Server Utilities :: Import Only Certain Number Of Rows In Oracle

Aug 15, 2013

I want to import only limited number of rows(say 100 rows from each table) from all tables but I want all proc/functions/packages etc to be imported.

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Server Utilities :: Export / Import From One Oracle DB To Other - Rows Missing?

May 31, 2011

I am new to Oracle DBA. m facing one problem. i imported and exported my data from one oracle DB to another by using exp/ both exp/imp log files, its shows the fallowing messages at the end.

"Import terminated successfully with warnings."
"Export terminated successfully with warnings."

but when i count there are some rows missing in some tables...

what could be the cause? is there any other way to cross check whether export/import was successful...

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Server Utilities :: Possible To Configure Auditing To Get Number Of Rows Returned By Select Statements

Aug 22, 2011

I am importing some data from Oracle into another database on a regular basis. It works fine for most of the queries but couple of queries don't work sometimes (random). I don't get any errors or any data.

We switched on the Oracle auditing to find out the queries being sent to oracle db. We can see all the queries in the Audit log. Is it possible to configure Auditing to get the "Number of Rows" returned by Select statements so that we can be sure that some data was returned.

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Server Utilities :: ORACLE Import Error?

Feb 23, 2012

I have the problem with import in Oracle 8.1.7.The size of import file is 29600 kb and tablespace size is 16gb and when I try to make import oracle back this message:

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1659 encountered
ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond 7 in tablespace DATA

The data tablespace is full. I think that the import file contains information about the original tablespace from which has made ​​export. But I don't now how to resolve the problem

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Server Utilities :: Export From Sql And Import Into Oracle 9i

Jun 24, 2008

I would like to run a daily job that will export the table data from SQL server table and Import back into Oracle table. I might need to run the query to update the flag back into sql server table once job is done. How can i do this using either sql server or oracle?

We have oracle 9.2 and sql server 2005.

Normally i do from flat file or csv file which is generated by developer or user from source destination (not me) and i dump into oracle using sql*loader but this time I have to directly extract/export the data from MS Sql server and load into Oracle table, mostly it will reload so i might doing any massaging data during the load.

Is it sql sql*loader has any function that i can use the datasource to connect the MS Sql server and fetch the data and insert back data into oracle? I have access to Sql server but i don't how to use sql server to do this or using oracle as a daily job even because have to schedule the job for this as it will be a daily job.

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Server Utilities :: Import Oracle 10g Dump Into 9i Database

Mar 31, 2010

If I want to import 10g export dump file in to the 9i database, I am connecting to 10g database from 9i database using
exp user/password@10gdb ....

However is there any option like executing 9i catexp.dat on 10g database and do the export from 10g database itself to be imported into 9i?

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Server Utilities :: Import 1 DMP File Into Oracle Database?

Sep 16, 2008

I want to import 1 .dmp file into oracle database. I dont know what exactly what that .dmp file contains e.g i dont know the Users inside the dump.While importing it gives me the error.

1. Do i need to create those users first and then import if yes then how would i know how many users are inside that dump.

2. Currently the objects are created in SYSTEM user by default. I want to import those objects in the MACL user which i created. How can i do it?

IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1917 encountered
ORA-01917: user or role 'MALCCOMAN' does not exist
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917:


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Server Utilities :: Oracle - Export / Import Method?

Jul 31, 2011

I am using Oracle version and UNIX-Hp OS.

which export/import method should i use when i am to do export/import... like table level, tablespace level ,full database level, schema level?

1.Datapump or
2.Traditional export/ import ?

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Server Utilities :: Import And Export Database In Oracle?

Oct 11, 2011

import and export database in oracle with proper example and procedure?

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Server Utilities :: Export / Import XML Records In Oracle 11gR2

Jan 28, 2012

In oracle 11g R2 , I face a problem when I export/import xml records in the tables . Everytime it takes huge time (like 2 or 3 days) to import or export the data . But the dump size is very small (4gb) and this dump comes from a vendor so that I dont understand that is it a data structure problem or it the normal behaviour to import xml records.

