Attack Databases While Performing Backup?

Apr 1, 2011

are there any possibility to attack oracle databases while performing database backup!

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Backup & Recovery :: Tape Streaming Not Happening While Performing RMAN Backup

Oct 29, 2011

Tape streaming is not happening while performing RMAN tape backup. On investigation, you find that it is not because of the incremental backup or the empty file backup and that RMAN is sending data blocks to the tape drive fast enough.What could be a solution to make tape streaming happen during the backup?

A.Configure backup optimization

B.Configure the channel to increase MAXOPENFILES

C.Configure the channel to increase the capacity with the RATE parameter

D.Configure the channel to adjust the tape buffer size with the BLKSIZE option

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Backup & Recovery :: Migrating Databases / Task To Migrate Total Databases

Mar 27, 2012

I have the task to migrate the total databases(Exact copy to be moved to another server).The current server is going for format.After I did the following steps I am getting the tablespaces(databases)-4 sizes same ,but I am facing issue like some default tablespaces i.e temp,system are not matching.

temp tablespace
current server - 4.0(approximately)
Migrating server - 160 MB

System tablespace
current server - 580 MB
Migrating server - 220 MB

Also I checked the tables are also matching for the 4 databases.Also Provide the solution or method which is correct.

steps done for migrating(By me)

1 From command prompt MKDIR 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

2 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;

3 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

4 grant read,write on directory dmpdir to kotak;

5 From command prompt

expdp system/kotak@xe full=Y directory=dmpdir dumpfile=xe.dmp logfile=expdpxe.log;
in another server machine

1 From SQL prompt conn system/kotak;

2 create or replace directory dmpdir as 'c:oraclexeapp mp';

3 grant read,write on directory dmpdir to kotak;

4 From command prompt set ORACLE_SID=xe;

5 impdp system/kotak@xe full=Y directory=dmpdir dumpfile=xe.dmp logfile=impdpxe.log;

IN OUR PROCESS we created the below tablespaces and user before IMPORTING created 4 tablespaces

1. kotak
2. kotakdb
3. wired_data
4. ferrari

Created Users which are there in 219 server
3. FC_80

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ShadowProtect To Backup Oracle Databases?

Mar 22, 2013

if you are using ShadowProtect to backup your Oracle databases. What are your experiences and the pros and cons in using ShadowProtect as the one and only backup/recovery tools for Oracle databases? Can the potential of ShadowProtect replaces the commonly use Oracle backup/recovery tools?

The reason why I raise this question is because my boss has the idea that ShadowProtect is THE best backup/recovery tools. Personally I don't think so, because there can be cases where we only need to recover the database and not the whole OS.

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Backup & Recovery :: EBU Catalog Registered 2 Databases With Same Name But Different Hosts

Jun 14, 2011

When we run a backup of a database [oracle7.3.4.5] using EBU [] on Solaris 7, error message appears:

Statement processed.
BFS in progress "1134684df1de4a" cancelled on 10-JUN-2011 11:05:34
BFS in progress "1134694df1de4a" cancelled on 10-JUN-2011 11:05:35

Ending backup to tape

This backup spawns archive sequence numbers 1731 to 1731
This backup comprises SCN 8725981 to 8725802
EBU-2003: Job 24267 failed due to an internal error
on 10-JUN-2011 11:05:52 [ 7178 : brcdodbfil ]

In EBU catalog, are registered 2 databases with the same name but different hosts.

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Storage Systems Used For Saving Archive And Backup Files Especially For Oracle Databases

Mar 5, 2013

what type of storage systems used for saving archive files and backup files "especially for oracle databases"

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Performing Expdp On Network Drive?

