SQL & PL/SQL :: Script For Data Migration

Mar 23, 2012

I had a table with columns as below


I have created a new table, so that instead of having 26 columns for payment amount for each week, I want to have one column for pay amount and one column to represent the week as below


how do I migrate the data from old table to the new table?

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Data Migration From 9i To 11g R2

Mar 9, 2011

We have our current production running on 9i and eventually want to migrate to 11g-r2. But the challenges are as follows:

9i production is running in San Francisco data center. 11g-r2 Production already setup up and running in Atlanta data center.

The database size is around 2 TB running on 9i. We are looking to transfer this to 11g-r2 and wondering, what options we have at our disposal: I was looking into EXP/IMP, but somebody said, dblinks will be much faster and reliable than EXP/IMP.

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Data Migration With XML Files?

Aug 25, 2010

we're planning a data migration from an application (oracle-based) to another (also with oracle db).

the origin is a ca. 80 GB database. so lots of millions of records are to be migrated. (before loading records into the destination tables, they have to be transformed).

the current concept is to receive all origin data in xml files, load them in a staging area (an own migration scheme in oracle), transform and load them into the destination tables.

we have three days for the whole migration (including extract from origin database, transform, load, backup after completion...).

my question is, that a migration with xml-files is a good concept. i think xml processing is much slower than doing the same with csv files. my proposal to migrate an oracle dump (so we got the original data in our staging area) was declined.

is migration mass-data with xml files good or are there performance or other issues?

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PL/SQL :: Oracle Data Migration

Nov 9, 2013

Send me sample data migration scripts to get knowledge on Data migration. 

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Remote Migration Of Data

Oct 30, 2012

Is there any oracle utility to do remote migration of data or it is possible only using some third party software.

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Data Migration From MySQL Database

Oct 31, 2008

I need to migrate data from Mysql database to Oracle11g database.

a) is there any method available to import the all the sqls like table script,constraint scripts,data(insert ) script from Mysql.so that we can apply the sql directly to the oracle schema after making necessary changes(like datatype).

b) Is there any free tool available for the migration.

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Migration From Data Integrator To Java

May 6, 2013

how to migration from ODI to java.. How to work on this type of migration.

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Data Migration From WORD To ORACLE?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a long file in WORD as I try to load it in ORACLE quotes become periods, ex:

insert into mytab values ('myname, 26);

when i copy this and paste it in oRACLE (UNIX environment), it translates as insert into mytab values (.myname.,26)..does not recognize the quotes.

I tried copying from word to notepad to ORACLE same problem..

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Real Time Data Migration

Sep 13, 2013

we have a requirement for migrating data real time from source db to target db as well as to a queue.

achieve this using any custom technique?

we tried exploring Streams with CDC but Streams being depricated and CDC removed in Oracle 12 c, we are kind of stuck.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Generate Data Migration Reports

May 9, 2011

I need to generate in report using PL/SQL code for counting the number of rows of all the tables from source and target database..The report should consist of following columns..

table name|source table row count|target table row count|mismatch|..provide me the PL/SQL code?

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Server Utilities :: Data Migration Using Datapump?

May 11, 2011

I got an assignment to create Oracle 11g db. I will be provided the full datapump export dump of an Oracle 10g db in linux. I need to import it to 11g Database in Windows. I have no information about the tablespaces, users etc I have created db with system,sysaux,undotbs temp and users tablespaces.

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Server Administration :: Data Migration Between Two Different Application?

Mar 9, 2011

We are planning to migrate data from an application called clintrace to another application called argus safety. Both the applications are related to pharmacovigilence safety operation. Both the applications functionality are similar. So both the database are having the same data though the table structures might be different. Both the database are oracle clintrace db is 9i and argus db is 11g.

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Performance Tuning :: Oracle Data Migration

Jun 7, 2011

We have a data migration scripts written for oracle. Data is not huge but we are observing that the migration is faster in the development labs but is 5x slower in the production site.

The development Oracle setup is on Windows and Production setup on Solaris. I have attached the AWR generated for a period where migration was run for 3 hours and stopped due to slow performance.

Here is my initial analysis.

