SQL & PL/SQL :: Invoke Procedure With DML And COMMIT Through DBLINK?
May 29, 2012
A simple procedure is created as follows:
Create procedure p1(a varhar2, b varchar2, c_err out varchar2) is
insert into t1 values(a,b);
when others then
c_err:= substr(sqlerrm,1,250);
It is executed fine.But if it is executed from a dblink as
c varchar2(200);
It is giving error "ORA-02064: distributed operation not supported". How can I pass DML through this procedure and commit from a dblink?
Now,i want to create procedure on server b(but i can only deal with b using dblink linkb).
I have a requirement in which I have to call a packaged procedure created in one database DB1 to other database DB2 through a DBLink. The packaged procedure to be called has refcursor as OUT parameter.
When I run the procedure in DB1 , it works fine: Declare v_ref_data SYS_REFCURSOR; a1 Number; b1 varchar2(100); c1 varchar2(100);
Begin apps.XXCU_DB1_PKG.get_DB1('101062','9138', v_ref_data);
I searched, found this one hit and according to mateoc15, you cannot commit within a procedure that is called from a trigger. He must be right, because mine is not committing either, nor are any errors given.
Create or replace trigger owner_name.table1_trg2 after update on table1 for each row call owner_name.procedure1;
procedure Code (psuedo):
Create or replace procedure1 as begin update table1 set col1 = 'whatever'; commit; exception when others then rollback;
Executing the procedure as owner_name on SQLPlus works fine, but when I update a column of the table via the PL/SQL package (on the web form), the column does not update, telling me that the procedure never fired from the trigger.
In weblogic server Axis2 is deployed and it is showing Active.And we have uploaded ODI invoke service also in AXIS2 succesfully and it is showing Active status also...By using the soap its generating the XML with below mentioned error..
some info:- We rae using ODI 10g. Weblogic
How to invoke and display a scanned image side by side with an Oracle Form without minimizing one of the two. I used the code below to call my document, but when i navigate to it so as to be able to see the detail , the oracle form will be dismissed and vice-versa.
DECLARE v_claim varchar2(400):=:global.photo_path||:b4.doc_no||'.JPG'; BEGIN client_Host('cmd /c START "" "'||v_claim||'"'); [code]....
I am trying to use the Java Importer tool to invoke web services from Oracle forms.
During my research on Java Importer tool, I found that Quote:"The class browser lists all of the Java classes found on the CLASSPATH. The classes are ordered in the same way that they are represented in the CLASSPATH."
The above quote is from Oracle Documentation.
I want to know where I can find the CLASSPATH so that I can add new Java Classes to it. Our forms builder runs on Unix environment.
i am using 11g and pl sqlk developper, here is the script snippet
An oracle 02070 is popping up, i don't what's the real reason behind it, i only know it works when i don't use the db link. What can i do ?
I just created a dblink from our Oracle 9i database to a SQL Server 2008 R2 Server using oracle heterogeneous services. The dblink seems to be OK and I can query the remote SQL Server database but I only get results for numeric columns.
Say the remote SQL Server table was created like:
CREATE TABLE [MITLOC] ( [MLCONO] [numeric](3, 0) NOT NULL, [MLWHLO] [nchar](3) NOT NULL, [MLITNO] [nchar](15) NOT NULL, [MLWHSL] [nchar](10) NOT NULL, [MLBANO] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL, [MLCAMU] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL, [MLFACI] [nchar](3) NOT NULL, [MLWHLT] [nchar](2) NOT NULL, [MLSTQT] [numeric](15, 6) NOT NULL)
The remote dblink is named after M3PREP.
Then if I run:
CODEselect MLCONO, MLSTQT from MITLOC@M3PREP => this works OK and I get the two columns.
If I run:
CODEselect * from MITLOC@M3PREP => I get the same results as in the previous query and all nchar, nvarchar type columns are missing, I only get the same two columns.
If I run:
CODEselect MLCONO, MLWHLO from MITLOC@M3PREP=> I get ORA-00904 - the column name entered is either missing or invalid.
I set up my .ora init file like this, I suspect there is something missing here, is it related to the NLS_LANG or so?
is there any way to reduce the dblink timeout, i need to test if the remote server is up by testing the dblink throw 'select 1 from dual@link_name' but it take too long time 5-6 min., i need to make it 5 sec after that the exception tns timeout appear. I try with some sqlnet.ora parameters like INBOUND_ TIMEOUT but not work for me, also i try using tnsping but it also take long time when the remote server is down.
There's a table T with a nested table within it on the master database. I need to mantain a materialized view of the table T on a remote database.
I get this error: QUOTE ORA-22804: remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columnsIs there any recommended workaround of this problem? The remote data must have the same structure as the master one.
