DP_USER has the IMP/EXP_FULL_DATABASE, as does the target of the database link.
The error that I get is the following:
Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE ORA-39083: Object type TABLE:"SDE"."VERSION" failed to create with error: ORA-01918: user 'SDE' does not exist
The SDE tablespace has objects from the SDE schema, but the SDE schema does not seem to be created along with the tablespace. How do I cause it to be?
I am importing a dump into 11g Database, the dump taken from Old Financial release 6 [EBIZ]
i given this command:
IMP FILE=EXPDUMP.DMP BUFFER=524288000 FULL=Y IGNORE=Y Import user system and password given...
Once its started and getting error
+"ALTER USER "PERFUSER" QUOTA UNLIMITED ON "OTHERD""+ IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1918 encountered ORA-01918: user 'PERFUSER' does not exist
what is the wrong,,
I have created all the data files same like Old Database. so while importing All the USERs will created, if its correct then why this "*ORA-01435 : User does not exist*" coming...
I've been trying to write some code to add a column if it does not exist as the code will be run numerous times and will be parameterized in other software to run across multiple tables.
I am creating an index in program and then drop the index at the end of the program. Some times due to some problem if the index could not be dropped and the user again runs the program then we get the error
ORA-01408 Index already exist on the column.
how I can get away with this error or how I can check whether the index with the same columns exits prior to creating an index.
(1) how can i fill some value in a table column based on some existing column value automatically without user intervention. my actual problem is i have 'expiry date' column and 'status'. the 'status' column should get filled automatically based on the current system date. ex: if expiry date is '25-Apr-2011' and current date is '14-May-2011', then status should be filled as 'EXPIRED'
(2)hOw can i build 'select' query in a report (report 6i) so that it will show me list of items 'EXPIRED' or 'NOT EXPIRED' or both expired and not expired separately in a single report based on user choice. 'EXPIRED' & 'NOT EXPIRED' can be taken from the above question no. 1.
I'm creating a package function that would return the image from the table HR.PER_IMAGES.
I have also created a simple PL/SQL code that would supposed to extract the value of the IMAGE column and store it in a variable then return it from a function.
DECLARE x LONG RAW; BEGIN SELECT image INTO x FROM per_images WHERE parent_id = :p_parent_id ; END;
However, I'm getting the "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error" message. I have tried retrieving an specific image using Oracle Reports Developer and when I queried it was able to render the image on the report page.
Currently, I am running 4 separate queries in order to retrieve specific data from a XML file. Is there a way of extracting all 4 values via XML tags in a single query - e.g. :
At the moment, I am extracting the required info as follows.
Example query 1: message_content, 2000, 2303 > retrieves starting point for an error header
select ml.message_reference, UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 (dbms_lob.substr(message_content, 2000, 2303)) from table.msg_archive ma, table.msg_log ml where ma.message_id = ml.message_id and ml.message__cd = 'MP_XML' and ml.message_reference in (456123)
Once retrieved, I transfer to Excel and use a formula to extract the specific header (e.g. using =MID(B1,1,11))
Example query 2: message_content, 2000, 581 > retrieves the starting point for a user id.
select ml.message_reference, UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 (dbms_lob.substr(message_content, 2000, 581)) from table.msg_archive ma, table.msg_log ml where ma.message_id = ml.message_id and ml.message__cd = 'MP_XML' and ml.message_reference in (456123)
WITH table_data AS (SELECT 'ABC12345*Z23*1234*Cheese*24/02/2011' str FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'Aasda1ewr3345*A32345*1234*Bread*01/11/2012' str FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'dsf31212*TEST*124234*Blue*06/07/2007' str FROM DUAL [code].........
I can extract the data from before the first *, but I need to also be able to extract the data from between the 1st and 2nd *s, e.g. Z23, A32345, TEST, THIS and THAT from the sample data above.