Jul 23, 2013

while try to expdp on network drive. getting below can we perform the expdp on network drive

Network location: \\tsclient\p\expdp

1.)SQL> show user

SQL> create or replace directory exp as '\\tsclient\p\expdp';Directory created.
SQL>Grant read,write on directory exp to system;

2.)expdp system/xxxxx@orcl directory=exp dumpfile=EXP_orcl_072013.dmp logfile=EXP_72013_1.log schemas=('IIMS','CMMN')

Export: Release - Production on Tue Jul 23 13:48:07 2013
Copyright © 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536
ORA-29283: invalid file operation

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Performing TYPE 2 Operation Using Merge In 10g

Mar 11, 2010

I have a type to table where only few columns are SCD 2. Like address, city, zip.I wrote a code using cursor. But now the requirement is to replace the cursor .how to perform type 2 using Merge in oracle 10g or any better way to perform it without using cursor. Look the code which i have attached with cursor.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Proc_cp_jci_contract_dim_hist
l_fun_ret_value NUMBER;
v_src_id NUMBER;
rec_jci_contract_dim jci_contract_dim%ROWTYPE;
rec_jci_contract_dim_hist jci_contract_dim_hist%ROWTYPE;
err_row VARCHAR2(4000);
ind NUMBER(1) := 1;

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Database Hangs On Performing Logswitch

Oct 16, 2012

Iam usin database on linux 64 bit machine

I have got the report from the users that the dataload operation which they perform in the database is taking normal than the expected time

I rebooted the server and started the database i can see that the database startup is even taking more time

The memory allocated is sufficient and when i tried to perform the logswitch the database simply hangs

alertlog contents after restart

minact-scn: useg scan erroring out with error e:12751
Tue Oct 16 11:02:03 2012
minact-scn: useg scan erroring out with error e:12751
Suspending MMON action 'Block Cleanout Optim, Undo Segment Scan' for 82800 seconds
Tue Oct 16 11:12:47 2012

Active Session History (ASH) performed an emergency flush. This may mean that ASH is undersized. If emergency flushes are a recurring issue, you may consider increasing ASH size by setting the value of ASHSIZE to a sufficiently large value. Currently, ASH size is 50331648 bytes. Both ASH size and the total number of emergency flushes since instance startup can be monitored by running the following query:

select total_size,awr_flush_emergency_count from v$ash_info;
Tue Oct 16 11:17:53 2012
Suspending MMON action 'undo usage' for 82800 seconds
Tue Oct 16 11:28:05 2012
Suspending MMON action 'metrics monitoring' for 82800 seconds

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Missing Records While Performing Parallel Inserts

Jun 29, 2010

I have prepared shell scripts to do the parallel inserts on my DB table (LEGACY_SYSTEM).

There is a trigger (AFTER INSERT ON EACH ROW) associated with the above table. I am calling a package.function inside the trigger to do the required operation and finally it will insert records into my target table (PRICE_CHANGE).

If I insert 10 rows into LEGACY_SYSTEM table, it should do few updates and finally insert 10 rows into PRICE_CHANGE table.

10 rows got inserted into LEGACY_SYSTEM. All the updates are successful but I could see only 4 rows in PRICE_CHANGE table. If I run it for the second or third time, all the results will be perfect.

Instead of these shell script, if I insert one by one rows manually into LEGACY_SYSTEM table, I am getting all the expected results and the results are consistent. If you look at my scripts below, you will understand the problem better..

./ &
./ &
./ 100052051 10974 &
./ 100052051 8649 &
./ 100052060 10974 &
./ 100052060 8649 &
./ 100052078 10974 &
./ 100052078 8649 &
./ 100052086 10974 &
./ 100052086 8649 &
./ 100052051 11698 &
./ 100052051 11777 &
./ 100052060 11698 &
./ 100052060 11777 &
./ 100052078 11698 &
./ 100052078 11777 &
./ 100052086 11698 &
insert into legacy_system (product, item, supp, type, g_ind, d_ind, o_num) values (7896544,$1,$2,'TEST',NULL,NULL,NULL);

I am calling through the UNIX session and all the records got inserted into LEGACY_SYSTEM table and few rows are missing from PRICE_CHANGE table.

