Scripting Workload Baselines

Jun 17, 2011

I am making a lot of changes in my data ware house environment and management is not concerned about the performance gains on a change by change basis. What they are looking for is numbers based on a time period.

I recently modified snapshot settings to hold 90 days information instead of the default of 30 days:

dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings (
interval => 30,
retention => 129600 );

Is there something I can do that will let me take snapshots on the first and last day of each month so if I wanted I can compare April to lets say August. I think there is something in OEM that allows you to do something similar but I am looking for something I can place in a shell script that will allow me to gather the information I need.

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Performance Tuning :: XML / XPath Rewrites And Plan Baselines?

Oct 29, 2013

The types of query I refer to in the title are of this pseudo-code ilk:

select t.column_value
from table1 o, xmltable('for $co in $data
where $co/path1=$bind1
and $co/path2=$bind2
passing o.field as "data", :b1 as "bind1", :b2 as "bind2") t
where o.field = :b3

They're querying a table with a (binary) xmltype with a path/domain index over this column.As those who have had the (mis)fortune to run into these will know, the queries are extensively rewritten under the covers to access to xml via the paths supplied.

getting a baseline to work with queries like this? I was suspicious because whilst I can hint it to pick a certain access path first (leading()), the plan hashes remain the same.

I'm not sure, however, if I'm simply "doing it wrong" or it is just not possible with the level of recursive rewriting going on.NB: I consider myself reasonably competent in applying baselines to "traditional" queries...

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