I am not used to with xml record with oracle database before. Here I am using datapump feature . I also mention that when I delete the schema (where I imported the xml data) , it also takes 2/3 days to delete.The import script will hang in the following stage :

bash-3.2$ impdp system/sys123 DIRECTORY=isb_dir DUMPFILE=jblbld_20110301_01.dmp,jblbld_20110301_02.dmp,jblbld_20110301_03.dmp logfile=JBLBLD_28Jan2012.log schemas=TBLD;date

Import: Release - Production on Sun Jan 29 11:10:38 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Master table "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_02" successfully loaded/unloaded
Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_02": system/******** DIRECTORY=isb_dir DUMPFILE=jblbld_20110301_01.dmp,jblbld_20110301_02.dmp,jblbld_20110301_03.dmp logfile=JBLBLD_28Jan2012.log schemas=TBLD
Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/USER

The machine has 16 cpu , 32 gb RAM and during export/import most of the time maximum memory will free.

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Server Utilities :: Oracle Data Pump Import Error

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to import database dump using the following command

impdp system/xxxx@xxxx schemas=staging
remap_schema=staging:staging directory=DUMPDIR dumpfile=staging.dmp logfile=impdpstaing.log

its importing data fine upto some stage after that oracle gives the following error

ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error -1423
ORA-39065: unexpected master process exception in DISPATCH
ORA-01423: error encountered while checking for extra rows in exact fetch
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 123404 bytes (QERHJ has

ORA-39014: One or more workers have prematurely exited.
Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_04" stopped due to fatal error at 11:42:03

I though its due to lack of memory, so i have increased pga_aggregate_target=512MB to 600MB still i am getting a same error.

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Server Utilities :: Import Millions Of Data From Excel To Oracle 11g?

Mar 6, 2013

how to import millions of data from excel to oracle?

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Server Utilities :: Import A Flat File Into Oracle And Update Another Table

Jul 5, 2013

I have a text file called ReturnedFile.txt. This is a comma separated text file that contains records for two fields.... Envelope and Date Returned.

At the same time, I have a table in Oracle called Manifest. This table contains the following fields:



I need to write something that imports the ReturnedFile.txt into a temporary Oracle table named UploadTemp, and then compares the data in the Envelope field from UploadTemp with the Envelope field in Manifest. If it's a match, then the DateReturned field in Manifest needs updated with the DateReturned field in UploadTemp.

I've done this with SQL Server no problem, but I've been trying for two days to make this work with Oracle and I can't figure it out. I've been trying to use SQL*Loader, but I can't even get it to run properly on my machine.

I did create a Control file, saved as RetFile.ctl. Below is the contents of the CTL file:

INFILE 'C:OracleTestReturnedFile.txt'


If I could get SQL*Loader running, below is the code I came up with to import the text file and then to do the compare to the Manifest table and update as appropriate:

sqlldr UserJoe/Password123 CONTROL=C:OracleTestRetFile.ctl LOG=RetFile.log BAD=RetFile.bad

update Manifest m set m.DateReturned =
(select t.DateReturned
from UploadTemp t
where m.Envelope = t.Envelope

That's all I got. As I said, I can't find a way to test it and I have no idea if it's even close.

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Server Utilities :: Import Dump Into Oracle Database On Win 7 Professional Laptop

Nov 12, 2010

I am trying to import a dump into my oracle database on my win 7 professional laptop. The dump is exported from my win xp desktop pc running Oracle

Below is the error i get:

Import: Release - Production on Fri Nov 12 15:57:52 2010

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Username: system/password@orcl

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

Import file: EXPDAT.DMP > F:PersonalDPISIMBA.dmp

Enter insert buffer size (minimum is 8192) 30720>

Export file created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via conventional path
import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
List contents of import file only (yes/no): no >

Ignore create error due to object existence (yes/no): no >

Import grants (yes/no): yes >

Import table data (yes/no): yes >

Import entire export file (yes/no): no >

Enter table<T> or partition<T:P> names. NULL list means all tables for user
Enter table<T> or partition<T:P> name or . if done:

when I press enter key, the console hangs and a window appears with "Console Window Host has stopped working" then the console closes prematurely.

