I've got table at Oracle test server table1 with columns ID, BTYPE, MYDESCRIPTION. Rows of this table have been inserted manually. Now my need is to write script for creating table (structure + data) for working server. I think about writing something like
But rows are too many to type... Any way of generating script for creating table at working server using existing table at test server? The problem is I don't have an access to working server.
PROMPT CREATE TABLE tst_fetch_vendor_data CREATE TABLE tst_fetch_vendor_data ( vendor_data_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, study_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, vendor_record_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, control_column_seq_no NUMBER NOT NULL, resolved_value VARCHAR2(4000) NULL, original_value VARCHAR2(4000) NULL, transaction_user VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, [code]....
Its just a temporary table, in which data comes and goes. I am using this in middle of a process.I am using it in a process like below--
insert /*+ append */ into tst_fetch_vendor_data (select * from vendor_data vd where vd.control_column_seq_no in (select control_column_seq_no from temp_control_column)); dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('EPDSYSREP','TST_FETCH_VENDOR_DATA',ESTIMATE_PERCENT=>100, METHOD_OPT=>'for all indexed columns size auto',CASCADE=>True);
code to use that table..This table can contain data from 0 to 108000000 records.Now my questions are-
1. How much should I select sampling size (currently its 100%)Can I use dbms_stats.auto_sample_size, what will be the effect?
2. dbms_stats is good approach or should I use dynamic sampling.
3. what about the approach using CTAS instead of inserting data through insert.
4. What about pl/sql table with index or with clause query.
5. Do I need to rebuild index after inserting data into table.
I`m new with Oracle Forms. I have the following trigger WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED :
DECLARE BEGIN IF :SEARCH.SBOX is not null then -- (search text item) IF :SEARCH.LIST45 = 'ERPLINK' THEN --(a drop down list)
What do I want is the following thing :I have a text box :SEARCH.SBOX in which I write a number.When I press the button which will execute that trigger above, I want that the value from :SEARCH.SBOX, after the form will go to enter-query mode tofill up another text_item :CUSTOMERVIEW.ERPLINK with same value and execute_query(this text item is in master-detail form).
We have a master detail form block A (master) contains an item, this item is in the record group's where-clause used to fill a list item on block B (detail block) (database item) we fille the list item in a pre-record trigger on the master block this works fine but when we navigate through the records in block a we intermittently get the following error : FRM-41337 : cannot populate the list from record group;
how should we filll our list item, in which trigger (when-new-record-instance of master block doesn't work correctly, the list item only gets filled after clicking it twice)
what is the reason for filling the folder "Oracle Jar Cache" with some files? Why should we clear the cache ? My clients are also facing same issue. When they use the application continuously(in forms9i) after some time, application getting hanged. When we follow these steps its working fine:
- close all IE - and clear the cache , - then re-start machine
I am trying to generate some statistics on tables connected by a dblink. I know with oracle you have table_columns which you can reference and pull some stats from.
Trying to get the column count and record counts for each table connected by a dblink. I have tried these queries below to see if I could see any db properties: (some just to try something different)
select * from "table_owner".table_column@dblink ; select * from "status"@dblink; select /*DRIVING_SITE(a) */ count(*) from @dblink a;
What is the best method to finding this out without spending a lot of time? I have over 30 tables which are with large record sets and would love to learn a faster approach then pulling a sample table and doing a manual count and query for each table to count the rows.
Is there any way to generate columns dynamically by depending on the rows in a table in 11G .
Ex: If the deptno in DEPT table is not constant,then how to generate the N numbers of columns based on the deptno. Below query is working when we hard coded the deptno (10,20,30,40).What else if we more number of departments and we don't know the departments also.
Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release Connected as dbo
SQL> SELECT * FROM (SELECT deptno, job, sum(sal) sal FROM SCOTT.emp GROUP BY job, deptno) PIVOT(sum(sal) FOR deptno IN(10, 20, 30, 40));
I have two control block i.e. class_register and student_info. In which student_info is multi-record block which contains stud_id, stud_name, stud_roll_no. Based on the class_register block, stud_id and stud_name is generated in the student_info table. Now I want to generate stud_roll_no automatically until the last record is present.
I have two Tables, the one table is called (calves_per_breed) and contains all my query results. I then have another table (calves_per_breed_crosstable) which is used to place the generated count values in calves_per_breed to create a crosstable from the count data into calves_per_breed_crosstable.
