I have a problem with the code below. I would like to define a variable (exrate1) which I would like to use in another script. Also, the variable should be different for every month(that's why timestamp is between some period).
The problem is that I receive some errors which I don't know haw to fix
i need to get values from lookup table dynamically,i am getting the missing keyword error.
create or replace procedure xyz(cur1 OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) AS vsql varchar2(2000); CURSOR CURSOR1 is SELECT DQS_SRC_COL_NM,LDIC_SEQUENCE FROM look_up WHERE LDIC_SOR ='friend'; BEGIN [code]....
I trying to Assign XML content to the clob variable inside the pl/sql block, But i am getting the Below Error:
declare t clob; begin t := 'xml content exceeds 32000 characters'
update test clob_cloumn = t; where id =2;
exception when others then null; End;
ORA-06550: line 5, column 4: PLS-00172: string literal too long
I need to handle this exception, i know it length exceeds 32000 characters, but even though i need to handle the exception and to perform other operation after handling the exception.
I am trying to resolve by using a cursor C2 inside the already existing cursor C1, i will use a inner loop to get the select statement value to cursor c2 then i will assign the vlaues the variables, then once i read all the values of cursor c2 i will exit inner loop and go to outer loop to read the next value of c1 and then again go to cursor c2 and inner loop.
I have pasted the code below.
Declare temp1 source.source%type; temp2 QUOTE_LETTERS_MASTER%rowtype; Cursor c1 is Select * from Source;
Procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE procedure test (a number, b varchar2) is
begin dbms_output.put_line(a ||'->'||b); end;
Anyonymous Block:
begin exec test(1,'m'); end; / When i run this i am getting this error ORA-06550: line 2, column 7: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "TEST" when expecting one of the following [code]...
I am trying to accept three numbers and one string as input, and then display the values on the screen. I don't understand why I am getting these errors.
SQL> SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SQL> DECLARE 2 id_number NUMBER := &id_number_input; 3 trans_num NUMBER := &trans_num_input; 4 remar VARCHAR2(75) := &remark_input; 5 receipt NUMBER := &receipt_input;
[Code] .....
ERROR at line 4: ORA-06550: line 4, column 24: PLS-00201: identifier 'HELLO' must be declared ORA-06550: line 4, column 8: PL/SQL: Item ignored ORA-06550: line 10, column 61: PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed ORA-06550: line 10, column 2: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
We are receiving data from our upstream through text file, they are extracting that text file from their oracle table.In the table in ename colmn some names are having the special character like
Chng OReilly
We are loading the data from that text file into our oracle tables and the names are loading as it is.Now we are extracting data as text file from our tables which is loaded from or upstream,then the special character is changing as the names are changing as Chng OReilly. We are loading the data from the text file into our tables and the names are loading as
Chng OReilly and i tried to replace the special character with while loading but it is loading as .If I try to change the character with '(Apostrophe) while loading it is changing.
I have a view in schemaA called viewA for example. The view is quite complex, with multiple joins.I've granted ALL to schemaB to the view, and to all the referenced tables within the view.However, when I run execute the view from schemaB, I get a ORA-00942 table or view does not exist.
SQL> select * from schemaA.viewA; select * from schemaA.viewA * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I suspect that Oracle is creating to temporary tables/views internally (or using something that is already there), and that I need to grant access to these temporary objects.
We are receiving data from our upstream through text file, they are extracting that text file from their oracle table.In the table in ename colmn some names are having the special character like '
Ch'ng O'Reilly
We are loading the data from that text file into our oracle tables and the names are loading as it is.Now we are extracting data as text file from our tables which is loaded from or upstream,then the special character ' is changing as ¿the names are changing as Chang Reilly.
We are loading the data from the text file into our tables and the names are loading as Chang O¿Reilly and i tried to replace the special character ¿ with ' while loading but it is loading as ¿.
If I try to change the character ¿ with '(Apostrophe) while loading it is changing.
I created the following procedure in my local database.When I executed the procedure SEND_MAIL, recipient is not receiving mail.Do I need any setup in my database?
here is my procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SEND_MAIL ( msg_to varchar2, msg_subject varchar2, msg_text varchar2 ) IS c utl_smtp.connection; rc integer; msg_from varchar2(50) := 'Oracle11.2'; mailhost VARCHAR2(30) := ''; -- local database host [code]....
Receiving ORA-29913 and ORA-30653 errors and query does not complete. The queries that receive the error are shown below <> represents substitute your filename; There are actually three different queries that must run to produce an expected output. Those queries run in the order which they appear below:
Query1 select distinct HLQ "highlevel", RESOURCE "RES" from <filename1>
Query2 select distinct ENT.RESOURCE "RES", ENT.ID "PLEX"' case when ENT.ACTION is null then nextkey' else ent.action end "ACT", case when ENT.ACTION is null then ENT.CONDITION_NEXTKEY end "NRULE", 'TESTSET' "ENTTYPE", replace(My.Owner, '"',' ') "Owner" from <filename1> ENT, <filename2> ORS where ENT.f1 = ORS.f2 and ENT.APPLICATION = '<entertypehere>'
Query3 select ENT.ID "AID", ENT.RESOURCE "RES", ENT.ID "PLEX", replace(My.Owner, '"',' ') "Owner", TESTSET' "ENTTYPE" from <filename1> ENT, <filename2> ORS where APPLICATION = '<entertype>' and ENT.<f1_column_name> = ORS.<f2_column_name>
Error returned is: "Ora-29913: error in executing ODICEXTTABLEFETCH callout; Ora-30653: reject limit reached"
In the log file of the job that runs these queries, I can also see the following
NULL if (CAS9 = ~) error processing column C5 in row 1 for datafile /home/oracle/DataDir/<filename>_metadata.data
I have checked and it looks like the routine creates ODICEXTTABLEFETCH as it needs it and then throws it away leaving me with Ora-12899 Value too large for column C5 (actual: 13, maximum: 10)
sample code in OCI in C for receiving records of table in array of structure? Or dynamically storing the result-set in an array..using array of pointers to structure..