If I remove the '&' symbol and execute, the results are perfect. But the requirement is not to remove the '&' symbol. I have been facing this problem for the past 1 month.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How Oracle Manages Multiple Sessions In A Database Performing DML

Feb 25, 2011

I was just wondering how Oracle manages multiple sessions in a database performing DML. I believe this is related to 'Read Consistency' and I tried to search for the same but could not get any satisfactory online documents.

user A logs in to a database1
issues select on table A and then inserts 4 rows
user B logs in to databse1
issues select on table A and then inserts 5 rows
issues rollback
user C logs in to a database1
issues select on table A and then inserts 6 rows
issues commit

How many rows can user C see in the table A when he issues select?

user A logs in to a database1
issues select on table A and then inserts 4 rows
user B logs in to databse1
issues select on table A and then inserts 5 rows
user C logs in to a database1
user B issues rollback
user C issues select on table A and then inserts 6 rows
issues commit

How many rows can user C see in the table A when he issues select?

NOTE: All the users are currently logged in to the same database and none has logged out.

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Forms :: Performing Validation Based On Unique Values In A Form

Mar 10, 2013

In my form i have a multi record block which is based on a table in which i am performing insertion, deletion, updation.

My requirement is as below,

While saving a records i want to check distinct value of specific item can not be greater than some value say 2. Then only my records should be saved. I am planning to populate those values in a collection table type and take the distinct values from it. How to populate record values in a collection table type.

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Replication :: Error Performing Fast Refresh Of Materialized View?

Sep 4, 2008

We are facing serious problem while refreshing materialized views using fast refresh option in ORACLE..For the very first time we are performing Complete refresh of data from DB1 to DB2 for few tables.Ongoing we are performing Fast Refresh.Sometimes the fast refresh works fine without any error and sometimes it fails with the below error.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-32320: REFRESH FAST of "CIR"."C_BO_COMM" unsupported after
cointainer table
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 803
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 860
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 841
ORA-06512: at line 1

let me know when will this error occur during Fast Refresh.

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Backup & Recovery :: SCN Based Backup Do RMAN Generate Backup From Archivelogs

Oct 18, 2012

understanding rman scn based Backup Algorithm .. In SCN based backup do rman generate backup from archivelogs ???

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Backup & Recovery :: 2 Separate RMAN Backup One Backup Is Of Only Datafile

Jan 24, 2011

I have 2 seperate rman backup one backup is of only datafile ,spfile and controlfile which i am able to restore and recover without any problem say bkp1 taken at 10 am

other set of backup is of only archive log files of same day but later time than datafile backup say bkp2 taken at 8pm...if i restore and recover bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 it gives error datafile exist (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

if i just restore bkp1 and try to restore bkp2 so that i can do one recover at time
it gives error datafile permission issue (possibly due to fact both backup have control file)

I want to restore database upto 8pm time how can i use both bkp1 and bkp2 to do it(restore datafiles and apply all archive logs on it)

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Can Monitor Databases Using OEM 11g

Feb 7, 2011

In my company we have few databases and few databases.Currently we are monitoring using OEM 10g ( installed on a seperate server.

Planning to install OEM on a new server as part of server room renovation. let me know the process of installing OEM on a different server without loosing the historical data?Also wondering if the OEM 11g will support the current databases?

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Same Server Two Databases

Oct 3, 2012

I have a windows 2008 server.

I already installled oracle software for oracle_home C:/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 for database DEV.

Now, I want to create new database with different oracle_home on same server with oracle_home as C:/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 and SID as TEST.

Do I have to istall oracle software again ? if yes, what about inventoryfiles in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory ? wont they be overwritten ?

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Multiple Databases With Same Name?

Nov 23, 2010

We are getting a consultant to upgrade an Oracle 9i installation to 11g R2. The current installation has 6 different databases installed on the same server. Each database is a different customer so for reasons of security we have requested that this be split into 6 virtual machines with one database per machine.

The consultant suggested that they could install the 11g database once and then just make copies (which would all have the same instance name. We are told that the TNS names can be configured so clients are directed to the right database.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Sequence Can Be Used Across Databases?

