SQL & PL/SQL :: Search Documentation In Oracle With Keyword (Top-N)?

Feb 12, 2011

I have questions on Top N.Before post this thread, I have read these: One select in TOP Na thread very similar with my problem

Search the documentation in Oracle with key word "Top-N", but what I mostly got is about: "Top-N Frequency Categorical Binning"

SQL> select ename, sal
2 from emp
3 where sal in
4 (
5 select distinct sal


Actually, I am not missing parenthesis, and I can not see any syntax error.what does the issue occur?

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Enterprise Search :: Configuring Tags For A Keyword?

Jun 21, 2013

We have an Oracle UCM and Oracle SES implementation.Currently there are too many tags returned for certain keywords by SES which breaks the UI,some of the tags being irrelevant too.Is there any configuration variable in SES by which these tags can be limited to say 20 most relevant tags.?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Read Oracle Diagram In The Documentation

Feb 8, 2010

How to read oracle diagram in the documentation?

legend etc.

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Oracle Documentation To Migrate RAC To NON-RAC Keeping ASM

Aug 29, 2013

Oracle Documentation to Migrate RAC to NON-RAC keeping ASM.

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Download Full Oracle 10gR2 Documentation?

Nov 3, 2010

want to download full oracle 10gR2 documentation. I also navigated on [URL] but this link allowing me to download pdf one by one but I want to download all pdf's in single shot.

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Performance Tuning :: Oracle Documentation On Details Of AWR Report

Jun 4, 2012

A coworker of mine asked if there was any documentation from Oracle that listed all of the parts of the AWR report and what each meant. I was taken back because I don't think there is. There are third party books that talk about AWR reports and their predecessor Statspack reports.

Oracle has some notes on their support site about reading an AWR or Statspack report. All I found in the official documentation was some basic information about how to run an AWR report and an overview of what it was. It would be nice to have some sort of documentation that lists out each section and explains the units and purpose.

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Security :: How To Replace No Data Found Keyword In Oracle

May 30, 2013

i have a table that contains employee id, employee name , so if i gave the correct employee id in where clause of select statement it will show employee name, in case if i give the employee id that does not exist in the table it will show 'Employee name is not found'..

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Application Express :: Enable IR Search Field To Search In Hidden Columns

Jul 15, 2012

I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?

if not, that means I have to :

1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE
2- edit my report query to something similar to
> Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null
3- add button to refresh the report.

but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this.
I am using theme 23
page template without sidebars
Report template : Reports Region.

how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.

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Adding New Node Back To Cluster Via Documentation

Apr 10, 2012

I have a 3 node RAC server on Windows Server 2008. Last week the hard drive went out on one of the nodes and I have had to rebuild as I could not recover anything.

I went through and deleted the old node and now I have just finished adding the new node back to my cluster via documentation. Once I created the new instance on that server DBCA attempted to start and it failed gaving me a crs error. I found out later that the other 2 nodes went down and the new one that did not start correctly was the only one up!! I went and stopped the new instance and restarted the first 2. The associated services did not start with the instance so I had to start each manually. The trace files show an ORA-29702 error with cluster group service and the instance being stopped on both of the existing nodes. No other error messages stood out.

Now I cannot get any crs services to start on that 3rd node even if I attempt to start manually. I have also tried stopping all and restarting and that does not work. I found another post on this forum from you and followed it. The ASM service was fine the entire time through all the logs and I don't know how to verify LMON in Windows but I didn't see any LMON errors in the alert log. Also, the voting disks are online. Each node has their own and they are mirrored. Where else to look?

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Any Rule In Documentation When Create Partition Index?

Feb 20, 2012

Is there any rule in documentation, when create partition index? For tables, it is said to partition when table is greater than 2GB, but what about index? WHat size it should have to partition?

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Server Administration :: Download Patch Documentation?

Oct 27, 2011

where i can download the patch documentation. Is it available in the metalink (my oracle support)? if yes then is there any other way i can get hold of it?

