SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Avoid Multiple Function Calls

Jul 23, 2013

I have a function that is being called three time using UNION and wanted to know if this can be improved to just one call while incorporating all the table joins.

select field1,fdate,fname,username,stepnum from (

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Replacing Multiple Calls To Function By Table Joins

Dec 15, 2010

The following query calls the function get_meter_desc 8 times.

SELECT iu.instd_unit_id, iu.fk_cust_id, bill_cd,
iu.mfg_prod_cd, iu.mfg_prod_seq_no, ccequip.fk_mkt_cd,
eff_tmstmp, cust_ord_id, ord_dt, iu.xnac_co_cd,
iu.xnac_div_cd, smmr_wvr_cd, warr_expn_dt,
iu.auto_replen_ind, iu.ms_stat_cd,
inst_dist_id, instn_dt, iu.last_auto_dt,
iu.replen_freq_vlu, cpc_pln_cd, std_sply_ind,
emcv_total_qty, tot_actl_cpy_qty, init_emcv_tot_qty, ms_tran_cd,

How can I replace the function call by the join in the main query?

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ODP.NET :: Can Multiple Calls Execute Within Single Oracle Session

May 8, 2013

Can multiple ODP.NET calls potentially execute within a single Oracle session due to connection pooling?

How can I test/observe this behavior?

We have an IIS application that uses one connection string for all logged in users and call aspx pages.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Analytic Function To Determine Maximum Concurrent Calls?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a requirement to calculate the maximum number of concurrent calls from the following data:

Create_date connect_date_time disconnect_date_time duration ...
12/01/10 13:20:26 1263253551 1263254153 602

I have attempted to use the analytic function to keep a running total of the count of active calls based on the connect and disconnect times given for each record row.


count(*) calls,
avg(duration)/60 average_duration_mins,
max(duration)/60 max_duration_mins,
sum(duration)/60 total_mins,
(SUM(DURATION)/60)*0.04 total_cost_4c_per_min


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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Avoid Max Function

Feb 22, 2010

I have two tables where I have to find the record for Max value of the column sap_pkid for every sap_id as in given table create script. This script is giving correct value but looking for a better way so that when data increses it doesn't hit the performance.

way where max can be avoided or a more tuned query .

create table tab1 (sapid number,
denid number);
create table tab2 (sap_pkid number ,sapid number,
denid number,


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PL/SQL :: Avoid Multiple UNION Statements And Get Static Values In Single SQL?

Dec 31, 2012

Version oracle 11g

Is there a way to avoid multiple UNION statements and get statitc values in single SQL?

select 'Week1' as term from dual
select 'Week2' as term from dual
....Some functionality like selecting from dynamic table column-rows.... like .. "select term from table(term(rowvalues('Week1', 'Week2'...'Week5')) from dual" or something like that

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Calling A View That Calls Other?

Mar 16, 2011

Now, I am trying to come with an alternative. My first thought was to use materialized views with Fast Refresh - refresh only changed rows. This might not even work because there are many contraints when using Fast refresh. I am in the process of learning their data model so I do not know much.

Have you ever encountered a problem like this?

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User Calls / Executes

Nov 8, 2012

Please explain :

What is the difference between : User calls and executes in

AWR Load Profile :

User calls:     1,373.51     0.80
Executes:      8,558.06     4.98

As i understand , than User calls is : the number of DML (insert , update, Delete and Select ) cursor : parse,execute , fetch , and execute is ?

Why executes > User calls ?

Or may be one pl/sql package procedure may execute many SQL ? How to explain this ?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Return Multiple Values From A Function

Aug 28, 2010

I want multiple values from a function. I want to use this function in a SQL query. Here i'm giving my try.

2 (
6 )
7 /

Table created.


1 row created.


1 row created.


1 row created.


Commit complete.

Here i get result as ABC*10000, but i want two separate values as ABC,10000. how can i do this via function.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Function Return Multiple Rows

Jun 23, 2006

can i have a pl/sql function that can return multiple rows

may be the syntax will be like

create or replace function multiple() returns ...
select candidateid from tbl_candidateinfo;

..code to return the result of above statement to calling program..


and functions will be called as

select candidateid from .. where candidateid in( select multiple());

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PL/SQL :: Function That Return Multiple Rows

Jun 6, 2013

I need a function that should return output of this query

SELECT b.branding_code, c.name_desc
development.brandings b, godot.company c
WHERE b.company_id = c.company_id;

This above function return 30 rows and I am not giving any input

Function using cursor,pipeline

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Active Calls From Remote Machines

Mar 24, 2011

My Oracle DB 10g R2 running on AIX 5.3 OS. When I am shutting down the oracle I see that it is waiting for complete the active calls and I determined that these active calls/processes are from remote machines.

