Application Express :: Execute Remote Shell Scripts Through 4.1?

Jan 3, 2013

Is there a way to execute remote shell scripts/perl script through APEX 4.1?I use Application Express

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Application Express :: Call OS Shell Script

Jun 13, 2012

I have a batch script "backup.bat" . How can I call this script in my Apex page? I have search the forum but their explanation is complicated. I can understand it better using sample apps. Add a sample call script in:


workspace: dev_ws_100

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Execute UNIX Shell Script From Function?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a requirement where i need to execute a unix shell script "" having permissions user1,group1 and no access to public. This should be executed from Oracle function.

So i wrote a routine in Java and it works fine when i execute a command like Date etc.

But when i execute "" from oracle client, its returning error that "could not be executed-permission denied". This is because once login happened through the "sqlplus" the shell takes user as "oracle" and group as "dba" but the script "" having only permissions user1,group1. Unfortunately we are not allowed to change the permission for "" to give execute permission to all(public).

After searching in internet, i understand that one way is to make the password (/etc/passwd) for the user "user1" as no password and can use "su" command so that it wont ask password while invoking it.

Is there any other way apart from this doing changes in password file at UNIX level when executing a script from oracle client?

if further information is required.

Oracle: version:
UNIX : AIX -5.9

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PL/SQL :: Scheduling - Create Oracle Job That Will Execute Shell Script?

Jul 2, 2012

I need to create an oracle job that will execute a shell script. i need to run it only when I call it(so not to be scheduled).

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Application Express :: How To Execute Stored Procedure From APEX Page

Oct 17, 2012

I just started to play with this system and don't understand how to execute the the stored procedure (that creates report) from the APEX page. I know that they have sample documentation and java script call (show below):

<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
function callMyRep() { var formVal1 = document.getElementById(’P_PAR1′).value;
var url;
url = ‘rep1?p_session_id=&SESSION.’+'&p_par1=’+ formVal1; window.location.href=”f?p=&APP_ID.:12:&SESSION.”;
w = open(url,”winRep”,”Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=600″); Close here. X

In this example rep1 is the stored procedure that creates report.How can I execute it using url?

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Application Express :: Execute JavaScript After Update And Submit In Skillbuilders Modal Page

May 13, 2013

I'm editing, say, list of my employees in a tabular form opened in Skillbuilders Modal Page. I have to execute same javascript code after the changes in the tabular form have been submitted.

I've tried using a Dynamic Action fired on Page Load, but that gets executed before the update is completed.

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Application Express :: JavaScript - Execute When Page Loads Not Working When Paging Results Grid

Aug 12, 2013

I have some Javascript in an Apex page, running in 'Execute when page loads'. It does some stuff to a results grid. It works fine on page load, but then doesn't run when I page through, or sort the grid. I presume this is because the grid is being sorted / paged using Ajax, which means the page isn't being fully loaded. Is there anywhere else I can put the code so it gets applied to the grid on sorts and paging?

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Application Express :: Re-execute Single SQL Report On Multi-Report Page

Oct 25, 2013

I have a Page containing 3 reports and I was wondering if it is possible to re-execute only one of the these reports using a button or preferably a Select List which allows me to choose which of the 3 reports I wish to 'refresh/re-execute'. I may be totally wrong here but I assumed that choosing the option to submit a Page will cause all regions to refresh i.e. re-execute the SQL queries they are 'based on'.

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Execute Application Via Trigger?

Feb 6, 2007

I've been asked to look into ways I an execute an application with a trigger. I know I could set some database flag and have an application look at the flag and execute an application based on this, but my boss really doesn't wanna go down this route.

I was told I can use either C or java within the trigger somehow to execute an application (for example notepad.exe)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Dbms_sql.execute To Build / Execute Dynamic Sql?

Oct 23, 2013

I'm working with old code that uses dbms_sql.execute to build/execute dynamic sql. In our case, the user can select varying columns(I think up to 20) with different where conditions as needed.

