Connection Using JDeveloper

Nov 29, 2007

I have some problem connecting with the database. I have downloaded jdeveloper and oracle 10g express edition. I was trying to connect to the 10g express edition from j developer but i am unable to.

I right clicked on the application and then new in that. In that i choose database tier. there i gave my user id and password and changed the side to XE. and when i click on test connection it says IO exception: the network adapter could not establish the connection. I can even log in with the same user name and password in to the database home. I don't know whats the problem.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Unable To Access URL Using HTTP Connection

Mar 9, 2011

I am using Http URL Connection class to post a data to a URL (which is a web service). The web service accepts data as text / XML.

Following is the code snippet i used:

URL url = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection conn =(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

But when i execute the code, I am getting following error at the line(InputStream in2 = conn.getInputStream()wink.gif Server returned HTTP response 400 for URL

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Best Driver For Java To Oracle Database Connection

Jul 30, 2012

Which is the best driver for java to Oracle database connection ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Connection Between Java And Oracle

Nov 26, 2012

I Program with Java . when we connect oracle by program ,

Get the following error :

'No suitable driver found for jdbc:orcl:thin:@localhost:1521 '

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Parsing Through PL/SQL

Nov 21, 2011

oracle PL/SQL. I have almost finished this xml parsing task but their is one problem. Actually in our table there are more than 70-80 columns & due to that only I don't want to put the hard coded column name in my procedure, because if I will do that, the unnecessary procedure size will be increase(means line of code).Here is our procedure

Create or replace procedure loadMyXML(dir_name IN varchar2, xmlfile IN varchar2) AS
l_bfile BFILE;
l_clob CLOB;
l_parser dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
l_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
l_nl1 dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
l_nl2 dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
l_n dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
node1 dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
l_colName VARCHAR2(100);

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Get Thread ID

Dec 18, 2010

I want to do concurrency program analysis, how can I get the id of the thread when this thread started dynamic in the progress of execution?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Get Single Tag Out Of XML

Jul 14, 2011

We have the following XML info.

<connection value="0">
<info groupId="100" classType="0"/>
<info groupId="128" classType="1"/>
<info groupId="179" classType="0"/>
<info groupId="198" classType="0"/>

We need to get the single node with class type ="1" from this XML as given below.At any point of time, there will be only one such tag with classType="1". Its position could be anywhere inside the "GroupDetails", The query should get the tag irrespective of its position inside "GroupDetails".

<info groupId="128" classType="1"/>

Is there any way using EXTRACT function with 3 parameter? I tried but with failure.

with rec AS (
select XMLTYPE(
'<connection value="0">
<info groupId="100" classType="0"/>
<info groupId="128" classType="1"/>


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Read Value From XML

Oct 4, 2011

I need to select all records from table tmp_mape where value <loyaltyDebit id="5554431"> from xml_params is for example 5554431.

create table tmp_mape
(xml_params clob)
Example of xml

insert into tmp_mape values (
'<prolongationData mode="normal" exceptionCaseID="" xmlns="URL....
<customer status="active" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:tns="URL....
<reference name="customerID" platform="bscs">2319375</reference>
<reference name="externID" platform="other">BSCS-PRD-CUSTOMER-2319375</reference>
<reference name="siteID" platform="clarify">S-061009-1893787</reference>

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Oracle Connection On XP

Dec 25, 2010

I have installed ORACLE 11g on RHEL-4, where the RHEL is installed on VM.ORACLE is working fine on RHEL but i am not able to connect oracle on my XP.

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Memory Of Each Connection?

Mar 18, 2013

Currently weblogic has 120 concurrent connections to the database.There is a requirement to scale up the number ofconcurrent connections to 300.We have did some study and quite be quite sure that the current sga and pga is required. (the additional connections will be firing the same sql which is very well tuned.

However each additional connection to the database will take up additional memory just for the connection?Will is be using the memory in the PGA? Or outside the PGA for the connection overhead?We are not using MTS.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Accessing XSD File Through PL/SQL

Feb 9, 2011

I wanted to know whether is there any utility which can

1. Create table from xml /xsd file.
2. insert records into the newly created table, through the given xml file.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Updating CLOB Value

Dec 19, 2011

I have the following xml in a CLOB Field

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TuningDescription xmlns="">
<TuningSessionProperties creationDate="2011-11-09+05:30" lastUpdate="2011-11-09+05:30"
owner="osmadmin" recommendedDataOfApplication="10/11/2011" sourceTuningSessionId="TS_1" tempTuningSessionId="TS_1_TMP_1" tuningSessionName="TS1"
tuningSessionOverview="Parameter Tuning Modified:CELL3G: 1,
[Code] ......

I have to look for objectId Tag in the xml and Here I want to replace objectId with another Mapping value from a mapping table

Below is the mapping table.

create table ODMAP(OID number,mapID number);
insert into ODMAP values(3230,7000);
insert into ODMAP values(3231,7001);
insert into ODMAP values(3232,7002);

I am not good in xml extraction.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Generating XML From XSD At Runtime?

Aug 13, 2012

I Have got a requirement where we have to generate an xml conforming to a particular XSD.

What i will be having already in place is an XSD document.

We are thinking of making a procedure which will be recieving the set of inputs required for creating that xml.(Data content of that XML.)We would have to make the XML according to that XSD.

