Deadlock On Different Tables

Feb 18, 2013

I am working on 11g and AIX...We got deadlock recently and we need to investigate why it happen and resolution, so it will not happen in future. When we saw deadlock trace file ,it shows 2 sqls queries on different tables..and lock is exclusive lock.

----- Information for the OTHER waiting sessions -----


----- Current SQL Statement for this session ------

But these two tables not related at all 'HOS_DTL' and 'EI_INV' . Can deadlock happen if sqls queries fired on those table are not related at all and deadlock trace file can show those two sqls ..?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: DEADLOCK Found When Trying To Get Lock

Dec 5, 2012

While i am trying to execute below mentioned query i am facing "DEADLOCK FOUND WHEN TRYING TO GET LOCK" error.


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Deadlock Detected While Trying To Lock Object XDB

Jul 19, 2007

I keep getting an ora-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object XDB. SDNRB..The statement I'm trying to issue is:

REVOKE execute on abc."descript_T" FROM PUBLIC;

I am not able to find a solution for this besides the fact of trying the operation again at a later time.I did, but get the same error every single time.

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Delete Query Causing Deadlock ORA-60

Nov 5, 2012

I am using oracle and i am receiving very slow response time for the below query and sometimes resulting in a deadlock throwing ora-60 error.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-04020 - Deadlock Detected While Trying To Lock Object

Jun 8, 2012

I am trying to fetch data from a table but it takes time and give such an error:

SQL> Select * from adm_users;
Select * from adm_users
ERROR at line 1:


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Deadlock In Database Because Of Concurrent Data Deletion

Feb 4, 2013

I am facing Deadlock issue in my transaction when record is been deleted in the same table in parallel from a PLSQL package. The package is been called from the Java code.The example and the table structure is given below.

Col1 of tab1 is foreign key to col1 of tab2.
Commit will not be done until all the below dml scripts are executed in both environment.

1st session:

Delete from tab1 where col1=1001;
Delete from tab2 where col1=2001;

Result: Deletion successful

2nd session:

Delete from tab1 where col1=1002;
Delete from tab2 where col1=2002;

Result: Deletion successful

1st session:

Delete from tab1 where col1=1003;
Delete from tab2 where col1=2003;

Result: Deletion successful

2nd session:

Delete from tab1 where col1=1004;
Delete from tab2 where col1=2004;

Result: Query is executing for a longer time.

1st session:

Delete from tab1 where col1=1003;
Delete from tab2 where col1=2003;

Result: Query is not executed and throws Deadlock in the back end.

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Getting ORA-00060 - Deadlock Detected While Waiting For Resource While Deleting Datafile?

Nov 18, 2010

I am getting "ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource" while deleting a datafile.

when i checked in dba_data_files and V$datafile the ONLINE_STATUS/STATUS is in RECOVER mode.

I do not need this datafile so i tried to drop using the following command ..


I checked the Trace file geenrated for the deadlock, the Session which is in question is the session where i ran the command (SQLPLUS).

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Getting Deadlock Detected While Waiting For Resource Error For Select Query

Nov 4, 2013

i am getting a below error whenever executing the below select query. some times it will show dead lock detected while waiting for resource and terminated...some times it executes and gives result..but all the time it writes an alert to alert log 

Env: Linux / Oracle from alert log:Errors in file /u01/oracle/oracle/diag/rdbms/bdrdb/bdrdb/trace/bdrdb_p017_6076.trc:ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resourceORA-10387: parallel query server interrupt (normal)  Trace file info... bdrdb_p017_6076.trc:Trace file /u01/oracle/oracle/diag/rdbms/bdrdb/bdrdb/trace/bdrdb_p017_6076.trcOracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsORACLE_HOME = /u01/oracle/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1System.

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Real Application Clusters :: 11GR2 RAC Deadlock Trace File - Where Have Reported Row IDs Gone?

Jun 3, 2013

I have a deadlock trace file to analyse and i used to be able to see the rowid as a 16 bit hex value in the trace file, which i could then query on to get the actual real world row name.I see in the 11GR2 deadlock trace the formatting is different and for the life of me i am unable to see the rowid. Has Oracle stopped reporting this now, or is their another way to get this value? The deadlock graph shows me

*** 2013-05-14 14:49:15.047
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.16e] :
BLOCKED 0x4362890f8 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x3d001b.0x18a3021 [FF000-0001-00000002] inst 1
BLOCKER 0x436288f38 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x3d001b.0x18a3021 [102000-0001-00000002] inst 1

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Real Application Clusters :: Global Cache Service Process Died After Resolving Deadlock?

