Application Express :: 4.1 - How To Add A Report Column To Existing Page

Oct 12, 2012

On a "Form on a table with report" page created with the wizard, I want to add a new report column from the underlying table (this is the multi-row page). If I try to add the column name to the query, Apex tells me:

"You have requested to change the Interactive Report query. If you added columns to the query, they will not be displayed when the report is run. You will need to use the actions menu and either select the columns or click Reset. If you removed any columns from the query, it will disable existing filters, highlight rules, and other report settings referencing those columns. Please confirm your request."

I sure don't want to start over and re-build the page, so where the heck is this "actions menu"?

I'm running Apex 4.1.

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Application Express :: IR Report Page With Download (specific) Column Security?

Apr 24, 2013

i have IR report page and download column as blob,how can security applied in specific column wise?e.g. Report page have more rows, and applied query in condition.

Select ID,dbms_lob.getlength(Blob_file) Download  from Document_master
where Created_by=UPPER(:APP_USER)
  (exists (select ''   from   apex_workspace_group_users awgu
where  awgu.user_name =:app_user  AND awgu.GROUP_NAME='EMPLOYEE_GROUP'

Now all the rows with Download column to see EMPLOYEE_GROUP users,but i need control the download column only except Created_by=UPPER(:APP_USER) ,this case how can do the security.

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Application Express :: Dynamic Alignment Of Report Column And Page Item Value?

May 7, 2013

I have an interactive report which contains the columns like


In the above i have "empno" with a column alignment of left and a "Name" with a column alignment of left.

Whether it is possible to override the data alignment that we set in the report according to the value of the application item like

If my application item value is US, then i need the column alignment of both the column"empno" and "Name" to be left and if my application item value is AR, then i need the column alignment of both the column "empno" and "Name" to be right. Whether is it possible to achieve the dynamic alignment to the report data of both the columns "empno" and "Name" according to the application page item value.And also in the case of page item i have a page item with a name P1_NAME in which it has a Element Horizontal/Vertical alignment to left.

I need that element alignment of the page item to behave dynamically according to the application page item, like if the application page item is US then the element alignment of the page item has to be left and if the application page item is AR then the element alignment of the page item has to be right.

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Application Express :: Re-execute Single SQL Report On Multi-Report Page

Oct 25, 2013

I have a Page containing 3 reports and I was wondering if it is possible to re-execute only one of the these reports using a button or preferably a Select List which allows me to choose which of the 3 reports I wish to 'refresh/re-execute'. I may be totally wrong here but I assumed that choosing the option to submit a Page will cause all regions to refresh i.e. re-execute the SQL queries they are 'based on'.

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Application Express :: How To Print Page With Report And Some Items

Oct 28, 2013

db11gxe , apex 4.0 , firefox 24 , I have a page with a report and two items , and i want to print the whole page (the report with the items) , can apex do so ?

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Application Express :: Put A Download Button In Report Page

Jun 26, 2013

I have requirement like I have to put a download button in report page and clicking it will download only few of the columns only (specified one). I am using Apex 4.2.

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Application Express :: Pass Value From Report On Skillbuilder Modal Page

Nov 29, 2012

I am using the skillbuilder modal dialog. I have a report that displays in the modal. I want to pass a value from the report back to the page that called the modal and then close the modal. I have tried several different things, but I have not been successful.

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Application Express :: On Button Click To Fill Out Form On Same Page As Report

Jun 27, 2012

I have a report that contains a name that I want to pass in to a field in a form on a different region on the same page. My button located on the report is has its own column called ADD_LINK. Here is the button.

<button id="apexir_btn_ADD" class="apexir-button" type="button" value="Add" onclick=""><span>Add</span></button>

Once that button is clicked, I have the form region fade in. The region is called Add Tag to Employee, which has P4_ROWID, P4_EMPLOYEE_ID, and P4_TAG_ID. Once the region is displayed, I want the #NAME# to show in the P4_EMPLOYEE_ID.

I did copy this form from another page, where I had it working before. It made more sense to move it to this page for interface purposes, so maybe that tidbit will work as well.

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Application Express :: Force Report To Return To Top Of Page / Screen When Previous / Next Clicked?

Jan 10, 2013

We have several interactive reports setup and some of them can display more than one screen of data at a time, depending on the results returned.

All of the reports have prev/next pagination links at the top and bottom of the reports. For the longer reports, if you click prev/next at the bottom of the reprot, the prev/next page will display. But, you will still be at the bottom of the page/screen. Is there a way to force the report to return to the top of the page/screen when prev/next is clicked?

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Application Express :: Duplicate Column IDs In Reports On Same Page

Mar 27, 2013

I have 4 reports on the same page. I have added a checkbox column to each one. On clicking I want to populate a collection with the value of the id of the corresponding row and then have a button acting on the whole list.