The data should be refreshed every day, the data changes moderately, there are more or less 500 records.
I am inserting XMLTYPE data using DBLINK I am getting the following error.
ORA-22804: remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns
Source table structure
Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- SC_NO NOT NULL NUMBER(25) LT_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) METHOD XMLTYPE
Target table structure(another DB)
Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- SC_NO NOT NULL NUMBER(25) LT_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) METHOD XMLTYPE
I want to create a private DBLINK in 10g and grant access to use this to limited (another 2/3) users. Is that possible ?I don't want to create PUBLIC DBLINK because the users to use it are limited.
create or replace PROCEDURE CDR_PROC_ARCHIVE_ORDER_EXTRACT IS /* Criteria to be followed to Order Archival
* Order Status should be 'Cancelled' or 'Complete' * Order Closed date should be 6 months before * -- main Cursor to spool the Orders to be archived based on criteria
I have got a materialized view which is created over a dblink as below:
This is all fine and works apart from any changes to the source table (CRIME_INT) isn't reflected unless I perform a refresh. Whereas I want any changes to be reflected straight away. I have had to use a Materialized view in this case as one of the columns in the source table is a CLOB and Oracle won't allow creation of a view with a CLOB field over DBLINK.
Is there any way to control the timeout before connecting via dblink. the idea is to test the dblink before calling functions over it, the problem it when i try 'select 1 from dual@dblink' in case if the remote server is down it takes too long time 5-7 min. which causing hang up the session,
So is there any parameter to reduce the waiting time say after 3 sec stop and return the timeout exception.I try the SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT parameter but not working, also try the tnsping but it alse take long time when the server down.
We are accessing data from the server ADM.WORLD by using DBLINK.We got the following error.
PL/SQL: ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object sysadm.PS_HP_INC_ELIG_VW@ADM.WORLD ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-28000: the account is locked ORA-02063: preceding line from ADM
For that we checked in the server ADM.WORLD for the account the account is showing locked .After that we successfully accessed the object sysadm.PS_HP_INC_ELIG_VW@ADM.WORLD.
For next day also the account is locked.Why the account is frequently locking.
I have database A and B , we are strictly restricted to not to create any DB links between these database. In database A based on complex logic we in a stored procedure we populate the data to table type..now dot net will take this table type data and insert the same in database B.
Question here :
1.When we try to bulk collect all the data into table type , i am getting error operand exceeds limit, but it is mandate to put all data in one short to table type as dot net will take that and insert into B database. 2.Is there any good logical method to achieve this in a simple way.
What is the difference between Materialized view and dblink. When we use materialized view and when we use dblink. In my knowledge mviwes and dblinks are used to retrieve data from remote database.But I am unable to understand when should we materialized views and when should we use dblinks.
I am trying to generate some statistics on tables connected by a dblink. I know with oracle you have table_columns which you can reference and pull some stats from.
Trying to get the column count and record counts for each table connected by a dblink. I have tried these queries below to see if I could see any db properties: (some just to try something different)
select * from "table_owner".table_column@dblink ; select * from "status"@dblink; select /*DRIVING_SITE(a) */ count(*) from @dblink a;
What is the best method to finding this out without spending a lot of time? I have over 30 tables which are with large record sets and would love to learn a faster approach then pulling a sample table and doing a manual count and query for each table to count the rows.
I have a Oracle 91 database running on Windows 2003 with a DBLINK setup to connect to an external client. I'm looking at how i can setup a quick job that, say every 5 mins, runs a query over the DBLINK and if it returns data, then success. If it returns an error, then the DBLINK is down, moreso the external server, and then fire off an email to someone.
However, this DBLINK i think was created to be used by a specific username/password. When i try to run a query against it using SYS, i get invalid username/password error.
So is there a way i can use a DBLINK and specify the username/pwd to be used at runtime? I'm new to Oracle database..Something like 'select * from global_name@DBLINK1 as username/pwd'.
I'm unable to recreate the db link (private) in another schema/database. Even its a schema object, its come without schema name while extracting from database using metadata api.
code is below (just for extracting)
I have an issue trying to execute some queries using a dblink. When i run any query with numeric fields only display 4 digit and int the source database the fields have 5 digit. The dblink work between ans MSSQL database to an Oracle Database
Example: MSSQL select cardnumber from card cardnumber 19121 19122
Oracle (with dblink) select cardnumber from card@dblink1 cardnumber 1912 1912
I'm try to connect to databases with DBLINK. It works, but I drop the dblink to do it again in the final server. The problem that I now is that there is not any DBLINK in my database but I can see the data of the other database (with select 1 from DATABASE.TABLE)
Is my database saving the data of the other database without de DBLINK?