Alter Tablespace Rename

Sep 28, 2012

I would like to rename tablespace A to B , but when I do it tables after rename tablespace have columns tablespace_name.dba_tabkles in A . Is possibility to change it into without move ?

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Way To Alter Tablespace

Jan 22, 2013

I have issue of TABLESPACES on test instance. Tablespace files are TEMP1,TEMP2 and APPS_UNDOTS1. Initially TEMP1 and TEMP2 were of 4 GB but now the have grown to 32 GB each respectively. Resulting an occupied space of 64 GB on test server. I want to reuse that space on test instance as those tablespaces never crosses used space of 1%. Reason of this problem was my DBA set AUTOEXTEND as ON for tablespaces.

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How To Monitor ALTER TABLESPACE Ddl Change

Jan 8, 2013

I can use trigger to monitor ALTER TABLESPACE ddl statement against a particular tablespace in a schema.


I think, line no.2 isn't a valid statement. Or can I use AUDIT instead - in fact, I want to monitor/audit only ALTER TABLESPACE ddl statement and that too for a particular tablespace only.

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Server Administration :: Alter Tablespace

Jan 4, 2011

My tablespace contains two datafiles dfile1.dbf and dfile2.dbf on D drive of my filesystem. Now i copied these dbf files on pasted it on a location in E drive. Now i want my tablespace to use dbf files pasted in new location.

Will i have to Alter Tablespace Add Datafile with Reuse clause

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Alter Existing Users For Default Tablespace?

Mar 5, 2012

My user tablespace has been full and just I create new tablespace like User_Tablespaces.

I want to Alter Default Tablespace and Quota define of all existing user on User_Tablespaces.

How we do in a SQL Query or PL/SQL query that can all existing users has been alter at a time in a single query.

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Dynamic Alter Tablespace Statement To Add Datafiles

Jan 21, 2013

I need a PL/SQL stored procedure which will accept a datafile name as parameter and dynamically create and execute "alter tablespace" command to add this passed datafile dynamically.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Difference Between Alter Session And Alter System

Jun 19, 2013

What is the difference between alter session and alter system?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Rename A Index

Aug 8, 2011

How can i rename a index? is there a way except for drop and create.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: RENAME Table In Oracle 8i?

Nov 21, 2011

how to rename table in oracle 8i ?

ALTER TABLE olname RENAME TO nwname;

Above command is not working.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rename User Or Schema

Jul 12, 2012

I have one use "A" . I would like to rename user "A" to "B". how its possible ?

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Windows :: Rename Command In Dos

Mar 13, 2011

I want to rename




in DOS.

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Rename Database With Physical Standby?

Jul 23, 2010

I need to rename an Oracle9i database on windows which has a physical standby database running on a different machine.

I have the steps to rename the primary database but am unsure of it's impact on the physical standby database. It seems like I will have to re-create the physical standby database, since renaming the primary database involves opening the db with "resetlogs". It's a production environment hence can't play with it without knowing the results.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Command To Rename Log File From ASM To Non-ASM

Apr 9, 2013

I am in the process of recovering a database from an ASM environment to a non-ASM environment using RMAN. I've got a query to generate the command to RENAME the file:

SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '''||MEMBER||''' TO '''||'/u01/data/dev'||
INSTR(MEMBER, '/', -1, 1),
INSTR(MEMBER, '.', 1, 1) - INSTR(MEMBER, '/', -1, 1)) ||
DECODE(SUBSTR (MEMBER, 1, INSTR(MEMBER, '/', 1, 1) -1), '+DATA', 'a', '+FRA', 'b', 'c') ||'.log'';'

When I run the query, this is an example of the result I get:

ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '+FRA/db1/onlinelog/group_3.259.766075171' TO '/u01/data/dev/group_3b.log';
ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '+DATA/db1/onlinelog/group_1.262.766075829' TO '/u01/data/dev/group_1a.log';

But I want to replace the "group" with "redo" and get the below result:

ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '+FRA/db1/onlinelog/group_3.259.766075171' TO '/u01/data/dev/redo_3b.log';
ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '+DATA/db1/onlinelog/group_1.262.766075829' TO '/u01/data/dev/redo_1a.log';

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PL/SQL :: Rename Only Two Names In Column Report_headings1?

