I used Region, Process by to search the report which appears as shown above. Then I use Choose Auditors column to select my Auditor and copy paste it into the report under To be Audited By col. Is there a way to automate the process. I am here using a tabular form in APEX. My main aim is to assign auditors based on Region, not equal to Processed by.
I have a table emp where empid,employee name,job,salary are three columns.I need to retrieve empid,count of emp,emp name,emp salary of job = manager and total salary of all employees with grouping by job in one query.
I want to filter only 123455 and 123456 from this list, is it possible to get a range as i want to use it as report parameters , i can do it by using like operator as below
create table prd_mast ( prd_cd varchar2(12), prd_desc varchar2(3000)); insert into prd_mast values ('1','arif,123455,123456,77777'); insert into prd_mast values ('2','sait,123455,123456,66666');
in one of the data base some of the column values are TE. i wanted to serch in what are the tables this TE values are present. so m running the below function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION find_in_schema(val VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS v_old_table user_tab_columns.table_name%TYPE; v_where VARCHAR2(4000); v_first_col BOOLEAN := TRUE;
but v_where := v_where || ' or ' || r.column_name || ' like ''%' || val || '%''' is giving me numaric or value error when i run as select find_in_schema('@TL') from dual; so how can i go ahed with the serch ?
I have a requirement that i should list out all the table names which are all using timestamp datatype in a specified schema. Is there any way to find those table names by using any system tables.
My scenario is to insert values into 'out' column by comparing 's' and 'IP' columns of temp table.The exact situation is at first need to go to ip column,take a value and then go to source column and check for the same value of ip which is taken previously.Then after corresponding ip of that source column should be inserted back in previous source column.
The situation is marked clearly in file which i am attaching with '--' comments at respective places.I am also pasting the code which i tried out,unfortunately it is giving error as exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows since there are duplicates in the table.I tried it using nested for loops.Also implemented using rowid,but it didnt work.
fixing the errors or if there is any new logic that can be implemented.
DECLARE i_e NUMBER(10); BEGIN FOR cur_1 IN(SELECT IP from temp where IP IS NOT NULL) LOOP FOR cur_2 IN(SELECT IP from temp where s=cur_1.IP)
Recently I remember reading what I think was a blog post on placing the last column of a report underneath the penultimate column - I think it was for classic reports.
I think it was done with some magic in the column definition, or maybe some jQuery?Agnostic to version. It was a more robust solution than using a HTML expression of#COL2#<BR>#COL3#
I am using apex 4.1. I must hide phone number columns in my IR report, but at the same time the values of that columns should be available to search for using IR Search Field. is there a way to do this ?
if not, that means I have to :
1- Add a text filed P1_PHONE 2- edit my report query to something similar to > Select * from Table where :P1_phone in (mobile1,mobile2) or :p1_phone is null 3- add button to refresh the report.
but the item P1_PHONE should be on the header of the Report region. is there a way to do this. I am using theme 23 page template without sidebars Report template : Reports Region.
how to put the item P1_PHONE on the tab of the page. Just similar to the Search item of in the Application Builder.
I have created a IR report and I set the default search column using the suggestion found in the thread URL....but how can I keep this default even after the research was done?Now it is resetted !
From two given tables, how do you fetch the values from two columns using values from one column(get values from col.A if col.A is not null and get values from col.B if col.A is null)?
On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user.
I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of the HTML row.
So, let's say my APEX region queryes columns as "select c1, c2, c3, c4 ..." and displays out values "V1, V2, V3, V4" then i want to have addional output column with such hyperlink:
a href="f?p=100:7:13467554876288::NO::c1,c2,c3,c4:v1,v2,v3,v4">My link column with CGI-parameters</aHow can i create such hyperlink?
The overall idea is that the link would forward to a page which loads those values "v1,v2,v3,v4" into form fields and user can proceed from there.
I want to pass multiple column values of a row in an interactive report page to hidden items in another page through column link. And I did it successfully. However, I found I need to pass more than 3 columns of a row in this report, while a column link only permits me to pass 3 column value at most. Is there anyway that I can pass more column values to hidden items in another page?
We are processing spatial data from another source to display in our GIS environment. The data is a set of multi lines. The gtype is 2006. A typical geometry looks like:
Now, this is not an actual multiline... it's just encoded as a multi line, but if you look at the coordinates you'll see that the end point of the first line is the same as the beginning of the second line (105094.84, 195084.96).
AID UCD U_TXT UDATE PID 116 1 Req Documents 01-OCT-2011 100 116 2 AGG APPR 01-OCT-2011 101 116 3 Docs received 02-oct-2011 102 116 1 Tmp received 02-oct-2011 103 117 2 Notice sent 03-oct-2011 104
UCD - We have total 19 codes (1 to 19), each can have multiple rows for one AID.. like 1 repeated twice for AID 116. PID - Primary id (Primary key column)
Output I am looking -------------------- AID COL1 COL1_TXT COL1_DATE COL2 COL2_TXT COL2_DATE..ETC 116 1 'Tmp received' 02-oct-2011 2 AGG APPR 01-OCT-2011 117 2 Notice sent 03-oct-2011
If the same UCD repeated multiple times then we should get the max(PID) record for that UCD and for that AID
I tried with group by AID,PID. but couldn't bring the rows to columns. I have attached the script with the post