SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenate A Comma But Not Single Quotes

Oct 8, 2010

In table_A , the primary key is Col_A which is of data type number.I want to concatenate it with ' '



select '|| col_A ||'||','

The output should be

I can concatenate a comma but not single quotes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Adding Quotes Around Field Only If Comma Exists Within

Mar 25, 2010

I searched the forum but could not find an answer. I am creating an extract via SPOOL that will send the output to a CSV file. I am comfortable concatenating commas in between the fields, the problem lies in text fields such as last_name which may contain a comma. The requirements of my client state to put double quotes around text fields ONLY if they contain a comma (so as not to throw off the CSV file obviously).

The only thing I could think of was a nested DECODE checked every character of every text field for a , and if it finds one to put " and if not to put nothing. This would get very tedious to program it as there are many text fields and they can be very long. I may even run out of nested DECODE statements (I forget what the limit is now).

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PL/SQL :: How To Replace 2 Single Quotes To Single Quote

Nov 21, 2012

I have an script.sql that receives as a parameter an string.


@C:/myscript.sql "o'connor"

user_account_value varchar2(120) := '&1';

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "Select * from Table where column = :1 "  USING user_account_value I am not sure how to deal with string that contains single quotes.

If the parameter were passed as : "o''connor" this will work
If the parameter is pass as: "o'connor" this will not work.

so my question is what options do I have to deal with dynamic queries and single quotes.

I tried replacing replace(myParameter,'''',''''''); but not working well.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Display A Value In Between Single Quotes?

Nov 18, 2011

how to write a select query to display a number column value in between single quotes. Ex:i have a emp table in that sal column is a number type.

select sal from emp;
23445I want to display the same above result in b/w single quotes.

for this i need to write a query,

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Inserting Single Quotes

Dec 4, 2012

I have a string: 'VOLT,AGE'..

How can I convert this string to: 'VOLT','AGE' using REGEXP_REPLACE...

I am having trouble escaping the single quotes in my query

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PL/SQL :: SYSDATE In DDMMYYYY Inside Single Quotes

Dec 4, 2012

I have a requirement like:

Create Table A
( a number,
CreationDate DATE)
Partition p_03122012 VALUES LESS THAN (TIMESTAMP' 2012-12-04 00:00:00'),


NOTE: Partition are named as p_ddmmyyyy where ddmmyyyy is date.

select * from dba_tab_partitions where table_name = 'A'

Now my requirement is :

select * from dba_tab_partitions where table_name = 'A' and partition_name > 'p_ddmmyyyy' (Here I want ddmmyyyy to be from sysdate i.e. date we get from - Select to_char(sysdate,'ddmmyyyy') from dual
i.e. for today it becomes
select * from dba_tab_partitions where table_name = 'A' and partition_name > 'P_04122012'

So it returns me two rows.

How can I do it in single quotes.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Use Model Clause To Get Comma Separate Single Row For Multiple Rows?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to use model clause to get comma separate single row for multiple rows. My scenario is like this:

SQL> desc test1
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------

SQL> select * from test1 order by id;

---------- ------
1 Value1
2 Value2
3 Value3
4 Value4
5 Value4
7 value5

The query that I have is:
SQL> with t as
2 ( select distinct substr(value,2) value
3 from test1
4 model
5 ignore nav
6 dimension by (id)
7 measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value)
8 rules
9 ( value[any] order by id = value[cv()-1] || ',' || value[cv()]
10 )
11 )
12 select max(value) oneline
13 from t;


what I want is : null value should not come and duplicate value should not come (Value4 in output above)

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Using Apostrophe / Quotes In A String

Feb 9, 2011

Here is a sample function which takes in a string of CSV fields and prints the third field :

create or replace function restr(istr varchar2) return INTEGER
var_1 varchar2(30);
select regexp_substr(',' || istr,1,3,null,1) into var_1 from dual;


When I pass an input string as :


with quotes/apostrophe in it to the function then it prints the input string in the first dbms_output but errors out at the select with ORA-01760.

how we can use the quote/apostrophe character here ?

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PL/SQL :: Embedding Quotes In Strings?

Aug 16, 2013

In the code segment below (hope it appears right) I can understand the use of single quotes in the first two examples but in the third example below I had to use double quotes around the word - Today's - and I not sure I understand why?! I'm aware of the rules ...If you want a single quote to appear in the middle of a string add another single quote to it.If you want a single quote to appear at the beginning or end of a string add 2 single quotes to it.If you want a single quote to appear on its own add 3 single quotes to it. 

