This is used the where clause of the REF CURSOR SELECT query which send the data back to SSRS
INSTR has a chance to fail in this scenario if the value send from the front end is 123456,3456,4577
here 123456 does not exist in table, but it will be true for INSTR and values 1234 from table will be send back to SSRS which is wrong. Earlier I was using a function to convert the comma separated values to multi-rows and treat it like a lookup table.
But the main table has around million records , and each row has to processed against each row of lookup table, which makes it slower. To avoid this I used INSTR which is faster but can give wrong results.
Example: I want to search 'Hello world' for the first instance of the letter 'o' starting from the end, backwards.As you can see, result for DBMS_LOB.instr is null when entered -1 for offset.
select DBMS_LOB.instr('Hello world','o',-1,1) lob_i, instr('Hello world','o',-1,1) std_i from dual;
I have data like this:
29/03/20102150 NULL NULL NULL NULL 30/03/20102150
When I execute the query it always gives me the error "literal does not match format string".
I have a requirement where the user input values will be passed as comma separated string to backend, which is queried against the table using instr. But the index present on the table is not using the index , due to the instr function.How can I create a index in such a way that The instr function uses it.
The below query is going for full table scan due to this.
select * from test_idx where (INSTR (','||'E10000'||',', ',' || ccn || ',') <> 0 OR 'E10000' = 'DEFAULT') and mod='90396' and rpt_flag='O' and smp_identifier=2
how to recreate the above index so that these queries uses this index.
I have a script that is using the INSTR function to search through a block of data for a specific string (CALL). I am ONLY looking for that string set but unfortunately, there are other words within that block of text that have that string set within it (e.g. CALL_MY_PHONE). Is there any way to make the INSTR search DISTINCT? Below is the code that I am using:
I have requirement wherein i need to compare two strings (with multiple words) and it should return the %(percentage) of comparison. e.g. "oracle infotech" and "infotech oracle" are 100% match
I have to fetch a string which is between to constant strings in a column.
Ex: Test Column "The Student Record 10101 is deleted" "The Student Record 10102 is deleted" "The Student Record 10103 is deleted" 3 rows.
In this i need to fetch only ID from each row.
create table testtable ( TestCol varchar2(4000));
INSERT INTO TESTTABLE VALUES ('The Student Record 10101 is deleted'); INSERT INTO TESTTABLE VALUES ('The Student Record 10102 is deleted'); INSERT INTO TESTTABLE VALUES ('The Student Record 10103 is deleted');
I want to split p_def by dots, check for 3 elements, and return them in p_sch, p_table and p_column for example p_sch will be like want to split it to hellohowareyouI have very limited knowledge with pl/sql.
The db field is a string-type field that hold strings such as:
'1234' '753' 'textstring' '345'
Obviously, if you sort it, it'll be stored as a string such as: '1234' '345' '753' 'textstring'
My client wants it so the numbers sort as integers, followed by string-like strings (sorted alphabetically), so it's like. '345' '753' '1234' 'textstring'
Is there a quick and dirty SQL-only way to doing this in Oracle?
There could be anything after the 2nd ~ in string 2 is there a easy way of trimming string2 to the first 14 Characters? Or do I have to find the 2nd instance of ~ and then remove everything after (and including) that?
In the code segment below (hope it appears right) I can understand the use of single quotes in the first two examples but in the third example below I had to use double quotes around the word - Today's - and I not sure I understand why?! I'm aware of the rules ...If you want a single quote to appear in the middle of a string add another single quote to it.If you want a single quote to appear at the beginning or end of a string add 2 single quotes to it.If you want a single quote to appear on its own add 3 single quotes to it.
SQL> select 'This isn''t' from dual; 'THISISN'' ---------- This isn't SQL> select to_number('34@456#789', '999G999D999', 'nls_numeric_characters=''#@'' ') from dual; TO_NUMBER('34@456#789','999G999D999','NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=''#@''') --------------------------------------------------------------------- 34456.789 SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'fm"Today''s" ddth Month YYYY') from dual; TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'FM"TODAY''S"DDTHMONTHYYYY') ------------------------------------------------------ Today's 16th August 2013
extract the value of the strings for REQUEST_GROUP_CODE and REQUEST_GROUP_APPL_SHORT_NAME. As you can see I have to deal with whitespace differences, case differences etc. I need the values between the quotes for each one. get ACCOUNTING and AR for the first example. I am using db version 11g r1.
Outside of convoluted loop using the SUBSTR() function, is there an easy way to extract each element from a comma-sepearted list that's passed in to a stored proc?
I am importing some data using an external table, but the file on which the external table is built has some rows where a certain column is populated with two empty space characters.
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY xtern_data_dir AS 'C:/...';
This is an except of what's in the external text file. The full text file has been attached.