My code to get the id of the item that contains the value I want is this

id = 'f02_' + $(this.triggeringElement ).attr('id').substr(4,4);

But there is an f02_0001 for each report, and the code just finds the first one, rather than the one in the context of the report being clicked.

<input name="f02" id="f02_0001" type="hidden" value="2072"/>
<input name="f02" id="f02_0001" type="hidden" value="2052"/>
etc etc.

All that is ever picked up is 2072

They have different table ids but I don't know how to reference the correct ones in my code.

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Application Express :: Print Column Heading On Each Page In PDF

Nov 13, 2013


I'm having a really hard time finding a solution to print the column headings on each page after the page break when printing.  We're using a tool called PDF Creator to create the PDF's and they're opened in Adobe.The server is GlassFish Server 3.1.2. What other information can I provide?

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Application Express :: Prevent Interactive Report From Running Query On Initial Page Load?

Oct 1, 2012

I am on APEX 4.1.1, db 11g and I have a report which is quite slow to retrieve results from its query. The page has some filter fields (e.g. store code, dept code) in addition to the generic search field.

When the user lands on this page (from a menu page), the query runs before the page displays and this typically takes 1-2 mins without any filters yet set. The usual browser loading indicators are not obvious to the user and they might not be aware that it is working on the request.

I want it so that it will only run the query AFTER allowing the user to get to the page, let the user fill in some filter criteria and then click on the GO button. Therefore the query will run after the page is submitted. When you hit the GO button on the interactive report, a nice rotating apex_loader.gif appears, making it obvious to the user that it is working on the request.

I would prefer NOT to create 2 pages, one for user filter, and a second for the actual report as I have many reports/inquiries which fit this category and I would prefer NOT to have to create pairs of pages for each.

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Application Express :: How To Fetch Tabular Form Column Value Into Page Items

Sep 7, 2012

I have created tabular form. I have set LOV for one column. Here my requirement is when i select the value from lov then it will fetch that value into page item.

I am using apex 4.1

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Application Express :: Grab Row ID From Report Column?

Jun 3, 2013

I'm having an issue pulling an ID from a report column.

I have a report based on the query:

select Inspection_Name, Activation_Status, Activate, Deactivate, Activation_Date, Inspection_Sector_Id from Inspections

where Event_Id = :P0_Event_IdThis report is based on a select list at the top of the page. The user selects an event from the select list and the report is populated.

The query for the select list is: select event_name, event_id

from Water_EventsSimple enough so far. Each row is identified by the Inspection_Sector_Id. I want to be able to turn each row under the 'Activate' and the 'Deactivate' columns into links. I have accomplished this by turning this field into a link. The link needs to navigate to a page that has that rows Inspection_Sector_Id, but am not sure how to grab that Id. I am navigating via URL on the link, i.e. f?p=application_id:page_id:session......

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Application Express :: Column In Interactive Report?

Nov 12, 2012

Since I'd rather not do it directly in the SQL used to populate the report, any clean way to style all cells of a given column from an interactive report? Perhaps all cells of interest can be addressed through jquey using the "headers" attribute they share?

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Application Express :: How To Make Form With Report And Insert Form In Same Page

Dec 14, 2012

how to make a form with report and an insert form in the same page, these two forms are related to the same table. Our customer wants a user can add new row to the table in a form and see all of rows created by this user in a report, this report should provide edit link as well. the problem is: whenever I inserted a new row or edit a row or delete a row, and submitted, and return to this page, all of hidden items lost their values, so report is blank, and some display only items also lost their values.

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Application Express :: Report String Column To Date?

Apr 22, 2013

v: Apex 4.2

I have Dynamic report and column say some_date column and data can be in the columun (01-JAN-13) OR (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13), (01-JAN-13,04-JAN-13,10-JAN-13) so on.

in actual table column some_date is date field but in report as above (string) because using RTRIM(some_date, ',') some_date within the select MODEL clause.

my problem is when run the report and select filter from action menu then it doesn't give option such as < , > or so on because of string but I want it should give <, <=, >, >= operators too as date column.

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Application Express :: IR Report Date Column Popup

Apr 30, 2013

I have an IR report and want to add another column such as complete_date. I want to add as a link so when user click it then should display the popup window or javascript popup for date selection. i don't want to use apex_item.date_popup or apex_item.date_popup2. On date selection popup user can choose only two dates such as yesterday or today all other date should be disabled?

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Application Express :: Hide Column In Interactive Report In 3.2?

Feb 15, 2013

In Apex version 4.2 in interactive reports, you can stop users from hiding columns by unchecking a check box under column definition.Is there a way to stop users from hiding a specific column in version 3.2.

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Application Express :: To Fix The Width Of A Column In Interactive Report

Jul 16, 2013

I have a column named 'Comment'. Its have a huge data due to which the length of that column in interactive report get increased.

