SQL & PL/SQL :: Entering Values As Not Null Constraint To Column In Oracle Without Disturbing Old Records
Jul 1, 2013
previously i set null constraint to the column and creating some rows and need to change new entering values as not null constraint to the column in oracle without disturbing the old records. how can I do that.
I can't create a unique constraint on these columns because there are many null values for column colX, and as mentioned, when colX is null, colY and colZ can be any values.
I also tried using a before insert trigger to find duplicates before posting and raise an error if found, but this causes an ORA-04091 mutating error since the trigger in the table is referencing itself to check for duplicates.
Also, I know there is something called a function based index, but I cannot use those with my code, so I need another solution if possible.
In the below code, do I need the 'NOT NULL' after the 'state char(2)'? I am guessing that I do not need it since I have the CHECK constraint on the column.
CREATE TABLE employee( id PRIMARY KEY, first varchar(20) NOT NULL, middle varchar(20), [code]....
Our organization is attempting to learn more about the partitioning features of Oracle 11g. I've been reading the partitioning manuals, and I have not found a clear answer on this topic, but I suspect I know the answer.
If you create a range partitioned table; using interval partitioning, say something like this:
but you try to insert a null value as the partition key, you get the following error:
SQL> INSERT INTO range_parti VALUES (1,'one',NULL); INSERT INTO range_parti VALUES (1,'one',NULL) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
Is there no way to tell it to use a default partition for NULL values? Or specifically designate a partition for NULL values WITHOUT having to manually list out each partition? It seems it works if you don't use the INTERVAL keyword, list out your partitions, and use MAXVALUE. However, our hope to avoid having that as it creates monstrously huge DDL statements for tables that have lots of date ranges, and we will be forced to manually add new partitions each month as data is added/time passes.
It appears from my experience so far, if your column can allow nulls, you cannot use interval range partitioning on that column.
I have a table with multiple rows for the KEY attribute(its not a primary key) and a Rank for each row.
I want a query which fetches one row per KEY attribute.The row with lesser Rank should be considered. But in-case if the value is null for any column the value for next Rank should be considered.
WITH TMP_TBL AS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 'A' DUN,'1' RNK,'A21' col1,NULL col2,'A41' col3,NULL col4 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'A','2','A122','A23',NULL,NULL FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 'A','3','A32','A33',NULL,'A35' FROM dual [code].......
DUN is the KEY attribute . RNK is the Rank for each Row. COL1... COL4 are data attributes
I want this to be done with SQL only. So I tried various ways but none were successful.Finally I created a Multi Row function row_nvl and it worked.
SELECT DUN, row_nvl(rownvl_param_type(RNK,col1)), row_nvl(rownvl_param_type(RNK,col2)), row_nvl(rownvl_param_type(RNK,col3)), row_nvl(rownvl_param_type(RNK,col4)) FROM TMP_TBL GROUP BY DUN
But I don't think my manager will allow me to deploy a Multi Row function .
I dont want to print the repeated value(NAME) of C1 multiple times as below.
I could do it using the below query using union with the rownum.
select * from ( select rownum rn, c1,c2,c3,c4 from table_new ) where rn =1 union select * from ( select rownum rn, decode(c1,null,null),c2,c3,c4 from table_new ) where rn between 2 and 3
Is there any other way of displaying using a single sql query.
i have a table students create table students (name varchar2(10),rolno number(10),sub1mark number(10),sub2mark number(10),total number(10),percentage number(10),status varchar2(10))
i am go to create trigger on students after entering the values of name,rolno,sub1mark,sub2mark the values of total & percentage come automatically .trigger is
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER UCSETH.students_comm_trig BEFORE INSERT ON UCSETH.STUDENTs FOR EACH ROW BEGIN set NEW.total = new.sub1mark+new.sub2mark; set new.percentage=new.total/2;
I'm trying to select id's in a table that have 2 certain values for another column. Example below explains:
idCoupon Type 123Amount 123Percent 456Amount 789Percent
I would like to write a sql statement that would select all rows where id=123, because id 123 has both coupon types "Amount" and "Percent". So the result set of the sql statement would look like:
I need to write a query in plsql to select records for first 3 distinct values of a single column (below example, ID )and all the rows for next 3 distinct values of the column and so on till the end of count of distinct values of a column.