000011|0030|....|000000.000000| |000000.000000| |0002 000011|0365|....|000000.000000| |000000.000000| |0002 000011|0730|....|000000.000000| |000000.000000| |0002 ^ blank spaces may be | causing error----------
Here is the error message I am receiving. I believe this is caused by the blank fields in the data.
INSERT INTO RPDMMA1_PEDI_MSTR (GCN_SEQNO,.... * ERROR at line 1: ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH callout ORA-30653: reject limit reached ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 52
This is difficult to work with because the external table function does not appear to be even reading the file so it's not like I can convert the data as I'm loading into the internal database table. What are some approaches I can use to get Oracle to accept these blank columns and either populate them with blank spaces or set them to null?
tyring to insert an insery query having string as a column where i am supposed to insert a single quote casuing the problem.
insert into abc(x,y) values (1,'select abc,bbc from T_AB A,select fgh,hij from T_AB where fgh='self' group by fgh,hij having count(fgh)>1) B) where A.hij=B.hij')
getting missing comma with the above query.when i tried to give as
insert into abc(x,y) values (1,'select abc,bbc from T_AB A,select fgh,hij from T_AB where fgh=''self'' group by fgh,hij having count(fgh)>1) B) where A.hij=B.hij')
insert is happening but saving as "select abc,bbc from T_AB A,select fgh,hij from T_AB where fgh=''self'' group by fgh,hij having count(fgh)>1) B) where A.hij=B.hij"
how to avoid this and get the select query to store as
select abc,bbc from T_AB A,select fgh,hij from T_AB where fgh=''self'' group by fgh,hij having count(fgh)>1) B) where A.hij=B.hij
i have a column 'name' in which value is 'Shailesh Negi',i have to insert 'shailesh' into'first name' column and 'Negi' into 'last name' column respectively.
im trying to create a trigger that, when i insert a new song in the songs table, it will check the category of the song (song_cat) and increase the respective cat_total (from table categories) by 1.
here is what i've done so far:
drop trigger countcat; CREATE TRIGGER countcat AFTER INSERT ON songs FOR EACH ROW update categories SET cat_total= cat_total +1 WHERE cat_name = (select song_cat FROM inserted);
What to write in the cat_name = (select ...). I have tried lots of stuff but still nothing. when i use this, i get the error that mydatabase.inserted doesnt exist
I have a function in PL/SQL that uses CTE to obtain several strings. I need to return those strings to C#, either as a Return Value or a OUTPUT parameter.
I've managed to do that using PLSQL Associative Array, but it has the unnecessary usage of Array Bind Size, and I do not need to know what will be my Array size. Is that any other way to do it?
My Package is the next one:
create or replace PACKAGE Pkg1 IS TYPE listResults is TABLE of VARCHAR2(100) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; PROCEDURE CalculateResults ( iCode IN VARCHAR2, iAg IN VARCHAR2, resultados OUT listaResultados ); END Pkg1;
create or replace PACKAGE BODY Pkg1 AS PROCEDURE CalculateResults( iCode IN VARCHAR2, [code]......
"This is just for testing 123. This is just for testing 45654. This is just for testing 5567876. This is just for testing 53456547. This is just for testing 123423. This is just for testing 98090. This is just for testing 099473. This is just for testing. This is just for testing. This is just for testing 3. This is just for testing 34983245983. This is just for testing 6432."
I need to divide this sting after every 100 characters, as the length of column to insert is 100. And i do not want to modify the column as it has great impact. I need to divide the string, such that it should be less then 100 characters also the string is not cut in between.
like: first string: "This is just for testing 123. This is just for testing 45654. This is just for testing 5567876."
then 2nd string: "This is just for testing 53456547. This is just for testing 123423. This is just for testing 98090."
then 3rd string: "This is just for testing 099473. This is just for testing. This is just for testing. This is just for testing 3."
want to create a PL/SQL procedure, update_id(id_emp in number), that gives a new id_emp (id_emp=y) to an existing employee (id_emp=x).So before updating the EMP table, we have to :
1- create a new row on EMP(with id_emp=y) that has the same informations of the employee (id_emp=x), 2- update all tables that contains the id_emp column (update <TAB> set id_emp=y where id_emp=x), 3- delete employee (id_emp=x).
The problem is in step 2 : it creates a lot of locks and makes the DB unusable.To deal with this problem, I thought for many solutions, but the problem is how to implement them correctly and efficiently.
Before executing step 2, we have to ensure (through a marker I guess) that all the tables that have the id_emp column, are managed by our session, and any other acces (through SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT statment) from another session will be rejected since we have a marker on that table.
When step 2 ends, we release all the tables from the markers.
Version- 10G I have a stored procedure which contain code like
if () then---update---else if() theninsert --update--------else if()-----------------------end if;end if;end if;
I have to use this code numbers of times in my procedure , is there any way I can give name this code & use it or call it where I need it in my SP.Don't want to make the above code a separate procedure.