Jul 30, 2012

I need to rename only two names in column report_headings1. But in order for me to see all other names I need to use all of them in decode function. Is there an easier way to write this Select Statement.

select days_start, days_to,
decode(report_heading1,'31 Or More days', 'Future', '00 Dispute/Pend', 'Dispute or Pend', '1 to 30 Days', '1 to 30 Days',
'31 to 60 Days', '31 to 60 Days','61 to 90 Days', '61 to 90 Days', '91 Or More Days', '91 Or More Days' ) report_heading1, report_heading2, type
from ar_aging_bucket_lines lines, ar_aging_buckets buckets
where lines.aging_bucket_id = buckets.aging_bucket_id;

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Server Administration :: Rename A Partitioned Table?

Mar 21, 2007

i want to rename a table that has partitions.

alter table
rename to

ORA-14048: a partition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Unable To Rename A Column For Original Table?

Feb 14, 2012

i am not able to rename a column for original table, once i create a new one with Create table as select i can rename the new table column, but not the original one

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Feb 14 13:10:10 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options

SQL> show user
SQL> alter table cbe rename column tnum to tnum_old;
alter table cbe rename column tnum to tnum_old
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement

SQL> create table cbe_test as select * from cbe;

Table created.

SQL> alter table cbe_test rename column tnum to tnum_old;

Table altered.


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Recovery Manager (RMAN) :: Way To Rename Dbfs

Oct 8, 2012 win 2003. have direct aim to restore database from inc0+inc1 backup + recover up to latest archives made after inc1.

Steps have to be done:

1. SQLPLUS> startup nomount from pfile='......';
2. RMAN> restore controlfile from ...
3. SQLPLUS > alter database mount;
4. RMAN> run


failover to previous backup

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 10/08/2012 13:30:20


List of Backup Sets

BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
795 108.13M DISK 00:00:16 05-OCT-12
BP Key: 831 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: BACKUP_WORK_00000



1. Why it ignoring "set new name" and db_file_name_convert??
2. Why no backup or copy of datafile 1,2,3,4 found to restore, it can seee it clearly through all its commands?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Copy Into Same Table / Recursive Rename Of Duplicates

May 11, 2011

In MS Windows, if I copy a file and paste it into the same folder, I get a copy with the text 'Copy of' in front of the file name. If I paste it again, I get another copy with a different version number.

Copy of sqlnet.log
Copy (1) of sqlnet.log
Copy (2) of sqlnet.log

I was wondering if I could copy existing rows into a table and do the same thing?

So, for example if I had this table:

create table tst_srch (srch_is varchar(100), user_name varchar(100), srch_name varchar(100));

insert into tst_srch values (1,'USER1','SRCHA');
insert into tst_srch values (2,'USER1','SRCHB');
insert into tst_srch values (3,'USER1','SRCHC');
insert into tst_srch values (4,'USER1','SRCHD');
insert into tst_srch values (5,'USER2','SRCHC');
insert into tst_srch values (6,'USER2','SRCHD');
insert into tst_srch values (7,'USER2','SRCHD_1');

Could I write a procedure like copy_searches('USER1','USER2') that would copy all USER1's searches to USER2 - including renaming any duplicates.

So it would create these new rows:


I've looked at various insert statements, merge and match statements and exception handling in procedures .

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Copy And Rename An Oracle Database - (without Export / Import)

Oct 21, 2011

I inherit a backup procedure described in


I ask if this procedure works on Oracle Database 10g R2. I have a Oracle DB 10g r2 on Linux machine and I want to copy it to a windows Oracle DB 10g r2, or if it not works to another Linux machine.

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Server Utilities :: Rename Table While Using Datapump Import?

Mar 18, 2013

I have a Datapump Export File which was created in Schema mode.

I have to import the tabelles in a new database where a have to use the REMAP SCHEMA Parameter.

Additionally I would like to add a prefix to tablenames.

For example:

original tablename: THE_TABLE
Name after import: IMP_THE_TABLE

Is there a way to add a prefix while using Datapump Import?

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Reports & Discoverer :: Rename Report Output File

May 10, 2012

I'm calling myreport.rdf from a form using the rwservlet and destype=mail and desformat=pdf. The report file is attached to the email as myreport.pdf. However, I want to have the output file named myfilename.pdf. Is there any way to accomplish this short of using destype=file and then renaming it and sending that file?

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Server Utilities :: How To Import Dump Into Specific Tablespace Instead Of Default Tablespace Users

Jan 18, 2012

How to import dump into specific tablespace instead of default tablespace users.

I want to import my dump file to newly created tablespace ,so how can i do that . I have created new user called cvm and while creating it i mentioned default tablespace to newly created tablespace . But when i try to import my dumo file it goes to users tablespace .

