Resize Temptablespace

Sep 10, 2010

I am novice in oracle issues.

I want to resize temptablespace and i am going to use the following sentence

alter database tempfile 'E:\BIDEV\TEMP01.DBF' resize

my question is: this should be with the database down?

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How To Resize A Tablespace

Aug 12, 2010

One of my friend is facing a problem that while creating the database he has chosen UNDOTBS size as 4 GB and now he wants to resize it.

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Redo Log Group Resize

Mar 20, 2012

I want to re-size redo log group on my production database .i have 10 redo log groups of 50mb each having 2 members.i want 4 redo groups to be of 250 mb each having 2 members and then i will drop that old 10 redo log group(50 mb ) , so that i will have only 4 redo log group of 250MB each having 2 members.But i have physical standby and logical standby configured on production database .

find attached file for redo log configuration of production database(CBSPROD),Logical standby database(CBSMIS), Physical standby database(CBSDR).

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Exadata :: Resize ASM Diskgroup

Oct 9, 2012

My exadata quarter rack machine has two asm diskgroups, DATA1 with 5TB and RECO with 3TB. I'd like to resize RECO to 1TB and DATA1 to 7TB.

I know ALTER DISKGROUP RESIZE command, but my question is about resize RECO volume from 3 to 1 TB: is it supported by Oracle?? Let me know risks /issues with this resize?

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Server Administration :: ASM Diskgroup Resize?

Sep 19, 2012

I've been ASM quite a while. I've two diskgroups extdg and nordg which are of external and normal redundancy respectively. Total diskgroup size is 9G, usuable space came down to 3mb when i tried to resize it to itz maximum. the value under usable column shows the same.

FYI... i've totally three disks in nordg, two in one failgroup and one in another.The disk sized equally 3g each.

------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------------
EXTDG 2047 1995 1995
NORDG 9201 3073 3

The command i used to resize all disk to their max is Quote:SQL> alter diskgroup nordg resize all size 3067M;

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Backup & Recovery :: Tablespace Resize

Mar 29, 2012

I have a "prj_tbl" named tablespace in a user's schema in my database. i have given 100mb size to the "prj_tbl" at the time of its creation and auto extend is open for 10mb,and now this tablespace is using nearly 3.6mb space for its data and remaining space is free,now i want to reduce the size of "prj_tbl" tablespace to 20mb and when i tried to resize it then ,

It throws an error- "'ora-03297 file contains used data beyond requested resize value oracle"

I think this message showing that my new size is small than the size of data on my tablespace but it shows free space nearly 96mb then it means my new size is larger than the size of data on tablespace. How should I reduce the size..

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Server Administration :: Resize Datafile

Mar 21, 2011

Today i am facing an error when going to rezise the datafile its fixed size is 19000M abut after truncating all tables it is 112M, but when i am going to resize its datafile to 500M its get me an error ora-03297 file contain used data beyond requested size values.

I have done the same before a week without any error.But this time i got the error

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Server Administration :: How To Resize Temp Tablespace

Jun 30, 2010

i got a error temp tablespace cannot be resized. How to Resize Temp Tablespace?

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Server Administration :: System Tablespace Resize?

Dec 23, 2012

My system tablespace size is 800mb and it sends an alert saying that it has exceeded 80% of its usage.However its total max size is 30gb.

Its autoextensible is set to 'YES'.
2 Node RAC database.
File system is ASM

My question here is... is it advicable to resize a system tablespace to some size when autoextensible is set to 'YES'
or genrally can we resize a system tablespace when autoextensible is set to 'No' ?

SQL> col FILE_NAME format a40
SQL> /
FILE_NAME BYTES/1024/1024 AUT MAXBYTES/1024/1024
---------------------------------------- --------------- --- ------------------
+DATA/ge01114/datafile/system.556.2254454 800 YES 30000.9844

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RAC/ASM Clusterware Installation :: Resize LUN And Disk Group

Jan 7, 2013

I have a small problem resizing an ASM disk group . I've had a lun with size 50G and added on it an asm disk called LUN1D1. Then I have created a DISK GROUP called data1 (external) witch contain LUN1D1. DATA1 was then made asm volume. So I have an asm volume with size 50G and I need it to be 100G.

Now I have increased the size of the lun with 50G (100G in total). I have rescanned the LUN and os see the new size. The problem is I can not re size DISK GROUP data1 or disk LUN1D1.

Orale Database x64

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System Tablespace - File Contains Used Data Beyond Requested RESIZE Value

Oct 23, 2012

I'm trying to increase the size of my system tablespace. The tablespace contains one datafile size 900MB and it can increase to 2GB.

I'd like to change this to autoextend as I'm going to run csscan on the database.

When I do change the autoextend and unlimited part of the file I get: ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

I've also tried to increase the datafile to 4GB but still the same. I can see that there is more then enough space on the filesystem.

Oracle Enterprise edt

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Server Administration :: Space Management - Unable To Resize Datafile?

Feb 13, 2013

I have one generic question about space management. I have one table with size of 1TB. This table stored in ORC1 tablespace. This tablespace contains 70 datafiles.

Since it's database. I have dropped this table by using purge

drop table <<table_name>> purge;

Once table drop was completed. When I check the tablespace space it was 100% free but due to HWM was unable to resize the datafile from current size to small size. What was the reason behind this. Is there any process needs to follow when dropping big tables ? like instead of dropping the tables do I need to truncate first & then drop .

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Forms :: Modify Existing Form - Resize Canvas And Window?

Oct 30, 2010

I need to modify an existing form, thus I have to resize a canvas and a window for it. In windows, I run it and I got the right display. When I transfer it to dev server running in linux, then I compile and run it, it display the previous/unmodified size. I'm sure my form is the one that running, I placed some text there and it was displayed.

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Resize Online Redolog Files And Make RMAN Absolute Backups As Usable?

Jun 19, 2013

why can not we resize online redolog files instead of re-creating the same with large size and remove the older onces.2. How can we make RMAN obsolute backups as usable ?

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Application Express :: Resize IFrame Generated On-the-fly Inside APEX Classic Report

Jun 25, 2012

I have a classic report generated by Oracle Apex 4.0. I have customized it to have a hyperlink on each record, which when clicked opens a detail report in an iframe right under the current record. This, I am doing by using the Javascript insertRow method on the html table element (Condensed Javascript code below)

var pTable= html_CascadeUpTill(t,'TABLE');
var myNewRow = pTable.insertRow(pTR.rowIndex+1);
var myNewCell = myNewRow.insertCell(0);
myNewCell.innerHTML = '<iframe src="detail report url" height="0"></iframe>';In order to resize the height of the iFrame that is different for different detail records, I have the following code in the "Execute when Page Loads" section of the report

Without the setTimeout call to iResize function, the iframe resize is not happening. But this setTimeout is adding a delay in the resized iframe to appear which I want to avoid. Is there a way to do this? All the related posts/articles I have seen online deal with iframes that are built into the page but not generated on-the-fly as in my case.

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