SQL & PL/SQL :: Changing Field Type In Oracle Table
Dec 13, 2011
I have uploaded some tables from MS Access to Oracle and in the process, some Number fields have been converted to Text. This means that any Queries where there are calculations with those fields (which have been converted to text) don't work properly anymore.
I would like to change the field type from text to number (with cmd and sqlplus) as that's the only way I can access the oracle backend.
I am not sure what commands to use to change this.
Also, if I change the data type from text to number, is it likely I will lose some data?
We are facing below issue in Oracle forms 10g( Rel with Windows XP professional.Application server J2EE
We have a multirecords block. After navigating to last record by clicking mouse in scroll bar and change values in a column by clicking mouse in column to change, cursor control is moving to some other record(where cursor is located previously) and current changed value it is showing as not fully validated.
Eg: We have columns like below in multirecords block
If am changing last records price to 20 then press tab key, cursor will be moved to second record and cursor will be highlighted in security 2. column price where we changed to 20 also not validated to show as 20.00 with 2 decimal format mask.Along with this we are getting below error message ' FRM-41008 - Undefined function key, press Ctrl + F1 for list of valid keys.After changing the price we are pressing the tab key only.
This occurs randomnly and when we querying more than 2000 records with multiple times.
i have changed date's format and the calendar type in sqlplus through the following command so the date's format and the calender type both changed successfully and work, but in oracle form the they haven't changed.
alter session set nls_calendar='persian';
Note: i know session would change the format temporally but i want to change it permanently so i tried alter_system but still no result
I m using oracle forms 9i in which i want effect on text fields that will change color of text after mouse cursor move on that field . is it possible in oracle form 9i .
I have created the below types and oracle objects.
create or replace type T_SETDEL_RESP_REC as object ( respCode number, respDesc varchar2(255) ) -- create or replace type T_EMA_NP_RANGE_LNPTICKET_REC as object ( ticket number ) create or replace type T_RANGE_TICKET_TAB AS TABLE OF T_RANGE_TICKET_REC
The following type is created in the Package specification
type t_resp_rec IS RECORD ( resp_code number, resp_desc varchar2(255) );
I have the following two procedures
Procedure getResponse(p_call_request_id IN number, p_resp_rec IN t_setdel_resp_rec, p_range_ticket_tab IN t_range_icket_tab, p_endof_event IN varchar)
PROCEDURE ProcessResponse(p_call_request_id IN number, p_resp_rec IN t_resp_rec, p_ticket_tab IN t_ticket_tab, p_endof_event IN varchar2)
The get Response procedure is a wrapper procedure exposed to Java to pass values. The Process Response procedure is a main procedure where all logics and business rules are handled.
The Problem is:
How can I pass the values from get Response procedure to Process Response procedure. So that rules and validations are applied. Please note the p_ticket_tab may have many ticket numbers corresponding to p_call_request_id.
oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production "CORE Production"
In the database, NLS_DATE_FORMAT = DD-MON-RR.I have a date field called LOAD_DATE in one of the tables. I want to store the value as '25-OCT-11 01:16:25 PM' in LOAD_DATE field. Is there a way to do it without changing the NLS parameter (ALTER SESSION...) ?
I had created a form, in that i having two fields for username and password.
The problem is i want to make the fields as fill must.
if the user leaving the username field without entering anything trigger must raised. Otherwise if we are entering the data it should allow him to go for the next block without any raising of triggers.
create table t1 (c1 number,c2 number); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE REC IS RECORD ( R1 T1%ROWTYPE, R2 NUMBER );
I'm trying to create one RECORD type with all the columns from table T1 + one new field R2. But gives me an error.
The point to use T1%ROWTYPE and not to hardcode the columns from T1, is due to if we add a new column to T1, is created when is executed again RECORD definition and not to add the column.
i am trying to run a script in which a command tries to create or replace a type.
i get this error:
ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
SQL> SQL> --create a test user: SQL> SQL> create user tuser identified by tuser
Table created.
SQL> SQL> --then change the type: SQL> SQL> create or replace type t1 as object (obj_type number(15)) 2 / create or replace type t1 as object (obj_type number(15)) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
SQL> SQL> --if i'll do FORCE action on the type - it'll corrupt my depandant table: SQL> SQL> drop type t1 FORCE 2 /
Type dropped.
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> desc dpntnt_table Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ID1 NUMBER(7)
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> --if i re-create it - my table is still corrupted: SQL> SQL> SQL> create or replace type t1 as object (obj_type number(15)) 2 /
Type created.
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> desc dpntnt_table Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ID1 NUMBER(7)
--if i re-create it - my table is still corrupted:
create or replace type t1 as object (obj_type number(15)) / desc dpntnt_table [/code]
1. If i'll do drop type FORCE what will happen to the dependent object(might be a table for example) ?
2. I understand that this type is already assigned to some object, but i can't seem to find out which one.
how do i find out which object is depending on the type i want to create or replace?
I have been creating lot many threads around the same problem, however i thought i knew but realized I do not know or else do not know how to. I have created object type with an attribute READINGVALUE NUMBER(21,6)...How can i use type attribute on this object while declaring variable.....can we use type attribute on NESTED TABLES, similar to the db tables?
I have 3 user defined collection types. I am trying to access the type3's attribute in type1 body (like backward accessing).
Ex. My Collection Types Structure (something like master detail structure)
create type type1 as object ( attr1 varchar2(10), attr2 varchar2(10), member procedure function1
so, in the type1 body i have to get or assign the value either to type2's attribute or type3's attribute. I have search all the in internet but i haven't find anything such. how to find the reverse method of accessing the super type's attribute(s) in sub type's body.