eg: ID name age 1 abc 10 1 def 20 2 ghi 10 2 jkl 20 2 mno 60 3 pqr 10 4 rst 10 4 tuv 10 5 vwx 10 6 xyz 10 6 hij 10 7 lmn 10 . . . so on... (till some count) Result should be Query 1 should result ---> ID name age 1 abc 10 1 def 20 2 ghi 10 2 jkl 20 2 mno 60 3 pqr 10
query 2 should result --> 4 rst 10 4 tuv 10 5 vwx 10 6 xyz 10 6 hij 10
query 3 should result --> 7 lmn 10 . . 9 .. .. so on..
I am trying to add a not null constraint on a collection for testing. It not allowed null values as below
pointers@ORCL> declare 2 type test_type is table of number not null; 3 t_test test_type; 4 begin 5 t_test := test_type(2,4,null); --null is being added 6 dbms_output.put_line('Type variable is initialized and the first element value is '||t_test(1));
But what I observed is, i can add, null elements by using 'EXTEND' routine though 'not null' constraint is used for that type.
The below is the example.
pointers@ORCL> ed Wrote file afiedt.buf 1 declare 2 type test_type is table of number not null; 3 t_test test_type; 4 begin 5 t_test := test_type(2,4);
I have a table where I want user to fill in unique values for a field which is easy to do.
Problem is sometimes the values can be null so an ordinary unique constraint does not work because multiple null records. Is there a way of validating only non null values to ensure all data entered that is non null is unique?
As I am doing a outer join, if the resource is not available on a particular day the resource_id is coming as NULL as it is not available. Is there any way to populate this NULL resource_id with the original resource_id as the resource_id is same for all the result set.
I am having issue with IMPDP on ORACLE VIRTUAL COLUMNS.I am having following table with Virtual column defined with Not null. Expdp is fine without any issue.
DDL : ------ CREATE TABLE alert_hist ( alertky INTEGER NOT NULL, alertcreatedttm TIMESTAMP(6) DEFAULT systimestamp NOT NULL, alertcreatedt DATE GENERATED ALWAYS AS (To_date(Trunc("alertcreatedttm"))) VIRTUAL NOT NULL
When I do the import (IMPDP) it got failed with the following error.
. . imported "TESTSCHEMA"."VALART" 359.1 KB 4536 rows ORA-31693: Table data object "TESTSCHEMA"."ALERT_HIST" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error: ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error -1
After that I dropped the Virtual Not null column and recreated that column with Nullable.
DDL : ----- alter table alert_hist drop column alertcreatedt; alter table alert_hist add alertcreatedt DATE GENERATED ALWAYS AS (To_date(Trunc("alertcreatedttm"))) VIRTUAL;
After that I took the expdp and impdp , it went fine with out any issue.
SQL> Describe Stu_Table Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- STU_ID VARCHAR2(2) STU_NAME VARCHAR2(10) STU_CLASS VARCHAR2(10)
now when i try to modify this Stu_id column to not null its give me error.