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Server Utilities :: Import Data Type Date From Excel To Oracle

Feb 20, 2013

I have imported data from excel to oracle 11g. But i found an error like

"Ensure format is entered for datatypes 'Date' and 'TIMESTAMP' on data type pane".

after that i try to modify type date in oracle become 'dd-mmm-yyyy'

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Server Utilities :: Default Path Of Log File After Import Dump In Oracle 10g

Feb 25, 2011

What is the Default Path of Log File after Import Dump in Oracle 10g.

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Server Utilities :: Import Constraints Only From Dump File Using Oracle Data Pump?

Nov 16, 2011

How to import constraints only from a dump file using Oracle data pump.

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Server Utilities :: Import A Dump File Using Impdp Data Pump Utility On Oracle 10g

Feb 19, 2012

Is it possible to import a dump file using impdp data pump utility on oracle 10g where the export dump was taken using traditional exp utility and vice versa.

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Server Utilities :: Import 9i Dmp Into 10g

Jun 19, 2010

I have oracle 9i i want to import this dump into oracle it possible.

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Oracle Import - 0 Rows Imported

Jul 3, 2010

I created new 10g database & trying to import the export of 9i database (ABC). i have below questions:

-I just installed 10g have only system,sys ..etc only default user & databases.Do i need to create a same database i have in 9i (ABC) in 10g before importing data?

-i tried to import the export of 9i (ABC database , for only XYZ user) in 10g system user , i got the table imported with 0 rows



Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

Export file created by EXPORT:V09.02.00 via conventional path

Warning: the objects were exported by P2KTEST, not by you

import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
. importing P2KTEST's objects into P2KTEST
. . importing table "TESTRATN" 0 rows imported
Import terminated successfully without warnings.


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Server Utilities :: How To Import 11g Data Into 9i

Dec 28, 2010

i am working on oracle 11g r2. is there any way to go back to oracle 9i with use of import/export utility. Should i take downgraded export from oracle 11g for oracle 9i.

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Server Utilities :: Errors While Import?

Sep 6, 2010

While doing import got the below errors.

Failing sql is:
ORA-39083: Object type JOB failed to create with error:


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Server Utilities :: How To Import A Database

May 22, 2011

I do not import a full database.

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Server Utilities :: Import Table With Different Name

Nov 29, 2006

We have a table in Oracle9i database with around 14 million records and we would like to import that table into 10g database with similar structure. We have exported the table from 9i database and would like to import the table into 10g database within same schema name with different table name as we already have the table with same name in 10g database in same schema. Is it possible to import a table with different table name?

We have a way around to import the table into 10g database in another schema and then push the data into our main table but want to know whether the above requirement is possible.

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Server Utilities :: Import To Different Tablespace?

Jul 2, 2011

How to import a dump file into different tablespace.

normally when i am importing a dump file it goes to the table space where it was exported but i need to import in to different tablespace

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Server Utilities :: Import From 10g Backup To 9i DB?

Dec 31, 2011

I have a backup of Oracle Database 10g (business_bk.dmp). Now I would like to import it into Oracle DB 9i.

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Server Utilities :: ORA-12899 In Import

Dec 14, 2010

ORA 12899 prompts when we are doing import from -> 11g R2. Also it is cross platform, AIX -> windows 2003.

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Server Utilities :: Error In Import?

Oct 4, 2011

I have Live Server with 11g R2 with Dataguard on server 2008 server 64 bit. I exporting the DMP from live and importing in 10g on Server 2003 32 bit. All tables are not imported.

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Server Utilities :: Import Data In One Tablespace

Nov 6, 2013

I have taken an export using expdp of schema, data of the schema spread across different tablespaces , now i want to import the data to only one tablespace.

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Server Utilities :: Import A Table From Prod To Dev

Jan 26, 2011

I am getting the below error when I import a table from Prod to Dev. I understand this error will be occured if length of the datatype is low. First I got the error when the datatype(length) which is 25 for the column PASSWORD column.Then I increased the length of this column to 45, then it was imported successfully.

why am facing the error when the datatye and length for this table is same in prod and dev? What are the possible ways to import the data without increasing the PASSWORD column length?

IMP-00019: row rejected due to ORACLE error 12899
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 12899 encountered
ORA-12899: value too large for column "ANEES"."SALSA_WEB_ACCESS"."PASSWORD" (actual: 28, maximum: 25)

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