1) The first timed events is the DB CPU. Hence I feel the migration scripts can be modified to run in parallel so that they can finish faster. However here the question arises why it should run faster in development env if this is an issue.
2) I tried increasing the
a.large_pool_size set to 512M
b.sga_max_size set to 8G
c.sga_target set to 8G
from 0, 4G and 4G respectively.

I have attached the AWR and below are the etc/system contents for solaris settings.

* Begin MDD root info (do not edit)
* End MDD root info (do not edit)
set noexec_user_stack=1
set noexec_user_stack_log=1
* IBMdpo vpath_START (do not remove)
* default SCSI timeout is 60 seconds
* uncomment to change SCSI timeout * set sd:sd_io_time=0x1e
forceload: drv/vpathdd
* IBMdpo vpath_END (do not remove)

set noexec_user_stack=1
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=1024
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=256
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10

P.S. The awr report is renamed to .txt from .html to be able to upload the file.

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Security :: Tablespace Encryption - Data Migration?

Oct 22, 2010

Is it possible to migrate everything (tables, indexes) from a unencrypted to encrypted tablespaces online i.e. while the database is being used (DML)?

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Data Migration From Oracle To SQL Server 2005

Oct 25, 2012

How to migrate Data from oracle to MS SQL Server or Vice Versa.

I came to know about 2 methods:

1) Using SQL Developer
2) USing ODBC.

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Globalization :: Data Migration From WE8MSWIN1252 To AR8MSWIN1256

Feb 19, 2013

I have Arabic data stored into below two encodings in oracle AL32UTF8 database

1 Million rows into WE8MSWIN1252
.5 million rows into AR8MSWIN1256

in all cases I like to convert 1 Million row of WE8MSWIN1252 into AR8MSWIN1256. I could convert the data encoding from 1252 to 1256 using SQLdeveloper. But no luck using oracle export/import utility (both exp and expdp)…. I’m thinking may be certain locale is required for export/import to work.

Also my company said SQL developer is free utility may not be supported by oracle so use export and import for this, I need to convert only one table.

Similar case


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SQL Queries Taking Long Time After 11g Data Migration

Sep 14, 2010

I have upgraded oracle database from 9i to 11g using export and import utility. After migration we are facing performance issue in report generation, We have observed that First execution of report is taking very long time and when we generate the same report 2 -3 times there is considerable change in the execution time and it is more better than the first execution.

2 days back I have restarted the database and found the same issue. There are around 300 Reports and it is not possible to generate all the reports 2-3 times every time we restart the database.

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Export/Import/SQL Loader :: Data Pump For Migration

Sep 9, 2013

We should migrate our 10gR2 single-instance database with conventional file system to a two-node 11gR2 RAC on ASM (on same Windows Server platform…). 

How can I migrate my production database using data pump? I have full data pump export from target but I don’t know how to import, whether the scheme after scheme, full import, do I need to first create manually tablespaces on destination, whether to exclude the index, constraint, statistics?

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Server Utilities :: Data Migration - Remote Operations Not Permitted

May 10, 2011

I am trying to insert data in one of the tables called as tstcntr_mstr in ibpslive instance by ibpslive user.

My source tables are on ncfiiidv instance.

Query is as follows:

insert into tstcntr_mstr
(select * from tstcntr_mstr@dlink_ncfmdv)

Error that I get is remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns.

Table tstcntr_mstr@dlink_ncfmdv contains types.

the migration of the data.

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PL/SQL :: Legacy Data Migration Project - Cyclic Dependency Records

Mar 1, 2013

It's been a while since I worked with SQL Plus . I am using Oracle 11g. We are working on a legacy data migration project. I have a table of records with circular dependency records. i am trying to identify the records. I have the foll. columns- Product,Source,target. I want o identify the records which form a loop. For e.g.

Source Target

Last record forms a loop-I need to identify these records. My query is below-


I ran this query on 2 tables- one with 75000 records and the other with 25000 records. It works fine on the table with 75000 records completes within a minute but it does not complete on the other table. I can't seem to be able to figure out the issue with the query or is there something about the data that is causing this query to loop infinitely?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Data Migration From Table To Table?

