SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Text Of Running Process

Jul 30, 2010

How I can retrieve the sql text of a running process. Given the session id.

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Enterprise Manager :: How To See Process Running In OEM

Jan 20, 2010

when I run the form and do some action intheform (call procedure , etc..) how can to see what is the process in running in OEM? Do it have any way to monitor it?

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Application Express :: How To Retrieve Item Help Text From Database

May 23, 2013

I would like to let the customer edit the item help text. Is it possible to retrieve item help text from my own custom database table based via a PLSQL function call or something similar?

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Application Express :: Prefix Text Entered Into Text Area With Userid And Timestamp?

Sep 12, 2012

Have got basic form on a table and have a textarea which holds Notes added by user.

So Notes database field is updated on Save / Apply changes button being pressed.But would really like any text added / appended to the Notes field to be prefixed by userid and date / timestamp.

Is it possible via dynamic actions or Javascript to have any new text added / typed to be auto prefixed as per above.

Would only want the first key press in the filed to trigger the auto-prefix and if added text was deleted then the auto prefix to be deleted as well ?? If user doesn't press Save / Apply changes obviously want to leave existing Notes as is.

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Forms :: Is There Text Changed Trigger With Text Item Function

May 5, 2010

Is there text changed trigger with text item function like when_list_changed trigger of list item?

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Forms :: MS Word Rich Text Format In Text Item

Apr 17, 2012

Can I use rich text item on oracle form10G with some simple features like BOLD, UNDERLINE, ITALIC and if possible one more feature like spell check.

I Google my requirement, but mostly I found win word attachment. Further more if I can save this type of data in field then how can I print in report.

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Text :: Index Memory Parameter For Oracle Text Indexes

Sep 17, 2013

I am on Oracle on Linux and have implemented Oracle Text.I created Oracle Text indexes with default setting. However in an oracle white paper I read that the default setting may not be right. Here is the excerpt from the white paper by Roger Ford:URL....(Part of this white paper below....)Index Memory.                                  

As mentioned above, cached $I entries are flushed to disk each time the indexing memory is exhausted. The default index memory at installation is a mere 12MB, which is very low. Users can specify up to 50MB at index creation time, but this is still pretty low. This would be done by a CREATE INDEX statement something like: CREATE INDEX myindex ON mytable(mycol) INDEXTYPE IS ctxsys.context PARAMETERS ('index memory 50M');  Allow index memory settings above 50MB, the CTXSYS user must first increase the value of the MAX_INDEX_MEMORY parameter, like this:  begin ctx_ adm. set_ parameter('max_index_memory', '500M'); end;  The setting for index memory should never be so high as to cause paging, as this will have a serious effect on indexing speed. On smaller dedicated systems, it is sometimes advantageous to temporarily decrease the amount of memory consumed by the Oracle SGA (for example by decreasing DB_CACHE_SIZE and/or SHARED_POOL_SIZE) during the index creation process.

Once the index has been created, the SGA size can be increased again to improve query performance." (End here from the white paper excerpt)My question is:

1) To apply this procedure (ctx_adm.set_parameter) required me to login as CTXSYS user. Is that right? or can it be avoided and be done from the application schema? This user CTXSYS is locked by default and I had to unlock it. Is that ok to do in production?

2) What is the value that I should use for the max_index_memory should it be 500 mb - my SGA is 2 GB in Dev/ QA and 3GB in production. Also in the index creation what is the value I should set for index memory parameter  - I had left that at default but how should I change now? Should it be 50MB as shown in example above?

3) The white paper also refer to rebuilding an index at some interval like once in a month:   ALTER INDEX DR$index_name$X REBUILD ONLINE; We are on Oracle 11g and the white paper was written in 2003.

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Forms :: Text Box To Accommodate Large External File Text

Dec 30, 2010

I have a requirement in one of my forms screen.I have a text box(large text area) which should display a help text file when i move my cursor on the topics displayed on the screen.know the code and the properties to be changed in the text box to accommodate large external file text.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Converting HTML Format Text To Plain Text?

Dec 23, 2009

Is there any way to convert HTML format text to Plain Text ?

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Text :: Number Search Using Oracle Text

Jun 19, 2012

I'm new to Oracle Text. I want to implement search for the unique ids. Like google search when the user start typing 123 it need to brings anything starting with 123 and has show like entries how google will shows. When I add number 4 to like 1234 then it has bring numbers starting with 1234.

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Forms :: Export Text File With Same File As Imported Text File?

May 30, 2011

Is it possible to get the same name of file name from imported text file?

What i've is, I import the text file then I exported it.

can I get the same name of the imported text file?

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Retrieve Nth Row From Table

Oct 12, 2010

I have googled so much but unable to find the explanation how the following query work.