I need to fix the length to a desired value.I used following code in Region Footer:

<style> table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td[headers=COMMENTS] {  _width: 300px;  min-width: 50px;   max-width: 300px }</style>

Its solved the problem by fixing the width of the column but the column is not showing the full data now. It is hiding most of its part to fit it in that column.

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Application Express :: Starting Report Column On New Line

Jul 30, 2013

Recently I remember reading what I think was a blog post on placing the last column of a report underneath the penultimate column - I think it was for classic reports.

I can't find it... Col1  Col2  Col3----  ----  ---- abc   def   xyz123   456   987  Col1  Col2  ----  ----  abc   def         xyz123   456         987

 I think it was done with some magic in the column definition, or maybe some jQuery?Agnostic to version. It was a more robust solution than using a HTML expression of#COL2#<BR>#COL3#

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Application Express :: 4.1 - Interactive Report Column Width

Jul 10, 2012

How to control the column width on an interactive report. I can force it by making the column header really long but that is a crazy solution. How can I get control over this? I have columns that contain memo entries and if I use the header memo the report has tall skinny columns which makes reading very difficult.

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Application Express :: Creating Link In IR Report Passing Value From Different Column

Feb 19, 2013


I have an Interactive Report with a column that I need to create a link on but I need to pass the value of another column.

This report shows the Features of a particular Release. There is a select list for the Release that is selected and executes the report. There is a column that indicates whether the Feature has a Commitment attached to it. If there is have that a link to another report that shows all the Commitments for that Feature by passing the FEATURE_ID which is also a column on the Feature report.

,CASE WHEN ft.feature_id IN (SELECT cc.feature_id
FROM customer_commitments cc
WHERE ft.feature_id = cc.feature_id
) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No'
END "Commitment Exists"

FROM ....If "Commitment Exists" has a 'Yes', the 'Yes' is a link that will pass the FEATURE_ID to another report that will show the Commitments for that Feature. If the "Commitment Exists" has a 'No' then no link. I was also wondering if the Commitment report could open in a seperate window and make it modal?

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Order In Interactive Report

Oct 18, 2013

I am trying to change the column order in an Interactive Report. Run the report as a developer then use the action menu. 

However, I am not sure how one can run the the report as a developer.  Do you just login and run the page?  Then if I do that, I don't see the action menu there.  If I go to page attributes "Save Report" tab, I do see the action menu but "Select Columns" only gives me "Report Type", "Report Name" etc as columns. Or we don't have enough privileges to run the report as a developer? 

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Application Express :: How To Display Custom Report Column Heading

May 13, 2013

I am having report region with different columns, in that one column heading needs to be start with lower case like "iST Status" but always it is showing "IST Status".

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Application Express :: How To Highlight Entire Classic Report Column To Red

Sep 20, 2012

We have a requirement, to highlight an entire column of a classic report based on a query to red. So if the search of the report returns column1, column2 as the output. Column 2 (text) should be highlighted in red across all results rows.

In some forum responses, I see using some id format, one can try to highlight a single column in a row. Not sure how can this be done across the whole column of multiple rows.

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Application Express :: How To Change Column Header Value Dynamically In IR Report

Oct 29, 2012

I have created report with the collections. Report query has been changing dynamically but i got problem with report header names and headers names has not been changing dynamically it is always showing like c001,c002....etc so, i have created global item(G_ITEM) in shared components--->Applications items after that I have created process(before headers) and assigning some value to G_ITEM and used &G_ITEM to column headres in IR Report but here &G_ITEM is not showing any value.

How can i achieve dynamic headers names by using *&G_ITEM(global items)*

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Application Express :: Save Form Changes When Click Report Link Column

Jun 19, 2013

Apex I have a page with a Form region and a Classic Report region. How can I automatically save changes made in the Form when a user clicks the Edit link column in the Report? At the moment, when the user returns to the Form, any changes made there are lost. 

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Application Express :: Showing Particular Row In A Color Depending On A Column In Classical Report

May 31, 2013

I have a classical report with a column as "Affirmation Status". This column can take three value as "Affirmed, Rejected or NA". My requirement is I have to show all row in one color like red wherever it has value affirmed, and all row in color like green wherever it is rejected.

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Application Express :: Can Open Page 306 As Modal Window But Page Closes Immediately

Nov 13, 2012

i have a html button. With the following attributes: onclick="return false" class="upd_description" A dynamic Action is listening on this button.

Event: Click
Selection-Type: jQuery Selector
JQuery Selector: .upd_description
static_URL: f?p=&APP_ID.:306:&SESSION.::&DEBUG.:306:P306_SER_SK:&P305_SER_SK.

as defined in my button attributes.

Button and dynamic action are on page 305. I can now open Page 306 as modal window but the page will close immediately.

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