When I try to run this ps -ef as shown below, it shown me number of oracle process with LOCAL=NO

/home/oracle> ps -ef | grep 91334
oracle 85210 87320 0 12:47:56 pts/35 0:00 grep 91334
oracle 91334 1 0 12:45:11 - 0:00 oracleIDB (LOCAL=NO)

What are the possible scenarios for this LOCAL=NO? How do I find that this process is from which machine or IP address?

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PL/SQL :: Find Common And Internal Calls?

Jul 19, 2013

create table call(id number(15) primary key, calling_no varchar2(15), called_no varchar2(15), calldate date, calltime timestamp, duration number(10) ,calltype varchar2(10));  1. CALL DETAILS OF 9891826547insert into call (id,calling_no,called_no,calldate,calltime,duration,calltype) values (1, 9891826547, 9891210785, to_date('01-Jun-13','dd-Mon-yy'), to_date('19:12:00','hh24:mi:ss'),10,'OUT'); insert into call (id,calling_no,called_no,calldate,calltime,duration,calltype) values (2,9891826547, 9899985476, to_date('01-Jun-13','dd-Mon-yy'), to_date('22:10:12','hh24:mi:ss'),50,'OUT'); insert into call (id,calling_no,called_no,calldate,calltime,duration,calltype) values (3, 9891826547, 9818415767, to_date('02-Jun-13','dd-


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Passing Multiple Values To IN Clause In Function?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a function that returns the total sum of an account. From reports I call the function passing the account code. The function sums the values for that specific account code and returns the value. In my function I have the following code :

where account_code = P_CODE.

Eg. The value of :P_CODE is 'CS'.

I now want to pass multiple account codes ('CS','TV',LJ') to the function. How do I change the IN clause in the function to accommodate multiple values.

I have tried using the instr function, but it does not work. eg. AND instr(o.ACCOUNT_CODES,','||P_CODE||',') > 0

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SQL & PL/SQL :: PIPE Multiple Rows At Once In PIPELINED Function?

Sep 13, 2012

I've used PIPELINED FUNCTION and I've no issues in using this. Just wanted to know is there a way so that I don't need to pipe each row separately and I can pipe a set of rows at once.

Like we use BULK COLLECT INTO to fetch multiple rows at once instead of fetching one row using SELECT INTO.

Below is the test case:



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SQL & PL/SQL :: Rpad Function That Works For Multiple Chars?

Mar 6, 2011

How can I do this ?

is there an rpad that works for multiple chars?

select RPAD('test',10, 'X') from dual;

I want to be able to do something like

select RPAD('test',6, '%20') from dual;

which should return test%20%20

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Reports & Discoverer :: CASE Function With Multiple Criteria?

Jun 20, 2013

I am using: Desktop / Discoverer 4.1 / Windows XP.

I am attempting to add a new calculated column and have had some success with the CASE function but need to add additional criteria.

What I have that works is:

SUM(CASE WHEN Expenditure Type = 'Supplier Rebates' THEN Total Spend Plus Commit ELSE 0 END)

What I need to add are a few additional criteria. I attempted and failed with a few variants of this:

SUM(CASE WHEN Expenditure Type = 'Supplier Rebates' AND Capitalizable = 'Y' AND
Task Owing Company = '534' OR '915' THEN Total Spend Plus Commit ELSE 0 END)

The three criteria points that I am looking to includea are:

•Expenditure Type = 'Supplier Rebates'
•Capitalizable = 'Y'
•Task Owing Company = '534' OR '915'

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How To Provide The Description And Parameters Of Job Which Calls Package On Database

Nov 3, 2011

how to provide the description and parameters of job which calls package on database

package name is some 'xxxxx'

we need to find the job which call the package 'xxxxxx'.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Pass Multiple Values As Single Input Parameter Into Pipeline Function

Dec 23, 2012

My need is to pass multiple values as single input parameter into pipelined function. For example - "2" and "3" are values of input parameter "t":

with data as (
select 1 as t from dual union all
select 2 as t from dual union all
select 3 as t from dual union all
select 4 as t from dual union all
select 5 as t from dual
select * from data where t in (2,3)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Query To Fetch Steps Of Test Having Recursive Calls To Other Tests

Jul 17, 2012

I am working on the quality center oracle database to write a query that fetches all steps of a test case including the ones having calls to tests. Structure of table is explained below. I've made up an example and attached it as an image to this post. This image also has the expected result of the query I want to write.

Table Name: STEPS (This table contains steps belonging to tests. Some steps are simply calls/links to other tests)

STEP_ID (primary key - integer)
STEP_NAME (char)
STEP_DESC (char)
ORDER (integer)
TEST_ID (reference to table TEST.test_id)

Referring to the example (see attached image), I'm looking to write a query that gives me all steps (including steps from called tests) of the test - "Empty trash from mailbox" in the correct order.

To start with I can write the following query to get steps of the test - "Empty trash from mailbox".
SELECT * FROM steps WHERE test_id = (SELECT test_id FROM test WHERE test_name = 'Empty trash from mailbox')

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Application Express :: Removing Text Messages Using Wwv_flow_api Or Multiple Delete Function?

