I am trying to delete duplicates from table without using rowid.
here is data:-
create table test(col1 number(3),col2 varchar2(20)); insert into test values(100,'rocky'); insert into test values(100,'rocky');
I know i am perfoming dml on view. IT wont allow me to perform DML on view which contain columns with expression. IS there any way to delete duplicates without using rowid?
I don't understand why the custid is the same for each customer, and why it's selecting every customer and not just those with more than 150 gallons ordered.
For this one use the oil tables that you set up and use a subquery. Select the minimum average fall use from the house table. Then show all customers whose number of gallons delivered times two is greater than the minimum.
I am writing a query and I am trying to multiply some of the columns with *1.50 and 0.75.
The columns I am trying to multiply are coke_rebate.volumecsd and coke_rebate.volumencb. I am getting an error in oracle sql command from web "ORA-00937: not a single-group group function"
I have this query that returns results that contain duplicates(somewhat). I only want either the FIRST or LAST (either one is fine). Here is the query:
select unique PLLA.attribute4, PLA.item_description from po_lines_all PLA, po_line_locations_all PLLA where PLLA.po_line_id = PLA.po_line_id and PLLA.attribute4 is not null
So my output is something like this:
RCE12 This is an item for AUL1 RCE13 This is an item for PWEILL RCE14 This is an item for AUL1
I just want either the RCE12 or RCE14 record and not both since they both have the same description.
I have an Oracle Form 6i. There are two blocks. One is a database block called CUSTOMER and the other is a non-database block called CONTROL.
In the PRE-INSERT trigger of the database block, values from the non-database table block are passed to the database table block. When I pass values I use the :BLOCK_NAME.field_name eg. :CUSTOMER.scale_code := :CONTROL.scale.
In this form the values passed to the database block from the non-database block in the PRE-INSERT trigger do not use the block name e.g. :-
This application used to work fine for months, last week when writing the values in the PRE-INSERT trigger, just the warehouse field had a value. The remaining fields after the warehouse did not pass any values, although it was verified that values would have been present in the non-database block. The date_captured field should have at least had the system date. The last insert into dd_audit was successful.
I have done numerous tests on our test database and could not replicate the problem. Would passing the values from the non-database block to the database block without the :BLOCK_name preceding the field name cause this problem.
In MS Windows, if I copy a file and paste it into the same folder, I get a copy with the text 'Copy of' in front of the file name. If I paste it again, I get another copy with a different version number.
E.g. sqlnet.log Copy of sqlnet.log Copy (1) of sqlnet.log Copy (2) of sqlnet.log
I was wondering if I could copy existing rows into a table and do the same thing?
insert into tst_srch values (1,'USER1','SRCHA'); insert into tst_srch values (2,'USER1','SRCHB'); insert into tst_srch values (3,'USER1','SRCHC'); insert into tst_srch values (4,'USER1','SRCHD'); insert into tst_srch values (5,'USER2','SRCHC'); insert into tst_srch values (6,'USER2','SRCHD'); insert into tst_srch values (7,'USER2','SRCHD_1');
Could I write a procedure like copy_searches('USER1','USER2') that would copy all USER1's searches to USER2 - including renaming any duplicates.
I have got 2 users as user1 and user2.I have used the following statements from user 'user1':
create role GENEVAOBJECTS; grant select, insert, update, delete on PRODUCT to GENEVAOBJECTS; grant GENEVAOBJECTS to user2;
In the above statements, product is a table. Now, I could able to access this table from user 'user2'. But however if I write a procedure in user2 schema accessing the table product, then the procedure is not getting compiled.
create or replace procedure test_prc as v_test number(9); begin select product_id into v_test from PRODUCT where rownum=1;
I am running the following delete query and it has been running for over 2hrs:
delete from dw.ACCOUNT_FACT where rowid in (select rowid from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT minus select max(rowid) from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT
Here is the explan plain result:
explain plan for delete from dw.ACCOUNT_FACT where rowid in (select rowid from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT minus select max(rowid) from DW.ACCOUNT_FACT group by CRTORD_FIPS_CD, LAST_PAYMENT_DT, ORDER_NUM,
Predicate Information (identified by operation id): ---------------------------------------------------
2 - access(ROWID="$kkqu_col_1")
I have all constraints disabled. How do I make this delete finish faster? We're trying to remove duplicates from this table using the criteria giving in the statement.