SELECT * FROM EMP a WHERE 2 = (SELECT COUNT(rowid) FROM EMP b WHERE b.rowid <= a.rowid);

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Column Value

Jan 20, 2012


My table mst_product(product_code,product_name) and its value is (190,toy),(198,tim),(280,bush),(jupiter,top),(AUTO2,auto),(281,tig),(282,com)...and so on

I want to make a query to select those items which is equal to and greater than 280. So how we make a query.How select those items which does not have any alphabetic letters.

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PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Xml From Blob Col

Dec 10, 2012

I have kept xml in blob and i am retriving it as following.

select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(colblobforxml,2000,1)) from t1

the problem is, it only gets 2000 chars and i have more than 2000 chars.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Get Which ORACLE Process Get More CPU

Apr 23, 2012

I want to know that the below 28249 PID running in which oracle process ., Because it consumes consuming 100% CPU load.

29249 oracle 25 0 1217m 48m 48m R 100.0 1.3 18364:47 oracle

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Process Using With Data

Mar 13, 2010

Need to use same query to decode and then use data based on the lower between clause to show

WITH DATA AS (select tb.address_id,DECODE(tb.month,
'1', '01',
'2', '02',
'3', '03',
'4', '04',
'5', '05',
'6', '06',


Output should come from the inner query only where between condition works..

so we should see only those addressids for 10-2009 to 11-2009.

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What Is Slave Process

Jan 19, 2013

What is slave process? why we use slave process? when it is used?

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Retrieve Records - Using Code?

May 28, 2008

I need to retrieve the records where the involvement is either a person or an organization. Using the code below i receive an error stating that the outer join operator is not allowed in the operand OR:


If I change it to an and query it will only retrieve the records where there is a person and an organisation as the involvement but I need this option as well as one or the other.

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How To Retrieve Table Schema

May 22, 2007

I'd like to know which SQL command (if there is any) I can use to display the current schema of a table. I'm particular interested in knowing which columns are indexes.My privileges to the DB are quite basic (I think that I'nm only allowed to run SELECT statements

This is the Oracle version that I'm using:

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Retrieve Rows Which Have Same Buyer ID

Dec 1, 2010

My table "xxbuyer_det" contains the below data.

buyer_id Invoice_numPriceItem

My requirement is to select the rows which have same buyer_id more than or equals to two times (>=2). I am trying with the below query. But this query is failing(not retrieving any data) as i have used group by class and count value is 1 for every record.


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Rownum To Retrieve Few Records?

Mar 29, 2010



There are over 1500 records, but this query does not return any row. If i change rownum >= 100 to rownum <= 100 it returns first hundred records though... What is wrong here?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve One Value For Phone Number?

Feb 24, 2010

I need to retrieve only one telephone number against the parent id. The preference is to get mobile if available if not home number else work phone. How can I achieve this

I have given the sql code and sample output below

from per_phones pp


Actual results should be

12960 2500H1 9385789
311108 146564M 04879652

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Retrieve Value In Specified Schema

Jan 6, 2011

I need a query to retrieve a particular string from all the columns and all tables in a specified schema.

For example:i had a value "Current" in a particular column in a particular table. i need to find this value if i don't know the table name and column name.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Only Last Rank Row From Table?

Dec 2, 2010

how do i retrieve only last rank row from table ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Retrieve Distinct Cat_id

Nov 1, 2011

Category Table
Name Null? Type
------------------------- -------- --------------

Qusestion Table
Name Null? Type
--------------------------- -------- -------

select category.cat_id , qus_pk , cat_name , created_date , view_count
from category , qusestion
where category.cat_id = qusestion.cat_id
order by view_count desc

How can I retrieve distinct cat_id here?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Records Of 2 Way Transaction

Apr 13, 2011

I want Query on this table. EXAMPLE TABLE:


A B 1000
B C 2000
A D 3000
C A 3000
B A 4000
A B 5000
A B 1000
B C 2000
C A 3000
B A 4000
A B 5000
A C 10000

Dynamically I am giving user name A. I want to retrieve the data how much money user B taken from user A and how much money user B given to A lly for C and D.

CONDITION: I want to retrieve the records of 2 way transaction that means user A sent money to user B and user B must sent money to user A. I don't want one way transaction records i.e user A sent money to D but user A didn't get money from user D like this records.


B 12000 8000
C 10000 6000

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Cursor Defined To Retrieve Row By Row

May 26, 2011

In SQL server the cursor is defined to retrieve row by row and process it. We can fetch records as FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREVIOUS and SCROLL like that. Can we do the above in oracle. Else what is the use of cursor in Oracle. I know that it is a private area in which the records are processed.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve The Path Of A Directory

Oct 27, 2011

I create a directory using this:

CREATE DIRECTORY xml_data AS 'c:\mytest';

How can I retrieve the 'C:mytest' in a select statement?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Host Name For Small App

May 12, 2010

I have a cluster setup, and i want to retrieve host name for my small app.Is there any query which gives me the HOSTNAME where oracle is running??

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Retrieve Deleted Rows

Jun 13, 2013

how to retrieve deleted rows in oracle?

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