SQL & PL/SQL :: ORA-01008 / Not All Variables Bound By Statement
Dec 16, 2010
I want to build a pl/sql script that mails some information to a college. When I run this script in a application that should run this script we get a error "ora-01008: not all variables bound by statement".
Below the syntax:
Cursor c_zaakid is
select postregnr from ovx_registrnr
where registratienr = (select registratienr from ovx_regi_verg
where internregnr =:AANV_REGISTRATIENR
and applicatiekode = 'BWT')
I am running this query and getting this exception ORA-01008 All variables are not bound .
SELECT EQMT_INGT_LOG_ID, EQMT_ID, XMLSerialize(DOCUMENT XMLType(ingLog.BUCK_SLIP_XML) AS CLOB) BUCK_SLIP_XML FROM TOS_EQMT_INGT_LOG ingLog where BUCK_SLIP_XML is not null and ingt_date between to_date(:fromDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI')
I was given a SQL query to develop another query that will need to do something similar. The query I was given I believe is a stored procedure. It is PL/SQL and has a SELECT statement that looks like
SELECT :var1 AS var1 FROM t1 WHERE :var1 = 1
In the past I have seen where variables can be used in the WHERE clause like
SELECT c1 FROM t1 WHERE c1 = :my_column_valueand this makes sense to me.
Usually :my_column_value is declared in the DECLARE block of the PL/SQL. In the query I was given, :my_column_value is not declared in any DECLARE blocks (maybe I wasn't given the entire code??). But even if it was, that would be even more confusing because in the DECLARE block it could be assigned one value and then set to another value in the WHERE clause???
The first query doesn't make sense to me and when I run it as plain SQL I get an error like "SP2-0552: Bind variable "var1" not declared. I am guessing that such a syntax is not valid for regular SQL?
The only thing I can gather that the first query does is something along the lines of
SELECT 1 as var1
so it will output a 1 for every row. Not always that interesting of a query, but it is needed sometimes, I know. But I still don't understand this type of assignment.
So what's going on here? I'd be happy to look it up and read about it myself, but I don't know what to search for.
SQL> select name,decode(unit,'bytes',value/1024/1024,value) as mb from v$pgastat; NAME MB---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------aggregate PGA target parameter 25600aggregate PGA auto target 2724.14648global memory bound 1024total PGA inuse 22601.7333total PGA allocated 26653.6230maximum PGA allocated
I understand I have soft limit( aggregate PGA target parameter) which was overlimited (maximum PGA allocated = 35374.4638) hence we have over allocation count>0.Extra bytes read/written=13GB,hence we have excessive 13Gb that we had to flush on disk(excessive I/O operations) cause of limitation in 1024MB(global memory bound)(it's not enough to join or to sort something so we must do onepassor multipass) ,which defines the size of single operation of sort or join(so does it mean that it's some kind of sort_area_size and hash_area_size for automatic workarea_size_policy? and in this case what about _smm_max_size?)aggregate PGA auto target - is the amount of space(total) that Oracle can give for work areas running in automatic mode.
So I can't understand ratio between global memory bound and aggregate PGA auto target - why does the aggregate PGA auto target such tiny?(relatively process count)?Is the global memory bound static for particular aggregate PGA target parameter?
I can change it only by redefining aggregate PGA target parameter?What would be with aggregate PGA auto target if I started 10 sort operation and each of them takes about 1Gb of memory.How huge it would be? 10Gb?
Which of the below is considered a bind variable. In example one proc. Test the parameter p1 is directly used in the query, so this can be considered as a bind variable.
Is that true about the second proc. where p1 is assigned to a local variable v1 , or this needs hard parsing because v1 is not a bind variable ?
Create or replace procedure test(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS BEGIN OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=p1; END; ------------ Create or replace procedure test1(p1 IN VARCHAR2,p_refcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS v1 varchar2(100):=p1; BEGIN OPEN p_refcursor FOR select * from Test_tab WHERE item=v1; END;
I am binding parameters using obndra to Package. while executing with oexec it is giving error "ORA-01044: size 25600000 of buffer bound to variable exceeds maximum"
I am getting this error in Shared server only.In dedicated server it is working.