Everytime Parsing the XSD is not feasible.We are looking at a solution which would be easy to make the xml from xsd at runtime.These values (DATA) will be available at run time.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Extract Data From XML

Dec 20, 2010

I want to retrieve values from a XML data stored on CLOB data type and store it in different table.

Retrieving data from Soap Envelope and Soap Body?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Syntax In Rtf Template?

Mar 17, 2011

i am using this syntax but its going in error, <?if:number(DAY_1)>=1 and number(DAY_1)<=25?><?attribute@incontext:background-color;'LightGreen'?><?end if?>

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Table Output To XML

Dec 15, 2010

I am exploring the possibilities of getting table output or query output to an XML file.

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Insert Xml Into Table

Jun 15, 2011

i has problem with insert file .xml into table in plsql.

I has a tables follow:

create table EMP
empno NUMBER(4) not null,
ename VARCHAR2(10),
job VARCHAR2(9),
mgr NUMBER(4),
hiredate DATE,


Now, i has a file .xml follow:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


How to insert data from file .xml insert into the table which is only of value from the card file .xml into the corresponding fields of table "EMP", not insert CLOB data types in table "EMP".

How do I insert the data into the table "EMP" Are In oracle there functions and procedures which support file parsing .xml?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: How To Extract All Namespaces

Oct 24, 2012

I have many XML files with multiple namespaces. Is where a way to extract all namespaces? This is one of my XMLs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<form:Documents xmlns:form="test1" xmlns:addData="test2">
<Paklausimas:_Uzsienio-biuro-paklausimas addData:DocumentState="Correct" addData:ImagePath="C:UsersPublicData.pdf" xmlns:Paklausimas="test3">


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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Grants In Oracle

Jul 22, 2011

whether JAVA grants are needed for JAVA services in Oracle and what are those grants ?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Oracle PL/SQL Conversion

Jun 24, 2011

How to revert the following so that the output should be '<testPrice>1000</testPrice>'.

select htf.escape_sc('<testPrice>1000</testPrice>') from dual;

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Extract Name And ID From File

Jul 23, 2012

Trying to extract name and ID from the below XML File using XMLTable but it is returning no data

XML File is - please check attachment

Query I am using:

select p."uid",p."uname" from warehouses w,
passing w.warehouse_spec
columns "uname" varchar2(100) PATH '/name',"uid" varchar2(100) path '/id'
)p where warehouse_id = 6;

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Offline Database - OAF Or ADF?

Oct 25, 2011

I want to create offline database. there is one custom application i designed but for that need to use internet.

some time there is internet fluctuation. so i want offline db concept to implement . In a day once inter net connect data will get upload and centralize. is it possible by using OAF or ADF..?

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JDeveloper, Java & XML :: Using DELETEXML SQL Function

May 31, 2013

I have the following problem with the DELETEXML function :

my table called scl_profile content the following XML field :

select ID, profile_data from scl_profile
WHERE existsNode(profile_data,
'/exportImportProduitsMarcheCriteria/colonnesExport="LIBELLE_1"') = 1

The item is not deleted.

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Connection To Oracle 11GR2

Jul 15, 2013

How to connect to database with windows authentication:

OS system: 2008 R2 windows
oracle :

sqlnet.ora set to NTS.

also user is created on database externally "domain/username"

i want to connect to the database with my windows account!

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Character Set Of Heterogeneous Connection?

Jun 22, 2011

i am trying to insert records (with varchar2 fields) into mysql database from oracle through heterogeneous connection..but after insert, and when i query the inserted data which inserted in arabic, it appears as question marks '?????????'

the character set of oracle database is AR8MSWIN1256...and the character set of mysql database is UTF8...

is there any configuration to the heterogeneous connection that configure the character set ?

View 1 Replies View Related SqlPlus DB Connection Slow?

May 16, 2007

We have two database instances on the same server. One was left at and one was upgraded to Connecting externally (sqlplus '/as sysdba') to the database is lightning fast. Connecting externally to the database is very slow, comparatively speakiing. This is on an IBM AIX-5L (64-bit) machine. We are using "tnsnames".

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UTL_TCP Connection Limit?

May 27, 2009

I am using UTL_TCP package of Oracle to connect to remote server. As per my architecture, I am opening multiple connections TCP in the same Oracle session.

I have come arround the limiation of 16 connections with this package.

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ORA-06413 / Connection Not Open

Jul 1, 2011

Our Oracle Application & Database is installed on Windows 2003 R2 32 bit and our development team trying to access this database from windows 2008 64 bit.where we have the Oracle client 10g installed for 64bit but when they are trying to access the instance they are getting below error

ORA-06413: connection not open

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Run Command And Connection In One Line

Dec 5, 2011

I want run sql connection and command in one line , something like this ...

sqlplus "/as sysdba" 'select * from dual'

is it possible to do it in one command ?

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Security :: Remote Connection Using SYS

Jan 8, 2013

while testing SYS remote connection in our staging server. Executing the command below is OK:

sqlplus sys/<password>@sales as sysdba

While this is mind-boggling for me...

sqlplus sys@sales as sysdba
Enter password:
ORA-01017: Message 1017 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS,

Enter user-name:
Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01017

I entered the correct password.I've been simulating this for a couple of times, even tried the copy-and-paste method.

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