Using UTL_TCP package (for the first time; maybe there's smarter way to do that), I captured contents of a certain web page. The page contains (along with some text, images, etc.), a list of values I'd like to extract. Something like this:
PRVI miravira pond 23.7.2010 102,2221 NEKI miravira pond 23.7.2010 105,0996 DRUGI miravira pond 22.7.2010 101,3789
The result (output) of the PL/SQL procedure contains several hundreds of lines. I narrowed the output to a part which I'm interested in. It looks like this (a screenshot, because [code] or [pre] tags won't allow me to paint text, while the others don't preserve formatting):
Red values are what I'm looking for. The first one represents a date (July 23rd 2010), and the second one is amount (105,0996).
Now, what's the problem: the above mess doesn't look the same every day (probably because the rest of data that appears on a web page changes too). Therefore, SUBSTR (with hard-coded positions) that seems to be working today is wrong tomorrow. Moreover, IF condition I used might not provide desired part of a web page every time.
Here's the code (modified a little bit, unimportant for what matters):
declare c utl_tcp.connection; n number; buffer varchar2(255); l_x_dat varchar2(10); l_x_izn varchar2(10);
L_X_DAT and L_X_IZN are values I need. SUBSTR parameters, as I said, are far from being good.Is there any smart way to extract those two values? What (Oracle) technology could be used here? Or should I just try to, somehow, set SUBSTR values correctly (dynamically)?
If there was a way to uniquely fetch those values (instead of getting the whole web page and digging for what I'm interested in), it would be extraordinary.
I exported and imported data from one oracle database to another, but not all the data got loaded in to the destination database. Basically it is filtering the data. Can it be because of the reason that the sql developer may be an express edition?
Now i have to insert this xml into DB , the table consist of following columns ( row number , property name , value ) Expected out put is (1,student name,Raymond) ,( 1, studentid , 1) ( 1, studentAge, 11) (1,Studentmark , 0) The challenges here is
1. how to get the tag names and populate the property name column ? 2. The number of properties for a student can be variable , How can i deal with them ?
In my DB there are special characters are stored like "Świętochłowice". So in Unix script while extracting these characters, I have used export LANG="universal.UTF-8" in order to make it English. which works fine.
But my question is how to retain this special character intact as, it is in DB?
So in UNIX script export LANG="universal.UTF-8" sqlplus -s uname/pwd@hostname/schema << ENDSQL | sed -e "s/Connected.//" -e "/^$/d" set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off serveroutput on size 10000 spool /path/out.txt Select name from tablename where is=12; spool off; exit ENDSQL
Output is "Swietochlowice" (makes sense),but how to get the output as "Świętochłowice" which is in DB? I have tried different NLS_LANG option, but no success.
Below is the function code used to extract data from blob column. The function works fine when the blob data length < 2000 bytes. When it is more than, it is throwing an error as below.
Table name: mr_test Columns: id number seo blob
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_mr_blob(in_id IN number) return varchar2 IS len NUMBER;
ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
when I replcae the
"SELECT myvar||trim(dbms_lob.substr(seo,bytelen,vstart)) into myvar FROM mr_test WHERE id = in_id;" with SELECT trim(dbms_lob.substr(seo,bytelen,vstart)) into myvar FROM mr_test WHERE id = in_id; myvar1 := myvar1||myvar; ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
I have table in Oracle with one column PRODUCT. Column PRODUCT have following values -
Account Management Active Directory Adobe Acrobat Reader NT Account Application Security
I am designing application where I need to search for PRODUCT based upon user's input. Lets say user wants search on 'Laptop Account Broken'. I want to search for all products which contains any of words in user's input. So based upon user's input I want output like below.
Expected Output:
Account Management NT Account WebSite Account HP Laptop
Need to access data in a table base on user parameter input where the data is stored like a spreadsheet with column headings JAN, FEB, MAR... and the rows are the years. Is there a way to create a generic SQL statement so that I don't have to have 12 if statements in the procedure?