SQL & PL/SQL :: Display The Records Of Financial Year Wise?
Jul 20, 2011
i hav the following records i need to display the records of financial year wise (i.e april year-1 to mar year) here there are no records for months 9,10(september and october)
what i want is 0 to be displayed over there in the below table
s.no key id yyyymm ce1 ce2 ce3 t ihu pf mi pwd F
I have form (table GL_PV)in this form I want to generate voucher no financial year wise.
I have Four columns
Year varchar2(4) Month number(2) Pv_no number(6) Pv_date date
--- I use pre-insert tirgger---
when Insert record year save pv_date 'YYYY' (2010)
Month save as 'MM' (7) and pv_date I enter manulay
now I want Pv_no it should generate auto according to financial year.
I have 2 financial year 2009-2010 June-July 2010-2011 June-July
I want that every financial year PV_no should be separate. both financial year pv_no start from 1. when I enter data any financial year first it check the MAX(PV_no) then generate next Pv_no No. MAX(pv_No)+1
I hava an requirement to get week number from particular date as per indian financial year(ie apr-01 to mar-31).I have tried with to_char(the_date_field,'w') and to_char(the_date_field,'iw') formats but I know its only shows the iso standard.
But I want the weeknumber 1 has to be started from april-01 not from jan-01.For more explanation see below,
Date week_no apr 01 to 07 1 apr 08 to 14 2 apr 15 to 21 3 . . . . . Next year mar - 31 n
My problem is I need to get the data for every quarter for financial year and also I need data for every week for financial year.For example for financial year 2012-13, Apr2012 to Jun2012 would be Q1, Jul2012 to Sep2012 would be Q2 and so on. Total 8quarters should come upto Apr2013.In the same way 1st apr 2012 to 7th apr 2012 would be week1, 8th apr to 15th apr would be week2 and son on. How to write a query for this scenario in oracle.
In oracle query can i want find out how many day wise count for a year days (for example how may sundays, mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays ,thursdays,fridays,saturdays) in a given year (we can give the start day of the year and the end day of a year).
example ---------- jan sun-5 mon-4 tue-5 wed-5 thu-5 fri-4 sat-5 feb ------------do--------------------------------- like this for all 12 months at a single query.
Web page that retrives data from SQL database and display it to the user in well formatted manner. Data retrieved depend upon criterias selected by the user. But sometimes data retrieved is very large. I want to display records to the user page wise, i.e. 100 records on first page and next 100 records displayed when user clicks next button. This means only 100 records should be retrieved when user first select search criteria, next 100 records retrived when he clicks next button and so on, as to reduce data transferred from server to client. how to achieve this by using single sql query as soon as possible.
AREA (area_code, area_name) MONTHLY_SALES (area_code, isbn, book_name, qty, sales_amount)
I want to display the output of top 3 sales columnwise as below.
AREA_NAME Top 1st (ISBN) Top 1st (BOOK_NAME) Top 1st (QTY) Top 2nd (ISBN) Top 2nd (BOOK_NAME) Top 2nd (QTY) Top 3rd (ISBN) Top 3rd (BOOK_NAME) Top 3rd (QTY)
Using Oracle 11g...We have a table in our database of data with the following information:
MASTER_RECORD, MEMBER_RECORD, BUSINESS_UNIT, GENDER, DOB (date), age [at time of month_record], MONTH_RECORD (date) [31-MON-YEAR for recorded active month]
The table has ~55 million records. Existing index is only on MASTER_RECORD.There is now a need to create a view which is an aggregate count of member records, grouped by business_unit,gender, age per year. eg:
business_unit, gender, age, month_record, num_of_members -> for every combination unit5, F, 25, 31-JUN-2011, 622 unit3, M, 18, 31-MAY-2011, 573
The view can be created now, but, is not fast enough to be reasonably considered a view. This table is re-created every month from a procedure, so there is flexibility on how it is created. Use interval partitioning by year( something I have not experienced using), create an index on the month_record,then create view.
how to display all the records in a table ,i am passing the table name as in param to the procedure/function suppose if i pass emp table name it will display 14 rec, if i pass dept it will display 4 records.
I want to display all records from table 1 (even the null values) that do not match records in Table 2. Below I am creating both tables and I am posting the result query I need.