I'm using the following procedure to generate the crosstable from the data inside the calves_per_breed table:
PROCEDURE pcalves_per_breed_genCrossTable IS BEGIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --SEX CODES update calves_per_breed_crosstable set (m, f) = (select count(decode(geslag, 'M', 1, null)), count(decode(geslag, 'F', 1, null)) from calves_per_breed) [codee]....
Now this procedure works 100%, the only problem is it generates the ENTIRE table. if you know how a crosstable works, thetop right section of the table is exactly the same as the bottom left section of the table. I wish to optimize my code so that it only generates the values for the needed columns, and not ALL the columns, as values are generated twise now, which increases the query time! Here is a tipical output of the kalwers_per_ras_crosstable:
Note: You will notice that i used a Column called TID with string values to indicate the vertical columns for the crosstable. The Vertical Columns are the same as the top Columns(which are actual columns, and not row values as the vertical columns)
select *from kalwers_per_ras_crosstable:
TID M F NFR A B C SP RED BLACK SC1 SC2 SC3 ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- M 138 0 0 0 0 0 138 122 16 74 64 0 F 0 173 0 0 0 0 173 161 12 92 81 0 NFR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [code]....
I have a requirement to generate a report in csv file, attached scripts, sql query and actual output and expected output.
In the query, I am hard-coding month&year, when I run in march 2012 it should include march 2012 in output (similarly for every month going forward), to do that I have to modify my query to include march 2012 & preceding months in every individual query, this report needs to be generated once every month.
I am looking for a generic solution which does not need to be modified every month, also in the output,under "Mail File" data should be in ascending order, in the "Total Mailed" all the months should have grand total.
I want to generate the 3rd digit to be sequence base on two digit infront. for example:
current data grep direct from table ---------------------------------- data line_number ----------------- data1 1.1 data2 1.1 data3 3.1 data4 4.1 data5 5.1 data6 5.1 data7 5.1
I want to generate is append in the 3rd digit as below:
I have a requirement to generate the XML file from a pl/sql procedure. The methods which I have searched are either generating the XML from a single query or they are explicitly adding the nodes and elements. I need the method where I can dynamically append child nodes to the file.
i have be requested to create a .txt file. Its for a program that will read the txt file i create to produce a letter i.e I will be extracting, TITLE, FORENAME, SURNAME etc
Here is the my code so far,
SELECT LPA_INPUT.INPUT_TITLE, LPA_INPUT.INPUT_SURNAME, LPA_HISTORY.LPA_AMT, LPA_HISTORY.ELIG_RATE, LPA_HISTORY.RATE_REBATE, LPA_HISTORY.RR_AMT, LPA_HISTORY.LPA_APPLIC, LPA_HISTORY.LPA_AMT FROM LPA_HISTORY, LPA_INPUT WHERE LPA_HISTORY.CLAIM_NO = LPA_INPUT.CLAIM_NO ---------------------------------------------------- Iv been asked to have these eight fields looping over and over for all the records in the database, So im not sure how to do that and how to generate it in a txt file?! I have to produce it in a script and not by a Export/Import wizard in sql server mangement studio!!!
Can we collect information(generate report) about user sessions connected, database hit ratios, memory usage and other system metrics of all target databases from OEM grid control repository database. Which tables/views in repository DB will be holding these information.
I have a very big oracle procedure. Since it's too big and calling many other procedures, I am not able to debug the exceptions thrown. Any oracle utility which logs all the procedures called by the master procedure step by step and maintains a detailed record.
I need a "solution", guidance to a problem I have to solve. I have different letters with a value associate to it like
A:10, B:20, ..., G:250 and I have a Target to reach TARGET= 90
and I need to find among all letters I have which combination is equal or closest to my target.
A:10 B:20 C:20 D:20 E:30 F:40 G:250
IF there is more than one solution possible, the first found is perfect. With my example I can reach 90 with different combinations:
To complicate the things I have up to 10 different letters that need to combine to match my target. If there is no combination that exactly match my target, the closest higher combination is picked.
I want to be able to generate unpivot for 1 row of data dynamically.what i am trying to do is based on this linkI just need to be able to pass the table name in format : SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME and the query should unpivot the data for 1 row. (Will always be 1 row, just need to transpose the column names and the values for 1 row of data)
I made the below query so far. But I am getting an error and can't figure out a way to fix it.pass any table name from your database in the define step
define TAB_NAME='SCOTT.EMPLOYEE' WITH sel_col AS ( SELECT DECODE (data_type,
ERROR at line 33: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
Its the last line of the code. The same seems to work in the select part but not in the IN part.
P.S: I cannot do PL/SQL - as i simply dont have access.