I have created the below types and oracle objects.
create or replace type T_EMA_NP_SETDEL_RESP_REC as object ( respCode number, respDesc varchar2(255) )
The following types are created in the Package specification
type t_resp_rec IS RECORD ( resp_code number, resp_desc varchar2(255) ); -- subtype t_ema_lnpticket is T186_IN_REQ_PARAMETER.T186_EMA_LNPTICKET%TYPE; -- Number type t_ema_lnpticket_tab is table of t_ema_lnpticket index by binary_integer;
I have the following two procedures
PROCEDURE getEMAReturnResponse( p_in_call_request_id IN number, p_ema_resp_rec IN t_ema_np_setdel_resp_rec, p_ema_range_lnpticket_tab IN t_ema_np_range_lnpticket_tab, p_endof_event IN varchar)
PROCEDURE Return_Response(p_in_call_request_id IN number, p_ema_resp_rec IN t_ema_resp_rec, p_ema_lnpticket_tab IN t_ema_lnpticket_tab, p_endof_event IN varchar2)
getEMAReturnResponse Procedure:
Accessed by Java application to pass the values. Should call the Return_Response procedure and pass the values received from Java.
Return_Response Procedure
The p_ema_lnpticket_tab is a sort of array that can have multiple values. Please see the example of values. Has all the business rules and validation that should be adhered.
Example of Vaules p_in_call_request_id = 1 p_ema_resp_rec = 12345, 'Operation Failed' p_ema_lnpticket_tab = (1,2,4,5) p_endof_event = Y
I have a table in schema with a BLOB field. I store employee's picture in this field. Fields in this table are emp_id (number) emp_name (varchar2) and emp_photo (BLOB). I want to ask if there is a way in pl / sql that i could empty this BLOB field to null or reset this field so that user can change the saved photo graph and save another one.
what i am looking for is something like
alter table employee set emp_photo = empty_blob() or alter table employee set emp_photo = null
Any problem using 4.2's One Level Tabs - Content Frame page where you have a parent region (of type content frame Body Container ) while number of child regions (of type Hide & Show Region - Borderless ), if you want to re-order them by changing the sequence, it has no effect when you run the page.
The regions still show in the same order top to bottom as it did before the update of sequences. Heading links (to show/hide child regons in content frames) has the same ordering as before.
What i wnat is to update the Customer_inactive_date with the Incative_date field from Customer_type based on their Customer_type... So james and Jill would have their rows updated in this scneario ..How can i achive this in pl/Sql
I have teh code using merge function..I want something in traditional old fashion..
i want to get table name, constraint name, constraint type with join processes in string type. this is what i want: alter table tablename add constraint constraintname constrainttype(columnname)
I am trying to update all rows of 100 column of a table with '0'. The column name is sequentially increasing one like EMP_1,EMP_2,EMP_3, etc. I tried using the below code but I am getting ora-06550 and ora-00927 error's.
begin FOR i in 1..100 loop UPDATE EMP_DETAILS SET EMP_'||i||' =0 END LOOP; COMMIT; END;
Order OrderID Status OrderItems OrderID EAN Amount Store EAN Amount
now,I need trigger that will on updating table Order and changing status to "GoodsReceived" increase amounts in Store according to values in OrderItems.
create or replace trigger order_received_trigger before update on Order for each row begin if (:old.status=4 and :new.status=1) then /* select ean, sum(amount) from OrderItems where OrderID=:old.OrderID group by ean; */ end if; end;
but now i dont know how to apply that select on table Store.
I am using oracle 11g in window server 2008 R2 enterprise under WORKGROUP. And it was working fine. But after changing it from WORKGROUP to DOMAIN not able to connect it.
Its comes as
ORA-12505:TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect description.
PROCEDURE Return_Summary(WX IN dbms_sql.varchar2_table, WX OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
Begin FOR i IN 1 .. Pi_ WX.count LOOP
/* I need to put this results in a temp table or table object Can I use temp table for this or do we have any other recommended method. The loop might execute max of 10 times and for each run it might return 100-200 records. */
select WX_NM, WX_NUM from TAB A, TAB B, TAB C where A.KEY1 = B.KEY1 and B.KEY1 = C.KEY1 and C.WX = WX(i); End Loop; End;
Yesterday only I have Installed Oracle 11G & created DataBase - JafferDB And from Oracle SQL Developer, I have created a connection called - JafferCon and SID also given..and the role is - SYSDBA And I excute the below statement
insert into MyTable1 Values ('AAA1', 'BBB1', 'CCC1') insert into MyTable1 Values ('AAA2', 'BBB2', 'CCC2')
Then I checked by Select statement, it has shown the values....No Problem.... But, as a test, I deleted the connection and created a new connection tio the same DataBase with different name and when I checked by Select Statement....., it has not shown the values....?
Our product uses Oracle11gR1 and in new release we are going to use Oracle11gR2. For this we are performing following steps:
(1) Install Oracle11gR2 on a machine where our product (Oracle11gR1) is already installed. (2)Upgrade Oracle11gR1 schema to Oracle11gR2. (3)For using upgraded schema in our product installer we create clone of upgraded schema. (4)For creating clone we are using Oracle11gR2 DBCA utility. (5) Clone files are successfully created (DBC, CTL, DBF).
Now we performed same steps from another machine and DBF file size changed very much. On one machine it was 89 MB and on second machine it was 150 MB. There is no different in schema and both machines are Windows 7 machines.
Tor educe size of schema we tried different space reclamation commands but size is not changing.