SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Append Data Into Macro-enabled Excel File

Aug 18, 2010

My requirement is to export Oracle table's data into an already existing excel file with Macros (.xlsm) using a procedure. I am able to write/append the data into the simple .xls file. But I am searching whether any way of appending into .xlsm file. "how can we append the data into a Macro-enabled excel file?".

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Windows / .NET :: Excel VBA Macro To Fetch Data From Oracle Database

Aug 1, 2012

we are using ERP System based on Oracle DB. I have an oracle client 10.2.0 installed on my machine (Win 7/64-Bit) and trying to create Excel(2010) VBA-Macro to get datas out of the Oracle DB using a SQL query:

On my old machine (Win XP/Excel 2007) following worked fine:

strConOracle = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _
"(HOST=" & strHost & ")(PORT=1521))" & _
"(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=" & strDatabase & "))); uid=" & strUser & " ;pwd=" & strPassword & ";"
Set oConOracle = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oRsOracle = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oConOracle.Open strConOracle
Set oRsOracle = oConOracle.Execute(strSQL)

All the datas in the variables coming from cells or userforms - I am 100% sure all this is correct, as as said, it works on any Win XP Machine with Excel 2007

But trying same with Win 7/64-Bit/Excel 2010 gives me following error: MS ODBC Driver for Oracle: ora-01019: unable to allocate memory in the user side.

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Windows :: Error When Running Macro Excel

Jan 13, 2012

I installed Oracle 11gR2 database for windows 7. I believe it's 32 bit. I keep getting an error when I run my macro excel: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019.

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Forms :: Create Macro In Excel With OLE2

Apr 15, 2010

URL.... I have one query.Aim of Program: Create Macro in Excel with OLE2 in ORACLE FORM.I mention below codingDeclare

application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
workbooks OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
worksheets OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
worksheet OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
vbproject OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
vbcomponents OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
codemodule OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;

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Client Tools :: Not Able To Make ORA Connection Through Macro In Excel

Mar 15, 2012

i have windows 7 on machine. When i am trying to connect to oracle client using macros from excel like

OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")

its giving me error saying "activex component cant create the object."

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PL/SQL :: Append In Control File

Feb 14, 2013

I am just looking to my control file that I have. I have managed to successfully get my control file to load data into the required tables but just for my learning I was trying to amend the when clause with an and condition but keep getting an error.

My code:
load data
infile 'A:/My Files/Feeds/20130211/data_summary_1_20131214.txt' "STR '

into table I_DATA_1
fields terminated by "~|~" optionally enclosed by '"'

the above code works perfectly but if i change the following line:

WHEN (RID <> 'RID' AND 'S_TIMESTAMP' IS NOT NULL)than this gives me an error.

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How To Append Timestamp To Log File In SQL*Plus

May 9, 2013

Platform : RHEL 5.8 (But I am looking for platform independant solution)

I want to append the timestamp to spooled log file name in SQL*Plus.The spooled log filename should look like

WMS_APP_23-March-2013.logI tried the following 3 methods found in the google. But none of them worked !

I tried this

col sysdt noprint new_value sysdt_var
SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd_hh24miss') sysdt FROM DUAL;
spool run_filename_&sysdt_var.Logas suggested in


and this

spool filename with timestamp
col sysdt noprint new_value sysdt
SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'yyyymmdd_hh24miss') sysdt FROM DUAL;
spool run_filename_&sysdt..Logas suggested in


and this

column tm new_value file_time noprint
select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD') tm from dual ;
prompt &file_time
spool logfile_id&file_time..logas suggested in

Creating a spool file with date/time appended to file name

None of the above worked in RHEL or MS DOS.

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Forms :: How To Export Data In 10g To Excel File

Mar 15, 2011

I need the code to export the data from the form to the excel directly.

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Forms :: Data Export To Excel File

Jul 14, 2009

i want to add one button in the form like "save as" and save the displayed data into excel file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Append Or Merge 2 Utl_files To One File?

Jun 25, 2010

Am extracting data from a database and putting them in 2 different utl_files. In the end i want to append or merge the 2 utl_files to one file.

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Forms :: How To Pick Excel File And Get Data In Column

Jun 18, 2013

How to pick excel data in oracle form 6i. and data show in forms column ?

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Client Tools :: Import Of Data From Excel File Into Table?

May 28, 2012

We have a table partymast. we want to import the data into this table using excel file having extension .csv. I am explaining all the things below:

select *from partymast

partyid partyname accountname aacname
aa aa 10014000023367 Ashish

select * from master

masterid mname
10014000023367 Ashish

aacname column in partymast table is fetching from master table mname column.

We have third table name IMPEXP

Iename iedesc ietype iedef
import party master import party master imp {ImportStart}

Sir, I am enclosing the Excel file. what will be the next step that we should filllow.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Load Data In Oracle Table Into Excel File

Dec 29, 2010

send me the procedure for loading the data in an oracle table into an excel file.

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Forms :: Reading Data From Excel File And Load Into Form

Oct 25, 2013

I have a Excel File which contains some columns and rows, i need to load that excel into a form and import that form data to Database Table, using DDE Method.

In simple i say; Just to read the excel and load into a form, which can be imported into a table later.

How to achieve this? only dde method.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Exporting Oracle Data Into Excel File With Auto Column Size

Nov 7, 2007

I want to export the oracle data into an excel sheet. I have written the code by using UTL_FILE package. but i am getting the output as shown in the screen shot(without formatting the column size as the width of the data it has). But I want the output column width to be set according to the size of the data automatically.