SQL>ALTER TABLE Stu_Table MODIFY Stu_Id int(3)not null; ALTER TABLE Stu_Table MODIFY Stu_Id int(3)not null * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option
and when i try to add new column with not null its also gives me error
SQL> ALTER TABLE Stu_Table add C1_TEMP integer NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE Stu_Table add C1_TEMP integer NOT NULL * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01758: table must be empty to add mandatory (NOT NULL) column
I have 2 tables, AFF_TEMP and COUNTY AFF_TEMP has the following columns FNAME, LNAME, EMAIL and COUNTY COUNTY has 2 columns COUNTY_ID and CNAME
Both tables have the following test data AFF_TEMP Joe, Bloggs, joe@gmail.com, '' Ann, Bloggs, anne@gmail.com,Donegal
and COUNTY column in AFF_TEMP can contain a NULL value
County table has the following Test data, 1, Dublin 2, Donegal 3, Tipperary, 4, Galway
I am trying to select the following from both tables FNAME, LNAME, EMAIL, COUNTY_ID.Tried the following queries select a.FNAME, a.LNAME,a.EMAIL, C.COUNTY_ID FROM temp_aff A LEFT OUTER JOIN COUNTY C ON A.COUNTY=C.CNAME OR (A.COUNTY IS NULL) select a.FNAME, a.LNAME,a.EMAIL, C.COUNTY_ID FROM temp_aff A, COUNTY C WHERE C.CNAME IN (SELECT UPPER(A.COUNTY) FROM TEMP_AFF A)
We are working on a migration project and we need to move 75 million rows from source system to target system.
Total number of columns in source system - 90 cols.
Out of the 90 columns 10 cols are system fields and rest 80 are properties for each record.
We are required to migrate all system cols and some required properties. In total we will migrate around 25 columns[10+15] for each record.
Before actaul migration , we need to do a data cleansing activity and hence we move the data to a staging table.
To create the staging table, we considered the below appraoches.
1. Create the staging table with around 30 coloumns so as to fit the data from source system[map the columns based on datatype]
2.Create the staging table with actual columns[90 columns] and import only the required properties. The rest all columns will remain NULL.
Do the data cleansing and move to target system.
My question here is, if we go with approach 2, We will not mix the data, as there will be a one-to-one mapping. But many columns will not have data and remain NULL. Will it affect the performance since we deal with 75 million rows.
I have main query..And i written a Query for Issued Quantity. The query is retrieving exact data. And when i add the Query in main query the data is coming with extra null values.
for ex. Query for Issued Qty fetch 16 records. and i run the main query it fetch 20 records...there r 4 records which issued Qty is null. How can i restrict that records.
I am a junior DBA. I want to check how many columns are under PRIMARY KEY constraint.
I used dba_constraints view. Please find below details.
SQL> select OWNER,CONSTRAINT_NAME,CONSTRAINT_TYPE,TABLE_NAME from dba_constraints 2 where TABLE_NAME='DSET_PRODUCT_S'; OWNER CONSTRAINT_NAME C TABLE_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------- SCOTT SYS_C10202456 C EMPLOYEE SCOTT SYS_C234576 C DEPT
I have a SP for comparing 80 diff column values in 8 table pairs and it is taking a huge lot of time to process as I have to process around 10k records.
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production "CORE Production"
I have Event_month, Event_date in SELECT statement. Results of the query has NULL values as well.. I am doing ORDER BY Event_month, and I want NULL values to be at the top..
SELECT d.event_code_dt, count(d.event_number) count1 FROM main_event a,sec_event d WHERE a.event_id = d.event_id(+) GROUP BY d.event_code_dt ORDER BY d.event_code_dt, count(d.event_number) desc
Results are like this
11-MAY-10 21-MAY-10 22-MAY-10 NULL
And I want results to be like this: NULL 11-MAY-10 21-MAY-10 22-MAY-10
Same thing happens with Event_month NULL Feb 2009 Aug 2009
How can I use OR condition in sql to check whether if the 6 col values in a row is NULL, I need something like below, but idk the syntax of checking if either of the mentioned cols is null using an or condition.
select a.mid FROM table_a a JOIN table_b b ON a.dept = b.dept JOIN table_c c ON b.eid = c.eid WHERE a.tid = :tid AND (a.i1 or a.i2 or a.i3 or a.n1 or a.n2 or a.n3 or a.t1 or a.t2 or a.t3 ) IS NULL
There is a table with column holding 3 NULL values one each in every record. When a count function is applied to the column with a filter on NULLs,it returns 0 instead of 3.
But when count(*)is applied,expected result is returned. Would be interested in knowing about this strange behavior of NULL/Count.