Application Express :: How To Soft-code Page Number Portion Of Item Name
Oct 9, 2012
In an Application Procedure, I'd like to reference some items that are local to the current page. Obviously, hard-coding like the following won't work unless it happens to be on Page 25.
:f105_blah := :p25_blah;
So how can I write this line of PL/SQL code so that the "25" is automatically set to the number of the current page?
I'm trying to update a number field on an apex page by summing up the values of multiple page items. I've tried to follow this tutorial
especially the "Create a Set Value Dynamic Action Using PL/SQL" part.
In the tutorial example they return an page item value P3_SAL multiplied by a multiplier they've determined by another page item's case. What I want to do is much simpler in that I just want to add up multiple page item values and then display them in a number field at the bottom of the page.
so the code I tried to use based on the tutorial is in the tab: Home >Application Builder>Application 103>Page 3>Edit Dynamic Action>Create / Edit Action
Set Type: PL/SQL Function Body
PL/SQL Function Body:
BEGIN return :P3_ITEM1+P3_ITEM2+P3_ITEM3; END;
Page Items to Submit: P3_ITEM1,P3_ITEM2,P3_ITEM3
But it gives me an error that I need to declare the identifiers, yet it works if I only use one item and I can perform any arithmetic.
Need to create a report based on date ranges and for this created a interactive report and two page item datepicker fields P15_fromdate and p15_todate. Report works fine with this criteria.But user wants one more field quarter(P15_quarter), When they select the quarter the range values has to get reset and as to get applied to report.
Issue here is unable to find a way to set the page range item values based on the quarter field selection
I am new to APEX and I am developing an application to manage Oracle database user accounts. I have a page (8) that has text items for the username and the database name. I have a submit button (this works fine) that will issue the ALTER USER... statement to reset the user's password and unlock the account. I have another button that should:
get the value of the username - P8_USERNAMEassign it to an application item - FIND_USER_IN_DBredirect to page in application - to page 11
The issue is that FIND_USER_IN_DB does not get populated and page 11
which is a simple report with the following query:
I have javascript code i want to move from standard report page to page zero, well page 0 doesn't have html header/page attribute section so how to i achieve this?
it is possible to have two Validations one Page Item. Also I need to execute them one by one. If one is passed then go to the other and validate that one.
Example:P20_FORM_ACTIONP20_REOPENP20_REASON Validation 1: P20_REASON != 0 with condition P20_FORM_ACTION = CLOSEIf Validation 1 is passed then go to Validation 2Validation 2: P20_REASON != 0 with condition P20_REOPEN = YES
If Validation 2 is passed, then submit the form otherwise get error. is possible in Application Express I tried to put the validations as described above into my application, but it did not work. Only one Validation was executed.
I have a from with some fields (VELD01, VELD02...VELD11) and a page process that fills that field. I want to make that more dynamic using a loop. Is it possible to use some 'dynamic SQL' like:
l_cnt := 1; for r in c loop P1210_VELD0||l_cnt; l_cnt := l_cnt + 1; end loop;
I have a situation where I need to reference a hidden item in a List of Values (for a pull-down list) SQL statement. It doesn't seem to be working properly. Here is what I have:
1) Using a dynamic action, set the value of a hidden item based on the change of Select List 1.
2) Select List 2 has a parent LOV item of Select List 1, and the Select statement for Select List 2 uses the hidden item that was set from the dynamic action above.
I can see that the dynamic action is working correctly. But when I change Select List 1, the Select List 2 does not show any values from its LOV.
I'm wondering if the LOV for Select List 2 is not working because the item used in the SQL statement was set by a dynamic action?
I have some troubles with a "Set Value" Dynamic Action. What I want to do is set a Page Item with a specific variable derived from javascript. So basically I have a javascript variable 'test' that is being changed in javascript code. I am using a dynamic Action "Set Value" to set this value into a page item. As source, Im using "Javascript Expression". It is working, however, the Set Value Dynamic Action with JAvascript expression does not reflect this change in the session, so the page item is not updated.
I tried:
$s -> does not work apex.submit -> does work, however submits the page. I need to submit only the Page item.
I have a table which contain 3 columns, see below:
id primary key pic1 blob pic2 blog
there is 1 row in it(id=1), just for display 2 images.
Uploaded 2 images into above Blob fields by file browse function. Now, I want to show the 2 pictures in a Region by using display image item P1_AR, but it didn't work.
Based on: BLOB Columns specified in item source Alternative Text Column: null Filename Column: null BLOB last update Column: nullSource used: Only when current value in session state is null Source type: SQL Query(return single value) Source value or express: select dbms_lob.getlength(PIC) from cp_pic where id=1
I got the error below after runing: ORA-20999: P1_AR has to have a valid BLOB column as source
I have created two regions in one page. I created some items but would like to share the items for both regions. When you create the item, you have to select which region it belongs to. Those items are supposed to be used by both regions, so I wonder if it is possible to share the items instead of creating the same items for region 2. I know I can create application item, but how to share items among different regions in the same page.
how to set Value to select list page item based on the return value of other select list page item(before header process i need to include or need to write a process)
Select country: [This is my first select list ]
Select State: [ This is my second select list, which i want to set in before header process based on the first select list]
I would like to have a table in HTML region and to display in the table some Page Items from the page.
