Security :: How To Know Which Session Causing TX Lock

Feb 28, 2011

I have to find out the cause of a lock where a particular session with some serial no is causing a TX level lock for certain duration.

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How To Get Session / SQL Text Details Causing Excessive Archives Log

May 29, 2013

In my case , the archives are getting generating in excess count, how to get sql text/sid information.

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When Index Lock Contention Occurs / How To Know Which Index Is Causing

Aug 27, 2012

We have occurrences of enq : TX - index contentions in the database. Using the SQL ID, we have identified the INSERT statement and the table which they are trying to insert.

This table has almost 25 different indexes, some of which are unique as well.I am wondering how to identify the actual index causing issue, out of these 25 indexes.

Is there any way to pin point to the name of index which is causing the lock?My plan is, once the index is identified, I would like to check the extents and inittrans and other attributes of this index to fix.

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PL/SQL :: How To Lock Session

Jul 18, 2013

i have application where user logs and perform manipulation operation such as insert and update on database table.some time its possible that same user login twice, i just want to hold one session  until and unless dml operation perform by another session gets to accomplish this in database level .

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Updating Table In Session - Shared Versus Exclusive Lock

Jan 28, 2013

I have a question. If we have two scott sessions. I am updating a table EMP in session

1. It means it is exclusively locked.It cannot be used by session 2. Then can we use select command on table EMP in session

2.? This command should not work according to me. But it is working.

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Security :: Lock User Accounts In Oracle Database

Jul 12, 2011

I have a doubt in locking user account in oracle database.I was told to drop some unusable users in database which my clients dont require them.I verified the dependent objects of those users but not sure if these users can be dropped.

Instead can i make those user accounts locked so that they cannot connect to database? Would there be any impact on database performance if i lock those user accounts?

Is locking an account and dropping users is similar in anyway?

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Security :: PL/SQL Compilation Session

Oct 18, 2010

Is there any way to identify who has compiled a specific PL / SQL stored program?

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Security :: Grant To Select Session Details

Mar 13, 2006

Developers they use Toad and in that they want to use session browser option so that they can see the SQL running and open Cursor,other session specific details...So what grant/ permissions can be given to them so that the Schema they logged on can access those information.

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Security :: How To Configure End User Open Only One Session

Jun 10, 2011

I want to configure this

my end user open only one session

means one session per one user only

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Security :: Audit Database Session From A Particular Applications?

Aug 14, 2013

Is there a way where we can audit database session from a particular applications? For example : We need to audit Toad and SQL developer sessions .

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Security - Grant Roles To Session On Time Of Connection?

Jan 18, 2012

When I use Forms_ddl('set role My_Role IDENTIFIED BY PWD'); in form's "When-New-From-Instance" to grant a role to a user.

What should I do for the same for a report?

Is there any way to grant roles to a session on the time of connection?

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Security :: Find Out Locked Table And Session From Database

May 20, 2013

I used to find out locked table and session from database....query with SYS user but i want to hand over the user session kill role to location level IT person so i have created one user in database named as rab and i have given "select any table,alter session and Grant dba to that rab user,but with that user they will drop and delete any table also

col owner format a12
col object_name format a25
col ORACLE_USERNAME format a15
col OS_USER_NAME format a15
col OBJECT_TYPE format a15
set lines 140

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Server Administration :: Use Of LM ( Lock Mode) In V$lock?

Oct 4, 2012

we know we can see lock mode held in session can be analysed using LM column in v$lock.But i confused in seeing LM column it all shows in numbers from 0 to 6.


2,'Row Share(2)',
3,'Row Exclu(3)',
5,'Share Row Ex(5)',

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SYS JOB Causing Waits

Oct 25, 2013

I am using,  Release of oracle. In our database we observe, high 'Application' wait followed by 'other' and 'User I/O'. After investigating through the wait class 'Other', i found that 90% of the wait is due to wait event 'Enq: WF Contention '  that to excatly 5 PM to 5.30 PM daily. Then i found from the dba_hist_active_sess_history, that the sessions experiencing this waits are oracle internal(M004),

Now i can see two of the oracle jobs has been scheduled at this particular time.


And these were having frequency daily.So, i am suspecting these were experiencing the waits. Now my question is, can i decrease the frequency(may be weekly) of these jobs and it will not put any negative impact on my DB? Or should change the schedule time to some less peak hour or whether these are 'not required' and can be disabled?

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Application Express :: Kill Current Session When Another Session With Same User Starts

Nov 19, 2012

I have an urgent requirement to kill an existing session if a new session starts for the same user. I have been reading lot of blogs and posts on the above topic, but could clearly tell me how to do it.

I thought of putting a process in 101 page when login button is pressed to catch this and kill the old session.

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Application Express :: (X) Process Taking 60% CPU In Two Session (30% Each Session)

Oct 23, 2012

We are using Apex 4.0/Oracle 10gR2/ Hp-Ux, We noticed that there is a process Running in Two Sessions that seems running since 3 Hours using 60% CPU,** 30% given below sql it executes in two Sessions!

declare function x return boolean is begin -- if instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY')>0 then
l_position number := 0;
l_position := instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) ;
exit when instr(upper(:F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE),'ORDER BY ',l_position + 1) = 0 ;


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Delete Query Causing Deadlock ORA-60

Nov 5, 2012

I am using oracle and i am receiving very slow response time for the below query and sometimes resulting in a deadlock throwing ora-60 error.


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Insert Statement Causing ORA-01858?

Dec 4, 2012

i'm executing a load test using the below statement:


I've been using the same for a few days without any error while now wehn i try to use the same i get below error:

SQL> insert into pprocinstance select * from pprocinstance_bkp where rownum <= 500;
insert into pprocinstance select * from pprocinstance_bkp where rownum <= 500
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected.

I've been trying to check what the issue is and when i execute the rownum < 140 works fine while rownum < 150 is showing the same error.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ALTER TABLE Causing Procedure To Go INVALID?

Aug 3, 2010

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
"CORE Production"

I altered existing table EVENT_SUB - added 3 columns. After that, I noticed all the procedures which had mention of this table name went in INVALID status, even if its simple SELECT, ALTER OR INSERT as shown below..



So I had to recompile all the procedures associated with it. Is there any other ways to achieve this, like a line of code to add in the procedure itself, right after this DDL statements.

Sometimes i use this:
select object_name, object_type from all_objects where owner='TOYCOM' and status='INVALID'
Then, I would simply recompile the invalid objects.

For indexes, i do...

alter index <name> rebuild;

BTW, I did try to preview message, and then click on Create Topic, it gave me error..again.

"A system error has occurred.

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Grant Select On V$session And Gv$session Directly?

Aug 28, 2013

Instead of giving permission directly to v$session and gv$session to a developer, Is there any other way to do the same?

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Forms :: Trigger Causing Error ORA-06502 And ORA-01403?

May 2, 2006

My layout is working well enough triggers though are causing me some problems. I am getting the following error message just about every time I write a trigger so I am getting the feeling I am doing something fundamentally wrong. Like there is something I am just not getting because I am getting this error on the simplest of actions.

The error:
FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502.
ORA-01403: no data found

The trigger is this:

this calls the following procedure in the package cs3_prog:

procedure set_date_mode IS
:cs3_data.street := 'something';

this in the past did a lot more but I kept throwing stuff out to see what could have been causing the problem. This does actually work if I ok through the first error message and then try entering data again into the field the trigger is tied to. On this second firing of the trigger is does successfully alter the value.

Just the fact that this is happening every time I create a trigger and it seems to happen regardless of what I have the trigger doing leads me to believe I have something fundamentally wrong and I would love to have it set straight.