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Is Full Text Search Possible In Oracle 10g Express Edition

Apr 29, 2011

Is full text search possible in oracle 10g express edition. If so, how is it possible. I browsed many places but couldn't find that.

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Data Guard :: Any Documentation / Link Available To Switchover Of RAC Database Using Dgmgrl

Dec 8, 2010

I am having setup of 2 node RAC setup on ASM with Single Instance Physical standby on File System (OS: RHEL 5.4). I configured DG Broker without any major issues. Getting all output of 'show configuration' and all DG related logs are clear. Archives are getting transferred from both Primary nodes.

DGMGRL> show configuration

Name: dg_rac
Enabled: YES
Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED
livestdby - Primary database
livedg - Physical standby database

Current status for "dg_rac":

Now I am getting error Error: ORA-16535: CRS is preventing execution of a broker operation.

DGMGRL> switchover to livedg;
Performing switchover NOW, please wait...
Error: ORA-16535: CRS is preventing execution of a broker operation

Oracle Says

A broker operation was underway that required CRS to stop managing the instances of this database, but CRS management could not be stopped on behalf of the broker"s request on at least some of the instances, so the broker operation was canceled.Suspend CRS management of this database using SRVCTL STOP DATABASE -D <name> -O NONE. Then reissue the broker request.But this command is not working as it's given to stop the database.

One more thing, it's nowhere said to stop CRS while performing Switchover / Switchback using DG Broker. When we do Switchover / Switchback we keep open only one of the Primary instance.

is there any documentation / link available to switchover of RAC database using dgmgrl (DG Broker)

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Client Tools :: Exporter Tool 429 Error Over And Limited Documentation?

Jul 29, 2010

I converted the access db's to access 2003, the version I am running. Still, after fighting with this for a couple of days I can't get this to work and can't find information on what's wrong. I keep getting:

Error #49 - XMLExporter - ActiveX Component Can Not Create Object....Database Schema did not complete successfully.

This is really getting old. If this doesn't work is there a way to copy the tables into SQLDeveloper without the exporter tool? Like I said, I'm really at my end with this.

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Forms :: How To Create User - Defined Search In Runtime Oracle 6i

Sep 24, 2012

Is it Possible to create User - defined Search forms in runtime oracle forms 6i . If One Having sample Forms

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00923 - FROM Keyword Not Found Where

Jul 12, 2012



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Parallel Keyword In Expdp

Dec 17, 2012

i am trying to export table using datapump in oracle 10g, this expdp takes 5 hours time, so i want use use parallel keyword in expdp,
my question is how should i know number of parallels can i use...?

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PL/SQL :: Use A Subquery After Update Keyword?

Oct 18, 2012

Can we use a subquery after the update keyword??

For example

UPDATE ( Select col1 from test)
set col1='x';

In short can we replace the table name after an update and use a select statement instead??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00969 / Missing ON Keyword

Jan 11, 2012

I issued the command

grant select(employee_id, job_id) on employees to scott;

But it returns error as

HR:orcl > grant select(employee_id, job_id) on employees to classuser;
select(employee_id, job_id) on employees to classuser
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00969: missing ON keyword

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ORA-00905 Missing Keyword Error

Apr 9, 2008

Oracle and I am receiving ora-00905 missing keyword error.what could possibly be wrong with this SQL statement?

Table2 T2 On

I am trying to select the maximum dates from 2 different tables and I am using Oracle 10.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-00923 - FROM Keyword Not Found Where Expected

Nov 11, 2010

I am having some difficulties with this trigger. It keeps giving me the error "ERROR at line 5: PL/SQL: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected" when I am not even using a SELECT before the line it says the error is on? Here is the trigger that I am attempting to create.

numCourses NUMBER :=0;
myException EXCEPTION;

I am getting the error on line 5.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Analytical Function With Distinct Keyword

Mar 8, 2012

can we use distinct keyword with the count and sum analytical functions?

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ORA-00923 - FROM Keyword Not Found Where Expected

Jun 23, 2011

I have this script which should find tablespaces and their size, joined with free bytes. Trying to run this gives me the SQL Error: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected.