Mar 19, 2012

As we can give grant on sequence and can use in different schema of same database, can same sequence be used across databases?

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Copy Data Between Databases

Oct 12, 2012

I want copy some tables from one database to another. Which of following is the fastest way:

- INSERT /*+APPEND*/ via database link
- Transportable Tablespaces
- datapump IMP/EXP (I supposed it's the slowest way)

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Oracle Example Databases And Tables

Oct 3, 2011

I'm just wondering because i didn't find any example / test databases for Oracle. Thus MS has its "northwind", mysql its "world" or "sakila".

Additionally, the tables view is quiet confusing, referring to all those generated tables (


I tried right-click + apply filter *remove generated* but it didn't work.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Synch Two Oracle Databases

Aug 2, 2010

I have cloned the database into another using DBMS_METADTA API (export the metadata in xml form and recreate it on destination). I need to synch these two periodically. I need to update the XML to synchronize the databases.

I don't have 11g to use DBMS_METADATA_DIFF API.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Comparing Tables In Two Different Databases

Apr 13, 2011

As part of our project, we need to perform table comparisons in two different databases. I am currently looking for various options to accomplish this.

One of them is doing minus operation between these two tables. Also, i have looked at the data compare option in toad utility.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query From Multiple Databases

Apr 14, 2010

I have a query that queries an Oracle 10g database see below




This gives me the result:

PLOGDBY Calls Logged

I also have a query that queries a SQL Server database:

Select Agent, SUM([acd calls which have rung the agent])As CallsRung
FROM Dashboard_stats
Where Date = DATEADD(DAY,DATEDIFF(DAY,'20000101',GETDATE())-1,'20000101')
Group by Agent

This gives me the result:


What I want to do is write a query that returns the result:

Query 1(Oracle database) as a percentage of Query 2 (SQL Server database)

Results would be:


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2 Databases / 2 Listeners On 2 Different Ports?

Mar 14, 2011

I have 2 databases( A and .. which shares common ORACLE_HOME....

i configured 2 listeners through netca in different ports....

and both listener names are different...

But when I stop LISTENER.. both the listeners are getting stop and when i start both the listeners are up and running.. and I could see database B's services.. and vice versa...and when i tnsping , i am able to see port 1521 default port for database A.

when I run I bash, i have included ORACLE_HOME path... so should i add oracle_SID also there..if so, which SID should I add A or B?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: New Table Creation From Different Databases?

Apr 9, 2013

I have two tables having same name in two different databases.i have to create a new table with these two tables in a new database.

But if one table have 2 columns and another table having three columns I have to create a new table with three columns..

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No Flashback For Pluggable Databases?

May 9, 2013

I've just found out that 12cR1 will not (in all likelihood) allow "flashback database" for pluggable DBs. Am I the only one disappointed by that ? I use flashback db (+replay) a lot to revert and replay automated tests and I had plans to consolidate tenths of test environments into PDBs.

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Multiple Databases In Linux Server?

Jun 16, 2013

while using top command it shows multiple processes usage.Actually we have 3 databases in the same to find out which database process and user session hogging the cpu resources

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Options Licensing For Cloned Databases?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a production DB that has the oracle tuning pack option turned on, I occasionally need to clone the DB to a test server where I do not use the tuning pack, If I select from DBA_feature_usage_statistics it tells me that the Options pack is turned on for the Prod db DBID but not for the cloned db dbid. Do I need to worry about this old data being left around in my database? If so is there anyway to remove it? I am running

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Moving Databases To New Host Server?

Oct 7, 2012

I have a requirement to move the databases to a new server.

Existing set up:

Oracle version -

New Server (setup):

Oracle version -

My query is what is the best way to move the database to new server(UNIX AIX 6.1)?

a) can i upgrade the database to before moving to new server or its better to move the database in and then upgrade there?

b)is export and import of database can work for moving this?

c) RMAN backup and restoration can be done for moving databases?

d)simply moving all the related files to new server and start upgrading it from there?

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