We have very large table having data more than 1000 millions rows. We divide this table into four physical tables say A, B, C and D. The physical horizontal partition of data of this original table is done based upon their business policy.
Each partitioned table has contained data of particular business entity. Further each table has partition and sub partitions based upon business rule.
We have to retrieve data from all these tables as follows:
select a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6
from A
where < logical filter condition>
union all
select b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6
We observed that above each query block execute in serial one after another and individual each query block capable to process data in parallel from respective table.
How does this above query able to execute each query block in parallel?
I have the following Union All query. It throws the following error in SQL plus
ERROR at line 27: ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns
After doing some google for the above error it suggests there are incorrect number of columns in the Union All query.I could not figure out the exact location well SQl Plus says error is on line 27 at the first opening bracket like
I have a query which has 5 unions, each clause of the union takes 1 hr to run and query results come back in 5 hrs, Is there any way I can make these clause to run in parallel?
I have inherited a query that union alls 2 select statements, I added a further field to one of the select statements ( a date field). However I need to add another dummy field to the 2nd select statement so the union query marries up I have tried to do this by simply adding a
select 'date_on' to add a field called date on populated by 'date_on' (the name of the column in the first query)
however when I run the union query i get the error Ora-01790 expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression.
I'm just trying to see if there is another way of doing this query without using a UNION. The only way I can see is using a UNION but maybe I'm missing something or a way to do it without a UNION.
Select any customer within the user_states table who lives in "MO" Select any customer within the user_cars table who lives in "MO" and has a "White" car Select any customer within the user_plates table who lives in "MO" and has a plate of "A" or "B" Join to the user_names table to display the customers name
So, the result would be any customer who lives in "MO" who owns a "White" car and any customer who lives in "MO" who has a plate of "A" or "B".
I am new to SQL Oracle programming and have a question on a union query. I am trying to get results (example) for the following:
Org # Full_date Run_date 5 2/20/2012 2/20/2012 5 2/21/2012 2/21/2012 5 2/22/2012 null (there is not a record for this) 6 2/20/2012 2/20/2012 6 2/21/2012 null 6 2/22/2012 2/22/2012 7 2/20/2012 2/20/2012 7 2/21/2012 2/21/2012 7 2/22/2012 2/22/2012
The dw_time table would have the listing of all dates, (Full_date) and the dw_capacity_daily table would have the run_date. Here is my
select * from ( select distinct a.Organization_Nbr, d.full_date from CMBHS_DW.DW_ORGANIZATION a, cmbhs_DW.DW_Organization_Identifier b, cmbhs_DW.DW_Contract c, cmbhs_dw.dw_time d where a.ORGANIZATION_NBR = b.ORGANIZATION_NBR [code]....
I have one scenario in which i want to write the sql,but not able to write correct qry,
tables 1-emp 2-emp_hist 3-dept 4-dept_hist.
i want to retrieve data from the emp and hist able based on some conditions,but if data is not present in emp and dept tables.then fetch data from emp_hist and dept_hist.I have written below qry which is working fine,but my prob is i want to provide my emp_id only one place. else i have to change my java code.
select * from emp,dept where emp.emp_id=dept.dept_id and emp_id=5 union select * from emp_hist,dept_hist where emp_hist.emp_id=dept_hist.dept_id and emp_id=5
oracle: can get this to work, but not the way the docs seem to say. I am wondering if I am reading the docs wrong or missing something.
The docs seem to say to get a query to run in parallel using an index you use the PARALLEL_INDEX hint. This doesn't seem to work for me. I have to do one of the following
1. change the parallel degree with an alter index, then use the PARALLEL hint (parallel index hint does nothing in this case) 2. use both the parallel_index and parallel hint
Just a general query on parallel query. My customer having 4 cpus and running the database in in AIX 5.3(One is in AIX 6.1). Under which circumstances, we can propose to user parallel query options.
The DBAs have built 2 Materialized Views, which aggregates data in the fact tables at column C1 level
We are using an old BI tool that can ONLY generate Inline Views in these formats.