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XML DB :: DeleteXml() Causing Data Format Error In Database

Jul 21, 2013

I'm using the oracle  xml db 11g in my website application. Last week I found that using the deletexml() to delete a node in the xml may cause a terrible problem that the rest data in the database had wrong xml format. I wonder is it a bug when using binary xml storage.  My xml data is describe below, 

<root>     <nodes>          <node id="1">               <name>John</name>               <age>16</age>               <hobby>football</hobby>          </node>          <node id="2">               <name>Alex</name>               <age>22</age>               <hobby>table tenisl</hobby>         </node>           .....     <nodes></root>  

I using deletexml() to delete just a node once time, "update projects set object_value=deletexml(object_value, '/root/nodes/node[@id="1"]')" Usually it successes and the rest data is as expected, but sometime, I find that after deleting a node, any query in the database except "select * from projects" gets null. And the rest data has wrong format like below,

<root>     <nodes>          <node id="1">               <name>John</name>               <age>/hobby>          </node>          <node id="2">               <name>Alex</name>               <age>22</age>               <hobby>table tenisl</hobby>         </node>           .....     <nodes></root>

Just one format error causes the whole xml data valueless, but it seems that in most time the deletexml() works well.

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Application Express :: Causing (new Line) In Display Of Text In A Report

Jul 27, 2012

Oracle 11.2; application express 4.1...I have a table with a unicode clob column into which I insert descriptive text. Within these text entries I have inserted CR/LF (00D00A). However when I display the text entries in a report, the text streams instead of appearing with separate lines.

My report statement:
select text_entry_dt, entry_authy_nm, entry_text
from obj_text
where obj_id = :P41_FIND_ID
  and text_type_cd = 'DES'

hat to do to obtain line separation within the entry_text content?

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Oracle 11g R2 - (SHAD) Process Causing ORA-00020 Maximum Number Of Processes

May 23, 2013

Oracle 11g R2 on WIndows 20o8 R2 Standard edition

I have a test server that keeps running into ORA-00020: maximum number of processes error each night. Our current setting is '600' processes to be allowed. There are no users to this database except myself. No front end app connects to it either.

I found that ORACLE.EXE (SHAD) process coming from SYSMAN user is the one eating up all the processes and eventually causing that error.

From v$session, the program is OMS.

From v$process, the hostname is the server itself.

I narrowed it down to restarting the ConsoleService, if i do that, then the number of processes drops down. So now im not sure why something within the ConsoleService is logging in, taking a process and not releasing it...What i can check?

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PL/SQL :: Huge Disk Sort Causing Continuous Full Of Temporary Tablespace

Jan 2, 2013

We are facing problem as temporary tablespace getting full continuously. During below running query, temporary tablespace getting full continuously and now it is not managable so we had stop the processing but we need to resolve this issue as business impact is there.


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Server Utilities :: Data Pump Import Order - Causing Constraint Violation

Nov 16, 2010

We are trying to import data into existing tables in a schema using data pump

However the foreign key tables are being imported first and then the master table data thus violating the constraints

Apparently it seems larger tables are being imported first regardless of referential integrity constraints thus causing constraint violation (contrary to my understanding)

Is it a normal behaviour during data pump import?

Is it possible that the keys being sequence generated are causing this?

As I understand import will commit after each table In that case can we defer commit at all at the expense of large undo, set constraints to deferrable and try the import?

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Security :: Oracle 11G And Advanced Security / FIPS 140-2 Compliant Encrypt Data At Rest

Dec 26, 2012

Any documentation supporting Oracle 11G and Advanced Security stating encryption at rest is FIPS 140-2 compliant?

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Security :: Enhance Security Of Windows And Recover Lost / Forgotten Password?

Nov 16, 2010

Lost Windows password? Forgot Windows password? Your PC was hacked? Therefore, it is a basic step for every Windows users to enhance the security of Windows password. In the networks, it is found that a number of user's passwords are easy to guess. Only the smallest groups are the most security conscious and select passwords that are mixed lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation to create cryptic passwords. Adopting strong password is one of the most effective ways to ensure system security. Here are several methods for you to enhance the security of your passwords in Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista and so on. You'd better remember the methods below unless you want to reset Windows password from time to time.