After building the sql, here's an example

(SELECT ph.* FROM po_header ph WHERE 1 = 2),
pf AS
(SELECT DISTINCT pf.order_id,
FROM po_fau pf, ph
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ph.order_id = pf.order_id


Where table records for

po_header = ~567746
po_fau = ~2153570

and PK "order_id" is a NUMBER(10) not null and a snippet of the code looks like

nDDL_Cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
dbms_sql.parse(nDDL_Cursor, sSQLStr, 2);
FOR x IN 1 .. nCols LOOP
sCols(x) := '';
dbms_sql.define_column(nDDL_Cursor, x, sCols(x), 100);
nError := dbms_sql.execute(nDDL_cursor);

why when the "execute" statement is fired off the elapsed time takes ~4.5 seconds but If I change "1 = 1" above to "1 = 2" it takes ~.2 seconds. If I run the above query interactively it takes ~.2 seconds. Shouldn't the above query when joining

ph.order_id = pf.order_id

return zero rows back instantly or does the "dbms_sql_execute" do some other type of parsing internally that takes cpu time.

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Execute Dynamic SQL Using Both Execute Immediate And Ref Cursor

Jan 8, 2009

We can execute dynamic sql using both execute immediate and ref cursor..But what is the difference between the two and performance-wise which is better?

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Oracle 7 Shell Script?

Sep 6, 2011

find the sample script and the error i face while running from shell. Actually i want to check the health of the database.

Sample script:
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/product/9.2.0
export PATH=/home/oracle/dbgen/PM/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/ansic/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/opt/nettladm/bin:/opt/pd/bin:/op


error messege:
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production

Message 4505 not found; No message file for product=SVRMGR, facility=MGR

Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12545
Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12545

Attached File(s)

 Script.txt ( 997bytes )
Number of downloads: 3

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Run Shell Script In Procedure

Feb 10, 2012

I've a requirement of running shell script in pl/sql procedure. I thought of doing this by using dbms_scheduler package. I believe while executing the jobs using dbms_scheduler the owner has to be part of DBA group, but as per my company policy (security issue) only DBA users has to be part of this group and i'm not able to . So is there anyway i can execute shell script in pl/sql procedure other than using dbms_scheduler.

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How To Transfer Parameter Between Procedure And Shell

Jul 25, 2013

I created a procedure with cursor to inquiry a table. There is more than 1 million records on the table. For each record, I would like to transfer two columns on table as parameter to shell and feedback to procedure as varcahr2.

This is my sample(I only use 10 records for the testing).

create or replace procedure task_file(task_check in varchar2,file_name out varchar2) is
k number :=0;
v_task_number number :=0;
v_task_filename varchar2(30) := null;
cursor jobchk is select task_number,task_filename into v_task_number,v_task_filename from my.tasktable
where task_filename=task_check and rownum <=10;

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Shell Script For RMAN Backup?

Apr 12, 2011

I was trying to take/schedule a RMAN backup of database using crontab in REDHAT Linux 5. I was able to execute the script manually and the backup completed successfully with out any issue. (execute ./ from command prompt) But, this script is not getting executed on scheduled time from crontab..
export ORACLE_SID=traxmp
# Connect to the database. Change this to Sys logon if not using /
rman target sys/*******@traxmp @'/backup/rman_script/daily_backup.rman'


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SQL & PL/SQL :: DBMS_SCHEDULER Calling Shell Script

Sep 13, 2011

I am facing issues with DBMS_SCHEDULER..I am receiving error while executing the "DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job"..The OS folder has full permission.

OS : UNix
Database: 10g
Error Received:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit 274664
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
ORA-06512: at line 1

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling Shell Script Within Procedure?

Jul 22, 2013

I have a procedure that checks in the table if the daily refresh was successful or not for the previous day. If it failed I would like to receive an email, which I accomplish with calling my EMAIL() procedure. Otherwise call my program_scheduler that will run a shell script.

Below is my procedure:

create or replace


And here is CALL_SHELL job that my procedure calls:

SYS.dbms_scheduler.create_job (
job_name => 'CALL_SHELL',
job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
job_action => '/home/oracle/',


My ELSE statement never gets executed, why?