Sep 30, 2013

what could be the reason for a LMSn process not heartbeating after a global enqueue service deadlock was detected? The happened in a 3instance RAC and after the LMS1 process stop heartbeating oe of the instances crashed afterwards and another instance crashed some minutes after. reason for the process crash after resolving deadlock?

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Server Utilities :: Append Tables Content To Existing Tables?

Nov 9, 2010

problem on oracle 11gR2 where i have to import data from a source database to an existing table without truncate or drop the target table in the target database.

we have found something called table_exist_action=append in impdp.

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Maintain Large Tables / Cleanup Data From Our Tables

May 18, 2011

I have to cleanup data from our tables (Production Environment) that contain millions of rows. The question is apart from the solution of the partitioned tables what alternative recommended solution suggests Oracle?

To delete these tables by using a cursor PL/SQL block or to import all the database and in the tables that we want to remove the old rows to use the QUERY option of the data pump utility.

I have used both ways and i have to admit that datapump solution is much much faster than the deletion that suffers from I/O disk.The question again is which method from these two is more reliable and less risky for the health of the database.

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Implementation Where Data From DB2 Tables Are Moved To Oracle Tables

Sep 3, 2012

I came across an implementation where data from DB2 tables are moved to Oracle tables, for BI solutioning, using some oracle procedures called from MS SQL DTS packages which are scheduled jobs.Just being curious, can this be done using OWB or ODI rather than the above detour. I suppose there are some changes being done in those procedures before the data is being loaded into Oracle tables, can't this be done using OWB/ODI? Can it be scheduled too as jobs using OWB/ODI?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Audit Tables For Most Of Production Tables

May 29, 2013

In our schema we have corresponding audit tables for most of the production tables

Ex Table name Audit Table

Audit tables will have all the columns of production table along with audit columns AUDIT_DATE , AUDIT_OPERATION There are few production tables which are not having audit tables.I need to write a script to identify

1) Production tables where corresponding audit table is missing

2) Where there is column difference (In case any column missing in audit table) between Production table and Audit table

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Differences Among Records Tables And Tables Of Records

Sep 16, 2010

In Oracle database pl/sql 11.2: describe the differences between :

tables, and
tables of records.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Same Key For Few Tables

Aug 25, 2011

I've got table tab1 with sequence id column.

Also I've got tables tab2 and tab3 with indicatorid column in each table.

My need is to prevent inserting values into indicatorid column in tables tab2 and tab3 which are absent in id column in table tab1.

For example, at this moment id column in table tab1 has two values, 1 and 2. I can insert value 3 into indicatorid column in tables tab2 and tab3. I need to prevent from inserting value 3 into indicatorid column in tables tab2 and tab3 while it is absent in id column of tab1 table.

How do I perform it?

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Calling Tables From PL / SQL

Jan 22, 2013

I have the Table name Location and synonym named Location in my DB. I am trying to create the proc where I am tryting to call the table. But its not working.

select count(*) from LOCATION;

Compile error:
Error(5,22): PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

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Joining Two Tables

May 19, 2011

can we link a table that contains a foreign key with a sequence table? i have a table that has a sequence bookid and i want to link this table to another table that contains a foreign key of bookid.can i link this two table and how?

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Shrink Tables - HWM?

Aug 22, 2012

if the command is successful:>alter table my_table shrink;The segment will be defragmented and the High Water Mark will be moved.But what is the importance of the HWM?

Whats the difference between commands?
>alter table my_table shrink; -- move HWM
>alter table my_table shrink compact; -- not move HWV

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Tables In Different Database?

Nov 19, 2010

I have one table in a particular database and will have to create another table in a different database. I will have to join these two tables from two different DB's.

How should I go about doing this? Is this a good practice? or is it always better to use a single DB?

What are the disadvantages of joining two tables from two different DB's?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Migration Of Three Tables

Aug 29, 2013

Data migration for three tables. I have three table which are

1.npi_p_mig contain four fields (pr_id,mi_id,qty,sl_dt,fac_code)

I need to migrated the data from based on two tables (np_detail,np_ref_tab) to new table npi_P_mig(pr_id,mi_id,qty,sl_dt,fac_code) table. i need sql script to migrate above two table to new table (npi_P_mig) .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Sum Over Multiple Tables

Feb 21, 2010

I'm trying to do a sum over 2 different tables but can't get it to work...This is the idea:I have a table A with client ID, time-id (per day), purchase amount and segment code.

In another table (let call it B) I have a lot of client ID's and also their purchase amount, time-id and segment code. I want to sum the purchase amount for every client from table A and B for clients with certain segment code from table B.