SQL> select 'This isn''t' from dual;
This isn't
SQL> select to_number('34@456#789', '999G999D999', 'nls_numeric_characters=''#@'' ') from dual;
SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'fm"Today''s" ddth Month YYYY') from dual;
Today's 16th August 2013

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SQL Concatenate Using A Loop

Feb 17, 2010

I have a table which I will call 'fruit basket' which contains the following data:

basket_ref, fruit, fruit_serial
1, apple, 1
1, banana, 2
1, pear, 3
2, apple, 1
2, lemon, 2

What I want to produce is a table in the following format

basket_ref, all_fruit
1, apple banana pear
2, apple lemon

There could theoretically be any amount of fruit in a given basket, so I will need to set up some kind of loop in order to read each record from the original table. I am not sure how it would be best to do this.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Concatenate Column

Jul 26, 2012

I have the following info in a table:


The output that I need is:


If there are even more levels, I also need those childs to be shown right below their parent and with POS as 10.20.10 )(for the first item below POS 10.20.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Concatenate Three Columns Into One

Feb 21, 2012

I'd like to concatenate my 3 columns into one. I have this text item(NAME) and i want my columns lname, fname and mname to be bound into name text item.

this is so far my code to do the concat:

SELECT lname
FROM students
WHERE :ADVISEMENT.name = lname || ',' || fname || ',' || mname;

but it didn't appear at all.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Show Value Of Variable In Double Quotes?

Dec 4, 2011

v_a varchar2(2000) := 'abcd';
v_e varchar2(2000) := '6666';
v_d varchar2(2000) := 'example';
v_final varchar2(4000);
v_final := '"v_a"'||'''|'''||'"v_e"'||'''|'''||'"v_d"';

-- v_final := '"v_a"';

dbms_output.put_line('v_final: '||v_final);


above gives me :

v_final: "v_a"'|'"v_e"'|'"v_d"

so it is printing the variable names, But I want to see values, like this: "abcd"|"6666"|"example"

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How To Concatenate A String With Variable

Mar 5, 2008

I am trying to replace the string_name in the following execute immediate statement with a concatenated


execute immediate
where table_name = :a'
into v_table
using 'string_name';

I tried different declaration and concatenations but nothing worked so far.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: How To Concatenate While Removing Nulls

Jan 26, 2012

This is a simple question, but I cannot seem to find a solution. Here's the basic query:

select distinct accountno, parcelno, streetno||' '|| predirection ||' '|| streetname||' '|| streettype||' '|| postdirection||' '|| unitname||', '|| propertycity
from tblacctpropertyaddress ....

What I want to do is add is this logic: If Predirection is null, then no space between streetno & streetname. Same for postdirection and unitname. (for example, if both postdirection and unitname are null, there are no spaces between streettype and the comma before propertycity)

Also, when unitname is not null, I want to add the string "Unit " prior to the returned value in unitname.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenate String In Function?

Jul 29, 2010

i m create one function in which i have to concatenate result likeDate is 19/07/2010'. i tried to concatenate in select statement. in this case function is created successfully but it gives error when it run.

CREATE or replace function TEST(FINYEAR VARCHAR2)


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
ORA-06512: at "TEST", line 11

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How Many Quotes To Use In Dynamic Query Using IN Clause With String

Nov 23, 2011

I have a dynamic query which has this clause in it: WHERE [COLUMN NAME] IN (' || theString || ')

My problem is that theString is being passed in through a C# call and the variable is a bunch of strings concatenated together and separated by a comma. Ex: theString = "'val1','val2'"

How many quotes are supposed to go around val1 and val2?

I've tried the following and none work:

When I run the procedure in Oracle it works with '''val1'',''val2'''

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Forms :: Concatenate Or Copy Value On Enter Or WVI

May 27, 2013

I have three database fields on my form , field_1 , field_2 and field_3 , user will enter the data in field_1 , and sometime he may not enter in field_2 ,

I want to bring the value of field_1 as it is into field_3 if he does not enter anything in field_2, if he enters the data in field_2 , then field_1 will get concatenated with field_2 and gets copied into field_3.Is there a way to do this automatically at form level using a trigger when-validate-item.In short this should be done after user presses the enter key on field_2.

create table ot_Sale_code_head ( sale_code varchar2(12),code1 varchar2(6),code2 varchar(6),code3 varchar2(12));
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('A','01.01',NULL,NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'A','01.01',NULL,'01.01'
insert into ot_Sale_code_head ('B','01.01','PS-P',NULL);
--inserted record in form will be 'B','01.01','PS-P','01.01.PS-P'

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Server Utilities :: How To Concatenate 2 Fields

Aug 19, 2010

I am running SQLLDR on unix.

INFILE F56100c.dat
INTO TABLE tstdta.F56100C
Z59SFU13 POSITION(14;21),


I have already used

1.Z59SFU17 POSITION(55:59)||POSITION(51:53)||POSITION(47:49) getting err:Illegal combination of non-alphanumeric characters

2.Z59SFU17 POSITION(55:59,51:53,47:49) this is also not working.