I am using oracle and i am receiving very slow response time for the below query and sometimes resulting in a deadlock throwing ora-60 error.
From 28/AUG/2013 to 30/AUG/2013 records has to be deleted becuase thease records are two weeks old.
From 31/AUG/2013 to 06/SEP/2013 records belongs to one week and from 07/SEP/2013 to 13/SEP/2013 belongs to another week.Today is 12/SEP/2013 so from 06/SEP/2013 to 12/SEP/2013 should be existed in the table.Once date changed to 13/SEP/2013 then from 31/AUG/2013 to 06/SEP/2013 records has to be deleted.
I am posting table and insert scripts.
CREATE TABLE process_data(p_id NUMBER,CREATED_DT DATE); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('28/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('29/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('30/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('31/AUG/2013','DD/MON/YYYY'); INSERT INTO process_data VALUES(TO_DATE('01/SEP/2013','DD/MON/YYYY');
I have one table that have many records. For the maintenance purpose I like to delete old record based on Customer No.-That is Mobile NO.If each Customer have more than 300 records, I like to delete by everyday batch process.can't figure out how to apply each Customer No.(Specific Column), I could sort (order by few column - SAVE_DT or SMS_ARV_CLC) how to write this kind of query? I try rownum but no more progress.
I like to increase speed to delete our table. Is it possible to use BULK COLLECT or FORALL this query? This is not single delete or select, maybe I got the error? Is it possible to use BULK method to this query?
delete from TM_060_SFS_TEST WHERE rowid in ( SELECT [code]......
1 select s.reg_no,s.course_code, 2 s.section src_sec,a.section a_sec,a.att_date,a.att_flag 3 from attendance a ,src s 4 where a.semester_code=1 5 and a.semester_year=2013 6 and s.semester_code=1 [code]....
2)select client_id, count(*) from TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK where client_id=1620560178 group by client_id having count(*) > 40 order by 2 desc client_id count(*) ----------- --------- 16205601785128
3) select client_id,clnt_notification_pack_tid -- bulk collect into v_client_id,v_notif_tid from (select clnt_notification_pack_tid, client_id, clnt_notification_pack_typ_tid, crte_dt,
4) Iam using the below proc to delete the rows from table, except the 4 rows returned above
declare v_clnt_notification_pack_tid TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK.CLNT_NOTIFICATION_PACK_TID%type; tYPE t_client_id is table of TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK.client_id%type; tYPE t_notif_tid is table of TCLIENT_NOTIFICATION_PACK.clnt_notification_pack_tid%type; v_client_id t_client_id; v_notif_tid t_notif_tid;
5) After running this procedure, i shud see 5124 records, but i see zero records.
I want to delete the duplicate rows in a table. there is no column which can be used to differentiate between the rows.
SELECT column_name1 FROM [table] WHERE column_name2 = cond GROUP BY column_name1 HAVING COUNT (column_name1) > 1
from the above query i can find the duplication in the table and can delete through it. But what i want one record of each duplication not to be deleted most probably the record added last to the table.
I am trying to schedule a store procedure and wanted to remove some data from a table starting from a date and increase the delete by day until a specified date. I wrote the below function; but i can't get to work.
--Start CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remove_DateField return VARCHAR2 IS
i PLS_INTEGER; startdate Date ; endDate Date; currentDate Date; stopDate Date; [code]....
In oracle 9i ........How to delete duplicate entries in a table ?
if suppose in a table named office, one or more entry(row) is repeated more then twice or minimum twice. I need a query to delete the multiple entries ....
Note: --->No constraints applied on the table. --->No Primary Key --->You cannot create any object....that is no view or a duplicate table can be created
I have a parent table and child table. I want a row to be deleted from the parent table which is referenced by a child row. Is there a way to achieve this. I dont have permission to re create the table or alter the table using delete cascade option. Is there a way to do it in sql.
SQL> create table t1(a number primary key, b number); SQL> create table t2(c number, d number references t1(a)); SQL> insert into t1 values(1,2); SQL> insert into t1 values(2,3); SQL> insert into t1 values(3,4); SQL> insert into t2 values(10,3); SQL> insert into t2 values(20,2); SQL> delete from t1 where a=2; delete from t1 where a=2 *
ERROR at line 1: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (CISBATCH.SYS_C00763501) violated - child record found