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Server Administration :: Creating A New Tablespace With Datafile / Assign Users To Current Tablespace

May 27, 2011

i have a tablespace which contains 121 datafile(max limit reached) as a dba what we have to do?

creating a new tablespace with a datafile and assign the users to the current tablespace which i created now.iif the above process is correct,after some time the tablespace which was filled up got freed can i give the access to the users previous (i.e. freed up tablespace) and current tablespaces

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Server Administration :: Single Big Tablespace Versus Multiple Tablespace?

Jan 26, 2011

My database version is

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

My os version is

Linux damdat01 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed
Aug 19 04:00:49 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64

My database is OLP system.

My question is what are the advantages and disadvantages having one single tablespace versus multiple tablespace?

Easy to maintain when you have single tablespace. but hard to track the IO issues if you have one single tablespace.

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Server Administration :: ORA-01111 / Name For Data File 636 Is Unknown - Rename To Correct File

Nov 3, 2012

i have two tablespaces dictionary managed (SYSTEM,APPLSYSX) i tried to change to locally cause it will cause problem in future when trying to run OATM migration.i did it successfully on APPLSYSX,when i did it on system upon oracle procedure.i have to change all tablespaces to read only when i did that with tablespace APPLSYSD(alter tablespace APPLSYSD read only) i received errors

SQL> alter tablespace APPLSYSD READ ONLY;
alter tablespace APPLSYSD READ ONLY
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01230: cannot make read only - file 636 is offline
ORA-01111: name for data file 636 is unknown - rename to correct file
ORA-01110: data file 636: '/vol5u/oracle/prddb/9.2.0/dbs/MISSING00636'
i have not this file on the OS

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Use Export And Then Rename Table?

Jan 12, 2013

oracle 11g.2 ASM with RAC under RHEL 5

we have 2 table same structure one of them is empty and the pther one is contain data the vendor do the insert as select but i found he is wrong due to there duplicated ,now i want to use export and then rename the table and then import but i need with export do a condition

exp user/pass tables=MTR_EPPC_CALLED_DATA file=MTR_EPPC_CALLED_DATA.dmp query="where callstarttime >=to_date('01122012','ddmmyyyy')
and callstarttime <=to_date('31122012','ddmmyyyy')"

but it's seem the query take one condition how can i use this above condition in export ???also my friend say there is way to insert with rowid is this possible ??

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Server Administration :: Convert Dictionary Managed Tablespace To Locally Managed Tablespace?

Jan 6, 2012

I have one database which is recently upgraded from oracle 8.1.5 to oracle database is having around 300 tablespace and total size of the database is 1.5 TB.

The database was created in oracle 8i and all the teblespace were DMT(Dictionary Managed Tablespace) .Usually after up gradation all the tablespace are in DMT mode. Now my requirement is to convert all the tablespace into LMT (Locally Managed Tablespace) so that I can AVAIL ALL THE FEATURES OF LMT.

This database is a mission critical database and very less downtime can be allowed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Alter Sequence With No Max Value?

May 4, 2010

is there any way to alter only max value in sequence without specifying the max value.

i know we can alter it like :

-- Alter sequence
alter sequence TEST_SEQ
maxvalue 99999999;

can we alter it without providing the max value and let oracle choose default value for the same, same as we can do it when creating a new sequence.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Alter PCTFREE

Oct 1, 2010

I have a table Employee which gets updated and Inserted very frequently. Wanted to increase the PCTFREE value for this table

select table_name,pct_free,chain_cnt from user_tables
where table_name='EMPLOYEE'


is the output. I altered the pctfree like below


and I can see Table altered but the value is not reflecting in above command again. Where else I should alter the value and cross check that value is changed.

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Alter Session On NLS_DATE_FORMAT Being Ignored

Feb 24, 2011

I'm issuing an alter session setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT in a C batch process right after the connection takes place. The format I specify is YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, this is the format used all over the process. In my development environment this works perfectly, but I've had problems in other environments.

CASE A development environment: The process works fine, $NLS_LANG and $NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variables are not set.

CASE B Test envirnonment 1: The process failed.$NLS_LANG=American_America.WE8ISO8859P1 $NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variable is not set.For some reason the $NLS_LANG variable seems to have more weight than the alter session command.. why? The process works fine after setting $NLS_DATE_FORMAT to the desired format.

CASE C Test envirnonment 2: The process failed. $NLS_LANG and $NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variables are not set. Can't get it to work here. why?

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