HOW to use variable P_TMPLID in following statement
TYPE typ_unrecon IS TABLE OF REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON%ROWTYPE index by binary_integer;
because its throwing error while compiling
and also in statement FORALL i IN unrecondata.FIRST .. unrecondata.LAST SAVE EXCEPTIONS --STRSQL := ''; --STRSQL := ' INSERT INTO REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON VALUES ' || unrecondata(i); -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE STRSQL; INSERT INTO REC_' || P_TMPLID ||'_UNRECON VALUES unrecondata(i);---throwing error on this statement commit; --dbms_output.put_line(unrecondata(2).TRANSID); EXCEPTION
In the following merge statement in the USINg clause...I am using a select stament of one schema WEDB.But that same select statement should take data from 30 schemeas and then check the condition below condition
ON(source.DNO = target.DNO AND source.BNO=target.BNO);
I thought that using UNIONALL for select statement of the schemas as below.
I am using JDBC to run a few queries from my Java program (multi-threaded one).I am facing an issue where a select statement is blocking a delete statement. From the java code point of view, there are 2 different threads accessing the same tables (whith different DB connection objects).
When the block occurs (which i was able to find out from the java thread dump that there is a lock on oracle), the below is the output:
SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 2 || ' User '||s1.username || '@' || s1.machine 3 || ' ( SID= ' || s1.sid || ' ) with the statement: ' || sqlt2.sql_text ||' is blocking the SQL statement on '|| s2.username || '@' 4 5 || s2.machine || ' ( SID=' || s2.sid || ' ) blocked SQL -> ' 6 ||sqlt1.sql_text AS blocking_status FROM v$lock l1, v$session s1, v$lock l2 , 7 v$session s2,v$sql sqlt1, v$sql sqlt2 8 WHERE s1.sid =l1.sid 9 AND s2.sid =l2.sid AND sqlt1.sql_id= s2.sql_id AND sqlt2.sql_id= s1.prev_sql_id AND l1.BLOCK =1 10 AND l2.request > 0 AND l1.id1 = l2.id1 AND l2.id2 = l2.id2; [code]...
From the above it can be seen that a select statement is blocking a delete. Unless the select is select for Update, it should not block other statements is not it ?
im as using oracle 8 with sqltools i have a Very large query. and i notice that many things are repeating. so i want to add them to a variable, instead of re-typing them.for example:
select SomeID from SomeTable;
i want SomeID to be put into a variable.but i still want to be able to get a normal select query at the end so that i can see the returned value:
i tried things like: declare x number; begin set x=45454 select x from SomeTable; end;
The cursor HH_ATTR_CSR returns a set of values and I'm iterating each values using a loop, but when comparing the post and pre values, I have to use the variable(HH_ATT_VAR) instead of column names.Usually we give it as (re.XXXX_YYYY) but the cloumn names has to be given in the form of a variable got from the cursor like (re.HH_ATT_VAR).In doing so, I'm getting an error as "bad bind variable" So,Is there any to view the old and the new value in the local?
Below is the code I am facing problem using tablename as variable.
I have five tavble is scheme Emp1,Emp2..Emp5
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure emp_up as tablename1 varchar2(30) ; Begin For x in 1..5 LOOP tablename1 := 'EMP' ||to_char(x); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'update '||tablename1 || 'set ename = ''ZZZZZ'' where ename in (''MILLER'')'; END LOOP; End;
The following code is getting the 'Not all Variables bound' error. There are only two variables so I don't see the order being an issue. Assume the integers are assigned elsewhere.