3. i can not use ":Z59SFU15 || :Z59SFU16" this option.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: To Remove Duplicates From Concatenate String

May 12, 2011

I have a query like

SELECT country_name,
substr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(product_name,','),2) as PRODUCT_NAME,
FROM (SELECT b.country_name,b.product_name,b.speed_value,(supplier_name|| supplier_product || access_product_type)as

In the result , I am getting repeated values for product_name and speed value,something like 'ALL Products,All Products,All Products'in the product_name column and '128Kbps,128Kbps'in Speed_vale.i am not able to remove the repeated values here.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenate Parameter With A Column In Query

Sep 30, 2010

SELECT OM.ORG_NAME||' Unit - ':p_unit name
FROM org_mst om

In the above query I want to concatenate Unit number passed by a parameter.

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Server Utilities :: Loading String Has Double Quotes In It?

Aug 22, 2013

I am loading .csv file into Oracle using sql loader file has strings, and numberics, Strings are surrounded by double quotes(") and field terminated by comma(,)

load data
BADFILE '/var/opt/app/bad/filename'
DISCARDFILE '/var/opt/app/discard/filename'
append into table source_file

Some time String fields may have double quotes in it, at that time it is rejecting the records. how to handle those records to load into table.

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Server Utilities :: Sql Loader / How To Ignore Error Due To Quotes

May 5, 2010

I have control file written like


but i have data in csv file like


Since there is an extra double quote (denoting inch) in the third column, im getting an error. Is there any way to avoid this error without modifying the csv file.

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Remove Spaces By Excluding Double Quotes From A String

Oct 29, 2012

I want to remove more than one space from a string by excluding double quotes.

For example:

I/P: Item .getChildByType(" Agreement").getParent( ) .hasChildByType("Agreement ")

O/P : Item.getChildByType(" Agreement").getParent().hasChildByType("Agreement ")

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Double Quotes In Column Name Can Be Replaced With Alternate Character?

Feb 14, 2012

Any way to replace the Double Quotes used to enclose column names with an alternative character. This is the SQL I have now that Works!

select (case when CUST is null then "/BIC/Z_SUPPLNT" else NM1 end) CMPNTSUPSRCE
from TBL1, TBL2
where "/BIC/Z_MAJVEND"=CUST(+) and Material = '1ABCD456'
order by Material

But would like to do something along these lines below but keep getting error "ORA-00936: missing expression".

select (case when CUST is null then chr(34)||/BIC/Z_SUPPLNT||chr(34) else NM1 end) CMPNTSUPSRCE
from TBL1, TBL2
where chr(34)||/BIC/Z_MAJVEND||chr(34)=CUST(+) and Material = '1ABCD456'
order by Material

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PL/SQL :: To Concatenate Last_name And First_name Fields With A Space In Between

Mar 19, 2013

I'm a fledgeling to start of with databases. Query below :

Select CONCAT(last_name,'',first_name)
from employees

When I run this query in SQL developer, I'm getting the following error :

ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments
+00909. 00000 - "invalid number of arguments"+

The aim is to concatenate last_name and first_name fields with a space in between.

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PL/SQL :: How To Concatenate Quote To Procedure Parameter Input Value

Dec 6, 2012

create or replace procedure ab(a in varchar2, b in varchar2)
test varcha2(8);
if (a is not null) then
for i in(select c
from t
where c between ||'''||a||'''|| and ||'''||b||'''||)
end loop;
end if;

I want both parameter input values to be enclosed in quotes so that it considers both parameter values as char.Receiving ora 00936 missing expression error.

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Server Utilities :: Concatenate A Date With SQL Loader From Three Fields

Jul 26, 2010

I want to load a delimited file that contains many records which contained within the table where I'm going to load a date type field and I need to do this by concatenating three fields

field1 = 1 - this is the day
field2 = 11 - this corresponds to the month
field3 = 5 - this corresponds to the year

I need is in the field Save as type date 01/11/2005 i don´t know how to do it but I tried as follows but I get error loading.

"TO_DATE (TO_CHAR (: field1 ||'/'|| DECODE (: field2, 1, 'JAN', 2, 'FEB', 3, 'MAR', 4, 'APR', 5, 'MAY', 6 , 'JUN', 7, 'JUL', 8, 'AUG', 9, 'SEP', 10, 'OCT', 11, 'NOV', 12, 'DEC': field2 )||'/'|| : field3)) "

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SQL & PL/SQL :: Concatenate String To Number Field In Update Statement

Oct 4, 2011

I need to concatenate string to the number field in an update statement like this:

update test1 set model_pin = seq_no || '_' || model
where eoc_code like 'AEW%'

When I run this command in sql , I get ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01722: invalid number

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Server Utilities :: Concatenate Timestamp To Constant Value In Control File

Jun 13, 2012

I am loading data using sqlldr command in UNIX to an oracle table and want to concatenate timestamp to a file name in the "create_file_name" column in the code below.

I have the below code within the control file..

file_type POSITION(1:5) CHAR,
business_date POSITION(16:23) DATE "YYYYMMDD",

The load fails with SQL Loader error: "Expecting valid column specification, ",", ")", found keyword EXPRESSION found instead of column. How the timestamp to a filename can be appended?

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