to, may be just a coincidence)

I am running Windows XP SP3 with IE8.

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Application Express :: Select List Read Only / Or Display Only

Sep 3, 2012

I have Select list itemS based on Lookup tables. When the form in Edit mode, I want to prevent the end user from changing the value of these Select list items. How can I accomplish this ??? **If I change the type of the item to Display only, then it will show the returned value of the Select list.

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Select Statement Errors

May 5, 2010

I have a question about select statements, as I am new to them and don't know how to work all the commands yet.

I'm making a select statement that is about half right... it is shown below:

select t.warehouse_id,
from pahtest3.inventories t
join pahtest3.product_information c using (product_id)
WHERE warehouse_id in (7);

I need to take this select statement and make it so it shows all the products that don't have any quantities in the warehouse in addition to the ones that are already being shown in that select statement.

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