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Shell Script For Automatic AWR Report

Apr 17, 2013

I have a requirement to generate the AWR report daily between (10AM - 06PM , 10AM - 01PM , 01PM - 10PM) . I have the below script for this . But the issue is this script is working only when i run it two times and before running i have to delete snap_list.lst file.

Script :
dt=`date +%d%m%Y
cd /orabkp/awr_report
chmod 777 *
rm -rf snap_list.lst
touch snap_list.lst

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PL/SQL :: Executing A Shell Script From A Trigger

Sep 4, 2012

I have to write a script to do the following requirement. There is a file called BUSINESS_DATE.TXT. This file get updated once the oracle partition created. In Oracle, artition will be created every day. There is a seperate script scheduled to take care ORACLE partition creation. The above file will have only one row. i.e. 03092012

If Oracle partition creation job failed, the above file won't be updated. My requirement is, I have to check whether the BUSINESS_DATE file is updated today or not. If yes, I will have to move the files from common area to input file directory to process those files. All file name will amend with current date. i.e .


The key part is to check the BUSINESS_DATE.TXT file is updated properly or not. We don't know what time the file will get updated. So we are planning to schedule the new script to run for every 15 mins to check whether the file is updated or not

But...I just thought instead of writing a shell script to do the above one, Why shouldn't I capture the date in a table (New table needs to be created) and use ORACLE TRIGGER to run the shell script to move the files from common area to input file directory to process those files?

My Proposal in ORACLE :

Create table business_date
rep_date varchar(15),
curr_timestamp timestamp

Once the oracle partition created , one row will be inserted into the above table. This adjustment needs to be implemented partition script. Once this table get record, TRIGGER should call SHELL SCRIPT to move the files from common area to input area.

If I implement ORACLE TRIGGER, The script which will check whether the file got updated or not for 15 mins is not required.

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Enterprise Manager :: How To Add Shell Scripts

Dec 24, 2009

I have written a shell script for block corruption checks. I want to run the script from OEM grid control, so that I can get an email alert if there is anything wrong. how to add the shell script at OEM Grid?

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Application Express :: Pass Header Variable From OAM To Apex And Read It In Application?

Mar 4, 2013

We have integrated Oracle Access Manager 11gR1 with Oracle Apex 4.1. The OAM-Apex integration is working fine. Now we want an additional header variable to be passed from OAM to the Apex application. This new header variable will be user's sAMAccountName in Active Directory. OAM is integrated with AD and the AD users are successfully able to access the Apex applications.

The three header variables which are configure in OAM right now are:
Header variable name Value
1. OAM_REMOTE_USER $user.userid
2. OAM_REMOTE_USER_EMAIL $user.attr.mail
3. OAM_REMOTE_USER_GROUPS $user.groups

We need an additional header variable as mentioned below:
Header variable name: OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME
Value: $user.attr.samaccountname

The new header variable was added in the OHS server's dads.conf file like shown below:
=========== dads.conf =============

But we are not able to read the value of this attribute in the Apex application.On the Apex application, we have a text box which shows the value of this header variable. This textbox is attached with the following stored procedure call to fetch the header variable:
:P1_HEADER_VALUE := owa_util.get_cgi_env( 'HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME' );

The textbox shows the correct value if HTTP_OAM_REMOTE_USER is passed to the get_cgi_env method but does not shows anything when HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME is passed to the same method. if I am missing some configuration to pass the HTTP_OAM_SAMACCOUNTNAME haeder variable from OAM to Apex.

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Application Express :: Multiple Application Setup Using Session Sharing Within Workspace

Jan 24, 2013

I have multiple application set-up using session sharing within the workspace.Technically all works fine, however it does not play nice with user behaviour.

Users logs into APP_ID:100. Since he isn't authenticated yet, he provides user/pass and the APP_SESSION is authenticated.
Now if the user switches using to another application (using a link provided in application 100) he gets redirect to APP_ID:101:APP_SESSION all is fine.

The session is already authenticated, the application shares the session and the user gains access to app 101 without having to authenticate again. All's fine!