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Client Tools :: Export Data From Oracle Database To Excel File?

Aug 21, 2012

I am using SQLTools 1.5 for writing Oracle SQL scripts.

I have to import data from excel file to oracle database. How can I do it?

Also how can I export data from Oracle database to Excel file?

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PL/SQL :: Procedure / Batch File To Export Data From Sql To Excel (predefined Path)

Apr 5, 2013

I have countries, sites, states tables (total 3) in database (i have user id and password to connect to this database).

every week i need to extract data from these tables into excel files and i need to save those in shared drive for team use.

Currently i am connecting to database every time running sql query and manually exporting that latest data to excel and saving that as excel files in (G: eamcommon) folder with specific name.

output format should be :

excel (.xls)
file names should - countries.xls,sites.xls,states.xls
server name : ap21
output location : G: eamcommon ( G is shared drive).

i heard that we could create batch file to do this task and also we could use oracle procedure to do this task. but not sure which one is the best option.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Single Excel File For Emp Table Department Wise In Different Sheets Of Excel

Mar 30, 2012

I need to generate a single excel file which each department details in seperate sheets of the excel file, each sheet should ne named with department no (ex :Dept_10, Dept_20,Dept_30) and the main excel should be named as Emp_details.

Header row and total row should be in bold.I have created 3 individual excels thru toad and moved them to single excel and renamed the sheets.

Can we programatically do this thru SQL or PL/SQL, does Oracle provide any build packages for excel.As excel files cannot be uploaded,I am unable to upload the excel file I generated manually.

select to_char(empno) empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
nvl(sal,0) sal,nvl(comm,0) comm,nvl(sal,0) + nvl(comm,0) "Total Income" ,deptno
from emp
where deptno = 10
union all
select 'Total',null,null,null,null,sum(nvl(sal,0)),sum(nvl(comm,0)),sum(nvl(sal,0))+sum(nvl(comm,0)),null
from emp
where deptno = 10;

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Append Data To Existing CLOB Field In Oracle Table

Sep 13, 2010

code to append data of 32k to exisitng CLOB field in an oracle table..

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: How To Import Data From Excel File To Table Through Procedure

Jul 2, 2012

How to import data from excel(.xls) file to data base table

I have excel sheet(.xls) data details, I neet to upload details to data base table using procedure

excel sheet is not CSV file, so SQL Loader is not using

any alternative solution for this issue

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Workspace Manager :: Export Data From One Server To Another / Version Enabled Tables?

Jan 30, 2013

I'm currently having a problem with regards to Exporting data to another server. This is the Scenario:Source Server is Production Server with all of its Tables in the Schema are Version-Enabled.

Destination Server is a Test Server.I exported data from Production Server using EXP command. Then in my Test Server I imported my data using IMP command (I already created tablespace and user for the Schema).Import is successful in my Test server but when I execute my queries, There are no rows returned.

I checked my _LT tables and it contains my data. but when I query from the View created when version was enabled, no result is returned.Am I missing something when I exported and imported my Schema? Should I have included the WMSYS schema when I created the .dump file?

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Forms :: D2k 6i And Excel File?

Jun 23, 2010

I have generate a excel file through oracle developer 2000 6iwith password protect using OLE2 but autofilter,sort and format column options are not working.

args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, NumToRange(r, c));
XLRange:= ole2.get_obj_property worksheet, 'Range', args); ole2.destroy_arglist(args);


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Reading From A Excel File

Dec 1, 2011

I am looking for a code/script to read values from excel file and perform PLSQL script.

Now i have the PLSQL script to generate report which takes two value which i have to change all the time to generate new report .All i wanna do create a script to read from a excel file and perform the other script.

I have been searching from a long time and only found UTL_file Package which use CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION and create some virtual table.

The problem is i don't have create authorization in database so i m not able to use UTL_File command . Is there any simple way to read value from excel file?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Excel File Can't Open

Aug 17, 2010

im sending email with attachment of report output in xml format. file was attached but cant opened.

it show me error at the time of opening that

XML ERROR in Unknown
REASON: Illegal Tag
FILE: C:Documents and SettingsTxisDesktopAR_AGING_DETAILS_1186958_1(3).XML
VALUE: ?B/to{??C

i face this problem when i send mail on yahoo and from outlook. but it opened in gmail, from incredimail

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Import Excel File To Table

Jan 10, 2013

I have two columns in excel which i need to import in oracle table , but the problem is one column is of type date , i want the same date format to be maintained in table too.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Convert Excel File Into Text?

Aug 2, 2010

i want to convert an excel file into text and then into oracle table.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Procedure To Convert Excel File To XML?

Mar 21, 2012

I need a PL/SQL code to convert an excel file to xml file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Image In XML To Generate Excel File

Jul 8, 2010

how to attach an IMAGE in XML and that will be used in PL SQL procedure to generate the Excel file with the IMAGE. I cannot able to save the xml as excel with the image

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Export BLOB File In Excel?

Dec 5, 2012

I want to export the data from oracle with BLOB column in excel file.

BLOB file contains the Image (jpg)

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Forms :: How To Generate Excel File

Jun 12, 2012

I want to gerate the excel(Office 2010)file using oracle forms 6i. How we can achieve this with forms 6i?

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