Oct 8, 2012

I am currently using APEX 4.1 on oracle 11g XE.

By now I only know one way to delete text messages (globalization) and that is click them one-by-one and hitting the delete button.

To delete 100 messages this is really a pain, so I thought, there must be a way to multi-delete them, or just flush them out!

I searched all over the internet but I can't seem to find a way.

Is there a way to delete all text messages? For example by using wwv_flow_api or any other way?

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How To Avoid Ora-03134

Apr 19, 2011

We have Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g and 11g. I installed oracle client 11gR2 and when I tried connecting to the database, its erroring out saying "ORA-03134 connections to this server version are no longer supported". What client version should I install in order to avoid this error?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Avoid Divisions By Zero?

Feb 25, 2013

I have a query that performs the sum of a field and divides by the number of occurrences, got me a problem because if there are no occurrences would cause a divide by zero error in Query.

The solution I found might not have been the best, but at the time was possible.

I put a Case, when the sum of the number of occurrence is zero then return zero, otherwise performs the division of the sum of the values by the number of occurrences.



Now this query is very slow, because have CASE,SUM and GROUP BY, so I need to optimize it.

do this validation (if the divisor is zero) more performance?

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PL/SQL :: Way To Avoid (group By)

May 14, 2013

select T2.name,sum(T1.area)
from (select * from country) T1,T2i wrote very simple just to show you the problem, bu i think here we should add "group by".
but is there any way to avoid group by?because i don't want to group any thing!


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SQL & PL/SQL :: Avoid Duplicity In String

Mar 5, 2013

I have created a procedure which sends mail to the users by using the smtp operation. I am collecting the email id of the users and then concatenating the same using the loop.

Everything is working fine, but if some person is coming multiple times in the loop, then his/her name is shown multiple times in the CC/BCC part (Although mail is sent once), it should be restricted to one time.

what i am doing is:

I have declared id_collector and it is concetenating the email as per the condition loop

........ some code here....
end loop;

Now, I want to check before concatenating that email already exists or not.


suppose value of id_collector= 'abc@gmail.com;pqr@gmail.com;rst@gmail.com;xyz@gmail.com;'
and again if email id comes - 'abc@gmail.com', then it should get rejected.

I think it can be done using reg_exp but I have messed up with that.

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PL/SQL :: How To Avoid Error ORA-01843

Aug 10, 2012

i am facing problem with date column.when i am trying to do execute a query this works fine

select null as link,'S'||to_char(DATE_OF_JOIN,'YY'),COUNT(STUDENT) "Blue Acres" from STUDENT_RECORD where PROCESSOR=1 and DATE_OF_JOIN >= to_date('0620' || to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY'), 'MMDDYYYY') and DATE_OF_JOIN < to_date('0920' || to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY'), 'MMDDYYYY') group by to_char(DATE_OF_JOIN,'YY')

and when i am trying the below query its showing the only this year dates its not referring the previous years

select null as link,'S'||to_char(DATE_OF_JOIN,'MMDDYY'),COUNT(STUDENT) "Blue Acres" from STUDENT_RECORD where PROCESSOR=1 and DATE_OF_JOIN >= to_date('1220' || to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY')-1, 'MMDDYYYY') and DATE_OF_JOIN < to_date('0320' || to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY'), 'MMDDYYYY') group by to_char(DATE_OF_JOIN,'MMDDYY')

when i am trying below query its showng the error ORA-01843: not a valid month

select null as link,'Fall'||to_char(to_char(DATE_OF_JOIN,'YY')-1),COUNT(STUDENT) "Blue Acres" from STUDENT_RECORD where PROCESSOR=1 and DATE_OF_JOIN >= to_date('0620' || to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY')-1, 'MMDDYYYY') and DATE_OF_JOIN < to_date('0920' || to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY')-1, 'MMDDYYYY') group by to_char(to_char(DATE_OF_JOIN,'YY')-1)

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Forms :: Avoid Duplication In Three Tables

Jan 31, 2013

I'm creating oracle form to allow the user to register a new record in a table, I want to check the duplication in Four tables! which means, the user is able to save the record if it's NOT already registered in the other four tables.By checking P_ID (user parameter). this is my

v_count number;
select count(*) into v_count ---Checking the 1st table
from 1_table
where p1_id=:p_id;
if (v_count>0) then
message ('Duplicate');

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Forms :: How To Avoid FRM-40401 Message

Oct 16, 2008

While I am inserting and updating the values in the oracle database its showing a message 'FRM-40401 - No changes to save.' I don't want this message to be shown. How can I do that?

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Avoid Mutating Table Error?

May 16, 2011

Best solution to avoid mutating table error?

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Forms :: Avoid The User To Select Twice The Same Value From LOV?

Aug 21, 2010

i have created form. one field is there "Payment_terms" at line level. for that i created LOV containing 3 fixed Payment terms. my requirement is that Avoid the user to select twice the same value from LOV.

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