I have two questions:

1. Where should the FROM be?

2. Is there something wrong with the join.

set linesize 120
col "TOTAL (KB)" format 99999999999999999
col "FREE (KB)" format 9999999999999999
col TSNAME format a35
col "% FREE" format a10;

SELECT a.tablespace_name TSNAME, sum(a.bytes/1024) "TOTAL (KB)",
Sum(b.bytes/1024) "FREE (KB)"
To_char(round((sum(a.bytes/1024)/sum(a.bytes/1024))*100),2), 'FM99990D999999')
|| ' % ' "% FREE"
FROM dba_data_files a, dba_free_space b
Where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespacename
Group by a. tablespace_name

I used the script from [URL]

It worked great but I'm not sure how to use the arithmetic functions to show me MB instead of bytes.

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ORA-00923 / FROM Keyword Not Found Where Expected

Jun 29, 2007

The following syntax gives me the error:

ORA-00923: FROM key word not found where expected

if this is so, why use 'from' in TRIM function? Or is my syntax incorrect?

SYNTAX: select trim leading ('0' from (substr(to_char(polref_nbr),9,10))) "TRIM example" from tbl_vg_adhoc;

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PL/SQL :: ORA-00923 - FROM Keyword Not Found Where Expected

Aug 29, 2012

I am trying to compile this block for updating a record. In the P_ADD_LOV_SQL column, I have to update the following select statment, but when ever I am compiling it it shows error in the Select statement as : ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected. rearrange the select statement so that it doesn't show the error.The coding is :


The column is updated properly. But I can't update by compiling the block.

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PL/SQL :: ORA-00923 / FROM Keyword Not Found Where Expected

May 17, 2013

I want to get the top 10% of salaries in employees table. But I got error:

SQL> select top 10 percent salary
  2  from employees
  3  order by salary desc;

ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected How can I get the top 10% percent?

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PL/SQL :: Pivot In 11g Producing Keyword Error?

Dec 19, 2012

I just so happen to be the one trail blazing the pivot function for the section of the company I work in. (Needless to say, a Sesame Street style answer will not be offensive.) We are literally in the process of upgrading to 11g ( Sadly, none of our more experienced programmers now anything about the pivot function. Not really surprising to me since we've been working in 10g. Anyway, I am using SQL Developer version 3.0.04 which I know is not the newest but I don't yet have permission to upgrade. I used [URL] to get me as far as I am on this function.

The script I am having problems with is:



The error I'm getting is:

ORA-01738: missing IN keyword
01738. 00000 - "missing IN keyword"
Error at Line: 16 Column: 2

The error indication bounces between line 15 and 16. If I put IN at the end of 15 I then have a missing right parenthesis error...

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Forms :: ORDER SIBLINGS Keyword No Accepted

Dec 5, 2010

This code run fine in Toad BUT giving me error in forms.


The error is: "Encountered sysbol "SIBLINGS" when expecting one of the following:
The symbol "by inserted before the "SIBLINGS" to continue.

Is the SIBLINGS keyword not acepted in forms? What would be the alternative?

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PL/SQL :: WITH AS Results In ORA-00928 - Missing SELECT Keyword?

Aug 19, 2013

We are running on Oracle 10g. The following script results in ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword. what causes this error? Both 'select' statements when run by themselves, complete successfully.

 [code]WITH A1 AS  WITH A1      AS (  SELECT MIN (VAPS_RPT_INTV_DMSN.INTV_DT),                   VAPS_RPT_INTV_DMSN.RPT_ID,                   VAPS_RPT_INTV_DMSN.RPT_INTV_ID              FROM APS.VAPS_RPT_INTV_DMSN, APS.VAPS_RPT_CL_INTV_DMSN             WHERE     APS.VAPS_RPT_INTV_DMSN.RPT_INTV_ID =                         


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Error In Query - ORA-00905 - Missing Keyword?

Jun 1, 2010

Check out following query

FROM dual;

ORA-00905: missing keyword

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