------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE temp_table1 ( name VARCHAR2(12 BYTE), last_name VARCHAR2(12 BYTE), STATE VARCHAR2(2 BYTE), BIRTH_DATE DATE );
The result query need to have 5 rows as shown below
NAME LAST_NAME STATE BIRTH_DATE ------------ ------------ ----- --------------------- john smith MA 12/1/1979 null null AZ null null null CT null null null MA null null null CT null
i want to display all the records of my database in a table with scrollingexample if i have 3records in my DB so a table must have 3records too !!!this is my code :
DECLARE Cursor cur IS SELECT numb_ph AS phone, name_emp AS name
but the problem 's all records of my DB are display in one record (to view another record i use the scrolling ..
how to display the data which is shown below without duplicate records in compid and compname and all policy_id's should be there while excuting this query iam getting this data.
select distinct comp_id as compid, comp_disp_name as company, plcy_id as policyid,
19734 Save the Children 9013 GPA 19734 Save the Children 9012 GMC 20097 JMT 9486 GTL 10890 Steelco Gujarat Ltd. 9727 CAR 17330 Golden Jubilee Hotels Limited 8915 CGL 23117 NBHC 9093 GMC 17542 Heinz India 10693 Fire 19821 KSK Fabricators 10341 D&O 3769 Jones Lang Lasalle India 9199 WC 19821 KSK Fabricators 10340 WC
The select statement retrieves records well when executed at SQL promt.
But the same records are not displayed in this procedure by fetch from cursor.
The last message in the procedure 'completed' is also displayed.
create or replace procedure disp_rec(vid IN varchar2, vfeat IN number) is cursor c1 is select gid, listagg(vindex, ',') within group (order by tid) idx from ridrecords where idarpt=vid and feattype=vfeat group by gid; type vg is table of number; type vi is table of varchar2(3500);
SELECT T1.COL1,T1.COL2, T1.COL3,T2.COL2, T3.COL1,T3.COL2, T4.COL1,T4.COL3, <CASE statements and calculations results - Some Amount1>, <CASE statements and calculations results - Some Amount2> [code]..........
First I need to display all the records from TAB_ONE which contains more than 10million records. If you see there are columns like AMOUNT_ONE,AMOUNT_TWO which has got some complex calculations and that is based on some other calculations and which in turn and goes on.... Like this I have some ten amount columns. Finally these records has to be inserted into a new table.
To get this I have written nested inline queries to calculate these AMOUNT columns but since considering the huge amount of records, it takes more than 8 hours for inserting this into a new table.
I have 3 tables, Emp(Emp_id,emp_name),dept(dept_no,dept_name),emp_dept(emp_id,dept_no). Emp tabl ehas some 20 employes id who belongs to different departments.There are few employee who belongs to multiple departments as well. I want to fetch records of emp_id, emp_name, dept_no in the following format.
I need a pl/sql function to calculate the financial month from an date... For eg. If i enter input date as '21-sep-2012' the function should return me the output value in months as 6. so it should calculate from april to september of that year...
On first tab I am taking input (search criteria) on that input i am trying to display all records one by one as user click on next record button....
for that i used when-tab-page-change trigger for first record display and it display correctly.but for further record what should i need to write on next_record command button so all record i can see one by one.
select in1.empid,in1.atttime,out.atttime from (select empid ,atttime from attend where status=1 and to_char(atttime,'mmyyyy')='022012' order by empid,atttime desc) in1, (select empid,atttime from attend where status =0 and to_char(atttime,'mmyyyy')='022012' order by empid,atttime desc) out where in1.empid=out.empid and in1.empid='02256' order by in1.atttime,out.atttime
But this query do .one value relation with all column.means first february in time with all out time.
If a particular department has 10 employees it should have data upto emp_name_10,if department has only 5 employess it should data upto emp_name_5 and so on.I came up with below approach, in this approach I need to create new table to store the data in row wise.
In my actual requirement 4 tables needs to be joined and 2 of the tables are very large.Is there any other approach without creating a new table, something within pl/sql.
drop table emp_dept; create table emp_dept(deptno number,dept_name varchar2(100),emp_name varchar2(100),hire_date date,seq_cnt number,total_cnt number); insert into emp_dept