i wrote a program to that takes tablename as input parameter and returns true or false based on table exist or not
the below code works differently when table has data and when table does not have data ? how to improve the below code to make sure my function always retuns true if table exists and false if does not exist regardless of 0 records or more than one record
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_tab_present_g (pi_tab_name IN VARCHAR2)
row_cnt NUMBER := 0;
sql_stm VARCHAR2 (4000);
l_tab_name VARCHAR2 (4000);
my verification block
if is_tab_present_g('chk_pk') then
execute immediate 'drop table chk_pk cascade constraints';
end if;
I am running Oracle 10g on my machine. I have create an ER diagram in Toad Data Modeler, which includes all the keys, contraints etc.I have generated a DDL script which I want to biuld my tables with in Oracle.I have loaded the DDL script using SQL*Plus Worksheet and there are no problems.then tryed to insert some test data into my tables and I keep getting an error code of:
ORA-00942, table or view does not exist.Now I know the tables have been created and also by verifying this with the data dictionary using
select table_name from user_tables;
TABLE_NAME ========= Table1 Table2 Table3 . . etc
It then displays all 20 of my tables, as above. I am using a Visual Basic front end and I can see all 20 tables listed there also, with attribute names for each table.Also I get the following by typing:
select owner, object_type from all objects where object name = 'Customer';
I am trying to run the following code. The issue i am having is when running it in a function or procedure. (the SELECT statement works on it's own - so why doesn't it would in a procedure?)
i get an error saying "PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist"..I a quite new to oracle / SQL.
I'm trying to create a procedure but it's giving me errors:
16/3 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 4/2 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 3/9 PLS-00341: declaration of cursor 'S_CUR' is incomplete or malformed 63/3 PL/SQL: Item ignored 69/33 PLS-00597: expression 'S_ARRAY' in the INTO list is of wrong type 69/3 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 72/15 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 72/3 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
I don't get why its giving table or view does not exists, because when I just execute the SELECT statement, it returned records. weird...
here's my procedure:
create or replace procedure proc_jrp_d_old_77a as cursor s_cur is select /*+ ALL_ROWS */&vtabdate, cd.cb_cardholder_no, ac.user_id,
Usually we check 1 row of data in table and compare if they exist, i want to compare different set of row all together to comapre and take the decisions
in the above example i have to check for d_key for set of row exist in target or not, so by above example d_key 1 and 3 has save value in 2 different rows so i want to check if the combination of rows
103499 1 99262 2
as a set appear in source then do nothing else insert so first time d_key 1 both records will insert but for d_key has same set in 2 rows will not be inseted. the number of row can be more than 2 also . so for the given key if we have 3 rows in source then i have to compare all the 3 same set of row in target exist of . in the target i don't have any extra column.
I have written a function where I am trying to select data from a table located in a different schema. I have asked my DBA to do two things as I am getting Error(14,23): PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
a) Grant privileges. b) Create public synonym.
When I do create the table in the schema where the function is located and compile the function it compiles.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE revoke_object_priviliges_user ( p_username IN VARCHAR2) AS l_username VARCHAR2 (30) := upper(p_username); BEGIN FOR rec IN (SELECT OWNER,TABLE_NAME,PRIVILEGE,GRANTABLE FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE GRANTEE=l_username) LOOP IF (rec.GRANTABLE = 'NO')
When i execute it, i get the following errors:
6/12 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 6/61 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 8/2 PL/SQL: Statement ignored 8/6 PLS-00364: loop index variable 'REC' use is invalid
I am using oracle 10g to create a user register application. what i want is to insert the user information (like Email ,username, password, etc.) into a table. i am able to insert the data into the table but what i want is to check before inserting that same email,and username doesnt exist. if it does it should return some error like the email or username already exist.
The form actually consists of one block that refers to a table in DB(Datablock). The functionality of the form is to run some logic and then just insert data in the table .This happens on press of a button.
The problem is when I run the form thru' Admin Id it runs successfully but when I run the form through some other user it gives me the error.
The grants on the table are Public. GRANT DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON XYZ TO PUBLIC;
I have two schema on the two servers for replication replication is working fine.
i export one schema to another so all the tables exists at both the sites. I am adding objects in the replication group using oracle enterprise manager console.
some of the tables added fine. but some gives me error like.
ORA-23309: object UMESH.PRODUCT_MASTER of type TABLE exists
but with the error in and when generate replication support.
SQL> select status,request,message,oname from dba_repcatlog; STATUS REQUEST -------------- ----------------------------- MESSAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONAME ------------------------------ ERROR CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT
sometimes i got error like
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
when use CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT command to create object at master definition site while the the table exists at the master site.but in the same situation other objects are working fine.
When i try to create a trigger , i ended up with error.
SQL> create or replace 2 TRIGGER LOGON_TRG AFTER LOGON ON DATABASE 3 BEGIN 4 INSERT 5 INTO 6 user_audit_log 7 SELECT 8 user#,
Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.
SQL> SQL> show error Errors for TRIGGER LOGON_TRG: LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 2/5 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 17/17 PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
The command used to resolve the error is
GRANT SELECT ON v_$session TO jack;
Jack user has sysdba privilege. My question is 'sysdba' is a super and special user which has all the privileges in database. Then why does it need SELECT privilege on v$session to user to create the trigger?
The SELECT at the end of this script fails with "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist". I think I added proper permission via GRANT command.
create table mudd_table ( a number, b varchar2(10) ); create user mudd_user identified by mudd_user; grant select, insert, update, delete on mudd_table to mudd_user; grant create session to mudd_user; conn mudd_user/mudd_user@quadoracle; select * from mudd_table;
I have a SQL query with a construction like: select a, b from tablea ,select * from (select a as a from tableb) where ....
The issue is that in sqldeveloper I don't get any errors and the select works fine.I use the same select in myEclipse report builder and I get an table or view doesn't exist.
create or replace PROCEDURE INSERT_TESTTABLE ( PrimaryKey IN NUMBER ,One IN VARCHAR2 ,Two IN VARCHAR2 ,Three IN VARCHAR2 ,Four IN VARCHAR2 [code].......
And I get this error: Error(15,13): PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I have 20 or so tables, partitioned by range, indexed etc...soon these tables will be gone and i have to recreate them with the same definitions. I have to write a procedure(or script, it's up to me) which must:
1- check if table A exist in the scheme 2- if not create the table as the original ddl.
for 1 i've used smth like ------------------------- SELECT count(*) INTO a FROM user_objects WHERE object_name='A';
so my question is how and what is the cleanest and fastest way to do this.? it's a lot DDLs,
connect user1/user1@dbstring CREATE TABLE A12 ( A1 NUMBER, A2 DATE ) / GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE on A12 to USER2 / DELETE FROM user1.A12 / --throwing error like ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
connect user2/user2@dbstring DELETE FROM user1.A12 / --throwing error like ORA-00942: table or view does not exist SELECT * FROM user1.A12 / --no rows returned
Above scenario has happened only for 2 tables out of 1000 tables in my schema.
Connected to: Oracle8i Release - Production JServer Release - Production IMP-00003: ORACLE error 942 encountered ORA-00942: table or view does not exist IMP-00023: Import views not installed, please notify your DBA IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
Then i run the catexp.sql using SYS user. But i still got that error.
I have query in which having some issues with outer join.When I run the inner query, I am getting 121 rows and when i put outer query and run it, I am getting 69 rows coz the code_combination_id does not exist in the outer query table.But even when I say ( + ) , its not giving 121 rows..
REQUEST ---------------------- request_id item_name unit_of_measure UOM_CODES_TL ("tl" means translation - this table has the same record 3 times, once for English, once for Spanish, and one for France) ---------------------- unit_of_measure description language [code]....
So what I'm trying to do with the outer join ((+)) is to get the request record, regardless of whether the r.unit_of_measure is null. That works as long as I don't include the underlined portion above. As soon as I do that it only returns results where r.unit_of_measure is not null. That all makes sense to me, but I'm wondering how I can restrict the values to English without requiring that a value exist in the request table.
Recently i created a form which contains emp_name,deptno,supervisor_name.For emp_name if i type the emp name (eg:allen) it will show me a list of employees named allen as a select list.For that i used a jquery script on page header
and i have created a dynamic action for emp name to fetch the deptno,supervisor_name if select the employee name it is working fine is if i type a emp_name which doesn't exist in the employee table it will show me a alert message employee does not exist and it will clears all the fields.