1. Is random password a great password?

A common myth is that totally random passwords like Ht3&e#L%5d@$B are the best passwords. This is not true. While they may be strong passwords, they are usually difficult to remember, slow to type, and sometimes vulnerable to attacks against the password generating algorithm. It is easy to create passwords that are strong but much easier to remember by using a few simple techniques. For example, consider the password "Luck-73@Better?". This password utilizes uppercase and lowercase letters, two numbers, and three symbols. The password is 15 characters long and can be memorized with very little effort. Moreover, this password can be typed very fast. The portion"Luck" and "Better" alternate between left and right-handed keys on the keyboard, improving speed, decreasing typos, and decreasing the chances of someone being able to discover your password by watching you.

2. Create the long Windows password

Although a password may eventually be discovered through some means, it is possible to create a password that cannot be cracked in any reasonable time. If a password is long enough, it will take so long or require so much processing power to crack it. That is essentially the same as being unbreakable (at least for most hackers).

3. Create the Windows password constantly?

This may be good advice for some high-risk passwords, but it is not the best policy for every user. It is frustrating for a user to have to constantly think of and remember new passwords every 30 days. It may be better to focus on stronger passwords and better user awareness rather than limiting password age. A more realistic time for the common user may be 90-120 days.

4. Write down Windows password in a proper place

Sometimes it is necessary for some users losing and forgetting complex passwords easily to write down them somewhere proper. However, it is important to educate users on how to write down passwords properly. Obviously, a sticky note on the monitor is not a good idea, but storing passwords in a safe or even a locked cabinet may be sufficient.

5. 14 characters is the optimal password length

Each character that you add to your password increases the protection. Your passwords should be 8 or more characters in length; 14 characters or longer is the Optimal Password Length. Many systems also support use of the space bar in passwords, so you can create a phrase made of many words. It is not easier to forget and lose, as well as longer than a simple password, and harder to guess.

6. Try not to use the same Windows password for all accounts

Some users always make the same passwords for every account to make it easy to remember. In that case, when any one of them lost, your other information protected by that password will be in danger as well. It is serious to use different passwords for different systems and accounts.

7. Do not use some common words that other users maybe guess

Most of users prefer to use some common words to remember easily, for example, login name, birth date, driver's license, passport number, pets' name and other words contained their personal information someone knows. In that case, your Windows system will not be safe anymore. Moreover, do remember not to use some words spelled backwards, abbreviations, sequences or repeated characters and adjacent letters, such as, asdfgh, 123456, 888888, abcdef and so on.

You can smoothly use your Windows now because the strong and powerful Windows password is created successfully, Certainly, I believe that many users lost Windows password and forgot Windows password, then you need have to reset Windows password or recover Windows password. It is a big problem for plenty of Windows users that how to reset Windows password. how to recover Windows password and they are puzzled by resetting windows password, for instance, reset Windows 7 password, recover password Windows XP, remove Windows Vista password and other operating systems after they create the password with complex letters, numbers and symbols. However, it is unnecessary to worry and it is said that things will eventually sort themselves out. There are many ways to reset forgotten Windows password, including use windows password reset disk and windows password reset software, like Super Windows Password Reset, a professional windows password reset software which could enable you to logon to Windows smoothly without reinstalling system.

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Security :: Moving Application Security To Oracle From Sybase

Aug 18, 2010

In Sybase, my application was using system tables to perform application login security. Those tables obviously don't exist in Oracle. I am looking for ways to provide the following functionality in an Oracle world:

1. How to determine 'x' days of inactivity based on "last login date"?

2. How to determine when a new user logs in for the first time and force them to change their password?

3. If we need to reset a users password, how can we require the user to change their password?

4. Is there any other option other than storing a user-id/password in the application code for locking a user's account if their account needs to be locked due to inactivity?

5. In the USER_USERS view there is a status column. What the different status's can be?

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Security :: Tracking User Security Violations

Jul 27, 2010

Provide me the script which would track all the users security violations like ... say for example i want to find which users logged in and what he did in database prospective.

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