I got the code like this: { <table> <tr><td>&P1_ECEMEA_ASSISTANCE</td></tr> <tr><td>&P1_ECEMEA_WIP</td></tr> </table> }
It shows the Page Item names as text, not the values. However this code without the table tags:
{ ECEMEA Request for CQT Assistance: &P1_ECEMEA_ASSISTANCE. ECEMEA CQT Work in Progress: &P1_ECEMEA_WIP. }
works and the Page Item values are displayed.
Is it possible to display the Page Item values in the HTML table at all or I have to use a different method of showing the values in a table? The above is only a snippet of the code. I need to display about 30 Page Items, formatted in a table with headings.
what kind of region is the best to be used or if I should only use some escape symbols in the table code.
I have an interactive report which contains the columns like
<li>empno <li>Name
In the above i have "empno" with a column alignment of left and a "Name" with a column alignment of left.
Whether it is possible to override the data alignment that we set in the report according to the value of the application item like
If my application item value is US, then i need the column alignment of both the column"empno" and "Name" to be left and if my application item value is AR, then i need the column alignment of both the column "empno" and "Name" to be right. Whether is it possible to achieve the dynamic alignment to the report data of both the columns "empno" and "Name" according to the application page item value.And also in the case of page item i have a page item with a name P1_NAME in which it has a Element Horizontal/Vertical alignment to left.
I need that element alignment of the page item to behave dynamically according to the application page item, like if the application page item is US then the element alignment of the page item has to be left and if the application page item is AR then the element alignment of the page item has to be right.
We have an issue after migrating to apex 4.2.1. We have a select list and use another couple of dummy items to be used as its label instead of giving the text value to the LABEL control. Only one of the dummy items is shown as a label for the select list conditionally based on another value. It was working fine with the earlier versions upto 4.1, but with the introduction of grid in 4.2, its now displaying the select list on a new row (ie the lable in one row and the select list on the next row).
However, we really would like to solve this by having a way to display the label of the select list either in "required format style" or as an "optional style". The display style should be determined only at runtime.
Example. Say P100_MY_SELECT_LIST is the select list
The label for this item is "My Select List Label"
I have another dummy item P100_DUMMY
if P100_dummy = 1 then the label "My Select List Label" should be displayed in red and with an * *My Select List LabelOtherwise it should be in black and without * My Select List Label.
We are using Application Express on Wondows XP and Oracle version is 10g. I've created a report in APEX and the user is insisting on putting a header on each page in PRINT of the report which should contain the "from date" and "to date", which are present on the select criteria on top.
Can I somehow add from_date and to_date items in Title so that when they print the report, they'll see the from and to dates in the title?Or is there someother way to do this. The report is an interactive report with a control break and user prints the report with file->print.
I have different public page (page1) and different page for authorized user(page5).Upon successful login after process validation ,computation it should navigate to authorized user page 5 but the branching does work it keeps on going to page 1 .
My aim is to display the missing itemnames for each itemcode.
For each ITEM_CODE there should be four items i.e Pen,Pencil,Scale and Marker If any itemcode missed any of the itemnames those records should display in the output.
So the output should be like this
101 Marker Because the item Marker is missed. 102 Pencil Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed. 102 Marker Because the items Pencil and Marker are missed.
For itemcode 103 no records should be displayed because it having all four itemnames.
We have developed an application for our clients,planning to deploy it in client server soon. we have plans to support the application in future,so we want to restrict the clients from any modifications. By Doubt is, 'build_status=Run only' alone,cannot protect our application from client developers to edit our application,
Because though we install our application as 'Run Only' at the time of installation in client instance,we can still import the original application and change the type to 'Build and Run Application',and run the new application as 'Build and Run'.(which is not supposed to) we want to make sure,if there is any way we can protect our application from modifications after client side installation.
I'm trying to set up a PL/SQL dynamic action that is triggered by clicking on a button. The dynamic action sets two values in a table and then I would like to redirect to another page. Setting the values works fine. The code is below:
declarel_information varchar2(255) := :P94_FILENAME;BEGINcommit;UPDATE VDI_METADATASET CREATEUSERLISTNAME = l_information, CREATEUSERLISTON = sysdate();commit;htp.init;owa_util.redirect_url('f?p=&APP_ID.:81:&APP_SESSION.::NO:::');END; The redirect fails with the following eror: "Error: parseerror: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data"
how to redirect to a page from within PL/SQL . None of them result in success.
How do I center a button within a region? I tried 'align="center"' but this seemed to be ignored. The button is at the left of the screen. Also, what are the 'display points' (Page Template Region Position 1-8) used for, and why is there a specification for column position of 1-9? Could these be attributes that will allow my button to be centered on the window instead of on the left?