However users don't behave they way. Instead of using an easy link in the application. They will use their own bookmark or type in the url for app 101 manually. That way the next application is either called with f?p=101:1:[SOME OLD SESSIONID FROM BOOMARK] or f?p=101 (with no further page or session info) In both cases instead of using the already authenticated session apex spawns a new session, which of course isn't authenticated yet thus forcing the user to authenticate and come complaining they have to login again.

Similar behaviour problems exists when the user opens a browser and tries to open both applications in each in a tab next to each other.Both tabs fetch there own initial session id and start writing it to the same cookie each in turn invalidating the other tab's session.These can lead to some fanatic ping pong actions. Thus it's impossible to open 2 applications sharing session in the same browser.

Is there any remedy for these situations?Can apex be as smart as for instance first trying to resume the session stored in the cookie and only if that session is invalid, start a new session?

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Application Express :: Get Checked Options Values Via Application Global Arrays?

Apr 26, 2013

how to use checkbox item, and trying to get checked options values via application global arrays. So, this may be quite simple question, but I'm completely stuck here...

When I was looking through various threads and guides, I've encountered checkbox corresponding array names like "g_f01" - "g_f50". And so far i saw that these names are derived from item name in generated HTML code, for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="*f10*" value="3" />

And this one stands for array name "g_*f10*".However, when I tried to do the same thing - i receive item name which looks like "*p_v04*", and therefore, I can't figure out, which array name should I choose to adress it properly.

My generated HTML snippet:

<input type="checkbox" id="P6_ANSWER_0" name="*p_v04*" value="3"/>

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Application Express :: Display List Of All Users On Page / Accessing Or Using Application

Mar 23, 2013

i want to display a list of all users on a page those currently accessing or using the application. How do i accomplish this requirement?

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Application Express :: Login Error 7621 - Determine Workspace For Application?

Jul 5, 2013

APEX 4.0 Sometimes, I am getting the below error when I tried to logging into APEX workspace (after giving workspace name, User name and password), Expecting p_company or wwv_flow_company cookie to contain security group id of application owner.

ErrorERR-7621 Could not determine workspace for application (:) on application accept. I found some threads related to this but in different way not exactly when I am getting this error. 

After 2 or 3 times, this error will not come and I can able to logging into workspace What is the cause for this issue?? 

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Application Express :: ORA-02291 / Constraint Wwv_flows_fk Violated While Application Import

Nov 4, 2013

Each time when I import an application into my workspace in local 10g XE using the APEX 4.2 Application Builder, I get the "ORA-02291, constraint wwv_flows_fk violated..". The application I whant to import  was originally exported from [URL]. I found out, that it has to to with wwv_flow_application_install.get_workspace_id in the installation script, which obviously returns NULL and not my current workspace id as I suppose it should. I replaced wwv_flow_application_install.get_workspace_id by '<my worskspace id>' and then the import does work. 

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Application Express :: Application Locking - Force Logout All Current Users And Prevent Login

Jun 12, 2012

I have an application that I'd like to prevent activity in after a certain time of day, say 3pm. Is there any way I can force logout of all current users and then prevent re-login until 9am the next day (short of deleting all of their login credentials and then recreating them the next morning)?

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Application Express :: How To Protect Oracle Application From Code Edit On Client Side Installation

Sep 12, 2013

We have developed an application for our clients,planning to deploy it in client server soon. we have plans to support the application in future,so we want to restrict the clients from any modifications. By Doubt is, 'build_status=Run only' alone,cannot protect our application from client developers to edit our application,

Because though we install our application as 'Run Only' at the time of installation in client instance,we can still import the original application and change the type to 'Build and Run Application',and run the new application as 'Build and Run'.(which is not supposed to) we want to make sure,if there is any way we can protect our application from modifications after client side installation.  

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Enterprise Manager :: Scheduling A Shell Script As Job In OEM 12c

Sep 12, 2012

I have a shell script which triggers a batch in our application (an application which is not integrated with any other scheduler and is trying to integrate with OEM for the first time).

Is it possible to schedule a job to run this shell script in OEM ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Pass Shell Script Values To Procedure

May 30, 2012

I have one procedure , which calls the DBMS_scheduler.run_job , which calls the Shell Script. now based on the shell execution i need to return the message lines to procedure.

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