DateTime beginDT = new DateTime(yearInt, monthInt, dayInt, hourInt, minuteInt, secondInt); DateTime endDT = new DateTime(yearInt, monthInt+1, dayInt, hourInt, minuteInt, secondInt);
SQL.Append(" WHERE DATE >= :beginDTParameter "); SQL.Append("AND DATE < :endDTParameter");
PROCEDURE CALCULATE_CASH_REBAL( P_Account_id IN VARCHAR2, P_Txn_Ccy IN VARCHAR2, P_Allocation IN VARCHAR2, l_lty_id IN VARCHAR2 ) IS l_balance_fmt NUMBER := 0; BEGIN [code]....
it should be updating l_balance_fmt field for all the records in the loop. my question is when it loops to the next cash txn record, will it take the previous value of l_balance_fmt ? it should start again and take 0 as the balance_fmt and add to that..
I have written a small code while going through the PL/SQL guide but I got a message for the BIND VARIABLE. I don't think I have used any bind variable in this code.
<<outer>> declare v_sal1 number(7,2) := 60000; v_comm number(7,2) : v_sal1 * 0.20; v_message varchar2(2000) := 'eligible for commission'; begin [code]........
Create and invoke the GET_JOB function to return a job title. a.Create and compile a function called GET_JOB to return a job title. b.Create a VARCHAR2 host variable called b_title, allowing a length of 35 characters. Invoke the function with job ID SA_REP to return the value in the host variable, and then print the host variable to view the result.
VARIABLE b_title VARCHAR2(35) set serveroutput on DECLARE P_JOBID VARCHAR2(10); v_jobtitle VARCHAR2(200);
I'm trying to execute a procedure within a Declare/Begin/End statement and using variables as input parameters in my procedure but I keep on getting an Invalid SQL Statement Error. My code is below:
SELECT '01-APR-2011' INTO END_DT FROM DUAL; [code]....
The table the procedure is pulling data from doesn't have proper date/time stamps but my procedure takes the varchar dates above and turns them into dates in the procedure so the input date parameters are left as just string characters.
The statement sums up all the products attributed to the region ANZ and stores it in a NUMBER variable called anz.
The issue is that I have multiple regions: ANZ, JP, ASEAN etc. Wat I would do is to create a statement for each and every region. Is there a way to consolidate them all into a single statement. that means something like
DECLARE num number(1) :=1; num2 number(1) := 1; BEGIN WHILE num < 5 LOOP [code]...........
the output for this loop is: 1+1=2 2+2=4 3+3=6 4+4=8
this is what I wanted. Both variables are incrementing together. However, when I try to use a FOR loop to do the same thing:
set serveroutput on;
DECLARE num number(1) :=1; num2 number(1) := 1; BEGIN FOR i in 1..4 LOOP [code].......
I get the result:
1+1=2 1+2=3 1+3=4 1+4=5 2+5=7 2+6=8 2+7=9 2+8=10 3+9=12 DECLARE * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: number precision too large ORA-06512: at line 8
I understand the output means the inner loop is running its course before the outer loop is started and then continuing on to exceed its limit, but I don't understand why this is or how to make it so I get the same results as the WHILE loops.
We have an application, where we invoke a URL pointing to a folder on the Application Server, so that users can download files from the same.
There is user authentication provided for the URL.
Example :
Our application ABC (example) which is built with Oracle Forms 10g, hosted on Application server (itxxx123) inovkes a module GEN9999 which on pressing a button calls a URL which is open in the Internet Explorer browser.
If the URL has been called from the Forms or the Application (ABC), then it should be allowed.
If the URL is called standalone, by Opening IE Browser and invoking the URL, this should not be allowed.
However, there have been security concerns raised during Audit, saying that users can access the URL directly from the Browser instead of the Application. Also the URL is saved the Browser history, so even if the user is no longer working in the Application Team, and has moved out of the team, then the ex-user can still access the URL and view and download files.
Is there any way to restrict access to the URL such that is only accessible when it is called from the Application, and that access is restricted when directly called from the Browser.
I have seen that environment variables in httpd.conf may be usable for the above. However, not sure how to use them from Oracle Forms.
is it possible to create tables using variables in pl/sql such as the following example which is actually in php. i would like to create a table dynamically.
$create_samp_table = CREATE TABLE $MCSCHEMA.".$samp_id." AS SELECT * FROM $MCSCHEMA.".$samp_src_table." WHERE ROWNUM = 0