I have table called Orders with lots of fields from Imports Fields are ConsigneeKey,Shipto,ProductCode. and another table called Product. Main fields are ProductCode,Price,Weight,StdCube. Now I have two list of Consineekey,One which is shipto X area and another is of Y area. I want to make query like separate list of Orders which is shipto X,Y and Common Products in Both X and Y. I will supply list of Consigneekey in where clause.
The code was originally an MS Access Query with linked tables to the Oracle DB however trying to remove the need for access and have it drop directly into Excel using Recordset.
I want to derive a query to find the Empid's that are linked to only deptid 101 .
Empid DeptId
1 101 2 102 2 101 3 101 5 103
ie, in the above table empid 2 is linked with deptId's 102 and 101 and empid 3 and empid 1 is linked only with deptid. So i want the query which fetches only empid's 3 and 1 and should not fetch 2 as it is linked with deptid 102 also.
i just posted another topic where i heard about external table and i had a few questions concerning them. I thought it was best to create a new topic than to continue on the other one...
I noticed that to create an external table the CTL is like this: CREATE TABLE emp_load (FIELDS description) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY ext_tab_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS (RECORDS FIXED 62 FIELDS (employee_number CHAR(2),
1) This creates an external table, but, is it possible to Create a normal table in a CTL file? For physical tables, the table has to exist right?
2) if you create a view linked to 2 external tables and if the CSV files are updated each day, the external tables will be updated automatically, and the view will be updated as well?
3) Can't there be any synchronisation problems?
4) What happens if a select request (or someone requests on the view) while the CSV file is being updated?
5) Is there anyway you can protect the accesses from those tables/views when the CSVs are being updated?
6) Is it possible to create an index on these sort of tables?
7) Is it possible to index a view?
8) Are external tables visible on a tool like sql developper?
I have installed Oracle server and SQL Server on separate machines which cause me a time delay of 21 seconds for each execution. Why executions delay? I have set RPC out (true).
Note: My main concern is either if the query is correct/incorrect it executes for 21 seconds._
Another case when I have both servers on the same machine it executes in milliseconds. I have tried Following methods in SQL SERVER.
*1, Using OPENQUERY:* SELECT * From OPENQUERY(Linked Server Name,’Select * from OracleTableName ‘)
*2, Using Exec:* DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @sql =(’Select * from OracleTableName ‘); EXEC (@sql) AT Linked Server Name ;
How to reduce the time delay caused for the execution?
I have data in a table and another in XML file,I used SQL query to retrive the data placed on the table, and link this query with XML query that retrieves the data stored in the xml file. The data stored in the table and xml file sharing a key field, but the xml contents are less than what in the table.I want to show only the data shared between the two queries, how can I do that?
Table emp:
e_id | e_name | e_sal 023 | John | 6000 143 | Tom | 9000 876 | Chi | 4000 987 | Alen | 7800
DECLARE CURSOR GRP IS SELECT RowNum rn, Letter_Group_ID||'-'||A_Desc AName,Letter_Group_ID FROM Hrs_Group; BEGIN Clear_list('Letter_Group_ID'); FOR I IN GRP LOOP Add_List_Element('Letter_Group_ID',I.rn,I.AName,I.Letter_Group_ID); end loop; END;
FRM-30351: No list elements defined for list item.
I just want to list and group all my tables that are linked together by constraints. I just want my tables to be able to be listed together as one particular database. my tables are , CUSTOMER, ORDER_INFO, ORDER_LINE, PRODUCT. They're all linked together by way of constraint and I want to list and print them all together as one DB. HOW DO I put them all in one schema and then also list them all together and print/illustrate them as one. also, I tried to import them into their own scheme but i ran into a series of probs regaurding the .dmp file being read.
i am writing a script for inserting rows in a table where primary key of that table consists of 4 columns. I want to add a new row where 3 columns of that table will be same but change the value of the last one. this is giving an error saying that i am violating the unique constraint. I tried to disable that constraint/PK by following statement but still this error is coming
alter table sections_budgets modify primary key disable cascade;
alter table sections_budgets modify constraints sec_bdgt_pk disable cascade;
the insert statement which i am using. The first four columns are part of PK
insert into sections_budgets (SELECT sb.bdgt_cd, sb.bdgt_dpf_cd, sb.bdgt_yr, :sec_code, sb.usf_usr_id, sb.aty, sb.comaty, sb.comytd, sb.expn_ytd, sb.sys_dt, sb.cat, sb.start_aty, sb.expn_lmt FROM sections_budgets sb WHERE sb.bdgt_dpf_cd = :b_d_code AND sb.bdgt_yr = :year);
is there any other way of inserting records in this table without droping the whole table because it contains too many triggers and constraints?
On a page I have let's say 5 rows (can be more or less) and each row ends with a checkbox. On the next page(next prcodure) I go through all rows, but I get a "No data found" when a checkbox is not checked. Checkbox's parametre is send using an array.How can I make sure is a checkbox checked or not. If it's not, I put a formHidden through in it's place?
i have multiple inserts to make in a table that is in an Oracle database...i already try several ways to do it but it always giving erros... how to make multiple inserts at same time.
I have read the messages below about making a calendar but am still unsure of how to go about doing this. I have the STNDRD20.OLB file, but I don't know where to put it or what to do with it! What comes next?
There are some tables in a schema. How can I make some rows as a read only i.e. no user can make either any update nor delete them. After searching in google, I found that trigger is one way, but since this way can be manipulated by dropping or renaming the trigger, so I am looking non-trigger way to achieve this problem. Making tablespace read only affects other users. I am not looking whole table as a read only, just couple of rows should be locked (no DML allowed) for specific time period and I after specific time/date this restriction should auto disable or on user call i.e. something like row's block level locking..
I need to run a query that runs a stored procedure. The stored procedure takes a cursor of record ids as a parameter. I've been making the cursor like this, if there was a smarter way. I can't change the stored procedure, so this is the only thing I have control over.
CURSOR id_cur IS SELECT id FROM table t WHERE t.id IN ( id1, id2, ... id500
);It just seems kind of strange to select only ids from records when the list of ids is given.
If my query is under execution and I want to make an index on a column which is very much needed by my query. Will a simple index solve the purpose or is there any extra keyword required ?
I have code that creates a sequence and a select statement that generates the next number in a sequence. It starts the sequence at 5 and every subsequent number is the previous number minus 3. The minimum value it can go to is 0. All I want is for my select statement to execute three times in a row. Is there any way I can do that?
create sequence MY_FIRST_SEQ increment by -3 maxvalue 5 start with 5 minvalue 0 nocycle;
ID Product Color Time-In 1 Apple Green May 2 Apple Red April 3 Pear Green May 4 Pear Green April 5 Plum Blue June
In SQL I want to return all 4 fields of the records except those records where Product and Color are identical - in that case it should return the latest (by name of month - preferred) or just the first it finds
So I should get these
1 Apple Green May 2 Apple Red April 3 Pear Green May 5 Plum Blue June
If I do a select distinct then I will only get those fields I test on (product and color), not the rest.