Nov 18, 2010

I Have two DB s with same tables, I need to insert the data from db1 tables to db2 tables. Primary ID starts from 1 on both the tables.


ID Name c3 c4 c5
1 Oracle1 x y b
2 Oracle2 x n b
3 Oracle3 x f b
4 Oracle4 x f b
5 Oracle5 x f b


ID Name c3 c4 c5
1 ONT1 t y t
2 ONT2 t m h
3 ONT2 t b n

All the table1 data should be moved to table2..... Desired out put should be like following

ID Name c3 c4 c5
1 ONT1 t y t
2 ONT2 t m h
3 ONT2 t b n
4 Oracle1 x y b
5 Oracle2 x n b
6 Oracle3 x f b
7 Oracle4 x f b
8 Oracle5 x f b

Data volume is huge... There are 1500 tables and on an average there 10 Million records per table. Currently I am using DB links

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Migration Of Whole Database?

Dec 20, 2010

we are planning to do the migration from 10g to 11g and from old servers to new servers.

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Migration From Oracle 10g To 11g?

Apr 26, 2011

Our Application is on Oracle 10g and we are going to migrate to Oracle 11g.

1) As of now we are using ojdbc14.jar. So if we migrate can we use the same jar or is it mandatory with 11g to use either ojdbc5.jar or ojdbc6.jar. I guess these jar version depends on the version of jdk we are using. But we are using jdk1.5 and still we use ojdbc14.jar which is working fine. So is it like , Oracle 11g can support only jdk1.5 or jdk1.6 ?

2) Is there any effect on the coding part if we change ojdbc14.jar to ojdbc6.jar ?I have seen there are some extra classes used in ojdbc6.jar.

3) Also we are going to migrate the Oracle database from Solaris to AIX. Our application lies on Solaris.So is there any compatibility problem , if our application lies on Solaris and database on AIX ?

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ASM Migration From One Storage To Another

Oct 4, 2011

we are moving datacenter from one place to another where existing datacenter has got ASM(RAC env) with HP storage which needs to be moved into target datacenter for EMC storage.basically How ASM can be disassociate from source HP storage then associate target EMC storage with very minimal down time.

what are all the ways and all step by steps required for the same.

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DB Migration From Oracle 10g To 11g?

Sep 1, 2013

Am going to migrate my databases from 10g to 11g.and am unaware of the performance issues in this and how can i increase the performance at database level and what are the possible bottlenecks.

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IBM AIX Server - Migration From 10g To 11g?

Dec 23, 2011

tell the steps for migration from 10g to 11g on IBM AIX SERVER?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Migration Of Three Tables

Aug 29, 2013

Data migration for three tables. I have three table which are

1.npi_p_mig contain four fields (pr_id,mi_id,qty,sl_dt,fac_code)

I need to migrated the data from based on two tables (np_detail,np_ref_tab) to new table npi_P_mig(pr_id,mi_id,qty,sl_dt,fac_code) table. i need sql script to migrate above two table to new table (npi_P_mig) .

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Forms :: Migration 5i To 6i

Dec 23, 2010

I am migrate to forms 5i to 6i. , compile are complete but following error are generate when running the form

[12/23/10 12:29:14 India Standard Time]::Client Status [ConnId=0, PID=2052]
>> ERROR: Abnormal termination, Error C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

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Forms :: Migration From 6i To 11g

Oct 25, 2012

Is the oracle migration assistant a utility with the oracle forms 6i distribution? Or do I need to download it from somewhere else? Is there a license required? Is there a disadvantage of using Oracle Application Express for the migration from oracle forms 6i to 11g.

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Forms :: Migration To 6i?

Apr 20, 2012

We have an application running on Forms and Reports for the past 10 years... I have two main issues from the begining could not sort to-date... Issues are:

1. I use host() to call reports,for ex:
a) I run a report works fine
b) Now I goto any other master screen and just query some data
c) Now I want to run any of the reports, nothing works..
To generate the report I have to open another instance of application then I can run the report... In this instance again same story repeats... I dont know what is the problem...

2. We are financial company, lot of dependancy on excel ... I want export reports to excel but there is no option...

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