This is what I have now:

select client_id, purchase_amountA+ purchase_amountB from tableA, tableB where
A.client_id = B.client_id
and time_id between 20090101 and 20091001
and B.segment_code = 'A'

This does the job, but it selects only client_id's which are in both tables. I want to select all client_id from table B with segment_code 'A' and add the purchase_amount from table A to their purchase amount from table B, at least, if they have any purchase amount in table A.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Join On Two Tables

Jul 29, 2013


Now, I need to compare the data of the two tables column-wise.

Ideally the 2 tables should have the same security_alias values but in my case they do not as the two tables belong to 2 diff client models. There is however a main SECURITY_MASTERA and SECURITY_MASTERB tables which have the security_alias recorded and a primary_asset_id column value which can act as a link between SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB. But, I have not been able to figure out the exact query which will be ideal.

Attached are the table structures and the data it contains.

Note: I need to compare the Coupon and Freq column values of SEC_MASTER_HISTA and SEC_MASTER_HISTB.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: EMP And DEPT Tables

Dec 4, 2006

What is the structure and the values of the default EMP and DEPT table in oracle 9i....i accidentally dropped those 2 tables .... and i don't remember the structure of it.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Multiple Tables

Sep 30, 2010

Video Rental Shop

Each customer has a video card , When Customer rent a CD , Shopkeeper register an issue date and a Return Date . If customer return CD after Return Date Then There will be a fine of 2 Dollor .

After every 6 Months The shop Keeper review each customer Account , and Send Gifts to those customer whose Total Amount is More than 50 Dollar .and also send letters to those whose Fines Are More than 20 Dollor .

Now I am unable to understand that how many table i need to create for this .

What i have created so far is given below ,

When Customer Rent a CD then Shopkeeper will submit Following Information .

Customer_id 101
Issue DateDATE
Fine -
Total_Amount -

And at the time of return , he will Put these information .

Customer_id 101
Issue DateDATE
Original_return_date DATE
Fine 2

But Do i need to create another table for each customer also ? That will store customer total amount , total Fines ,and shopkeeper will view it after every six months. Which type oo table i need to create ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Joining Two Tables

Apr 26, 2013

I have a table (promo_custom) with following colimns (id, id_promo, button_promo, button_submit, css, user, date) and other table (promo_buttons) with following columns (id, id_design, name, url, username, date) .

Columns promo_custom.button_promo and promo_custom.button_submit are foreign keys (references

I want to create a view showing table promo_custom but instead of columns button_promo and button_submit I would like to show the column url of them.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Relation Between Two Tables?

Dec 28, 2010

oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

I have a main table : CLAIMS_MAIN, in which claim_id is a primary key I have another table : CLAIMS_TRANS , in which claim_id is not a unique key, I mean, there can be more than one records with the same claim_id.. but the column transaction_id is unique, but transaction_id column doesnt exist in the main claims table.

It is required to join both these tables on claim_id...

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Getting Result From Three Tables

Sep 24, 2012



how to get the name of all passengers who have bookings in all flight_num?

o/p is 555

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Add Tables Users

Jun 3, 2011

I have 4 tables as follows.


Tables are joined using below joins.


When I join LicenseHistory,Users,UserDetails, all records are unique.

But the issues is: LicenseHistory table has duplicate records for DeployId column which is used to join table Deploybase. As a result when I join it to Deploybase, it gives me repeating entries which I don't want

I want Comments from LicenseHistory,Login from Users and User_name from UserDetails. There are multiple columns from 1st table i.e. Deploybase which I need.After reading on Exists operator, I made following query.

Select DeployId,comment from (select comments as comment,deploy_id as DeployId from LicenseHistory slh where exists (select deploy_id from symdb.symdb_deploybase sdb) and slh.comments is not null)

Above query gives me results from LicenseHistory table only. But I don't know how to add tables Users,UserDetails

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Compare The Four Tables

Jan 5, 2013

I Have Four Tables

1) Sal_master
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),voc_date date

2) sal_detail
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),item_code varchar2(10),quantity number(10,2)

3). delivery_master
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),voc_date date;

4) delivery_detail
structure is voc_no varchar2(7),item_code varchar2(10),quantity number(10,2)

I want to compare these four tables i have insert 10 rows in sal_master and sal_detail tables and 5 transaction in delivery tables how to compares 10 records of sal_master,detail with delivery_master and detail if not exist in delivery_master and detail tables then display only sal_master,detail records for example

Voc_no Sale Qty Deliver Qty Remaining Qty

S000075 10 5 5 if data not found from delivery master and detail then answer must be
S000075 10 0 10

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