CASE3: select INL_VIEW.C1_ID ,LOOKUPTABLE.C1_NAME ,sum(SALE) SALE from ( select C1_ID, C2_ID, null C3_ID, SALE from FACTTABLE1 union all select C1_ID, C2_ID, null C3_ID, SALE from FACTTABLE2 )INL_VIEW join LOOKUPTABLE on INL_VIEW.C1_ID = LOOKUPTABLE.C1_ID group by INL_VIEW.C1_ID, LOOKUPTABLE.C1_NAME
Oracle 11g rewrites Case 1 and Case 2 to use the correct materialized views. But for case 3, it goes to the base fact tables 1 and 2. Is there a way to make oracle use the MVs even if there is a UNION ALL in the inline view? There is a 1:M Foreign Key relationship between LOOKUPTABLE.C1_ID and the 2 fact tables.
select a.empno,a.ename,a.job, B.DNAME from scott.emp a,scott.dept b where ( a.ename like 'S%' and a.deptno=b.deptno) union select a.empno,a.ename,a.job, 'aaa' AS DNAME from scott.emp a,scott.dept b where ( a.ename like 'S%' and a.job not like 'SALES%');
I have been told that i should use multiple's of 4 as degree in the parallel hint to get maximum performance, so i am wondering is it true? that i should always use multiples of 4 or i can use any number inside the parallel hint.
I have a SQL query where I am making UNION of two select statements. The table that I am joining in each select statement have indexes defined for those tables.
Now the UNION of the two select statements again in enclosed in an inline view , from which I fetching my final field values.
The select statements inside the inline view returns huge number of row (like 50 million rows).
The whole query fails with time out.
How can I optimize this query further?
Is there a way to pass Oracle Hints so that Oracle uses indexes?
I am making a report in hrd regarding gross, deduction and there difference. I hv an attribute in the table as indicator whose value is addition and deduction. i want the sum of both in two diff column in a single rep. i want the report dept wise.
but i m getting fatal error at run time. which i don't understand.
If we have not set parallel degree for a table then we can ( try to ) force parallel execution on a table using a parallel hint Does this 'parallelism' works on the index search in the query as well?
In which situations non-parallel non-partitioned table but parallel index (degree>2) will facilitate a query?
I have a SQL query where I am making UNION of two select statements. The table that I am joining in each select statement have indexes defined for those tables.
Now the UNION of the two select statements again in enclosed in an inline view , from which I fetching my final field values.
The select statements inside the inline view returns huge number of row (like 50 million rows).
The whole query fails with time out.
Is there a way to pass Oracle Hints so that Oracle uses indexes?
select serialnumber from product where productid in (select /*+ full parallel(producttask 16) */productid from producttask where startedtimestamp > to_date('2013-07-04 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and startedtimestamp < to_date('2013-07-05 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and producttasktypeid in
I have one form, when i press f7 , it says the "The function has no meaning in this context" , how to make it query enabled block.Actually i am going to that block using when button pressed and execute_query.
I am using Forms 6i,Oracle 10g. In a form I created, I have 3 blocks, first is a toolbar type with buttons to save, exit etc., other two are one master and detail data block.
how to get the default Oracle toolbar with the buttons, save, delete etc. I dont get in my form.
When the cursor is inside the detail block and then I click on an EnterQuery button in the first block, how do I clear the detail block, using the on btn press code.
What happens when I click the Enter Query button, is that the cursor and current block becomes the button block and when I run the command ENTER_QUERY, no use.
I need to set the block in which the cursor is to be cleared for query, whether it is master or detail, by pressing the button on the first block.
I don't have any dba privileges, can you share a scripts which can tell how many block my query is fetching with or without indexes. How do i also get buffer hit, how can i get i/o without sql trace as i don't have access to dump_dest
I have a below query
SELECT DISTINCT ser_id AS STA_ser_id, rct_name AS STA_name FROM sd_servicecalls, rep_codes, rep_codes_text WHERE ser_sta_oid = rcd_oid AND rcd_oid = rct_rcd_oid AND rct_name IN ('New', 'Awaiting Approval', 'Approved', 'In Progress', 'Awaiting Supplier', 'Awaiting RFC', 'Awaiting Release', 'Pending Release', 'On Hold', 'Resolved', 'Implemented', 'Closed');
Does large hash value in explain plan mean more resource needed and more time to execute the query, How can i use ADDM for the above sql.
I have a form in which there are three blocks A,B and C. When I press F7, the form enters Enter-Query Mode and all blocks clear except block A's one item. Say, Block A has 5 items, Item1, Item2,.. Item5. When I enter Enter-Query mode, Item2 of block A is not cleared and rest all are cleared.
I have a Master block and a Detail Block. They are related using two columns, Document_ID and Page_no. I want to display all the records in master table with corresponding detail records beside them in single line. i.e., as shown below:
MasterItem1 DetailItem1 DetailItem2 DetailItem3
I created the relation between them and executed query. When I execute query in the form, I can find that all the Master Items are displayed in vertical records, but i can only see one record of detail fields. They are displayed as shown below: